Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

It doesn't change the fact that you cannot hold onto land seized in a war!"

Actually, it does. Jordan, which had illegally annexed Judea and Samaria in 1948, opened fire on Israel from Jerusalem while Israel was battling the Egyptians and Syrians, and when the IDF entered Jerusalem to stop the artillery fire, the Jordanian army almost immediately fled across the river, abandoning Judea and Samaria to the IDF. Since Jordan was the aggressor, Israel was under no obligation to return it to Jordan, which, in any case had illegally annexed it in 1948; but Israel offered to in exchange for peace, but Jordan initially refused.

Syria had for years been lobbying mortar shells on the Israelis farms beneath the Golan Heights, and as a member of the Arab League, which had threatened in 1948 genocide against the Jews if they declared Israel's statehood, was committed to the destruction of Israel, and as the Soviets continued to build up the Syrian military, the perception was an attack was imminent and Israel had a legal right to strike first, so Israel was under no legal obligation to return the Golan to Syria, nevertheless it did offered to return the Golan to Syria in exchange for peace and every Israeli since has made the same offer, but Syria has continuously refused.

In Egypt, Nasser was a pan Arab nationalist committed to the destruction of Israel who kicked UN observers out of Egypt and built up a large military presence on its border with Israel while making fiery speeches against Israel and the perception in Israel and the US was that an Egyptian attack on Israel was imminent, Israel struck first. After the war, Israel offered to return the land it had captured from Egypt in return for peace, but Egypt initially refused.

Until the Arab nations were ready to accept peace with Israel, Israel was under no legal obligation to return any of the land it had captured.
They would be able to travel abroad to receive medical treatment or attend major universities. Can they do these things? Fuck no!
Because the two countries that border them closed their borders. If Gazans want to blame someone, they should.blame their own leadership for being a Muslim death cult.
I don't disagree with that. And I do realize, that although Hamas has a right to resist the occupation militarily, some of the tactics they are using, are war crimes and they should be held accountable for that.
What are they resisting, other than being mad that they cant bring in more weapons to kill jews with? They have their nation, Israel pulled out all the jews. What the fuck more did they want that required raping and murdering innocent people?
What are they resisting, other than being mad that they cant bring in more weapons to kill jews with? They have their nation, Israel pulled out all the jews. What the fuck more did they want that required raping and murdering innocent people?
Because that was not about resistance. It was about slaughter.

If anything, the video of Shani Louk, "the girl on the pick-up truck" who had her legs broken, was spat on and probably sexually abused too, is a guarantee of that.

Old women were shot in the head. Houses burned and complete villages destroyed.

Those who brush that off or think this was justified are psychopaths.
Why do you keep telling that fucked up lie? All the Pals want is freedom! And Usrael will not give them that! The Pals have an inalienable right to self determination. Denying them that same right is like gassing Jews at Treblinca.
Hyperbole much? You know, if every time Israel gave up some land peace would actually break out, you wouldn't be seeing this. Instead, every single time Israel pulled back, the miscreants would rush into their new territory and start attacking Israel again. It all comes down to their core desires.

Israel - You live over there and leave us alone, we live over here and prosper.
Palestinians - Kill all Jews! Push them into the sea! Kill! Kill!

If they really wanted freedom, they could have had it anytime along the way. They don't want freedom, they want dead Israeli's.
It doesn't change the fact that you cannot hold onto land seized in a war! The world community, years ago, would not let Nazi Germany annex Poland and it will not allow Israel do the same now.
You can as long as no one has the power and the will to stop you. Look at what Putin is doing in Ukraine right now for Pete's sake. Do you think for a moment he's going to say at one point, "There, all done, we won, now let's pull back because internet keyboard jockeys say we can't keep it"? Seizing and keeping land is one major reason for war.
So wait Israel bares the burden, for living in their homeland, while the squatters try to kill them, you are the biggest douche bag on the planet why don't you go fight with humus! Israel will take care of this and make an example of it.

While I'm sure the Zionists will exhaust much of the good will they have right now by bombing women and children, they will still have the same problem.

They are on someone else's land. The people who rightfully own that land want it back.

Because scumbags like you hide in them, and hide ammunition in them, so they can then say look how bad Israel is. Your defense of that scumbag terror organization is appalling, you would have made a good nazi oh wait you do make a good nazi!

The Zionists aren't sure which buildings have the ammo in them. If they were, they'd have seen this attack coming.

You apparently haven't read the news lately. There is a Muslim death cult in Gaza slaughtering Israei children. Go check.
I did.

