criminal using illegal gun misses every shot. Concealed Carrier fires once and ends the fight…..

you said you didn't know anyone who ever stopped a crime with a if that were some kind of important criteria to be met in order to be valid. Do a search for yourself...hell, youtube has hundreds..if not thousands of CCTV surveillance videos and amateur videos showing armed citizens stopping crimes....but you know that already, right?

Not saying they don't happen. But if they happened millions of times a year id know several people. I don't know any. They are rare. Same reason I dont know anyone who has walked on the moon.

You personally know "millions" of people so you can poll them all?
See any of those thousands of videos I mentioned above?...did you "know" any of those people?...nevertheless they DID prevent crimes/save peoples' lives...and often their using a firearm.

Sorry you aren't making sense. If the number is 2 million a year then over the last 30 years almost every gun owner should have one. I know many owners and none have one.

There aren't thousands of videos. And if there were, thousands of videos over many years falls far shy of millions a year.

there certainly are thousands of videos of people stopping crimes with their weapons..I'm not going to go down a rabbit hole and quibble over numbers. It doesn't matter that much. The facts are that..whether you "know" them or not....people with weapons have and do save lives and prevent crime.

I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it.....just like a fire extinguisher. ;)

But there are not millions. Based on crime rates and gun ownership it isn't even possible.

Just don't shoot yourself. More people die in accidental shootings than criminals are killed in defense.

and dipstick, more crimes are stopped and loves saved with guns than people are murdered with guns......guns are a benefit to law abiding people.
Not saying they don't happen. But if they happened millions of times a year id know several people. I don't know any. They are rare. Same reason I dont know anyone who has walked on the moon.

You personally know "millions" of people so you can poll them all?
See any of those thousands of videos I mentioned above?...did you "know" any of those people?...nevertheless they DID prevent crimes/save peoples' lives...and often their using a firearm.

Sorry you aren't making sense. If the number is 2 million a year then over the last 30 years almost every gun owner should have one. I know many owners and none have one.

There aren't thousands of videos. And if there were, thousands of videos over many years falls far shy of millions a year.

there certainly are thousands of videos of people stopping crimes with their weapons..I'm not going to go down a rabbit hole and quibble over numbers. It doesn't matter that much. The facts are that..whether you "know" them or not....people with weapons have and do save lives and prevent crime.

I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it.....just like a fire extinguisher. ;)

But there are not millions. Based on crime rates and gun ownership it isn't even possible.

Just don't shoot yourself. More people die in accidental shootings than criminals are killed in defense.

and dipstick, more crimes are stopped and loves saved with guns than people are murdered with guns......guns are a benefit to law abiding people.

He's too retarded to ever understand.
I want you to link to the evidence that supports your claim. You should also include the many times guns were used in self defense that didn't result in a death but rather an injury or apprehension.

Fact is, there is no national tally of justified homicides in the US. So good luck with proving your claim.

From the UCR Handbook04(PDF), page 17: (Uniform Crime Reports)

NOTE: Justifiable homicide, by definition, occurs in conjunction with other offenses. Therefore, the crime being committed when the justifiable homicide took place must be reported as a separate offense. Reporting agencies should take care to ensure that they do not classify a killing as justifiable or excusable solely on the claims of self-defense or on the action of a coroner, prosecutor, grand jury, or court.

The following scenario illustrates an incident known to law enforcement that reporting agencies would not consider Justifiable Homicide:

17. While playing cards, two men got into an argument. The first man attacked the second with a broken bottle. The second man pulled a gun and killed his attacker. The police arrested the shooter; he claimed self-defense.

The scenario quoted is a virtual shorthand for the Progressive Elite model. The UCR even goes so far as to direct reporting agencies *not* to take into account the findings of coroners, prosecutors, grand juries or courts about whether a homicide is justifiable or not; only the FBI’s extremely limited definition is to be used.

How many justifiable homicides occur in the United States each year?
Nobody knows, but it is some multiple, likely 5-10 times as many as reported in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports. The FBI figure was 310 for 2012, of which 258 were shot. So total justified homicides for 2012 would be approximately 1,500 – 3,000.

