Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

The first public investigations have begun to appear - why the army in the Gaza area was caught with its pants down, figuratively speaking.
And let me tell you right away, these investigations look incomparably more plausible than any conspiracy with genius planners of the operation, Palestinian hackers and other nonsense.
First, a little about the notorious surveillance system.
All the sector sensors and cameras are tied into a data feed to an operational observation point, where their signals are monitored by conscripted observers.
This is what it looked like a few months ago from the words of an inspector officer.
The operations room is a reinforced concrete bunker with no external security.
The front door is unlocked - the lock is broken, there is no one to fix it, and no one bothers to do anything about it.
You want an inspector to come in, you want an armed terrorist to come in.
Observers are conscripts, 18-year-old girls, no senior officer. The subordinates don't know where he is.
They all have smartphones and no one counted how much they look at the camera screens and how much they stare at the smartphone.
There's no oversight, there's no drill.
Similar "system" on military bases.
As the inspector put it, they work in kindergarten mode.
Two days off a week, weekends/vacations for all holidays (in Israel on Rosh Hashanah or Sukkot, which just passed, it's a full week).
Active duty military personnel fly overseas on vacations all over the place.
Drill drills?
Never heard of such a thing. And so on and so forth.
Under such circumstances, no Napoleons and Moltke Sr. are needed for a successful attack.
Israel/Palestine is the most unholy land in the world.

From my limited knowledge of history:

Nomadic Jews slaughtered the people of Jericho and settled there.
The first Jewish Kingdom, under David, slaughtered almost all their neighbors.
The Babylonians invaded.
The Egyptians invaded.
The Syrians invaded.
The Greeks Invaded.
The Romans invaded.
The Muslims invaded.
The Crusaders invaded...over and over again.
The Ottomans invaded.
The British invaded
The European Jews invaded.
The Palestinians keep trying to invade.

I'm sure that there are at least a dozen Muslim vs. Muslim invasions that I don't know about.

The 'Palestinians' are a mashup of all of the above groups.

Wars & Slaughter are all that ever takes place there.

It's hard to believe that ANYONE wants to live there.
You are a bit confused. The world didn't stop Germany from annexing Poland. The British and French wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check instead of encouraging them to reach an agreement with Hitler on the Danzig Corridor (which was ethnically German)

As for Taiwan, no international law actually covers that. Internationally, Taiwan is a province of China. LEGALLY, China can invade it at any time.

Um, so why did God let the Holocaust happen?

You are a bit confused. The reason why the Zionists were given Palestine was because their neighbors in Europe turned on them.
You are the one that is confused. The Jews coming from Europe were just reclaiming a portion of what God gave them, that is recent history. If they had everything God gave them more than just Palestinians would be mad.
Quite the contrary. Jehovah only exists in the heads of his followers. People used to believe in Zeus and Odin, but no one believes in them anymore, so they stopped existing.

Which is kind of too bad, Odin is a MUCH cooler God than Jehovah!

Works on the assumption the squatters from Central Europe are related to people who lived in Judea 2000 years ago. I can't trace my family back 2000 years. The best I can do is the mid-18th century. And that assumes everyone was fucking the people they were married to.

Uh, the Barbarian is the guy who fights over a strip of desert because an Imaginary Sky Pixie told him to.

If the Zionist Squatters stayed in Europe where they belonged, the Palestinians wouldn't be firing rockets at them. Use your head, DogStyle.

You reap what you sow.

You know, I'm 61 years old. I encounter people of all races and religions. Most people like me, a few don't, but no one is actively trying to kill me. Why? Because I don't do anything to them where they'd have a reason to want to.
If you lived in Israel...those Hamas terrorists would shoot you on sight, Joey and they wouldn't CARE if you hadn't done anything to them! Do you think those babies did something to those animals that killed them? Get your head out of your nether regions!
If you lived in Israel...those Hamas terrorists would shoot you on sight,

That's why I don't live in Israel, Stupid.

and they wouldn't CARE if you hadn't done anything to them!

