Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?


Plenty of excuses for NOT donating your house and land to existing Native American tribes and leaving for the (7/8) Motherland.

You should sell your house to a Native American tribe, keep 1/8 of the profit (if any), and give them back the other 7/8.

And then head back to your 7/8 Motherland(s).

OK... "do as I say, and not as I do"., eh?

Got it.

Predictable. :auiqs.jpg:

Your credibility as a "Jews return to Europe" [ "proper response" ]voice has been greatly diminished by such weasel-words.

An amusing and delightful little outcome... :cool:
Can't make reparations to people who don't exist.

Things that happened hundreds of years ago can't be fixed. Something that is happening RIGHT NOW can be.

I can't undo witch burnings, but if some religious nut wants to burn a witch, we can stop that from happening, too.

But I'm willing to compromise. Instead of sending the European Squatters back to Europe (where they'll just piss off the Europeans again), we should let them move here. Let them have Florida as the Jewish State. It has a much nicer climate, and half their relatives are already there.

I'm pretty sure Ron DeStatan won't start the FLO (Florida Liberation Organization).
Not my enemy. Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Nobody was talking about who your enemies are, you imbecile. And nobody cares. To know you is to despise you.
Living next to people who want to kill you makes sense in your world?
How stupid are you? I said nothing of the kind. But the question is irrelevant. And you’re still just an imbecile.
Won't happen. Besides, Hamas exists because Bibi and the Mossad encouraged it. They WANTED a radical Islamic faction so the US would be committed to their problem.

Hamas exists because Islamofascists exist. Obviously, if it weren’t Hamas, it would be some other Islamofascist entity.

Damn. You really are a total imbecile.

Plenty of excuses for NOT donating your house and land to existing Native American tribes and leaving for the (7/8) Motherland.

You should sell your house to a Native American tribe, keep 1/8 of the profit (if any), and give them back the other 7/8.

And then head back to your 7/8 Motherland(s).

OK... "do as I say, and not as I do"., eh?

Got it.

Predictable. :auiqs.jpg:

Your credibility as a "Jews return to Europe" [ "proper response" ]voice has been greatly diminished by such weasel-words.

An amusing and delightful little outcome... :cool:
Somehow, these Jew-hating liberals have convinced themselves that the Jew originated in Europe.

(And funny how you never hear them say the Jews should return to thr Arab lands from which they were expelled.)
Why did Israel have to shoot up that mosque? End the occupation and you end the attacks. As long as there is an occupation, the Palestinian's (in this case Hamas), have a legal right to resist an occupational force, no different than the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto.
Gaza is not occupied by Israel
Can't make reparations to people who don't exist.

Things that happened hundreds of years ago can't be fixed. Something that is happening RIGHT NOW can be.

I can't undo witch burnings, but if some religious nut wants to burn a witch, we can stop that from happening, too.

But I'm willing to compromise. Instead of sending the European Squatters back to Europe (where they'll just piss off the Europeans again), we should let them move here. Let them have Florida as the Jewish State. It has a much nicer climate, and half their relatives are already there.

I'm pretty sure Ron DeStatan won't start the FLO (Florida Liberation Organization).
As a godless lib its impossible for you to understand that God chose Israel for the Jewish homeland

And thats where they will stay
I think this statement by a member of the PLO’s Executive Council, made during an interview with the Dutch newspaper “Trouw” is about the most authoritative statement available:

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.

“For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.” – Interview with Zuheir Muhsin, a member of the PLO Executive Council, published in the March 31, 1977 edition of the Dutch Newspaper “Trouw”.

In addition, Yasser Arafat’s official biography credits him with saying “If there is any such thing as a ‘Palestinian people’, it is I, Yasser Arafat, who created them!”

Who are we to contradict people who should actually know?
Why did Israel have to shoot up that mosque? End the occupation and you end the attacks. As long as there is an occupation, the Palestinian's (in this case Hamas), have a legal right to resist an occupational force, no different than the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto.
I think this statement by a member of the PLO’s Executive Council, made during an interview with the Dutch newspaper “Trouw” is about the most authoritative statement available:

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.

“For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.” – Interview with Zuheir Muhsin, a member of the PLO Executive Council, published in the March 31, 1977 edition of the Dutch Newspaper “Trouw”.

In addition, Yasser Arafat’s official biography credits him with saying “If there is any such thing as a ‘Palestinian people’, it is I, Yasser Arafat, who created them!”

