Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

Um, aren't you the one who is absolutely freaked out that some people are immigrating across the Southern border?

Now, imagine if those people were armed, drove you out of your home, and routinely bombed you for shits and grins.

Well, no, not really. Most of the Jews were expelled from Palestine in the second century because the Romans got tired of dealing with their nonsense. The Byzantines inherited the land from the Romans, and the Muslims kick the Byzantines out, but most of the local people were happy to see them go and converted to Islam.

You are the one who leaves big chunks out. The reality is, most of the European Jews had no interest in going to Palestine even after Zionism became a movement. At least not until after WWII.

Seems the Jews wear out their welcome no matter where they go. Palestine, Germany, Russia, Spain. They should probably work on that.
They didn't convert to Islam.... That's not how it worked then.... They were given a choice of death or.....

Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?​

More collective punishment. It's the only constructive way to gain trust and cooperation, not to mention the respect of the rest of the world.
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Wait, return all lands and property ... like, um what Israel did with Gaza in 2005? /sarcasm

Seriously, what does this even MEAN? Announce and sign? Sign what? Would you care to provide more clarity about what, specifically, Israel is meant to "return" and to whom, exactly? And under what sort of legal instrument?
You also obviously got no clue - about Israel and the Palestinian-Arab issue.

Today's Gaza isn't even 20% of what Gaza constituted in 1948/9 - I have posted enough maps that show this clearly.
Today's West-Bank isn't even 30% of what the West-bank constituted in 1948/9 - I have posted enough maps that show this clearly.

All sides have continuously "announced" all kind of promises - therefore in writing and signed, observed/ensured by the UN and UN troops.

That Israel drew out their forces from Gaza - without assuring a joint program of administration and the setting up and training of local security forces - now came back and haunted them - via this Hamas attack. Independent of the perpetrators being Hamas militia - that this attack and massacre could even happen, lies entirely with Israel's failed security policy, and it's settlement policy.
More collective punishment. It's the only constructive way to gain trust and cooperation, not to mention the respect of the rest of the world.
Punish ISRAEL? Savages break into private homes, killing every Jew they can find, whether in their beds or eating breakfast, and you want to punish the Jews?!

No….Trump had the correct approach. Help put together diplomatic agreements between Israel and moderate Arab countries, showing the world that Israel wants peace with its neighbors, and isolating Iran.

It was working until Biden became president, restored funds to HAMAS, and enabled though his policies for Iran to become rich.
You also obviously got no clue - about Israel and the Palestinian-Arab issue.

Today's Gaza isn't even 20% of what Gaza constituted in 1948/9 - I have posted enough maps that show this clearly.
Today's West-Bank isn't even 30% of what the West-bank constituted in 1948/9 - I have posted enough maps that show this clearly.

All sides have continuously "announced" all kind of promises - therefore in writing and signed, observed/ensured by the UN and UN troops.

That Israel drew out their forces from Gaza - without assuring a joint program of administration and the setting up and training of local security forces - now came back and haunted them - via this Hamas attack. Independent of the perpetrators being Hamas militia - that this attack and massacre could even happen, lies entirely with Israel's failed security policy, and it's settlement policy.
It lies with Democratic policies that have emboldened and enriched Iran and allowed them to plan and fund the attack.
We are seeing a lot of criticism of what Israel did do and is doing. But what should they have done and what should they do? The Squad has no answer, what about you?

Please explain how your answer would prevent such attacks in the future?

End the occupation.
No words needed.

מרגיש כמו סיוט.jpg
Thats one to many for the islamists. and non of them are willing to help the Palestinians. Not the Egyptians and not Jordan, and its because of the violent leadership of Hamas and Hezbolla. These countries recognize them for the terrorists they are and do not want them inside thier countries.
Only the American Liberals right here on this board know better than people who live in that region and have to deal with it.
Why is it their job to clean up after Israel?
The Arabs already have a homeland. They got all of the Middle East except the small area that is Israel. When Transjordan was split, the Arabs got the largest portion which is now Jordan and the Jews got the small piece.
Why don't we kick everyone out of New Jersey and put Israel there. Those people have 49 other states to live in.
There is no Palestinian land, there is no Palestine.

They are just Arabs and the land is Isreal's.
About 40% of Israeli citizens are Arabs. Not everyone who is Israeli is Jewish. Not even all Jews practice Judaism. Many are various sects of Christian. There are also a healthy number of Muslim Israeli who live peacefully....

So no...
Hamas and Palestinians themselves are the problem. Otherwise the surrounding nations would be happy to have the refugees. But they aren't wanting them now are they?
There's a history and reason that nobody wants the Palestinians living in their country. Very sound and solid reasons.
Why don't we kick everyone out of New Jersey and put Israel there. Those people have 49 other states to live in.
Why don’t we kick out all the Arabs throughout the MidEast who have driven almost 1,000,000 Jews out of their houses and taken over their land?

Funny how the antisemites always skip that part.
I wonder if the two brain-celled brain trust of Hamas contemplated the likely reaction of the nation of Israel to the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel.

I suppose they might have. But, obviously, the “leadershit” of Hamas doesn’t give a rat’s ass about their own people, either.
They do not care, they use it for political gain, by having media show the images of children being hurt, while they stay underground like the cockroaches they are. Of course our media is all to happy to oblige them

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