Criminal Rat Fink Darrell Issa Not Releasing Transcripts from his IRS Witchhunt.

What happened to Issa story?

He was fucking calling people "Paid Liars" on national tv.

And nothing, absolutely back it up.

What a shithead.

This is little different from the Donald Trump birther proclamations from about a year ago.

Remember when Trump said he had agents in Hawaii who were going to produce some sort of earthshaking evidence about the president? Remember what happened there? Hint: NOTHING.

This is the same deal.

btw, since Darrell Issa has turned this into one more business as usual partisan hackfest, normal Americas are tuning it out.

What? You mean an endless barrage of "scandals" is desensitizing the public? :eek: Say it isn't so!

You'd think the GOP would have learned from the supeona fest during the Clinton years.
It is rather odd how the republican party so often reverts to Joseph McCarthy era tactics. I guess when you can't govern the best you can do is investigate investigate. The Clinton presidency experienced the same tactics. But why is no one in MSM noting their 2010 promises of working for jobs. Maybe someone should investigate that or just maybe they are working to create detective Clouseau type jobs? What a useless party they have become.

"The probability, then, is that the next election will be close. It could also be fateful. Not because it is apt to enable the kind of electoral transformation the country urgently needs. But the Republican Party already has a majority on the Supreme Court, which increasingly attacks the rights of workers and consumers. If it captures the White House and both houses of Congress it will pass Draconian measures and deploy repressive tactics to stifle public dissent. All in the name of freedom. What to do?" William E. Connolly See The Contemporary Condition: The Republican Pincer Machine


They went from "Jobs Jobs Jobs"

To "Scandal Scandal Scandal".

Yep, dems went from blocking jobs bills to watching their president involved in a new scandal every day.
omg, we are doomed when they care more about a government agency being investigated for abuse of their power than the people in this country

I've never thought I'd live to see this
Issa: They are paid liars and the transcripts prove it! But I'm not releasing the transcripts...that would be irresponsible.
Jesus. Your so lame S.

If I were Issa I wouldn't release anything till the investigation is done either.

Common Sense 101. You need to find something else to bitch about. Lame or what.

Except that's not what's happening.

Issa is releasing "his" version of the transcripts..already.

Which shoots down your argument very handily.
It is rather odd how the republican party so often reverts to Joseph McCarthy era tactics. I guess when you can't govern the best you can do is investigate investigate. The Clinton presidency experienced the same tactics. But why is no one in MSM noting their 2010 promises of working for jobs. Maybe someone should investigate that or just maybe they are working to create detective Clouseau type jobs? What a useless party they have become.

"The probability, then, is that the next election will be close. It could also be fateful. Not because it is apt to enable the kind of electoral transformation the country urgently needs. But the Republican Party already has a majority on the Supreme Court, which increasingly attacks the rights of workers and consumers. If it captures the White House and both houses of Congress it will pass Draconian measures and deploy repressive tactics to stifle public dissent. All in the name of freedom. What to do?" William E. Connolly See The Contemporary Condition: The Republican Pincer Machine


They went from "Jobs Jobs Jobs"

To "Scandal Scandal Scandal".

Yep, dems went from blocking jobs bills to watching their president involved in a new scandal every day.

Oh bullshit.

The XL pipeline wasn't about "jobs" it was about making greedy oil folks tons of money.

And it was the states who were blocking it.

Being that they had crappy disaster recovery plans and it seems that tar sand spills can take up to a couple of years to clean up after when they happen.

And they do massive damage to the environment.
Jesus. Your so lame S.

If I were Issa I wouldn't release anything till the investigation is done either.

Common Sense 101. You need to find something else to bitch about. Lame or what.

That would be cool if he didn't already pass judgement on the results in public and vowed to release them before deciding that his promise was "irresponsible".
The obama government is flaming out, yes, it would be a very good thing if the IRS could go right along with it.
Stay focused Crusader.

You wanted proof that Issa was a Criminal.

You got it.

And that was BEFORE he was elected.

Let me repeat, Sallow. Please try to keep up.

In 1980, the grand theft auto charge was dropped. He was charged with possession of an unregistered firearm, placed on probation and fined, IN 1972! And why would the opinion of a "FOX girl" hold any weight with me? Are you that desperate?

Your foray into his past, all of 40 years ago, proved to be helplessly fruitless.

Why hasn't Obama been more vocal with these allegations made against him in regards to the IRS and AP? So much for the most transparent administration in history, eh?

That's a conviction, chief.

And that's not the first incident Issa's had with car theft.

He stole one from an army buddy.

And Issa's brother and himself tried to stage insurance fraud. They got off by paying everyone back.

He's a fucking weaselly criminal.

LMAO Swallow, YOU are the epitome of a weasel.

They went from "Jobs Jobs Jobs"

To "Scandal Scandal Scandal".

Yep, dems went from blocking jobs bills to watching their president involved in a new scandal every day.

Oh bullshit.

The XL pipeline wasn't about "jobs" it was about making greedy oil folks tons of money.

And it was the states who were blocking it.

Being that they had crappy disaster recovery plans and it seems that tar sand spills can take up to a couple of years to clean up after when they happen.

And they do massive damage to the environment.

You really are an economic illiterate. Making money and creating jobs are not mutually exclusive.

And your hysteria over "massive damage to the environment is a red herring". We already have massive damage to our society due to dependency on foreign sources of energy. Successful societies use their own resources. We used to do that...and it's about time we get back to it.
Jesus. Your so lame S.

If I were Issa I wouldn't release anything till the investigation is done either.

