Critical Shortages in the "Helping Professions": What's Going On?

Nationwide, there are critical shortages in nursing, teaching and law enforcement. Shortages vary by area.

A common problem: the American public is increasingly rude and demanding. In short, the advent of the internet and social media has made us ungrateful and crass. The young people in NYC throwing water on cops is a recent example.

Sue, if you don't like being a teacher, you should just quit. I'm sure someone with your skills can find a job in the fast food industry.

Top 3% in my district Joe. One of the biggest districts in the state and the best.
Ignore Joey...he always projects his own faults on his betters.

Note: everyone is his better.
Nationwide, there are critical shortages in nursing, teaching and law enforcement. Shortages vary by area.

A common problem: the American public is increasingly rude and demanding. In short, the advent of the internet and social media has made us ungrateful and crass. The young people in NYC throwing water on cops is a recent example.

When you're in a helping profession, you expect to take some amount of flak and never strike it rich. But who wants to sign up for low pay and abuse?

Not many people, it would seem. Will the American people recover enough manners to restore these professions, or will taxpayers have to front more money?

Or do you see another remedy for the shortages?

On the Nursing Shortage: Nursing Shortage'
Teacher Shortage: Teacher Shortage is 'Real and Growing, and Worse than We Thought'
Police Officer Shortage: Police officer shortage impacts departments

On American Civility: In Theory: Is America becoming less civil?

Cops...that's easy....under attack in the worst ways while putting their lives at risk.

Nursing...hard work, long hours.

Teaching....long hours, bad parents, dangerous kids in democrat controlled voting districts......
Nationwide, there are critical shortages in nursing, teaching and law enforcement. Shortages vary by area.

A common problem: the American public is increasingly rude and demanding. In short, the advent of the internet and social media has made us ungrateful and crass. The young people in NYC throwing water on cops is a recent example.

When you're in a helping profession, you expect to take some amount of flak and never strike it rich. But who wants to sign up for low pay and abuse?

Not many people, it would seem. Will the American people recover enough manners to restore these professions, or will taxpayers have to front more money?

Or do you see another remedy for the shortages?

On the Nursing Shortage: Nursing Shortage'
Teacher Shortage: Teacher Shortage is 'Real and Growing, and Worse than We Thought'
Police Officer Shortage: Police officer shortage impacts departments

On American Civility: In Theory: Is America becoming less civil?
Sure, cut student debt with teaching jobs, use drones for some police work, free healthcare for nurses and their families.

I believe nurses get healthcare through their jobs......
Nationwide, there are critical shortages in nursing, teaching and law enforcement. Shortages vary by area.

A common problem: the American public is increasingly rude and demanding. In short, the advent of the internet and social media has made us ungrateful and crass. The young people in NYC throwing water on cops is a recent example.

When you're in a helping profession, you expect to take some amount of flak and never strike it rich. But who wants to sign up for low pay and abuse?

Not many people, it would seem. Will the American people recover enough manners to restore these professions, or will taxpayers have to front more money?

Or do you see another remedy for the shortages?

On the Nursing Shortage: Nursing Shortage'
Teacher Shortage: Teacher Shortage is 'Real and Growing, and Worse than We Thought'
Police Officer Shortage: Police officer shortage impacts departments

On American Civility: In Theory: Is America becoming less civil?
Sure, cut student debt with teaching jobs, use drones for some police work, free healthcare for nurses and their families.

I believe nurses get healthcare through their jobs......
Free-no, co-pays
Only the truly clueless will sign up for law enforcement these days, at least in the black run major cities, and no one wants to be subjected to the abuse they will get from racist students and administrators in public schools, either; too many fake criminal charges and kangaroo courts for those who happen to be white.

As for nurses, they're grossly over-worked, to avoid having to hire adequate help, for one. The pressures and overtime required is criminal and ridiculous. The training is too long and and difficult only to end up abused and driven to exhaustion, and like the above professions the truly intelligent and qualified can find much better opportunities and just don't need the risk and abuse. We should be worried about those who will apply and work under such conditions, since they're obviously mentally ill to even consider them as careers, especially males, and most especially white males..

Spoken like a morally bankrupt, selfish, hypocritical democrat

I don't necessarily agree with how it was put but Picaro's comment reflects reality. It's not pretty and it's hard to hear but it's a genuine representation of what may be contributing factors.

Bullshit. If you choose not to be of service to others because it’s hard and won’t make you rich, you have made a choice about yourself.
Had a plethora of teachers but didn't want to pay them. In fact, several states went out of their way to hire folks with experience in a profession and not go through classroom management etc. I watched a school district hire over 20 new teachers and then after 2 years decide they weren't good enough. Had it not been for one school board member telling the newspaper that the issue had nothing to do with the quality of teachers and everything to do with contracts then these people would have been badmouthed continuously. Tenure exists for a reason, folks. It means that whatever parent that doesn't like science or the history or whatever being taught can't pitch a fit and have you fired. It takes about 5 years for a teacher to become really effective.

