Criminalizing political dissent

No it holds insurrectionists accountable.

Hey Trump had the right to believe whatever he wanted to believe. He had the right to believe or disbelieve the advisors of his choice... being wrong is not a criminal act. Unless you have som eproof he planned a take over of the capitol you have nothing.
The Democrats however have the deck stacked against Trump. They never wanted him in the first place because he is an outsider. Not a Bush or a Clinton.. he was never suppossed to win. You fools are pathetic not seeing how the Democrats in charge are truely making war against our civil rights. Foremost , the freedom of speech and thought.
Hey Trump had the right to believe whatever he wanted to believe. He had the right to believe or disbelieve the advisors of his choice... being wrong is not a criminal act. Unless you have som eproof he planned a take over of the capitol you have nothing.
The Democrats however have the deck stacked against Trump. They never wanted him in the first place because he is an outsider. Not a Bush or a Clinton.. he was never suppossed to win. You fools are pathetic not seeing how the Democrats in charge are truely making war against our civil rights. Foremost , the freedom of speech and thought.
So if I believe your house is mine, I can take your house?
If you show me the deed and it has your name on it, I can just call it a forgery and still claim the house is mine?

There comes a time when the "he really thought __________" just doesn't fly with anyone who is over 2 years old.
It’s a green light to criminalize Socialism
& Communism in America
Hey Trump had the right to believe whatever he wanted to believe. He had the right to believe or disbelieve the advisors of his choice... being wrong is not a criminal act. Unless you have som eproof he planned a take over of the capitol you have nothing.
The Democrats however have the deck stacked against Trump. They never wanted him in the first place because he is an outsider. Not a Bush or a Clinton.. he was never suppossed to win. You fools are pathetic not seeing how the Democrats in charge are truely making war against our civil rights. Foremost , the freedom of speech and thought.

Inciting a riot isn't free speech.
Hey Trump had the right to believe whatever he wanted to believe. He had the right to believe or disbelieve the advisors of his choice... being wrong is not a criminal act. Unless you have som eproof he planned a take over of the capitol you have nothing.
The Democrats however have the deck stacked against Trump. They never wanted him in the first place because he is an outsider. Not a Bush or a Clinton.. he was never suppossed to win. You fools are pathetic not seeing how the Democrats in charge are truely making war against our civil rights. Foremost , the freedom of speech and thought.

Trump has always been a liar and a cheat. His reputation goes back 40 years.
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So if I believe your house is mine, I can take your house?
If you show me the deed and it has your name on it, I can just call it a forgery and still claim the house is mine?

There comes a time when the "he really thought __________" just doesn't fly with anyone who is over 2 years old.

You can believe whatever you want... but no you cant take my house. And for that matter Trump didnt try to invade the Capitol and take it. This is still so much bullshit that is being repeated until it becomes truth in your heads.
He was there to influence electors... he told the crowd to march peacefully and do just that. What purpose would rioting and breaking into the Capitol serve? Are you really thinking like someone over 2 years old if you cant see that?

that riot was hoped for by democrats. Due to all the rioting that previous summer, National Guard troops should have been called in.
You can believe whatever you want... but no you cant take my house.
Why? Who says it's yours? Your deed? A forgery. Fake News. I own your house.

This is your argument defending Trump; "if he believed it; anything goes"

Sorry you can't stage an insurrection based on what you believe.
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Yeah, that's what this has been. "Political dissent". That's all.

There's some Hall of Fame reductio ad absurdum for ya.

Holy crap, these people.
Hey Trump had the right to believe whatever he wanted to believe. He had the right to believe or disbelieve the advisors of his choice... being wrong is not a criminal act. Unless you have som eproof he planned a take over of the capitol you have nothing.
The Democrats however have the deck stacked against Trump. They never wanted him in the first place because he is an outsider. Not a Bush or a Clinton.. he was never suppossed to win. You fools are pathetic not seeing how the Democrats in charge are truely making war against our civil rights. Foremost , the freedom of speech and thought.
So, how do you explain all of the Republican voters who have been getting away from the Republican Party since the 2016 election? All the Republican leaders who begged Republican voters to vote for Hilary Clinton and not for Trump. All of those, including those who worked in the Trump administration, who have given testimony as to what happened during those four years and all that led to 1/6?

All the lawyers in the US who have worked for Trump who have been indicted, or all the lawyers who would never, ever work for him or represent him?

The staff at Mar A Lago who are telling the truth about what happened with all the documents Trump had at that place?

So, how many Republican leaders, writers, lawyers, professors, etc are against Trump because of his behavior and not because one would like to believe that they saw him as an outsider, and how many of those Republicans are against Trump's freedom of speech and thought?

How many, like Bush Sr, voted for Hilary Clinton in 2016?
Former US Republican President George Bush Sr has confirmed he voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, labelling Donald Trump a "blowhard".

His son, George W Bush, said he worries that "I will be the last Republican president", even though President Trump is a Republican.
"This guy doesn't know what it means to be president," the younger man said.

The pair's comments come from a new book, titled The Last Republicans.

Keep claiming "Democrats", "Democrats", while more and more Republican voters choose to vote for Democratic Party candidates as they have been doing since the 2016 election. 2024 is not going to be any different.
You can believe whatever you want... but no you cant take my house. And for that matter Trump didnt try to invade the Capitol and take it. This is still so much bullshit that is being repeated until it becomes truth in your heads.
He was there to influence electors... he told the crowd to march peacefully and do just that. What purpose would rioting and breaking into the Capitol serve? Are you really thinking like someone over 2 years old if you cant see that?

that riot was hoped for by democrats. Due to all the rioting that previous summer, National Guard troops should have been called in.
Trump.....did not invade the Capitol, but once it was invaded he did nothing for over three hours to tell his supporters to leave.

HE was the one to invite his supporters to come to DC exactly on that day and then tell them to go to the Capitol. THREE hours.

He was there to influence WHO? Electors? It was the simple ceremony of certifying the election results.

The rioters were sent to the Capitol to stop the proceeding, and Trump was begging Pence to not certify the results as the Vice President must do according to the laws of elections in the USA.
Once Trump realized that Pence was not going to do it he turned against Pence and turned his supporters against him as well.

Do not ever forget this " HANG MIKE PENCE" chant, and the scaffold which was erected to hang him right outside the Capitol.

Right, we are all like children, all of us on the Right, Left and Center who will not vote for Trump and will not accept the endless lies he is more than capable of telling.

His ACTIONS, not his words, are catching up with him.

AND all of the witnesses, with documents, and contemporanious notes of their meetings with Trump, who worked for him at the WH......none of that can hurt Trump because he was protecting the Capitol and the certification.

Yes, now WHY didn't TRUMP call in the National Guard right away? WHY? Why wait THREE hours?
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Trump.....did not invade the Capitol, but once it was invaded he did nothing for over three hours to tell his supporters to leave.

HE was the one to invite his supporters to come to DC exactly on that day and then tell them to go to the Capitol. THREE hours.

He was there to influence WHO? Electors? There were no electors at the Capitol. It was the simple ceremony of certifying the election results, with no "electors" present.

The electors had already voted in December. This was *all* about pressuring Mike Pence, and then preventing the certification so the results could be overturned.
Why? Who says it's yours? Your deed? A forgery. Fake News. I own your house.

This is your argument defending Trump; "if he believed it; anything goes"

Sorry you can't stage an insurrection based on what you believe.


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