Critical Shortages in the "Helping Professions": What's Going On?

When have the "helping" professions been properly paid and honored and respected in our society? There is a gender component to this issue. Why have straight men not lined up for these positions? Prepared themselves educationally for careers in these services?
When have the "helping" professions been properly paid and honored and respected in our society? There is a gender component to this issue. Why have straight men not lined up for these positions? Prepared themselves educationally for careers in these services?

Um, straight men?

Law in cops?
So long as you accept that no good deed goes unpunished.

Is that a reason for not doing good deeds?

Not at all.

Just don't be surprised when you get screwed for doing one.

And when you are surprised don't bitch about it.

Medical science has mournfully not yet found a way to fix stupid.

Are you saying it's "stupid" to try and do good?

You might consider a remedial class in using the quote function.

When you have a certificate get back to me and we'll talk.

Until then? STFU.
The youth today entering these professions were raised by 'everyone gets a trophy' parents.
As a result, they fail at following instructions and are untrainable because they have a F'in know it all attitude.
This has been going on for the last decade.
The problems for nurses are very similar to those of teachers.

Though as I found out through a friend, teachers also have to be vigilant outside of the school. She teaches English at a local urban high school and was stalked online and then in real life by a student who didn’t like his grade in her class. Eventually the police had to become involved and found he had the beginnings of a plan to kidnap and rape her.
Another good reason for teachers to be armed, with something. :mad:
Plenty of people want to get into nursing. Still a sought-after profession, so that will sort itself out IMO. No surprise to anyone that fewer people want a career as a police officer. As for teachers, public education is a ridiculously left leaning institution at the forefront of cultural Marxism, relentlessly coming up with new ways to inject their bullshit into curriculum. Common Core has infected common sense, proven effective teaching strategies with countless ridiculous changes to the way basic subjects are taught. The whole scene must be incredibly frustrating to people who just want to be good teachers.
Nationwide, there are critical shortages in nursing, teaching and law enforcement. Shortages vary by area.
My youngest daughter works in a "retirement village" (nursing home). She works in the toughest part, which is the lockdown ward for dementia and Alzheimer's patients.

She is paid dogshit in wages. And she is regularly abused by the patients. She's been bitten, scratched, screamed at, and had human feces flung all over the walls, ceiling, and floor that she has to clean up.

Shortages? Hell yes. The facility is seriously understaffed and my daughter has had to work double shifts more and more frequently because of shortages.

All for about 16 bucks an hour.

I keep asking her why she stays. And the answer is that she loves her patients. Simple as that.

I keep telling her the facility is taking advantage of her. She deserves a much higher wage.

This is only going to get worse. We are just now seeing the leading edge of the boomers. Things are going to get much worse in the decades ahead.
It all comes down to wages.

If you want someone to put up with a ton of shit every day, day in and day out, for years on end, you need to pay them well.

Cops, teachers, and nurses have to deal with an incredible amount of stress and strain.

If you don't pay these people what they are worth, you will have shortages.
My youngest daughter works in a "retirement village" (nursing home). She works in the toughest part, which is the lockdown ward for dementia and Alzheimer's patients.

She is paid dogshit in wages. And she is regularly abused by the patients. She's been bitten, scratched, screamed at, and had human feces flung all over the walls, ceiling, and floor that she has to clean up.

Shortages? Hell yes. The facility is seriously understaffed and my daughter has had to work double shifts more and more frequently because of shortages.

All for about 16 bucks an hour.

I keep asking her why she stays. And the answer is that she loves her patients. Simple as that.

I keep telling her the facility is taking advantage of her. She deserves a much higher wage.

This is only going to get worse. We are just now seeing the leading edge of the boomers. Things are going to get much worse in the decades ahead.

God bless her--but we can't expect to find these angels everywhere.

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