Criminal non-Americans to be counted?

Even if the question of citizenship is on the form, people don't have to answer that question to be counted. Thus, the count of illegal immigrants can have a major effect the number of congressional representatives and electoral votes from each state.
That doesnt really change my point. Illegal aliens are too afraid and non trusting of the government to take part in a census.
Not all of them. They can state the number of people living at their residence with no risk of deportation. Millions of illegals living in the US know this.
Even if the question of citizenship is on the form, people don't have to answer that question to be counted. Thus, the count of illegal immigrants can have a major effect the number of congressional representatives and electoral votes from each state.
That doesnt really change my point. Illegal aliens are too afraid and non trusting of the government to take part in a census.
Not all of them. They can state the number of people living at their residence with no risk of deportation. Millions of illegals living in the US know this.
Unfortunately for you like I said I have experience. They wont be taking the chance especially in the current climate. You would get laughed under the table if you asked any of them if they were going to participate in the census.
One of how many, even though states want them filled out
I can guarantee you that no illegal immigrant will be taking the census. :laugh:
Census Reaches Out to Hispanics, Illegal Immigrants

My point exactly.

"Pedro is one of many illegal immigrants living in Arizona who plan to ignore the upcoming Census 2010, even though he knows it's confidential."
Do you think they care what the states want them to fill out? These people are highly suspicious of anything concerning the government. They are here to work and send money back to their families. Thats pretty much it.
I can guarantee you that no illegal immigrant will be taking the census. :laugh:

Then why are the idiot libtardos making such a big deal about the question being in the census? Do you ever think before you post?
Probably the principle of the matter. Of course I think before I post. What made you ask such a stupid question?

If the question isn't on the census libtarded politicians will encourage the illegal aliens to vote to get more representation..

You're a valley girl, amirite?
You sound like an idiot. You cant vote if you are an illegal alien.

What stops them from voting? The honor system?
I can guarantee you that no illegal immigrant will be taking the census. :laugh:

Then why are the idiot libtardos making such a big deal about the question being in the census? Do you ever think before you post?
Probably the principle of the matter. Of course I think before I post. What made you ask such a stupid question?

If the question isn't on the census libtarded politicians will encourage the illegal aliens to vote to get more representation..

You're a valley girl, amirite?
You sound like an idiot. You cant vote if you are an illegal alien.

What stops them from voting? The honor system?

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