Common Sense 101. You need to find something else to bitch about. Lame or what.

That would be cool if he didn't already pass judgement on the results in public and vowed to release them before deciding that his promise was "irresponsible".

Did you ever stop to think mayby something came up where they couldn't release the full transcripts.?

I did.
First he said he he says he won't.

WASHINGTON -- One week after he released partial transcripts of interviews with IRS officials involved in the scandal surrounding the targeting of conservative groups, the chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said releasing the full transcripts would be "reckless" and "irresponsible."

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) pushed back Tuesday against calls to put out more information on the committee's investigation into the controversy, sparked after a Treasury Department Inspector General report revealed the IRS had singled out tea party groups applying for nonprofit status for extra scrutiny. Responding specifically to criticism from Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the ranking Democratic member of the committee, Issa said that releasing full interviews conducted with IRS employees would hurt the ongoing investigation.

"Your decision to publicly announce that the investigation should wrap up was irresponsible, but not surprising," said Issa, in a letter to Cummings. "However, your push to release entire transcripts from witness interviews while the investigation remains active was reckless and threatened to undermine the integrity of the Committee’s investigation."

The position is a tenuous one for Issa, who during an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union" just over a week ago promised that the full transcripts would be released. On that same program, Issa revealed several partial transcripts that suggested the directive to screen tea party groups came from officials in Washington.
Darrell Issa On IRS Investigation: Releasing Full Transcripts Now Would Be 'Reckless'

Almost to a "T" the exact same thing that happened with Benghazi. Rat Fink Issa got a crap load of emails, then leaked out "paraphrased" comments to the press that painted the President in a bad light..which in turn caused the White House to have to release the emails to the Press..who saw there was nothing there.

Criminal Rat Fink Issa has been making the rounds with the transcripts of interviews conducted out of the eye of the Press trying to make the case there is "something" there.

He said he would be releasing the full transcripts.

What a shithead.

Actually, he is a patriot trying to grab America from the arms of tyranny.

I support him


Issa is and always will be an ASShole.....
Read the thread.


So much for "facts".

If you hadn't called him a criminal in the title of your thread, I would be commenting on the subject matter, perhaps? Nice Freudian slip there buddy!

I called him a criminal..because..he's a criminal.


You commit a crime?

You are a criminal.
so does that mean when Obama was a young guy doing Illegal drugs YEARS ago he is also a Criminal?....just askin....
Jesus. Your so lame S.

If I were Issa I wouldn't release anything till the investigation is done either.

Common Sense 101. You need to find something else to bitch about. Lame or what.

That would be cool if he didn't already pass judgement on the results in public and vowed to release them before deciding that his promise was "irresponsible".

Did you ever stop to think mayby something came up where they couldn't release the full transcripts.?

I did.

Sure, that's predictable. Which is even more baffling that he would pass judgement in public, promise to prove his conclusions then decide that suddenly he cannot prove himself in public. If he retracted his "paid liars" comment along with it until the end that would be ok, but he convicted them rumor mill style and purposefully withholding the information. Maybe this is his first investigation and he didn't know this COULD happen...or more likely he did know this could happen and decided to smear anyway.

What's your take?
That would be cool if he didn't already pass judgement on the results in public and vowed to release them before deciding that his promise was "irresponsible".

Did you ever stop to think mayby something came up where they couldn't release the full transcripts.?

I did.

Sure, that's predictable. Which is even more baffling that he would pass judgement in public, promise to prove his conclusions then decide that suddenly he cannot prove himself in public. If he retracted his "paid liars" comment along with it until the end that would be ok, but he convicted them rumor mill style and purposefully withholding the information. Maybe this is his first investigation and he didn't know this COULD happen...or more likely he did know this could happen and decided to smear anyway.

What's your take?

My take is that they are still pulling in the info.

This investigation is gonna take months.

I think Issa will release all when he has all to release.
Did you ever stop to think mayby something came up where they couldn't release the full transcripts.?

I did.

Sure, that's predictable. Which is even more baffling that he would pass judgement in public, promise to prove his conclusions then decide that suddenly he cannot prove himself in public. If he retracted his "paid liars" comment along with it until the end that would be ok, but he convicted them rumor mill style and purposefully withholding the information. Maybe this is his first investigation and he didn't know this COULD happen...or more likely he did know this could happen and decided to smear anyway.

What's your take?

My take is that they are still pulling in the info.

This investigation is gonna take months.

I think Issa will release all when he has all to release.

Bullshit. If Issa was waiting for all the information before releasing anything, he would not have already released cherry picked information and been riding the talking head show circuit making wild claims and implications.

Stop sucking his dick in public.
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Let me repeat, Sallow. Please try to keep up.

In 1980, the grand theft auto charge was dropped. He was charged with possession of an unregistered firearm, placed on probation and fined, IN 1972! And why would the opinion of a "FOX girl" hold any weight with me? Are you that desperate?

Your foray into his past, all of 40 years ago, proved to be helplessly fruitless.

Why hasn't Obama been more vocal with these allegations made against him in regards to the IRS and AP? So much for the most transparent administration in history, eh?

That's a conviction, chief.

And that's not the first incident Issa's had with car theft.

He stole one from an army buddy.

And Issa's brother and himself tried to stage insurance fraud. They got off by paying everyone back.

He's a fucking weaselly criminal.

LMAO Swallow, YOU are the epitome of a weasel.

Swallowing again?

Dude..thanks but no..

Maybe you can find some bowery bums eager for night train. You can beg to swallow their jiz..RooFag..

Or Winnie's.

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