Crist loves everyone... except the unborn and DeSantis supporters

Crist doesn't seem to have any solid principles.

This guy is insane from the get-go thinking he can beat DeSantis of all people!

I can't think a better governor any state has ever had.. Huckabee comes to mind, but I can't say I know a lot about his time as gov of Arkansas.. I just like a lot of what he has said on Fox News..

In any case, he called DeS voters a bunch of haters, while proclaiming that he is all about love. Please

The unborn won't argue with him.. only because they can't.

The poor things need big people to stand up for them and... well, you know

love them...

Crist has selective love...

I tend to think he has an awful lot of love for certain people... namely himself and his family

Crist is 100% right. Republicans are driven by hate rather than solving the problems in this country. There is no such thing as the unborn.

This guy is insane from the get-go thinking he can beat DeSantis of all people!

I can't think a better governor any state has ever had.. Huckabee comes to mind, but I can't say I know a lot about his time as gov of Arkansas.. I just like a lot of what he has said on Fox News..

In any case, he called DeS voters a bunch of haters, while proclaiming that he is all about love. Please

The unborn won't argue with him.. only because they can't.

The poor things need big people to stand up for them and... well, you know

love them...

Crist has selective love...

I tend to think he has an awful lot of love for certain people... namely himself and his family

What a joke.
Desantis beat a drug addict found with a dead gay hooker by 00.6%. Since then he’s pissed off many voters and endeared himself to people who already were his supporters. He’s fucked. Won’t be close and he will claim cheating even though he overseas elections. Take all of that to the bank.
I believe Marco Rubio ran against this guy Crist

don't know anything about the guy w/ the dead hooker..

probably just a made up lie from the Party of Liars and Baby Murderers...

This guy is insane from the get-go thinking he can beat DeSantis of all people!

I can't think a better governor any state has ever had.. Huckabee comes to mind, but I can't say I know a lot about his time as gov of Arkansas.. I just like a lot of what he has said on Fox News..

In any case, he called DeS voters a bunch of haters, while proclaiming that he is all about love. Please

The unborn won't argue with him.. only because they can't.

The poor things need big people to stand up for them and... well, you know

love them...

Crist has selective love...

I tend to think he has an awful lot of love for certain people... namely himself and his family

Like all DemoKKKrats, he has the same list of hates: conservatives, Christians, Jews, pro-choice people, gun owners, working class people, home schoolers, Hispanics, and two-parent families.
Like all DemoKKKrats, he has the same list of hates: conservatives, Christians, Jews, pro-choice people, gun owners, working class people, home schoolers, Hispanics, and two-parent families.
pro choice?

you mean the choice to murder children?

that guy is not against that... He's fine w/ killing as many children as possible
If Crist is what it takes to get rid of that rightwing bootlicker in Florida, then so let it be.
What makes him a rightwing Bootlicker? I know; he’s against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, any kind of sex education below the third grade, and he objects to Disney introducing the Transgender life style including Biological Men in Women’s sports?
Why do the Democrats insist on calling it the “ Don’t Say Gay Bill?” The Dems are the bootlicking party; they all stick together regardless of the consequences

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