Who are we to contradict people who should actually know?
Please explain how your answer would prevent such attacks in the future?
1. When the shock of Hamas's savagery lessens, maybe Israelis themselves will decide that wiping out Gaza might make them feel better but that it would not solve anything.

2. Maybe Israel should (1) install President Abbas as the governing force of Gaza or (2) simply permanently surround Gaza and conduct routine checks for weapons, etc. I hear that Gaza is only just a little larger than the District of Columbia. So Israeli troops could patrol Gaza on a regular basis.

3. Of course, Hamas would be forbidden from any participation in the governing of Gaza.
It lies with Democratic policies that have emboldened and enriched Iran and allowed them to plan and fund the attack.
I don't really see a difference in the US foreign policy - in regard to Democrats or Republicans since 1899.
Both clearly stand for US imperialism and US global hegemony.

One side uses "democracy" as general justification - the other used Communism as general justification.

Since Communism basically ended in 1990 - the new justification now is "authoritarian regimes" - whereby those who adhere to US command, like Saudi-Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, etc, etc, are "good" authoritarians, and those who oppose the USA like Russia, China, Iran etc.etc. are "evil" authoritarians.

The Democrats validate e.g. those "good" authoritarians, on the same principle as the Republicans.

As for Iran - logically they became an enemy to the USA - upon dismantling the previous US Puppet, the Shah, and the Ayatollah regime sponsoring and promoting radical forms of Shia Islam amongst Shia Muslims.

As for the general Mid-East and Global Muslim radicalization since the 80's:

Israel IMO, under the radical Zionist and long time Irgun member Menachem Begin, is the main culprit - together with Ronald Reagan - via attacking and totally destroying a then Western minded Lebanon in 1982 - thus creating the chance for Iran to step in via creating Hezbollah. At the same time the US supported and created Muslim extremist groups amongst the Mujahedin to fight the Soviets whilst lending full support until today, towards Saudi-Arabia - the main sponsor and creator of radical Sunni Muslims inspired via the Saudi teachings of Wahhabism.

Independent of Israels justified wars and fight for the survinal of the State of Israel against Arab nations, and the unavoidable dispute/wars with the PLO til 1978 - the factual RADICALIZATION of Islam and Muslims as we have it as of today - was laid in the 80'ies by Begin and Reagan.

If you know about Israels history you should also be aware that "official" US support for Israel only stared to come in with the US Republicans under Nixon. Before that, Israel almost entirely had to rely and was dependent onto French support. If not for Nixon - Israel might very well not have survived the 1973 Yom-Kippur war.

Just my 2 cents
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I don't really see a difference in the US foreign policy - in regard to Democrats or Republicans since 1899.
Both clearly stand for US imperialism and US global hegemony.

One side uses "democracy" as general justification - the other used Communism as general justification.

Since Communism basically ended in 1990 - the new justification now is "authoritarian regimes" - whereby those who adhere to US command, like Saudi-Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, etc, etc, are "good" authoritarians, and those who oppose the USA like Russia, China, Iran etc.etc. are "evil" authoritarians.

The Democrats validate e.g. those "good" authoritarians, on the same principle as the Republicans.

As for Iran - logically they became an enemy to the USA - upon dismantling the previous US Puppet, the Shah, and the Ayatollah regime sponsoring and promoting radical forms of Shia Islam amongst Shia Muslims.

As for the general Mid-East and Global Muslim radicalization since the 80's:

Israel IMO, under the radical Zionist and long time Irgun member Menachem Begin, is the main culprit - together with Ronald Reagan - via attacking and totally destroying a then Western minded Lebanon in 1982 - thus creating the chance for Iran to step in via creating Hezbollah. At the same time the US supported and created Muslim extremist groups amongst the Mujahedin to fight the Soviets whilst lending full support until today, towards Saudi-Arabia - the main sponsor and creator of radical Sunni Muslims inspired via the Saudi teachings of Wahhabism.

Independent of Israels justified wars and fight for the survinal of the State of Israel against Arab nations, and the unavoidable dispute/wars with the PLO - the factual RADICALIZATION of Islam and Muslims as we have it as of today - was laid in the 80'ies by Begin and Reagan.

If you know about Israels history you should also be aware that "official" US support for Israel only stared to come in with the US Republicans under Nixon. Before that, Israel almost entirely had to rely and was dependent onto French support. If not for Nixon - Israel might very well not have survived the 1973 Yom-Kippur war.

