Crisis Management


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2010
Since President Obama took office, we have had many a cirsis...

So how did he do?


He made some moves; when they didnt work, he blamed his lack of knowledge of the situation.."worse than I thought" is what he said..."THe shoivel ready jobs were not shovel ready as I thought they were"...was another excuse.

Fast and Furious:

Down play it all you want but the bottom line is.....we were selling arms to an enemy of an ally WITHOUT our ally knowing it (making it different than the Bush program)....Now, this can be deemed an act of war...definitely a breach in common border agreements..."I was not aware of the program" was what he said. "I, too, was not aware of the program" is what his AG said. "we dont know who knew about it", they both said. And it took over a year to get SOME information.


4 americans werre killed. One was an ambassador. 'it was a result of the first ammendment' is what the administration told the world (paraphrased, of course). 'It was not a terrorist act' is what they kept on insisting...."We dont want to jump to conclusions until all of the intelligence is reviewed" is what they said.....while jumping to conclusions and saying it was due to an AMerican exercising his right to free speech (love the irony)..

So how does he perform when faced with a crisis?

Seems to me, he doesnt.

Exactly why did those on the left not push for someone else to run on the democratic ticket. I mean...assuming Obama wins...and he likely will in my they really want a guy who doesnt perfom well during a crisis to continue at the helm?
Since President Obama took office, we have had many a cirsis...

So how did he do?


He made some moves; when they didnt work, he blamed his lack of knowledge of the situation.."worse than I thought" is what he said..."THe shoivel ready jobs were not shovel ready as I thought they were"...was another excuse.

Fast and Furious:

Down play it all you want but the bottom line is.....we were selling arms to an enemy of an ally WITHOUT our ally knowing it (making it different than the Bush program)....Now, this can be deemed an act of war...definitely a breach in common border agreements..."I was not aware of the program" was what he said. "I, too, was not aware of the program" is what his AG said. "we dont know who knew about it", they both said. And it took over a year to get SOME information.


4 americans werre killed. One was an ambassador. 'it was a result of the first ammendment' is what the administration told the world (paraphrased, of course). 'It was not a terrorist act' is what they kept on insisting...."We dont want to jump to conclusions until all of the intelligence is reviewed" is what they said.....while jumping to conclusions and saying it was due to an AMerican exercising his right to free speech (love the irony)..

So how does he perform when faced with a crisis?

Seems to me, he doesnt.

Exactly why did those on the left not push for someone else to run on the democratic ticket. I mean...assuming Obama wins...and he likely will in my they really want a guy who doesnt perfom well during a crisis to continue at the helm?

Obama has been a good President; not great.
Since President Obama took office, we have had many a cirsis...

So how did he do?


He made some moves; when they didnt work, he blamed his lack of knowledge of the situation.."worse than I thought" is what he said..."THe shoivel ready jobs were not shovel ready as I thought they were"...was another excuse.

Fast and Furious:

Down play it all you want but the bottom line is.....we were selling arms to an enemy of an ally WITHOUT our ally knowing it (making it different than the Bush program)....Now, this can be deemed an act of war...definitely a breach in common border agreements..."I was not aware of the program" was what he said. "I, too, was not aware of the program" is what his AG said. "we dont know who knew about it", they both said. And it took over a year to get SOME information.


4 americans werre killed. One was an ambassador. 'it was a result of the first ammendment' is what the administration told the world (paraphrased, of course). 'It was not a terrorist act' is what they kept on insisting...."We dont want to jump to conclusions until all of the intelligence is reviewed" is what they said.....while jumping to conclusions and saying it was due to an AMerican exercising his right to free speech (love the irony)..

So how does he perform when faced with a crisis?

Seems to me, he doesnt.

Exactly why did those on the left not push for someone else to run on the democratic ticket. I mean...assuming Obama wins...and he likely will in my they really want a guy who doesnt perfom well during a crisis to continue at the helm?

Obama has been a good President; not great.

I guess it depends on what one considers a good president.

To me, a good president:

1) handles cirsis well
2) lets his constituants know the buck stops here
3) has the ability to work with the opposing Clinton did...and Reagan. They, too, had the struggle of a party that didnt want to make their jobs easy.
4) prevents a know....intervening when someone in the limelight says "the police acted stupidly"...not being the one who actually says it......heralds movements such as the tea party and Occupy....not just heralding the one that is more in line with hjis ideology.

I can go on....but it baffles me why no one really pushed hard for Hillary to run.
To me, a good president would have presented his dilemma this way....

