Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

The borders are the '67 borders. For the "territories" to no longer be occupied, Israel must remove its military and all its Israeli settlers from illegal settlements. Also end the siege on Gaza. I would think Israeli nationals that wanted to live in Palestine, would be granted citizenship.

Let me ask you this, if Israel took over all of Palestine, should they give the Palestinians Israeli citizenship with full rights like their Jewish neighbors?
Palestinians do not exist quit insisting they do
I wonder if the two brain-celled brain trust of Hamas contemplated the likely reaction of the nation of Israel to the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel.

I suppose they might have. But, obviously, the “leadershit” of Hamas doesn’t give a rat’s ass about their own people, either.
They don’t care. Having all their children dead is an acceptable cost if it means ridding Israel of Jews. They’ve been willing to strap a suicide bomb onto the chest of their own 8-year old and send him into a Jewish grocery store.

I believe it was Golda Meir who said ”There will be peace in Israel when the Arabs love their children more than they hate Jews.”
PS: Be specific. Nothing vague like "follow international law." Just say what they should do.

What they should do is stop using the USA for their 'big stick', and let the reality that they're surrounded, outmanned and outgunned dictate their actions.

About 40% of Israeli citizens are Arabs. Not everyone who is Israeli is Jewish. Not even all Jews practice Judaism. Many are various sects of Christian. There are also a healthy number of Muslim Israeli who live peacefully....

So no...
Hamas and Palestinians themselves are the problem. Otherwise the surrounding nations would be happy to have the refugees. But they aren't wanting them now are they?
There's a history and reason that nobody wants the Palestinians living in their country. Very sound and solid reasons.
Where did I say that Arabs were not living in Isreal? Those who are civilized and behave as civilized individuals live, work, own businesses and even server in the Israeli government.

Now, think about what I replied to and who I was speaKing about.

This shit gets old.
Where did I say that Arabs were not living in Isreal? Those who are civilized and behave as civilized individuals live, work, own businesses and even server in the Israeli government.

Now, think about what I replied to and who I was speaKing about.

This shit gets old.
What my point was that these Palestinian terrorists murdered indiscriminately....they killed EVERYONE in their path. Including Arabs, Persians, Greeks, and Jews. Men, women, and children.

They are nothing but brute beasts....rabid animals that need to be put down for human safety.
Why do the Palestinians think the whole pie 🥧 is theirs?
The Arabs own 98% of the Middle East land, and have kicked Jews out of every country. Now the Palestinians want to take over Israel.

The Arabs should have taken any number of the deals offered them. They can’t because their hatred of Jews won’t permit it.
Targeting all males of fighting age? I think not. They have been warned.

Again, that would be a war crime, and they hanged Nazis after WWII for doing exactly that.

The US did that during the Philippine War, when a mutant named Funston ordered every Filipino male over the age of 12 be killed in certain villages. It didn't pacify the Philippines, they still resent us to this day.

I think Hamas is already an enemy, you moron.
Not my enemy. Not my circus, not my monkeys.
There’s no way a drooling liberoidal hack like you can grasp what makes sense.
Living next to people who want to kill you makes sense in your world?
Fuck Hamas. Israel needs to obliterate it.
Won't happen. Besides, Hamas exists because Bibi and the Mossad encouraged it. They WANTED a radical Islamic faction so the US would be committed to their problem.
The very moment after YOU donate the deed to your house to Native American tribal elders and go back where YOU came from.

After all... you, too, live on land stolen from indigenous populations and benefit from their displacement and conquest.

Actually, I'm 1/8th Native American, and the nation that lived in the part of Illinois I live in is extinct. That's how thoroughly they were exterminated. That sort of thing is considered unacceptable today, as it should be.

And your livelihood and the food you consume come from natural resources that actually belong to those Natives, yes?

It's only fair... you need to Lead By Example... show us how to "make it right" with the "proper response", Joe... :cool:

Once you're safely back in the Old Country drop us all a line and we'll begin advocating for that solution for Israel.

Here's the difference. There are more Palestinians than there are Zionists. There are far more ARABS than there are Zionists. Since the Zionists aren't going to expand across the entire Middle East, eventually they are going to have to exchange land for peace. (As they have when they gave back the Sinai and Gaza. )

More and more young Israelis want to leave Israel.

And American Jews are feeling a disconnect from Israel. Bibi is like the crazy uncle who shows up at your bat-mitzvah screaming about Hitler to your Goyim friends.

This is why I think the false flag thing is probably the case here. Not that Bibi staged the attacks, but he knew they were coming and allowed them to happen to distract from criticism for his bad policies.
They didn't convert to Islam.... That's not how it worked then.... They were given a choice of death or.....

Actually,not true, which is why there were 126,000 Christians living in Palestine when the Britsh withdrew. Unlike the Jewish Squatters, they didn't emigrate there. There were also Druze, Samaritans and other religion minorities living in Palestine for centuries because contrary to what you guys think, Islam is pretty tolerant of non-believers.

No words needed.
Right, a painting is real evidence.
They don’t care. Having all their children dead is an acceptable cost if it means ridding Israel of Jews. They’ve been willing to strap a suicide bomb onto the chest of their own 8-year old and send him into a Jewish grocery store.

I believe it was Golda Meir who said ”There will be peace in Israel when the Arabs love their children more than they hate Jews.”

Here's a better question... why would you want to live next to people who strap bombs on their kids trying to kill you?

If I went to the grocery store and one of my neighbors strapped a bomb onto little Timmy trying to get me to move, I'd probably call the Real Estate Agent the next day.

We won't go into WHY the Arabs hate you so much, of course. You clearly aren't ready for THAT discussion.
Actually, I'm 1/8th Native American, and the nation that lived in the part of Illinois I live in is extinct. That's how thoroughly they were exterminated. That sort of thing is considered unacceptable today, as it should be.

Here's the difference. There are more Palestinians than there are Zionists. There are far more ARABS than there are Zionists. Since the Zionists aren't going to expand across the entire Middle East, eventually they are going to have to exchange land for peace. (As they have when they gave back the Sinai and Gaza. )

More and more young Israelis want to leave Israel.

And American Jews are feeling a disconnect from Israel. Bibi is like the crazy uncle who shows up at your bat-mitzvah screaming about Hitler to your Goyim friends.

This is why I think the false flag thing is probably the case here. Not that Bibi staged the attacks, but he knew they were coming and allowed them to happen to distract from criticism for his bad policies.

Plenty of excuses for NOT donating your house and land to existing Native American tribes and leaving for the (7/8) Motherland.

You should sell your house to a Native American tribe, keep 1/8 of the profit (if any), and give them back the other 7/8.

And then head back to your 7/8 Motherland(s).

OK... "do as I say, and not as I do"., eh?

Got it.

Predictable. :auiqs.jpg:

Your credibility as a "Jews return to Europe" [ "proper response" ]voice has been greatly diminished by such weasel-words.

An amusing and delightful little outcome... :cool:
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