There are special education teachers that are trained but don't want to hire them. It's cheaper to hire a para. It's cheaper to mainstream kids with behavioral problems. Teachers are buying their own supplies. People like to throw average salaries around like everyone walks in and makes that. That isn't how it works. So, why stay if you have to work 2-3 jobs to make it work.

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are all about charter schools even though there is a large amount of fraud and real estate fraud nation wide. Neither party gives a damn.

There are a plethora of studies that are sent down that go nowhere. There is no real work--life balance. People trash the unions but when the teacher walk out here occurred the union didn't see it coming and then desperately tried to get a grip on it. The governor and the state legislators at the time talked to the teachers like they were children.

Shortage of teachers? Color me surprised.

Nurses? No. Don't want to pay them either. It's about lowering the wage here.

There is so much good stuff here that I'm going to have to come back to it. But yes. The old stupid saw is, "people who can, do, people who can't, teach". There might be some pockets of truth to that BUT what is definitely not true is that people who can do can also TEACH it.

Teaching is its own art and science. Just because you can do something does not mean you have the propensity, people skills and disposition to teach it. Some people--actually many people--should NOT be teachers. Lecturers, sure. Having been through ed school I can tell you that MANY professors are absolutely crap at teaching. They lecture. Which is barely teaching.

A second issue is how our schools are literally now Day Treatment Centers and academic centers somehow in one. And it is not working. We can not educate gen ed students and run Day Treatment Centers simultaneously on the slim staffs we have now with the overwhelming disabilities we see in schools.

Oh, and the morons in the capitol saying, hey. When a 7 year old elopes, don't touch them. You can chase them. HEY! If they run out in the least you didn't touch them!!!

This is the moronic so-called "thinking" we get from the jerks in the state capitol. In both parties.

I love my students. I love my families. I hate being ruled by morons.

And when there is a fight happening? Game over.

What irritates the hell out of me is when they come out with the ranking of countries. It's propaganda. This whole faux privatization started under Reagan and they have done nothing but run experiment after experiment.

Education is very, very good at never asking the people who do the work what they think and what they KNOW, but having fatcats from on high dictate what should be done, and this changes about every five years or so. It just adds to the frustration and burnout. Good teachers are not immune to good ideas and in fact we're always looking for the best ideas. But. How bout you actually ask us once in a while?

They know what is wrong but they choose not to fix it. It is intentional.
Had a plethora of teachers but didn't want to pay them. In fact, several states went out of their way to hire folks with experience in a profession and not go through classroom management etc. I watched a school district hire over 20 new teachers and then after 2 years decide they weren't good enough. Had it not been for one school board member telling the newspaper that the issue had nothing to do with the quality of teachers and everything to do with contracts then these people would have been badmouthed continuously. Tenure exists for a reason, folks. It means that whatever parent that doesn't like science or the history or whatever being taught can't pitch a fit and have you fired. It takes about 5 years for a teacher to become really effective.

There are special education teachers that are trained but don't want to hire them. It's cheaper to hire a para. It's cheaper to mainstream kids with behavioral problems. Teachers are buying their own supplies. People like to throw average salaries around like everyone walks in and makes that. That isn't how it works. So, why stay if you have to work 2-3 jobs to make it work.

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are all about charter schools even though there is a large amount of fraud and real estate fraud nation wide. Neither party gives a damn.

There are a plethora of studies that are sent down that go nowhere. There is no real work--life balance. People trash the unions but when the teacher walk out here occurred the union didn't see it coming and then desperately tried to get a grip on it. The governor and the state legislators at the time talked to the teachers like they were children.

Shortage of teachers? Color me surprised.

Nurses? No. Don't want to pay them either. It's about lowering the wage here.

There is so much good stuff here that I'm going to have to come back to it. But yes. The old stupid saw is, "people who can, do, people who can't, teach". There might be some pockets of truth to that BUT what is definitely not true is that people who can do can also TEACH it.

Teaching is its own art and science. Just because you can do something does not mean you have the propensity, people skills and disposition to teach it. Some people--actually many people--should NOT be teachers. Lecturers, sure. Having been through ed school I can tell you that MANY professors are absolutely crap at teaching. They lecture. Which is barely teaching.

A second issue is how our schools are literally now Day Treatment Centers and academic centers somehow in one. And it is not working. We can not educate gen ed students and run Day Treatment Centers simultaneously on the slim staffs we have now with the overwhelming disabilities we see in schools.

