Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

The occupation doesn't exist. That is their land. The PLO simply refuses to live with Jews.
They're nothing but a pack of bigots that want to murder their neighbors.
To the person who says this is fake news......that land belongs to Israel.
It is the Palestinians that have refused (for close to 100 years) to live with their neighbors.
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odd trump supporters want to kill democrats...
Seems that Democrats are the ones who have been killing everyone, not Trump supporters.

You people have been cheering Hamas and Iran for days, yet where are all of these invisible right-wing Nationalist hordes that the Democrat Party has been claiming want to murder you in your sleep?

Nice try. Go read UN resolution 242. Conquer by conquest was abolished right after WWII.

So you think it was okay for Germany to annex Poland?
Yet you defend Russia for doing even worse. The UK and France went to war with Germany over its annexation of Poland.
The babylonian exile in 580BC.
Most Jews lived in the Roman Empire. Because they got exiled from their HOMELAND.
"Palestine" wasnt even a place until the 20th century. It was Syria-Palestinia or something to that effect. A name given by the Romans, because they wanted to cut off the Jewish ancestory to their homeland.

Except the Jews were never the only inhabitants of the region, that's the thing.

No one, even the Arabs, gave two shits about "palestinians" nor did they even recognize them. They didnt exist. Not until the Jews kicked their asses in the six day war. But the Jews embarrassed the muzzies, so the rhetoric started.

Well, that's not true, either, because the PLO was formed in 1964, and the Zionist Entity went to war with other Arab states in 1956 and 1948

History is on the Jews side.
Actually, it really isn't. The problem with Zionism is that before the 19th Century, Europe's Jews had no real interest in returning to Palestine. They were in no hurry after the British passed the Balfour declaration, either. IT only became a priority after WWII, and someone sure as hell should have thought it through better than just giving them sympathy land.
Except the Jews were never the only inhabitants of the region, that's the thing.
No shit. And that has no bearing on it being theres. And Palestine never even existing, until recently.
Well, that's not true, either, because the PLO was formed in 1964, and the Zionist Entity went to war with other Arab states in 1956 and 1948
Again, no shit. And has no bearing on what I said. Try harder.
Actually, it really isn't. The problem with Zionism is that before the 19th Century, Europe's Jews had no real interest in returning to Palestine. They were in no hurry after the British passed the Balfour declaration, either. IT only became a priority after WWII, and someone sure as hell should have thought it through better than just giving them sympathy land.
So you say.
Might want to look up the history of their diaspora. And the reasons for it. Might wake you the fuck up.
Um, aren't you the one who is absolutely freaked out that some people are immigrating across the Southern border?

Now, imagine if those people were armed, drove you out of your home, and routinely bombed you for shits and grins.

Well, no, not really. Most of the Jews were expelled from Palestine in the second century because the Romans got tired of dealing with their nonsense. The Byzantines inherited the land from the Romans, and the Muslims kick the Byzantines out, but most of the local people were happy to see them go and converted to Islam.

You are the one who leaves big chunks out. The reality is, most of the European Jews had no interest in going to Palestine even after Zionism became a movement. At least not until after WWII.

Seems the Jews wear out their welcome no matter where they go. Palestine, Germany, Russia, Spain. They should probably work on that.
Jews were immigrating to Transjordan (modern Jordan and Israel) in the nineteenth century in large numbers and buying the land from the Ottoman landowners. The numbers went up in the tween war years and exploded post WWII since the Jews had nowhere else to go. The League of Nations partition plan split Transjordan into a Muslim Jordan and. a Jewish Israel. The Jordanians expelled the Jews while the British who held the mandate over Israel forced the Muslims and Jews to co-exist while confiscating as many weapons from the Jews as they could find while arming the Muslims to the teeth. The post WWII British were no friends to the Jews or the nascent nation of Israel. The UN then decided to further partition Israel into a Muslim statelet and a Jewish statelet that had no defensible borders. After the 1948 war, the UN recognized all the areas conquered by the Muslims as legitimate and made Israel even smaller and harder to defend. After the 1967 was when Israel RECONQUERED those territories the UN refused to recognize the fact and declared them to be occupied areas. The UN has never given Israel fair treatment.
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We are seeing a lot of criticism of what Israel did do and is doing. But what should they have done and what should they do? The Squad has no answer, what about you?

Please explain how your answer would prevent such attacks in the future?

It's a fair question. And so far the only definitive response left is that Israel should choose to cease to exist or choices that would have the effect of Israel ceasing to exist.

So there we are.
both the arabs and jews want the same thing....a homeland...secured
The Arabs already have a homeland. They got all of the Middle East except the small area that is Israel. When Transjordan was split, the Arabs got the largest portion which is now Jordan and the Jews got the small piece.
So that makes it okay for the Zionist Entity to bomb hospitals and schools and kill civilians?
That is where Hamas is located. How do you suggest that they be ferreted out and killed without killing civilians?

So yes, Israel should bomb and destroy whatever will destroy Hamas.

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