Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

Maybe pay off Hamas with some of that Jew gold they keep in a bag around their neck, right?

Yours is the typical response I would expect to hear from an American Taliban.
He’s one of the worst antisemites on this forum.

And he thinks Jews came from Europe? They were in Israel 1000 years before Jesus was born - long before Mohammed’s great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather was born.
But not in Israel lol.
the three nos? arabs dont want peace but really does isreal want peace? the us pays both sides for a peace that never comes
Um, aren't you the one who is absolutely freaked out that some people are immigrating across the Southern border?

Now, imagine if those people were armed, drove you out of your home, and routinely bombed you for shits and grins.

Well, no, not really. Most of the Jews were expelled from Palestine in the second century because the Romans got tired of dealing with their nonsense. The Byzantines inherited the land from the Romans, and the Muslims kick the Byzantines out, but most of the local people were happy to see them go and converted to Islam.

You are the one who leaves big chunks out. The reality is, most of the European Jews had no interest in going to Palestine even after Zionism became a movement. At least not until after WWII.

Seems the Jews wear out their welcome no matter where they go. Palestine, Germany, Russia, Spain. They should probably work on that.
The babylonian exile in 580BC.
Most Jews lived in the Roman Empire. Because they got exiled from their HOMELAND.
"Palestine" wasnt even a place until the 20th century. It was Syria-Palestinia or something to that effect. A name given by the Romans, because they wanted to cut off the Jewish ancestory to their homeland.
No one, even the Arabs, gave two shits about "palestinians" nor did they even recognize them. They didnt exist. Not until the Jews kicked their asses in the six day war. But the Jews embarrassed the muzzies, so the rhetoric started.
History is on the Jews side.
Why did Israel have to shoot up that mosque? End the occupation and you end the attacks. As long as there is an occupation, the Palestinian's (in this case Hamas), have a legal right to resist an occupational force, no different than the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto.
What occupatioin? Be specific. What territory is Israel occupying that they are not entitled to?
The Jews have made repeated offers of land for peace. HAMAS refuses it.
Actually, Hamas accepts land, institutes apartheid policies, and then starts slaughtering innocent men, women, and babies, so that they can get more.

Time for Hamas to go extinct and the land returned to Israel.
Going back to Europe where they came from.

That would be the proper response.

there are Jews who have lived there in the region forever... who are not from europe and then there are Jews who were kicked out of places like Yemen, Tunisia and other parts of North Africa and the ME... who after losing their homes resettled in Israel out of necessity, and then yes theres a bunch of European Jews but so what?
That area was controlled by the Turkish empire and the British, when a deal was tried to be made for both Jews and Arabs to live there, it was the Arabs who refused and wanted it all... so fuck them.
The Arabs have a dozen or more homelands. The Jews have one.

Thats one to many for the islamists. and non of them are willing to help the Palestinians. Not the Egyptians and not Jordan, and its because of the violent leadership of Hamas and Hezbolla. These countries recognize them for the terrorists they are and do not want them inside thier countries.
Only the American Liberals right here on this board know better than people who live in that region and have to deal with it.
Why did Israel have to shoot up that mosque? End the occupation and you end the attacks. As long as there is an occupation, the Palestinian's (in this case Hamas), have a legal right to resist an occupational force, no different than the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto.
No such thing as a palestinian, this whole thing is based on Hatred of Israel hamas is fighting a proxy war for iran as does hezbollah.
So that makes it okay for the Zionist Entity to bomb hospitals and schools and kill civilians?
Tell the animals of hamas to stop hiding in Hospitals behind women and children! Your support for those dogs is disgusting, why aren't you showing your true support, go over and hide behind some women and children yourself
We are seeing a lot of criticism of what Israel did do and is doing. But what should they have done and what should they do? The Squad has no answer, what about you?

Please explain how your answer would prevent such attacks in the future?

First off all - it has always been the clear intention of the Zionists since around 1830 (foremost in Russia) to create an own State called Israel. In the land that their God supposedly promised them. Regardless of who had been living there, in absolute majority for the past 2000 years. aka Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian Bedouin-Arabs.

Germany aka Nazi Germany was clearly responsible for the Jewish Holocaust. Something that no one - also not the British, could have been aware off in 1917 - when the Balfour declaration came into play - granting Jews a Homeland in Palestine. Until 1936 basically no significant number of Jews were willing to settle in this barren land. So no one in the Western hemisphere really cared about the Balfour Deceleration.

Those who knew the Zionist Jews and their clear intentions were the Arabs. Who already upon the Balfour deceleration voiced a clear opposition. But the Western hemisphere couldn't be bothered.

