Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

It doesn't change the fact that you cannot hold onto land seized in a war! The world community, years ago, would not let Nazi Germany annex Poland and it will not allow Israel do the same now.
Thanks for your STUPIDITY . The World would not let Nazi Germany annex Poland because Germany was the INSTIGATOR. ; You MORON Talk about “ International Law?” Please tell us what the UN is doing about the land Russia had PREVIOUSLY seized from Ukraine? Can you Honestly see Mainland China invading Taiwan, giving it back because it’s against “ International Law “ ASSHOLE ???
Gaza is not occupied by Israel
Yes it is. If Gaza wasn't occupied, then Gazans would be able to leave the area. They would be able to travel abroad to receive medical treatment or attend major universities. Can they do these things? Fuck no!

So yes, they are still occupied you fucking Israeli troll!
Originally posted by Lisa558
I believe it was Golda Meir who said ”There will be peace in Israel when the Arabs love their children more than they hate Jews.”

I read Benny Morris' book, "Israel's Border Wars", in 1999 and I finally understood the causes of the palestinian armed struggle.

Soon after came 9/11.

In 2004, when 99,99% of my fellow posters didn't even imagine there was a chat site called US Message Board, there was a jewish american lady, just like you Lisa, named Sweet Caroline, who often repeated Golda's line and I eventually had an inspiration and typed this message:


Peace will come when the arabs love their children more than they hate us.

Golda Meir

Peace will come when America love her skyscrappers and the
americans inside them more than she loves jewish racism in Palestine.

Going back to Europe where they came from.

That would be the proper response.
There was no reason for them to do that, they had a newly formed nation for them right there. Oh, wait, did you think they just went in and kicked everybody out all on their own?
I think this statement by a member of the PLO’s Executive Council, made during an interview with the Dutch newspaper “Trouw” is about the most authoritative statement available:

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.

“For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.” – Interview with Zuheir Muhsin, a member of the PLO Executive Council, published in the March 31, 1977 edition of the Dutch Newspaper “Trouw”.

In addition, Yasser Arafat’s official biography credits him with saying “If there is any such thing as a ‘Palestinian people’, it is I, Yasser Arafat, who created them!”

Who are we to contradict people who should actually know?
You fuckers cry like whiney little 2 year olds, "whaaa, they won't recognize our right to exist!" Meanwhile, you won't recognize that same right for the Palestinians.

What I personally hate more than anything on this planet, are hypocrites. And you fuckers, are big-time hypocrites!
Hey, the reality is, Israel is a Colonial State in a time when Colonialism is no longer fashionable.
With the blessing of the Western World that created it for them. If they are colonial, what country are they a colony of?
You fuckers cry like whiney little 2 year olds, "whaaa, they won't recognize our right to exist!" Meanwhile, you won't recognize that same right for the Palestinians.

What I personally hate more than anything on this planet, are hypocrites. And you fuckers, are big-time hypocrites!
Israel is happy for them to exist, not so much the indiscriminate killing of Israelis, however.


Israeli desire - We live here, you live there, you leave us alone, we prosper.
Palestinian desire - Kill all Jews! Drive them into the sea! Destroy, destroy, destroy!

Who is going to be willing to negotiate and who is going to take every concession as an opportunity to kill more Jews?
Um, aren't you the one who is absolutely freaked out that some people are immigrating across the Southern border?

Now, imagine if those people were armed, drove you out of your home, and routinely bombed you for shits and grins.

Well, no, not really. Most of the Jews were expelled from Palestine in the second century because the Romans got tired of dealing with their nonsense. The Byzantines inherited the land from the Romans, and the Muslims kick the Byzantines out, but most of the local people were happy to see them go and converted to Islam.

You are the one who leaves big chunks out. The reality is, most of the European Jews had no interest in going to Palestine even after Zionism became a movement. At least not until after WWII.

Seems the Jews wear out their welcome no matter where they go. Palestine, Germany, Russia, Spain. They should probably work on that.
Then they should stay in their own land, Israel. Stop projecting, it is the Palestinians that wear out their welcome. Israel needs to cleanse their country of the vermin.
Why did HAMAS have to shoot up that music festival?

Act like a rabid dog, get treated like one.
They didn't. That is a war crime!

That's my personal philosophy. You get what you give. Unfortunately for Israel, as the occupying power, they are obligated to ensure the safety of the occupied.
Israel isnt occupying Gaza. In fact, they pulled out ever last jew almost 20 years ago. The Palestinians were allowed to hold their own elections and they elected a terrorist group, now here we are.
The Likud Party is a terrorist group that has committed more acts of terrorism than Hamad has. And no, they did not end the occupation, they merely moved their troops back to the border.
We are seeing a lot of criticism of what Israel did do and is doing. But what should they have done and what should they do? The Squad has no answer, what about you?

Please explain how your answer would prevent such attacks in the future?

The most powerful Jewish lobby in America is often considered to be the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). AIPAC is a non-profit organization that advocates for pro-Israel policies and works to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship. It has a significant influence on U.S. foreign policy, particularly in relation to Israel.

AIPAC's Influence and Power:
AIPAC's influence and power stem from several factors:

1. Membership and Support: AIPAC boasts a large and active membership base, with more than 3 million members. It includes both Jewish and non-Jewish individuals who support its mission. AIPAC's broad support base allows it to mobilize resources and exert influence on policymakers.

2. Political Engagement: AIPAC is known for its strong political engagement and lobbying efforts. It actively works to build relationships with members of Congress and other policymakers, organizing events, conferences, and meetings to promote its agenda. AIPAC's political influence is further strengthened by its ability to provide campaign contributions to candidates who support its policies.

