Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

First off, states don't have rights, people do. And there is nothing you can say that changes the fact that there was a non-Jewish population of Arabs that was indigenous to the area. Zionists moved there! Arabs (and some Jews) were already there and they have rights.

Gazans ain't going anywhere! You cannot hold onto land seized in a war.
They were NOT indigenous. They were castaways from other Arab nations around the area.

They NEVER had a claim to the land, ever.

Of course, you can hold onto land seized in a war. Are you going to trot out that toilet tissue UN resolution? LMAO

It was a UN resolution that created Israel, yet it is ignored repeatedly by the.... wait for it.... UN!

This time, Isreal should tell the UN and the world to fuck off. Hamas fucked around, and now they're going to find out.

BTW, when I say Isreal has a right to the land, I am of course, speaking to the Jews residing inside of Isreal, ALONG with the law-abiding Arabs who decided that living as civilized people inside the country of Isreal was the upright and moral thing to do.
Can anyone find a list of Western companies leaving Israel due to the indiscriminate bombing of residential areas in Gaza, the official declaration of war (“we do not work in countries at war”) and all sorts of other little things? Can"t find any
No, they are not contradictory. One is illegal, the other is not. I like to think that either they apply for Palestinian citizenship or apply for resident visas, just like any other foreigner in a country around the world.

"What conditions would have to exist..." are you mental? Figure it out! But you can't bring yourself to blame Israel for any atrocity it commits.

Um, no, the "demonstrated reality" is that Israeli-Arabs are treated like 2nd class citizens. Israel is an apartheid state. You have Jew only communities, Jew only roads, two different judicial systems that give rights to Israeli-Jews, but force Israeli-Arabs to live under marshall law.

They are contradictory. You are claiming two things: that people will be forcibly removed from the territory AND that people will be able to stay and become Palestinian citizens. Which is it? What determines whether a particular individual gets removed from the territory or is permitted to stay?

You are deliberately avoiding my question. What conditions would have to exist for the end of the occupation/siege of Gaze to be recognized? You've mentioned removal of military and removal of all certain categories of people. Is that it? Or are there more conditions?

There is no difference in Israel in the legal rights of Israeli-Jews and the rights of Israeli-Arabs.
They were NOT indigenous. They were castaways from other Arab nations around the area.

They NEVER had a claim to the land, ever.

Of course, you can hold onto land seized in a war. Are you going to trot out that toilet tissue UN resolution? LMAO

It was a UN resolution that created Israel, yet it is ignored repeatedly by the.... wait for it.... UN!

This time, Isreal should tell the UN and the world to fuck off. Hamas fucked around, and now they're going to find out.

BTW, when I say Isreal has a right to the land, I am of course, speaking to the Jews residing inside of Isreal, ALONG with the law-abiding Arabs who decided that living as civilized people inside the country of Isreal was the upright and moral thing to do.
Israel is a member state of the UN. You don't think they are obligated to respect a Charter they signed? BTW, Israel has been telling the world to fuck off for some time now. That's why I say the US should submit a resolution to the UNSC telling Israel they got 90 days to end the occupation and get the fuck out of those territories, or the decision to leave will no longer be theirs to make! Then I would go park the USS Ronald Reagan off their shore for 3 months.
The Palestinians might have made a successful claim to the land, when it was ruled by the Ottoman Empire.

But then we had to crush the evil Ottoman Empire.

Their claim went with it. To the victors go the spoils.
The jews still inhabited Israel, even after the muzzies kicked them out.
Centuries before Islam was a religion and there was muslims.
Is was the Romans that kicked the Jews out almost 2,000 years ago.
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They are contradictory. You are claiming two things: that people will be forcibly removed from the territory AND that people will be able to stay and become Palestinian citizens. Which is it? What determines whether a particular individual gets removed from the territory or is permitted to stay?

You are deliberately avoiding my question. What conditions would have to exist for the end of the occupation/siege of Gaze to be recognized? You've mentioned removal of military and removal of all certain categories of people. Is that it? Or are there more conditions?

There is no difference in Israel in the legal rights of Israeli-Jews and the rights of Israeli-Arabs.
You're becoming a joke! It is not contradictory. It is two different things. One, yes all Israeli nationals should be removed from the occupied territories, because their presence there is ILLEGAL! If some of them request resident visas and actually receive them, then their status changes from illegal to legal. But that is the decision of the authority having jurisdiction.

End the god-damn blockade and stop shooting at people fishing and farming. Stop terrorizing innocent civilians who have committed no crimes.