Oh, and the morons in the capitol saying, hey. When a 7 year old elopes, don't touch them. You can chase them. HEY! If they run out in the least you didn't touch them!!!

This is the moronic so-called "thinking" we get from the jerks in the state capitol. In both parties.

I love my students. I love my families. I hate being ruled by morons.

And when there is a fight happening? Game over.

What irritates the hell out of me is when they come out with the ranking of countries. It's propaganda. This whole faux privatization started under Reagan and they have done nothing but run experiment after experiment.

Education is very, very good at never asking the people who do the work what they think and what they KNOW, but having fatcats from on high dictate what should be done, and this changes about every five years or so. It just adds to the frustration and burnout. Good teachers are not immune to good ideas and in fact we're always looking for the best ideas. But. How bout you actually ask us once in a while?

They know what is wrong but they choose not to fix it. It is intentional.

Well, and now comes the reaping and sowing.

As we see.
Teachers who don't agree with curriculum , nurses who don't agree with diagnosis, cops who don't agree with the law, rand tradesmen that don't agree with codes do not constitute labor shortages ~S~
Teachers who don't agree with curriculum , nurses who don't agree with diagnosis, cops who don't agree with the law, rand tradesmen that don't agree with codes do not constitute labor shortages ~S~

Only the truly clueless will sign up for law enforcement these days, at least in the black run major cities, and no one wants to be subjected to the abuse they will get from racist students and administrators in public schools, either; too many fake criminal charges and kangaroo courts for those who happen to be white.

As for nurses, they're grossly over-worked, to avoid having to hire adequate help, for one. The pressures and overtime required is criminal and ridiculous. The training is too long and and difficult only to end up abused and driven to exhaustion, and like the above professions the truly intelligent and qualified can find much better opportunities and just don't need the risk and abuse. We should be worried about those who will apply and work under such conditions, since they're obviously mentally ill to even consider them as careers, especially males, and most especially white males..

Spoken like a morally bankrupt, selfish, hypocritical democrat

I don't necessarily agree with how it was put but Picaro's comment reflects reality. It's not pretty and it's hard to hear but it's a genuine representation of what may be contributing factors.

Bullshit. If you choose not to be of service to others because it’s hard and won’t make you rich, you have made a choice about yourself.
it's not noble to be poor either
It's more than that.

It's knowing what the problems are and refusing to fix them. Instead offer medical tests and a yoga class/basketball team.
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Had a plethora of teachers but didn't want to pay them. In fact, several states went out of their way to hire folks with experience in a profession and not go through classroom management etc. I watched a school district hire over 20 new teachers and then after 2 years decide they weren't good enough. Had it not been for one school board member telling the newspaper that the issue had nothing to do with the quality of teachers and everything to do with contracts then these people would have been badmouthed continuously. Tenure exists for a reason, folks. It means that whatever parent that doesn't like science or the history or whatever being taught can't pitch a fit and have you fired. It takes about 5 years for a teacher to become really effective.

There are special education teachers that are trained but don't want to hire them. It's cheaper to hire a para. It's cheaper to mainstream kids with behavioral problems. Teachers are buying their own supplies. People like to throw average salaries around like everyone walks in and makes that. That isn't how it works. So, why stay if you have to work 2-3 jobs to make it work.

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are all about charter schools even though there is a large amount of fraud and real estate fraud nation wide. Neither party gives a damn.

There are a plethora of studies that are sent down that go nowhere. There is no real work--life balance. People trash the unions but when the teacher walk out here occurred the union didn't see it coming and then desperately tried to get a grip on it. The governor and the state legislators at the time talked to the teachers like they were children.

Shortage of teachers? Color me surprised.

Nurses? No. Don't want to pay them either. It's about lowering the wage here.

There is so much good stuff here that I'm going to have to come back to it. But yes. The old stupid saw is, "people who can, do, people who can't, teach". There might be some pockets of truth to that BUT what is definitely not true is that people who can do can also TEACH it.

Teaching is its own art and science. Just because you can do something does not mean you have the propensity, people skills and disposition to teach it. Some people--actually many people--should NOT be teachers. Lecturers, sure. Having been through ed school I can tell you that MANY professors are absolutely crap at teaching. They lecture. Which is barely teaching.

A second issue is how our schools are literally now Day Treatment Centers and academic centers somehow in one. And it is not working. We can not educate gen ed students and run Day Treatment Centers simultaneously on the slim staffs we have now with the overwhelming disabilities we see in schools.

Oh, and the morons in the capitol saying, hey. When a 7 year old elopes, don't touch them. You can chase them. HEY! If they run out in the least you didn't touch them!!!

This is the moronic so-called "thinking" we get from the jerks in the state capitol. In both parties.

I love my students. I love my families. I hate being ruled by morons.