3. Bipartisan Approach: AIPAC has successfully maintained a bipartisan approach, working with both Democrats and Republicans. This broad-based support allows AIPAC to navigate the political landscape effectively and build alliances across party lines. AIPAC's ability to garner support from both major political parties enhances its influence and power.

4. Financial Resources: AIPAC is well-funded and has significant financial resources at its disposal. It receives donations from individuals, corporations, and other organizations that support its mission. These financial resources enable AIPAC to conduct extensive lobbying efforts, run educational programs, and support candidates who align with its goals.

5. Strategic Alliances: AIPAC has forged strategic alliances with other organizations and interest groups that share its pro-Israel stance. These alliances allow AIPAC to amplify its influence and broaden its reach within the U.S. political system.

While AIPAC is often referred to as the most powerful Jewish lobby in America, there are other Jewish organizations and interest groups that also advocate for pro-Israel policies and have significant influence in shaping U.S. foreign policy. The influence and power of any lobby group can vary over time and may be subject to different perspectives and interpretations.

Yes, that is one reason why Jews will probably win the war and finally own the Gaza Strip. And the attacks against each other will keep occurring. No one in the multiverse can stop the conflicts! 😑

1. Pro-Israel lobbying group Aipac secretly pouring millions into defeating progressive Democrats

2. Allegation: The United States Government Supports Israel Because of the Powerful “Jewish Lobby.” 

3. Israel lobby in the United States - Wikipedia
Every square inch of land on Earth was siezed by war.
Which has been outlawed since the end of WWII. The UN, it's Charter and IHL, we're specifically created to prevent another Holocaust. So, supporting Israel's occupation of Palestinian land, is like taking one big shit on the memories and lives of all those Jews who died in the Holocaust and made those lives now died in vane!
They control what goes in and out because Palestinians have a long history of bringing in weapons to attack Israeli citizens with, right? You arent so far gone that you cant admit basic facts, are you? They do have a long history of importing rockets and other weapons that are used against Israeli civilians, right?
I don't disagree with that. And I do realize, that although Hamas has a right to resist the occupation militarily, some of the tactics they are using, are war crimes and they should be held accountable for that.
Wait, what's the "Lesson to Gaza"? Hasn't Western propaganda been rubbing it in our faces for a year and a half that "to make peace" we need to supply the weaker side with "as many weapons as possible"?
When were the first deliveries of Javelins to the Palestinians?
Thanks for your STUPIDITY . The World would not let Nazi Germany annex Poland because Germany was the INSTIGATOR. ; You MORON Talk about “ International Law?” Please tell us what the UN is doing about the land Russia had PREVIOUSLY seized from Ukraine? Can you Honestly see Mainland China invading Taiwan, giving it back because it’s against “ International Law “ ASSHOLE ???
You cannot acquire land by force. Thas was outlawed at the end of WWII. That is true for Russia, China and fucking Israel, who started this conflict!
Israel is happy for them to exist, not so much the indiscriminate killing of Israelis, however.


Israeli desire - We live here, you live there, you leave us alone, we prosper.
Palestinian desire - Kill all Jews! Drive them into the sea! Destroy, destroy, destroy!

Who is going to be willing to negotiate and who is going to take every concession as an opportunity to kill more Jews?
Why do you keep telling that fucked up lie? All the Pals want is freedom! And Usrael will not give them that! The Pals have an inalienable right to self determination. Denying them that same right is like gassing Jews at Treblinca.
You cannot acquire land by force. Thas was outlawed at the end of WWII. That is true for Russia, China and fucking Israel, who started this conflict!
It wasn’t by Force; MORON The Arabs INITIATED the War . Why don’t you go to Russia 🇷🇺 and tell them they have to leave the parts of Ukraine they OCCUPY?!
It doesn't change the fact that you cannot hold onto land seized in a war! The world community, years ago, would not let Nazi Germany annex Poland and it will not allow Israel do the same now.
It doesn't change the fact that you cannot hold onto land seized in a war!"

Actually, it does. Jordan, which had illegally annexed Judea and Samaria in 1948, opened fire on Israel from Jerusalem while Israel was battling the Egyptians and Syrians, and when the IDF entered Jerusalem to stop the artillery fire, the Jordanian army almost immediately fled across the river, abandoning Judea and Samaria to the IDF. Since Jordan was the aggressor, Israel was under no obligation to return it to Jordan, which, in any case had illegally annexed it in 1948; but Israel offered to in exchange for peace, but Jordan initially refused.

Syria had for years been lobbying mortar shells on the Israelis farms beneath the Golan Heights, and as a member of the Arab League, which had threatened in 1948 genocide against the Jews if they declared Israel's statehood, was committed to the destruction of Israel, and as the Soviets continued to build up the Syrian military, the perception was an attack was imminent and Israel had a legal right to strike first, so Israel was under no legal obligation to return the Golan to Syria, nevertheless it did offered to return the Golan to Syria in exchange for peace and every Israeli since has made the same offer, but Syria has continuously refused.

In Egypt, Nasser was a pan Arab nationalist committed to the destruction of Israel who kicked UN observers out of Egypt and built up a large military presence on its border with Israel while making fiery speeches against Israel and the perception in Israel and the US was that an Egyptian attack on Israel was imminent, Israel struck first. After the war, Israel offered to return the land it had captured from Egypt in return for peace, but Egypt initially refused.

Until the Arab nations were ready to accept peace with Israel, Israel was under no legal obligation to return any of the land it had captured.

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