Clayton Cramer came up with a very similar figure for 1989, where he found that the FBI recorded 236 civilian legal defensive homicides for the year. He arrives at an estimate of Civilian Legal Defensive Homicides (CLDH), essentially the same as justifiable homicides, of 1,538. But this number does not take into account unsolved homicides at all. In 1989, about 30% of homicides were unsolved. If you attribute the same percentage of justifiable homicides to the unsolved homicides, you arrive at a figure of 2,197.

How many Justified Homicides occur each Year?

The FBI knows how many justifiable homicides each year.

No they don't. I just showed your dumbass the criteria they use for reporting justified homicides.

The court would find the man in the scenario acted in self defense. However, it would not recorded as a justifiable homicide at the time of reporting.

Think I will use the FBI over ammoland.

Ammoland used UCR's own handbook you retarded fuck!! The same book the FBI uses.

Damn you are stupid!!

Shooter was arrested. Clearly not a lawful defense.

an arrest at the time of a defensive shooting doesn't mean anything.....a lot of the time they take the shooter into custody because they think it was a bad shoot but when they investigate it it is found to be justified. this is more likely to happen in anti gun states and cities, wasting tax dollars just to attack a gun owner.
Not saying they don't happen. But if they happened millions of times a year id know several people. I don't know any. They are rare. Same reason I dont know anyone who has walked on the moon.

You personally know "millions" of people so you can poll them all?
See any of those thousands of videos I mentioned above?...did you "know" any of those people?...nevertheless they DID prevent crimes/save peoples' lives...and often their using a firearm.

Sorry you aren't making sense. If the number is 2 million a year then over the last 30 years almost every gun owner should have one. I know many owners and none have one.

There aren't thousands of videos. And if there were, thousands of videos over many years falls far shy of millions a year.

there certainly are thousands of videos of people stopping crimes with their weapons..I'm not going to go down a rabbit hole and quibble over numbers. It doesn't matter that much. The facts are that..whether you "know" them or not....people with weapons have and do save lives and prevent crime.

I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it.....just like a fire extinguisher. ;)

But there are not millions. Based on crime rates and gun ownership it isn't even possible.

Just don't shoot yourself. More people die in accidental shootings than criminals are killed in defense.

and dipstick, more crimes are stopped and loves saved with guns than people are murdered with guns......guns are a benefit to law abiding people.

More innocent people killed in accidents than criminals killed in defense.
You personally know "millions" of people so you can poll them all?
See any of those thousands of videos I mentioned above?...did you "know" any of those people?...nevertheless they DID prevent crimes/save peoples' lives...and often their using a firearm.

Sorry you aren't making sense. If the number is 2 million a year then over the last 30 years almost every gun owner should have one. I know many owners and none have one.

There aren't thousands of videos. And if there were, thousands of videos over many years falls far shy of millions a year.

there certainly are thousands of videos of people stopping crimes with their weapons..I'm not going to go down a rabbit hole and quibble over numbers. It doesn't matter that much. The facts are that..whether you "know" them or not....people with weapons have and do save lives and prevent crime.

I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it.....just like a fire extinguisher. ;)

But there are not millions. Based on crime rates and gun ownership it isn't even possible.

Just don't shoot yourself. More people die in accidental shootings than criminals are killed in defense.

and dipstick, more crimes are stopped and loves saved with guns than people are murdered with guns......guns are a benefit to law abiding people.

He's too retarded to ever understand.

I understand you want to ignore the facts.
You personally know "millions" of people so you can poll them all?
See any of those thousands of videos I mentioned above?...did you "know" any of those people?...nevertheless they DID prevent crimes/save peoples' lives...and often their using a firearm.

Sorry you aren't making sense. If the number is 2 million a year then over the last 30 years almost every gun owner should have one. I know many owners and none have one.

There aren't thousands of videos. And if there were, thousands of videos over many years falls far shy of millions a year.

there certainly are thousands of videos of people stopping crimes with their weapons..I'm not going to go down a rabbit hole and quibble over numbers. It doesn't matter that much. The facts are that..whether you "know" them or not....people with weapons have and do save lives and prevent crime.