The mere fact you have Jew only roads and Jew only communities and you want to be known as the Jewish State, automatically makes any Israeli citizen who is not Jewish, a 2nd class citizen. If they are really equal, as you claim, then why can't Israeli-Arabs commemorate Nakba Day?
You know how idiotic it sounds for backwards punks who wipe their asses with their hands, and whose only relevance come from their willingness to mass muder children, to call the great state of Israel "the Zionist entity?"

You sound worse parroting it.

The Zionists murder just as many children.

There's nothing great about Israel. It's a colonial state.
He’s one of the worst antisemites on this forum.

And he thinks Jews came from Europe? They were in Israel 1000 years before Jesus was born - long before Mohammed’s great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather was born.

The Jews of Europe came from Europe. They have as much in common with the Ancient Judeans as I have with the Ancient Romans.
Which isn't going to happen.

So you're basically saying they should have done nothing in response.

I'm sure they'll drop a bunch of bombs and inflict misery, but they'll be right back where they started from in a few months.

Trying to pretend they aren't an apartheid state when they are.
We are seeing a lot of criticism of what Israel did do and is doing. But what should they have done and what should they do? The Squad has no answer, what about you?

Please explain how your answer would prevent such attacks in the future?

These so called "critics" are just simple minded ignorant bigots.

What Israel did wrong was to withdraw from Gaza and try to protect the Israeli people by only defending the border. That strategy failed to end the second intifada and it has clearly failed to protect Israelis from the Gaza terrorists. Sharon successfully ended the second intifada by sending the IDF into Palestinian controlled areas to hunt down the terrorists and kept them there to prevent the terrorists from regrouping despite massive temper tantrums and displays of ignorance and bigotry by the UN and EU.

Unfortunately, Sharon then withdrew from Gaza in an all fated attempt to get the peace process the Arabs had abandoned with the second intifada started again, while that move was a catastrophe for Israel it was very popular at the UN and EU and even in the US, and the popularity of the withdrawal resulted in diplomatic and economic gains for Israel, so that even as the attacks from the Gaza terrorists became worse, the Israeli government was reluctant to send the IDF back into Gaza to hunt down the terrorists and prevent them from regrouping to launch new attack. That's what Israel did wrong.

What Israel must do to prevent future attacks from Gaza is what it is preparing to do now. Netanyahu has called up 360,000 reservists and formed a national unity government with Gantz, and probably soon with Lapid and Liberman, just as Eshkol did by bringing Begin into the government to gain broader support to launch the Six Day War, and both Netanyahu and Gallant are promising to kill every member of Hamas.
I'm sure they'll drop a bunch of bombs and inflict misery, but they'll be right back where they started from in a few months.
*with fewer Hamas death cuultists and weapons in Gaza

Sounds like they have the right idea.

If they are smart, they will target any male of fighting age that they find.
*with fewer Hamas death cuultists and weapons in Gaza

Sounds like they have the right idea.

If they are smart, they will target any male of fighting age that they find.

Well, no, that's the kind of thing that leads to war crime trials.

The problem is, the Zionists are kind of fucked no matter what.
Bombing indiscriminately will just have pictures of children being pulled out of rubble, that never looks good.
Invading means bloody house to house fighting, which I promise you, the Palis have been spending years getting ready for with tunnels and booby traps.
Is that like talking tough while beheading babies?
Babies weren't thrown out of incubators in Kuwait
Gaddafi didn't give soldiers Viagra to commit mass rapes
Hamas didn't go house to house cutting off babies heads, and Israel's military said they had no evidence of this
The US does starve children with sanctions everyday
How exactly would Bibi “negotiate” with the unrepresented Palestinians?
I'm sure they'll drop a bunch of bombs and inflict misery, but they'll be right back where they started from in a few months.

Trying to pretend they aren't an apartheid state when they are.
Israel has called up 360,000 reservists and formed a national unity government in preparation for a large scale ground assault and both Netanyahu and Gallant are promising to stay in Gaza until every member of Hamas has been killed, so don't start handing out candy just yet.
How exactly would Bibi “negotiate” with the unrepresented Palestinians?

Well, he could open negotiations with Fatah and Abbas, instead of empowering Hamas to create an enemy. But Bibi's an idiot, so do the opposite of what makes sense.

Israel has called up 360,000 reservists and formed a national unity government in preparation for a large scale ground assault and both Netanyahu and Gallant are promising to stay in Gaza until every member of Hamas has been killed, so don't start handing out candy just yet.
Dumbass, this is probably what Hamas wants.

Everyone is unified now. Wait a couple months when people start asking how Hamas missed this, when Zionist reservists start coming home in body bags because they walked into a Hamas IED.

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