But the Zionists DID do something to them, Stupid. They took their land, descecrated their holy sites, bombed their schools and hospital, forced millions of them to live in dirty refugee camps.

Do you think those babies did something to those animals that killed them?

Oh, yeah, the mythical beheaded babies the Zionists won't show us pictures of, but trust us, they are there, Stupid. .

Get your head out of your nether regions!

Get your head out of yours, Stupid. What goes on in Palestine ISN'T OUR PROBLEM. If the Jews choose to live there, and the Palestinians kill them, THEY ASSUMED THE RISK.
You are the one that is confused. The Jews coming from Europe were just reclaiming a portion of what God gave them, that is recent history. If they had everything God gave them more than just Palestinians would be mad.

Except God didn't give them anything, he was too busy "Not existing".

The Muslims sincerely believe Allah gave THEM the Holy Land. Christians used to belive that as well, but they got that out of their system with the Crusades.

Maybe- here's a crazy idea - we stop trying to placate imaginary sky pixies.
Originally posted by Kruska
But it doesn't change the fact that the PLO/Fatah and several other Arab States have acknowledged the right of an Israel State to exist.
Hamas & Co. did NOT.

Remove all the structure of the israeli state from the West Bank including the IDF and you're gonna see how real the palestinian "recognition" of Israel really is.

You would then find out how sincere this handshake really was:


Originally posted by Kruska
An neither did previous and e.g. the present Israeli government acknowledge/acquit the right of a Palestinian State to exist onto the 1947 defined boundaries.

Another typical trait of ethnocratic states, Kruska.

Racial dictatorships like Nazi Germany, 19th century America and Israel have ideological structures upon which they justify their continuous expansionism and dispossession of the native population, whose end result, after decades or centuries of expansion, is the confinement of the natives in small, barren, impoverished enclaves like the Bantu Homelands in SA and the reservations in America.

In America the doctrine was called Manifest Destiny, the idea that America was a work in progress that would culminate when american civilization reached the Pacific Ocean.

In Israel, it's the idea that the jewish homeland will only be complete when the entire british Mandate for Palestine is thoroughly Judaized.

As you can see, Kruska... absolutely nothing in the Israeli Palestinian conflict makes sense when you exclude the ethnocratic paradigm:

1 -The eternal absence of a Palestinian state... when all palestinian politicians claim to want one... and claim to be building one. The eternal future state that everybody "wants" but never comes.

2 - Israel and its insatiable appetite for land... A supposedly "normal" country that just can't behave like other normal countries like 21th century America, Canada and France that are satisfied with their own territories.

Nothing in Palestine makes sense when you treat Israel as any kind of state other than the racial dictatorship it really is.

Nothing in Palestine makes sense when you stubbornly insist on treating the West Bank and Gaza as "normal" regions or territories that have the potential to become a real, legitimate country in the future and not as the racial corrals they really are, imposed on the native population by brute force.

But the moment you introduce the ethnocratic paradigm in your analysis of Israel, the WB and Gaza, everything, magically, starts making sense.
That's why I don't live in Israel, Stupid.

But the Zionists DID do something to them, Stupid. They took their land, descecrated their holy sites, bombed their schools and hospital, forced millions of them to live in dirty refugee camps.

Oh, yeah, the mythical beheaded babies the Zionists won't show us pictures of, but trust us, they are there, Stupid. .

Get your head out of yours, Stupid. What goes on in Palestine ISN'T OUR PROBLEM. If the Jews choose to live there, and the Palestinians kill them, THEY ASSUMED THE RISK.
Israel is Israel...not Palestine. The Palestinians were given Gaza and they've turned it into a shithole because they spend their money on rockets to bomb Israel rather than on improving the land they live in. The Palestinians deserve what's about to happen to them BECAUSE they support a terrorist government! They knew what Hamas was all about and they voted them into control of Gaza. Now they'll pay the price. By the time this conflict is over Gaza is going to look like the surface of the moon. And for what?
Remove all the structure of the israeli state from the West Bank including the IDF and you're gonna see how real the palestinian "recognition" of Israel really is.