Due to the Holocaust - the Jewish people until today are living of a collective Western guilt complex, and especially the Zionists know perfectly how to make use of it.

Britain was aware of this added influx of Jewish immigrants since 1936 and thus knew about the increasing violence in Palestine. That the Mufti of Jerusalem - spokesperson of the Palestinian-Arabs was on great terms with Hitler was also known to them - BTW the later PLO/Fatah leader Arafat was a relative of this Mufti.

Britain made the by far largest mistake in granting Trans-Jordan independence in 1946 as being the Kingdom of Jordan. Thereby reducing British Palestine territory by approximately 70%. Furthermore they did not or simply didn't want to recognize the significant cultural and social difference, between Palestinian-Arabs, mostly urban population, and Bedouin Arabs living now in majority in Jordan and far less in Palestine. The vast majority of land owners in the remaining British Palestine were Bedouin-Arabs due to tribal culture and therefore homeland association since hundreds of years.

However until Ben-Gurion took his chances in 1948 via declaring independence and thus forcefully and via intimidation driving of the urban Palestinian-Arabs - there was no friction between Palestinian-Arabs and Bedouin-Arabs. The Zionist played a very smart/insidious policy via promising Bedouin-Arabs that they could keep their lands in Israel, thus hoping to diminish the influence and anti-Israel stance of the Arab League, whilst driving off the urban Palestinian-Arabs.

The Arab League factually couldn't be bothered by Palestinian-Arabs fleeing - mostly into Jordan, but had already made up it's mind, not to tolerate a Jewish State - naturally taking into account that they would easily defeat the Jews and therefore everything returning back to normal aka just as to before 1917.

As history taught the Zionists prevailed and both, Israelis (independent of further Jewish immigrants) and the Palestinian-Arabs breed like rabbits. Causing today's dilemma that Israel simply isn't large enough to house 9 million Israelis and 14 million Palestinian-Arabs, (total population around 23 million people). No matter how Israel might be partitioned. Not to mention the economic survive-ability of such a country, that until today has received approx. US$ 200 Billion since the 50'ies (non inflation adjusted) and has special trade preference regulations throughout the EU and most of the world, such an Israel simple couldn't sustain/survive.

Israel consists to at least 50% of inhabitable desert, making its livable territory incl. Gaza and the West-bank around 8000ml2 - thus equal in size of Slovenia that houses around 2 million people. - or about 90% the size of Vermont housing 700,000 people.

Even if they would be willing to live together in "harmony" - its economically and territorial non feasible - at least to me.

That leaves basically four possibilities:
1. the Zionist way - keep claiming and occupying Palestinian-Arab lands - kill them off, and let the survivors rot in some neighbor-state.
Most likely the reality.
2. Israel agrees to cede the West-bank to Jordan - thus Jordan&PLO+Hamas finding their own arrangement
Highly unlikely but still possible - depending on the US$ flowing into Jordan.
3. the Jews go back to were they came from - mostly Europe.
Probably the moderate Jews would accept - the Zionist never - if the moderates would leave, the Arabs will replay 1948/9 with the remaining Zionists.
4. e.g. Australia offers the Palestinians 30,000 - 50,000mls2 to start up their own country. Plus a Trillion US$ provided from other countries.
I could imagine that the Palestinian-Arabs in majority, would accept under the agreement that Jerusalem is not Israels capital but remains an open city governed via a Jewish/Palestinian council - or the UN appoints e.g. Switzerland to do the job.
Violence would still continue on a lower scale and the Zionists will make sure that eventually Jerusalem becomes theirs.

The Palestinian state in Australia would eventually prosper - and independent of options 1-4 somewhere in the next 50 years, some Islamic country might very well nuke the shit out of Israel - ignoring their own demise.

Which makes option 3 & 4 in a combination - the highest survival chance for Jewish people.
Hamas was not elected by anyone at anytime to be an authority over the Palestinians or even speak for them.

They seized power....
Your typical nonsense and proof of your lack in history

Hamas, a Palestinian Islamist militant group centered in Gaza, was founded in 1988 to fight against the Israeli occupation. Hamas and other militant groups launched repeated attacks on Israeli targets in Gaza, leading to Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. In 2006, Palestinian legislative elections were held. Hamas beat its secular rival, Fatah, which had been widely accused of corruption. Elections haven’t been held in Gaza since 2006, but polling from March 2023 found that 45% of Gazans would back Hamas should there be a vote, ahead of Fatah at 32%.

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