Criminal-Insanity: American Drugstore(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Why does modernism inspire urban-hellhole storytelling such as The Dark Knight Rises?

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Inferno-Region 1: Anthraxada

This place is occupied by deranged psychos who want to terrorize society and disrupt normal pedestrian traffic with garish criminal activities usually leading to murder. Kids portray such a hellish zone with playful renditions of unusual masquerade (e.g., Phantom of the Opera).


Inferno-Region 2: Marxitia

This region is occupied by drug-runners, smugglers, assassins, harlots, crime-lords, and underworld masterminds. Marxitia is very seductive and power-pyramid oriented, and it is unmerciful towards innocence or trespass of any kind. This region might be occupied by an urban anarchist-criminal woman who perhaps dresses up like a clown and pretends to be a prostitute to lure in cops to kill them --- for her crime-lord master! Marxitia is portrayed by youngsters with clever doodles/drawings/stories about impressive trend-intelligent beings (e.g., robots).


Inferno-Region 3: Sophadel

This region is occupied by despots and undesirable fascists such as Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany. Sophadel represents a modern failure in social contracts and the usurping of legal government (one that rules by consent and elects by merit!) in preference for obedience-based production (sometimes through slavery and torture). Sophadel might be characterized by youngsters with colourful renditions of offbeat social festival-disturbing goblins (or terrorists!).


Inferno-Region 4: Elfojo

This is the most disorienting region, since the ethics are the most hairy and most complicated to sort out. Inhabitants of Elfojo do not commit murders or seek power-structures based on drugs or become fascists/dictators. Instead, Elfojo-inhabitants are interested only in absurdism-based mischievous revelry, anarchy as a way of life, eerie party rituals, or even 'legalized' forms of sexual promiscuity. Inhabitants of this region may include society heretics, pickpockets, hostel-pimps, and Narcissists. Youngsters might characterize Elfojo with drawings/renditions of 'unruly evil elfin creatures' (such as Lubdan the conspirator-leprechaun from the iconic American superstition horror-film series Leprechaun).


America and the modern world is about commerce, consumerism, and confluence. This globalization 'schema' (e.g., Wall Street) is threatened by the forces of terrorism, hate-crimes, narcotics-trafficking, and urban corruption. Since modernism requires a great deal of 'governance sanity,' those who destabilize modern civilization may fall into one of the described categories of hell (or the Inferno). Such 'criminally-insane' individuals may be described as 'suicidals' (since they seek to implode what is otherwise by definition a 'balloon-state'!). What TrumpUSA can therefore (arguably) provide the modern world is an intellectual template for commerce-enchantment bedtime-stories (e.g., Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps).




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