"We are in very hard times right now. We have many unemployed and many who need the help of their fellow Americans. I have decided it best to turn to the wealthiest of Americans and ask them for their help. We have no other place to turn and if we are to continue as a nation of greatness, we need to make some drastic decisions now. That being said, I have called on the leadership of both parties to meet with me and discuss the few options we have. The wealthiest of Americans certainly carry the brunt of the financial burden of this country, so it is that much harder for me to turn to them, but my first concern is Americas financial stability."


"They need to pay their fair share"..

I mean...really? Did he really expect that approach to work?

Now...before you say such an approach wouldnt have are likely wouldnt have....but neither is the approach he used....but at least the first approach doesnt create a divide....something a President should NEVER do.
To me, a good president would have presented his dilemma this way....

"We are in very hard times right now. We have many unemployed and many who need the help of their fellow Americans. I have decided it best to turn to the wealthiest of Americans and ask them for their help. We have no other place to turn and if we are to continue as a nation of greatness, we need to make some drastic decisions now. That being said, I have called on the leadership of both parties to meet with me and discuss the few options we have. The wealthiest of Americans certainly carry the brunt of the financial burden of this country, so it is that much harder for me to turn to them, but my first concern is Americas financial stability."


"They need to pay their fair share"..

I mean...really? Did he really expect that approach to work?

Now...before you say such an approach wouldnt have are likely wouldnt have....but neither is the approach he used....but at least the first approach doesnt create a divide....something a President should NEVER do.

He probably could have met with business leaders and sincerely asked them what the government could do..or not do.. to improve the business climate and get companies hiring.
To me, a good president would have presented his dilemma this way....

"We are in very hard times right now. We have many unemployed and many who need the help of their fellow Americans. I have decided it best to turn to the wealthiest of Americans and ask them for their help. We have no other place to turn and if we are to continue as a nation of greatness, we need to make some drastic decisions now. That being said, I have called on the leadership of both parties to meet with me and discuss the few options we have. The wealthiest of Americans certainly carry the brunt of the financial burden of this country, so it is that much harder for me to turn to them, but my first concern is Americas financial stability."


"They need to pay their fair share"..

I mean...really? Did he really expect that approach to work?

Now...before you say such an approach wouldnt have are likely wouldnt have....but neither is the approach he used....but at least the first approach doesnt create a divide....something a President should NEVER do.

He probably could have met with business leaders and sincerely asked them what the government could do..or not do.. to improve the business climate and get companies hiring.

Sadly, he met with those that teach business leaders the theories...but with no experience actually implementing the theories.
To me, a good president would have presented his dilemma this way....

"We are in very hard times right now. We have many unemployed and many who need the help of their fellow Americans. I have decided it best to turn to the wealthiest of Americans and ask them for their help. We have no other place to turn and if we are to continue as a nation of greatness, we need to make some drastic decisions now. That being said, I have called on the leadership of both parties to meet with me and discuss the few options we have. The wealthiest of Americans certainly carry the brunt of the financial burden of this country, so it is that much harder for me to turn to them, but my first concern is Americas financial stability."


"They need to pay their fair share"..

I mean...really? Did he really expect that approach to work?

Now...before you say such an approach wouldnt have are likely wouldnt have....but neither is the approach he used....but at least the first approach doesnt create a divide....something a President should NEVER do.

He probably could have met with business leaders and sincerely asked them what the government could do..or not do.. to improve the business climate and get companies hiring.

Sadly, he met with those that teach business leaders the theories...but with no experience actually implementing the theories.

That's because he really doesn't know how to do anything. He really thinks that theory and actuality are the same. They are not.
Since President Obama took office, we have had many a cirsis...

So how did he do?


He made some moves; when they didnt work, he blamed his lack of knowledge of the situation.."worse than I thought" is what he said..."THe shoivel ready jobs were not shovel ready as I thought they were"...was another excuse.

Fast and Furious:

Down play it all you want but the bottom line is.....we were selling arms to an enemy of an ally WITHOUT our ally knowing it (making it different than the Bush program)....Now, this can be deemed an act of war...definitely a breach in common border agreements..."I was not aware of the program" was what he said. "I, too, was not aware of the program" is what his AG said. "we dont know who knew about it", they both said. And it took over a year to get SOME information.


4 americans werre killed. One was an ambassador. 'it was a result of the first ammendment' is what the administration told the world (paraphrased, of course). 'It was not a terrorist act' is what they kept on insisting...."We dont want to jump to conclusions until all of the intelligence is reviewed" is what they said.....while jumping to conclusions and saying it was due to an AMerican exercising his right to free speech (love the irony)..

So how does he perform when faced with a crisis?

Seems to me, he doesnt.

Exactly why did those on the left not push for someone else to run on the democratic ticket. I mean...assuming Obama wins...and he likely will in my they really want a guy who doesnt perfom well during a crisis to continue at the helm?

Obama has been a good President; not great.

Agreed, with both clauses.

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