You would then find out how sincere this handshake really was:


Another typical trait of ethnocratic states, Kruska.

Racial dictatorships like Nazi Germany, 19th century America and Israel have ideological structures upon which they justify their continuous expansionism and dispossession of the native population, whose end result, after decades or centuries of expansion, is the confinement of the natives in small, barren, impoverished enclaves like the Bantu Homelands in SA and the reservations in America.

In America the doctrine was called Manifest Destiny, the idea that America was a work in progress that would culminate when american civilization reached the Pacific Ocean.

In Israel, it's the idea that the jewish homeland will only be complete when the entire british Mandate for Palestine is thoroughly Judaized.

As you can see, Kruska... absolutely nothing in the Israeli Palestinian conflict makes sense when you exclude the ethnocratic paradigm:

1 -The eternal absence of a Palestinian state... when all palestinian politicians claim to want one... and claim to be building one. The eternal future state that everybody "wants" but never comes.

2 - Israel and its insatiable appetite for land... A supposedly "normal" country that just can't behave like other normal countries like 21th century America, Canada and France that are satisfied with their own territories.

Nothing in Palestine makes sense when you treat Israel as any kind of state other than the racial dictatorship it really is.

Nothing in Palestine makes sense when you stubbornly insist on treating the West Bank and Gaza as "normal" regions or territories that have the potential to become a real, legitimate country in the future and not as the racial corrals they really are, imposed on the native population by brute force.

But the moment you introduce the ethnocratic paradigm in your analysis of Israel, the WB and Gaza, everything, magically, starts making sense.
So what you're basically saying is that you support the elimination of Israel? That's your "solution" to the problem, Jose?

You speak about the "insatiable appetite" for land that Israel has? Would Israel have grown in size if it's neighbors hadn't attacked it repeatedly since it's inception? The borders of Israel have changed over the years because of it's Arab neighbors attacking it without warning attempting to wipe it out....but instead being badly beaten. Israel has never started those conflicts but they have always ended them on top.
So what you're basically saying is that you support the elimination of Israel? That's your "solution" to the problem, Jose?

You speak about the "insatiable appetite" for land that Israel has? Would Israel have grown in size if it's neighbors hadn't attacked it repeatedly since it's inception? The borders of Israel have changed over the years because of it's Arab neighbors attacking it without warning attempting to wipe it out....but instead being badly beaten. Israel has never started those conflicts but they have always ended them on top.
And they have to end up on top every time, because the first time they fail they get wiped out.
Israel is Israel...not Palestine.
Nope, it's Palestine. The day the Zionist Entity is eliminated, the world will rejoice how it rejoiced at the end of apartheid South Africa.
The Palestinians were given Gaza and they've turned it into a shithole because they spend their money on rockets to bomb Israel rather than on improving the land they live in.

They were given a small strip of land where 2.3 million people are crowded into 149 Square Miles. (By comparison, the city of Chicago is 231 Square miles).

You know, what is this Jewish thing where they cheat you and then act like they are doing you a favor.

The Palestinians deserve what's about to happen to them BECAUSE they support a terrorist government!

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

They knew what Hamas was all about and they voted them into control of Gaza. Now they'll pay the price. By the time this conflict is over Gaza is going to look like the surface of the moon. And for what?
To make the Zionist Entity look like the pariah it is, to start with. Israel has a lot of sympathy now. They'll have a lot less sympathy after they drag enough dead kids out of the rubble of apartment buildings.
Nope, it's Palestine. The day the Zionist Entity is eliminated, the world will rejoice how it rejoiced at the end of apartheid South Africa.

They were given a small strip of land where 2.3 million people are crowded into 149 Square Miles. (By comparison, the city of Chicago is 231 Square miles).

You know, what is this Jewish thing where they cheat you and then act like they are doing you a favor.

Typical GOYIM Mentally

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