I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it.....just like a fire extinguisher. ;)

But there are not millions. Based on crime rates and gun ownership it isn't even possible.

Just don't shoot yourself. More people die in accidental shootings than criminals are killed in defense.

and dipstick, more crimes are stopped and loves saved with guns than people are murdered with guns......guns are a benefit to law abiding people.

More innocent people killed in accidents than criminals killed in defense.

Life is dangerous. People have accidents.Planes sink...people fall off of ladders....should we ban planes boats and ladders?

Tell ya what...take a pistol and put it on the table in front of you and you sit there and don't move until it goes off and kills someone by itself.

If you don't like guns..fine..keep away from them.
Hope you're never in a situation where your last conscious thought is "I wish I had my gun".
You are also twice as likely to be accidently shot(not killed), as you are to be intentionally killed.

About 17000 people accidently shot and 8500 homicides with a gun.

In a country with over 320 million people, and over 320 million guns In private hands and over 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense.....

And the number of accidental 2013... 505

and in fact gun murder and accidents with guns are going down, not up as more people own and carry guns.

if you want to reduce accidents....teach gun safety in schools..

If you want to lower the gun murder rate....arrest and lock up career criminals who use guns....they are doing almost all of the shooting and they are repeat offenders...stop them and leave law abiding gun owners alone.

the city of Richmond, California with about 100,000 people....17 criminals were committing 76% of the shootings.....

concentrate on them, leave the law abiding alone.
You personally know "millions" of people so you can poll them all?
See any of those thousands of videos I mentioned above?...did you "know" any of those people?...nevertheless they DID prevent crimes/save peoples' lives...and often their using a firearm.

Sorry you aren't making sense. If the number is 2 million a year then over the last 30 years almost every gun owner should have one. I know many owners and none have one.

There aren't thousands of videos. And if there were, thousands of videos over many years falls far shy of millions a year.

there certainly are thousands of videos of people stopping crimes with their weapons..I'm not going to go down a rabbit hole and quibble over numbers. It doesn't matter that much. The facts are that..whether you "know" them or not....people with weapons have and do save lives and prevent crime.

I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it.....just like a fire extinguisher. ;)

But there are not millions. Based on crime rates and gun ownership it isn't even possible.

Just don't shoot yourself. More people die in accidental shootings than criminals are killed in defense.

and dipstick, more crimes are stopped and loves saved with guns than people are murdered with guns......guns are a benefit to law abiding people.

More innocent people killed in accidents than criminals killed in defense.

More crimes stopped and lives saved than criminals killed in
As a reminder of what the truth and reality are.....

Here are the stats on some common types of would be better to start a crusade to teach people how to walk upright...and save them from falling would save more lives.....

guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about would push to ban the following...

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39
Total: 72 ( in a country of 320 million people)


Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


So...accidental gun deaths have been coming down as more people own and carry guns for self 12.8 million people actually carry guns for self defense......on their person, and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up....
Sorry you aren't making sense. If the number is 2 million a year then over the last 30 years almost every gun owner should have one. I know many owners and none have one.

There aren't thousands of videos. And if there were, thousands of videos over many years falls far shy of millions a year.

there certainly are thousands of videos of people stopping crimes with their weapons..I'm not going to go down a rabbit hole and quibble over numbers. It doesn't matter that much. The facts are that..whether you "know" them or not....people with weapons have and do save lives and prevent crime.

I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it.....just like a fire extinguisher. ;)

But there are not millions. Based on crime rates and gun ownership it isn't even possible.

Just don't shoot yourself. More people die in accidental shootings than criminals are killed in defense.

and dipstick, more crimes are stopped and loves saved with guns than people are murdered with guns......guns are a benefit to law abiding people.

More innocent people killed in accidents than criminals killed in defense.

Life is dangerous. People have accidents.Planes sink...people fall off of ladders....should we ban planes boats and ladders?

Tell ya what...take a pistol and put it on the table in front of you and you sit there and don't move until it goes off and kills someone by itself.