Just my 2 cents
You sound like a foreigner with penis envy
I think this statement by a member of the PLO’s Executive Council, made during an interview with the Dutch newspaper “Trouw” is about the most authoritative statement available:

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.

“For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.” – Interview with Zuheir Muhsin, a member of the PLO Executive Council, published in the March 31, 1977 edition of the Dutch Newspaper “Trouw”.

In addition, Yasser Arafat’s official biography credits him with saying “If there is any such thing as a ‘Palestinian people’, it is I, Yasser Arafat, who created them!”

Who are we to contradict people who should actually know?
Nationality constitutes a legal bond that connects individuals with a specific territory, making them citizens of that territory. It is therefore imperative to examine the boundaries of Palestine in order to define the piece of land on which Palestinian nationality was established.

In a broader international context, the “nationality law… showed that the Palestinians formed a nation, and that Palestine was a State, though provisionally under guardianship.”90 The inclusion of Palestinian nationality in the text of the Palestine Mandate was the first step towards an international recognition of the Palestinian people as distinct from the Ottoman people and other peoples. Palestinian nationality, like any other nationality, constitutes the formula by which a certain group of individuals are being legally connected and enabled to form the people element of the state.91

The status of Palestine and the nationality of its inhabitants were finally settled by the Treaty of Lausanne from the perspective of public international law. In a report submitted to the League of Nations, the British government pointed out: “The ratification of the Treaty of Lausanne in Aug., 1924, finally regularised the international status of Palestine.”123 And, thereafter, “Palestine could, at last, obtain a separate nationality.”124

Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:
“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”
Article 30 is of a great significance. It constituted a declaration of existing international law and the standard practice of states. This was despite the absence of a definite international law rule of state succession under which the nationals of predecessor state could ipso facto acquire the nationality of the successor.

Henceforth, Palestinian nationality was first founded, according to international law, on 6 August 1924. And “treaty nationality in Palestine runs from that date.”139 The Treaty of Lausanne had transformed the de facto status of Palestinian nationality into de jure existence from the angle of international law.

The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:
“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”
I don't really see a difference in the US foreign policy - in regard to Democrats or Republicans since 1899.
Both clearly stand for US imperialism and US global hegemony
Then name one single territory or country the US has annexed.

Or buy a dictionary and quiet down.
Nationality constitutes a legal bond that connects individuals with a specific territory, making them citizens of that territory. It is therefore imperative to examine the boundaries of Palestine in order to define the piece of land on which Palestinian nationality was established.

In a broader international context, the “nationality law… showed that the Palestinians formed a nation, and that Palestine was a State, though provisionally under guardianship.”90 The inclusion of Palestinian nationality in the text of the Palestine Mandate was the first step towards an international recognition of the Palestinian people as distinct from the Ottoman people and other peoples. Palestinian nationality, like any other nationality, constitutes the formula by which a certain group of individuals are being legally connected and enabled to form the people element of the state.91

The status of Palestine and the nationality of its inhabitants were finally settled by the Treaty of Lausanne from the perspective of public international law. In a report submitted to the League of Nations, the British government pointed out: “The ratification of the Treaty of Lausanne in Aug., 1924, finally regularised the international status of Palestine.”123 And, thereafter, “Palestine could, at last, obtain a separate nationality.”124

Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

Article 30 is of a great significance. It constituted a declaration of existing international law and the standard practice of states. This was despite the absence of a definite international law rule of state succession under which the nationals of predecessor state could ipso facto acquire the nationality of the successor.

Henceforth, Palestinian nationality was first founded, according to international law, on 6 August 1924. And “treaty nationality in Palestine runs from that date.”139 The Treaty of Lausanne had transformed the de facto status of Palestinian nationality into de jure existence from the angle of international law.

The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

Palestine was given it's name by Romans it is Judea
Can't make reparations to people who don't exist.

Things that happened hundreds of years ago can't be fixed. Something that is happening RIGHT NOW can be.

I can't undo witch burnings, but if some religious nut wants to burn a witch, we can stop that from happening, too.

But I'm willing to compromise. Instead of sending the European Squatters back to Europe (where they'll just piss off the Europeans again), we should let them move here. Let them have Florida as the Jewish State. It has a much nicer climate, and half their relatives are already there.

I'm pretty sure Ron DeStatan won't start the FLO (Florida Liberation Organization).
This has been covered ad nausea Palestinians do not exist
As a godless lib its impossible for you to understand that God chose Israel for the Jewish homeland

And thats where they will stay

You are right... I find it hard to believe God cares about the Jews but still let the Holocaust happen.


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