Didn't see a death cult. What I saw was an organization fighting back against occupiers.
You can as long as no one has the power and the will to stop you. Look at what Putin is doing in Ukraine right now for Pete's sake. Do you think for a moment he's going to say at one point, "There, all done, we won, now let's pull back because internet keyboard jockeys say we can't keep it"? Seizing and keeping land is one major reason for war.
I mentioned this before and of course there is no response
Hyperbole much? You know, if every time Israel gave up some land peace would actually break out, you wouldn't be seeing this. Instead, every single time Israel pulled back, the miscreants would rush into their new territory and start attacking Israel again. It all comes down to their core desires.

Israel - You live over there and leave us alone, we live over here and prosper.
Palestinians - Kill all Jews! Push them into the sea! Kill! Kill!

If they really wanted freedom, they could have had it anytime along the way. They don't want freedom, they want dead Israeli's.
Olmert gave them almost everything they wanted
Thanks for your STUPIDITY . The World would not let Nazi Germany annex Poland because Germany was the INSTIGATOR. ; You MORON Talk about “ International Law?” Please tell us what the UN is doing about the land Russia had PREVIOUSLY seized from Ukraine? Can you Honestly see Mainland China invading Taiwan, giving it back because it’s against “ International Law “ ASSHOLE ???

You are a bit confused. The world didn't stop Germany from annexing Poland. The British and French wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check instead of encouraging them to reach an agreement with Hitler on the Danzig Corridor (which was ethnically German)

As for Taiwan, no international law actually covers that. Internationally, Taiwan is a province of China. LEGALLY, China can invade it at any time.

You are one ignorant idiot. Israel is their home given to them by God. Time to cleanse it.
Um, so why did God let the Holocaust happen?
Then they should stay in their own land, Israel. Stop projecting, it is the Palestinians that wear out their welcome. Israel needs to cleanse their country of the vermin.
You are a bit confused. The reason why the Zionists were given Palestine was because their neighbors in Europe turned on them.
You cannot acquire land by force. Thas was outlawed at the end of WWII. That is true for Russia, China and fucking Israel, who started this conflict!
That is from the Geneva Convention, but it only applies to the aggressor and it only applies to signatories of the Conventions. In 1948, Egypt acquired Gaza by force and Jordan acquired Judea and Samaria by by force. Only the UK and Pakistan recognized Jordan's right to Judea and Samaria, and no one recognized Egypt's right to Gaza. In fact, when Egypt made peace with Israel, Egypt made no claim to Gaza and when Jordan made peace with Israel, it made to only a short stretch of land along the Jordan River. The Palestinians were barely a footnote to these events.
Yes it is. If Gaza wasn't occupied, then Gazans would be able to leave the area. They would be able to travel abroad to receive medical treatment or attend major universities. Can they do these things? Fuck no!

So yes, they are still occupied you fucking Israeli troll!
You lie using half truths

Or it it simple lib ignorance?

Sometimes I wonder

The Arabs in Gaza are not free to travel to Israel, but otherwise they can go anywhere on earth that will have them

You are a bit confused. The world didn't stop Germany from annexing Poland. The British and French wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check instead of encouraging them to reach an agreement with Hitler on the Danzig Corridor (which was ethnically German)

As for Taiwan, no international law actually covers that. Internationally, Taiwan is a province of China. LEGALLY, China can invade it at any time.

Um, so why did God let the Holocaust happen?

You are a bit confused. The reason why the Zionists were given Palestine was because their neighbors in Europe turned on them.
Think you missed the point The prior poster claimed that Germany couldn’t annex Poland according to “ International Law” Re; Taiwan; say it wasn’t legally a part of China and they went in? Can you Honestly see the “ International Community “ in an uproar any more then they are RE; Russia and Ukraine?
Didn't see a death cult. What I saw was an organization fighting back against occupiers.
Yeah, the gaza cheerleaders always stop short of saying what they actually did. And we all know why.

But in reality, it's a death cult. The more gazans who die, the better, As far as the death cult is concerned. That's why they want israel to invade.
Israel is happy for them to exist, not so much the indiscriminate killing of Israelis, however.


Israeli desire - We live here, you live there, you leave us alone, we prosper.
Palestinian desire - Kill all Jews! Drive them into the sea! Destroy, destroy, destroy!

Who is going to be willing to negotiate and who is going to take every concession as an opportunity to kill more Jews?
Why do you keep telling this lie? The Palestinian's are willing to accept a two-state solution, whereas the Israeli's are hell bent on genocide of the Palestinian people.

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