Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

That is not an attack according to Article 51 of the UN Charter. Thus making Israel's invasion of Egypt, illegal.
Try READING Comprehension. It states ( paraphrasing) that Countries should not engage until the UN Security Council has a chance to engage and reach a solution The UN Security Council did that and they got nowhere.
And yet the ICC found no evidence of war crimes and no fault with the IDF's investigations. But the good news is in Israel people are free to criticize the government even in the harshest terms, whereas they would be dead if they criticized either the Hamas or PLO governments in that way.
You are completely full of shit!
Do you have ADD? Or are you just a retard? That's the 3rd time you've asked this question, without giving any of your own comments on what your fucking point is!

Fuck dude, what is your point with Olmert's plan? Or are bullshit innuendo's as far as you go?
Why can’t you answer? Because you’re too Stupid to Google it.
No, they cannot leave the area by land, air or sea without Israeli permission!

In regards to your dumbass munitions comment, are you saying Gazans don't have a right to defend themselves? Well, you need weapons for that!
Of course they can leave if Egypt allows them to. Hamas is committed to the destruction of Israel so no rational person would argue Israel should allow the Gaza terrorists to buy arms.
Palestinian's have every legal right in the world to resist the illegal and immoral occupation of their homeland.
They’ve been offered land for peace, you idiot. HAMAS turned it down.

Why can’t you understand that they don’t want their own land? They want every Jew dead and Israel washed out of existence.
Of course they can leave if Egypt allows them to. Hamas is committed to the destruction of Israel so no rational person would argue Israel should allow the Gaza terrorists to buy arms.
That's the big lie you keep telling. A rational person knows you can't tell someone what they can and cannot do on their own property.
They’ve been offered land for peace, you idiot. HAMAS turned it down.

Why can’t you understand that they don’t want their own land? They want every Jew dead and Israel washed out of existence.
You're a fucking liar! All they want is freedom. All they want is for the occupation to end. As far as your bullshit offer, you can't give what you don't have. And Israel does not own that land.
Why did Israel have to shoot up that mosque? End the occupation and you end the attacks. As long as there is an occupation, the Palestinian's (in this case Hamas), have a legal right to resist an occupational force, no different than the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto.

You are sick, depraved, and evil. You deserve to die soon.
The owners of this website should be ashamed of having a Hamas
worshipper like you posting your puke.

ciao brutto
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