If you don't like guns..fine..keep away from them.
Hope you're never in a situation where your last conscious thought is "I wish I had my gun".

I don't recall suggesting banning anything.
Sorry you aren't making sense. If the number is 2 million a year then over the last 30 years almost every gun owner should have one. I know many owners and none have one.

There aren't thousands of videos. And if there were, thousands of videos over many years falls far shy of millions a year.

there certainly are thousands of videos of people stopping crimes with their weapons..I'm not going to go down a rabbit hole and quibble over numbers. It doesn't matter that much. The facts are that..whether you "know" them or not....people with weapons have and do save lives and prevent crime.

I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it.....just like a fire extinguisher. ;)

But there are not millions. Based on crime rates and gun ownership it isn't even possible.

Just don't shoot yourself. More people die in accidental shootings than criminals are killed in defense.

and dipstick, more crimes are stopped and loves saved with guns than people are murdered with guns......guns are a benefit to law abiding people.

More innocent people killed in accidents than criminals killed in defense.

More crimes stopped and lives saved than criminals killed in

So you are more likely to shoot and kill yourself than a criminal.
there certainly are thousands of videos of people stopping crimes with their weapons..I'm not going to go down a rabbit hole and quibble over numbers. It doesn't matter that much. The facts are that..whether you "know" them or not....people with weapons have and do save lives and prevent crime.

I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it.....just like a fire extinguisher. ;)

But there are not millions. Based on crime rates and gun ownership it isn't even possible.

Just don't shoot yourself. More people die in accidental shootings than criminals are killed in defense.

and dipstick, more crimes are stopped and loves saved with guns than people are murdered with guns......guns are a benefit to law abiding people.

More innocent people killed in accidents than criminals killed in defense.

More crimes stopped and lives saved than criminals killed in

So you are more likely to shoot and kill yourself than a criminal.

no.not at all. keep swinging,'s comical now.
But there are not millions. Based on crime rates and gun ownership it isn't even possible.

Just don't shoot yourself. More people die in accidental shootings than criminals are killed in defense.

and dipstick, more crimes are stopped and loves saved with guns than people are murdered with guns......guns are a benefit to law abiding people.

More innocent people killed in accidents than criminals killed in defense.

More crimes stopped and lives saved than criminals killed in

So you are more likely to shoot and kill yourself than a criminal.

no.not at all. keep swinging,'s comical now.

Based on the stats you are far more likely to kill yourself than a criminal.
Sorry you aren't making sense. If the number is 2 million a year then over the last 30 years almost every gun owner should have one. I know many owners and none have one.

There aren't thousands of videos. And if there were, thousands of videos over many years falls far shy of millions a year.

there certainly are thousands of videos of people stopping crimes with their weapons..I'm not going to go down a rabbit hole and quibble over numbers. It doesn't matter that much. The facts are that..whether you "know" them or not....people with weapons have and do save lives and prevent crime.

I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have it.....just like a fire extinguisher. ;)

But there are not millions. Based on crime rates and gun ownership it isn't even possible.

Just don't shoot yourself. More people die in accidental shootings than criminals are killed in defense.

and dipstick, more crimes are stopped and loves saved with guns than people are murdered with guns......guns are a benefit to law abiding people.

He's too retarded to ever understand.

I understand you want to ignore the facts.

Look moron, I showed you the criteria the FBI uses to report justifiable homicides yet you still refuse to give up your silly argument.
-Brain openly lies to you, continuously
-You continue to respond to him.
What's wrong with you people?
-Brain openly lies to you, continuously
-You continue to respond to him.
What's wrong with you people?

I keep posting in response to him for those who might drop by as they are posting. Then they can see the counter arguments, see how stupid the anti gun arguments are, and it encourages me to find more resources to show how dumb the anti gunners are………….

There is reason behind the madness…..
Training! That is what makes the difference.

It should be a requirement for all CCW holders.

In Florida where I live it is required.

In de BlasioVille, where I live, even a cross word is frowned on.

I'm moving. See you.

I'm still waiting for you to include a collection of your memorable putdowns in book form. No one does it like you. No one even comes close.

You're the best, Prof!

Thanks so much.

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