And when there is a fight happening? Game over.

What irritates the hell out of me is when they come out with the ranking of countries. It's propaganda. This whole faux privatization started under Reagan and they have done nothing but run experiment after experiment.

Education is very, very good at never asking the people who do the work what they think and what they KNOW, but having fatcats from on high dictate what should be done, and this changes about every five years or so. It just adds to the frustration and burnout. Good teachers are not immune to good ideas and in fact we're always looking for the best ideas. But. How bout you actually ask us once in a while?

They know what is wrong but they choose not to fix it. It is intentional.

Yep. Quoted for truth.
It's more than that.

It's knowing what the problems are and refusing to fix them. Instead offer medical tests and a yoga class/basketball team.

Ok, let's play devils advocate ,and play Mr. Fix it

suggestions? (imagine yourself in a position of power)


It's more than that.

It's knowing what the problems are and refusing to fix them. Instead offer medical tests and a yoga class/basketball team.

Ok, let's play devils advocate ,and play Mr. Fix it

suggestions? (imagine yourself in a position of power)



Ms. Fix It waves a magic wand and says, "Presto magicko!" The following occur:

1. Moratorium on charter schools with auditing on each and every one of them. These good folks need to follow the exact same rules.
2. The hospitals need to be audited as most do not pay property taxes. Then they just keep spreading out. The Good Sisters for example don't have to pay property taxes because of the 10 percent of charity procedures which they choose. Property taxes keep rising to pick up the tab. Further, anyone who is not paying taxes because they fall under the heading of "education" needs to be audited.
3. End high stakes testing.
It tells you nothing and increases anxiety among the students and teachers. It pits teachers against parents. In at least one state it is designed to fail in order to privatize the public schools. It creates a rote learning environment where students immediately forget information rather than develop critical thinking skills.
Now some funding is available. This is important because the number one battle cry is people keep throwing money into a failed public school system and not getting the results. They are but it's not making it to the schools in the way they think it is and there is a deflection towards the teachers.
4. If the school board chooses the text book and it comes with multiples, then they HAVE to purchase the multiples as well. Period.
5. If you have children that have severe physical and/or cognitive delays then they do not belong in the public school system or, at a minimum, in mainstream classes and should be off campus. There are kids that are going to need lifelong care and what they can do is limited. Recognize it, adapt to it, and prepare for it. I'm not talking about total abandonment. That means that if you have a kid that is turning 18 and the parent now has to navigate SSI they have some support in that process.
6. Now that you have removed the high stakes testing then two theories can be applied. The first is the ability to teach to three levels. The second is implementing the multiple intelligence theory. Incidentally, you will see a drop in misdiagnosis of ADHD as the really young children will not be forced to sit still and focus for extended periods of time.
4. There are school districts that want parental involvement but it's simply to take over janitorial duties. You now have money to hire a janitor so we can end some animosity there.
5. Parents that are well off have a tendency to fight when their child receives a D on a paper that knocks down grade point average. That's unfortunate. The other end of the spectrum is that there are parents that have about an 8th grade education and they are acutely aware that there is a point where all they can do is yell at their kids to sit at the table and do their homework. The kids figure out they can BS their way through it. The parent is doing everything they can and the kid falls behind because they have found a loop hole and can get away with murder.
a. Every teacher at every grade level needs to create a syllabus. You have given the parent that doesn't understand the material the opportunity to reach out to someone they may know that does understand it to help (which alleviates shame)--but recognize they may not. If you have projects that require additional funds then it allows some parents the ability to locate materials. The D paper debacle allows the parent to recognize what the kids will be graded on so they can ride them and start checking on what knowledge they already have.
b. Tutoring. After school help is no longer available in many areas due to the inability to bus the kids afterwards or lack of transportation for the parent or the inability to leave work. Provide the bus, have the tutor meet at the home or at a nearby location.
6. End the weekly/every other day mandatory meetings/staffings. Stop it.
If you can't wrap that up once a month then send out a damn news letter. Stop with the every teacher must pick up an extracurricular activity to run. Stop it.
7. There are kids that have zero behavioral problems during the summer but exhibit problems during the school year because they start going 99 miles an hour. For those schools that have started later because it reduces behavioral problems that's awesome but recognize that leaving later reduces necessary down time after school. Kill the homework in the younger grades. If you aren't teaching to a test that goes no where, there is time to do it. This impacts teachers with kids, too. Get up, get the kids to school, work, after school meetings etc., run home get dinner on the table, tell the kids to do homework, take baths, 5 minute story, throw the kids in bed, try to grade papers.........pass out. It's not working for anybody. Everybody(parents/educators/kids) is doing the same thing. These kids need to be separated from the next group.
To be continued. I have several additional things-mental health etc.

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