Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

Arabs had no chance of winning that war.

But you're right, the UN is not doing enough for Ukraine and Germany was the aggressor and what they did was illegal. In fact, the UN was created specifically for preventing another Holocaust. So by supporting this brutal occupation of Palestinian land, you are shitting on the memory of all those Holocaust victims and making their deaths now to be in vain.
No I don't agree in a context or comparison to Israel and the Palestinian-Arab problem.

Independent of the despicable Nazi racial dogma - Hitler simply played the "our lost territory card" after WW1. Therefore around 50% of Poland was former German/Prussian/Austrian territory and the remaining 50%, former Russian Czarist territory (held for around 150 years by the latter four).
As such you can blame Hitler only for disrespecting the Treaty of Versailles in regards to Poland.

Upon Hitler attacking Poland, it was France and Britain that declared war onto Germany - and as such factually setting the stage for WW2.
Which in turn equals the Arab-Leagues attack onto Israel in 1973 aka Yom-Kippur, that could have developed into a nuclear war.

Hence if the Palestinians disrespect the 1967 accords/treaties between Israel and the Arab-League - it's equivalent to Hitler having disrespected the Versailles Treaty. (it was the Arab-League) that finally sold out the Palestinian-Arabs to Israel in order to obtain a peace with Israel in 1967 (Temporarily ceding the West-Bank to Israel.) whilst never having established/supported the creation of a Palestinian State, in the Westbank - that the Hashemite Kingdom Jordan had under control from 1948 - 1967 and had claimed as ITS territory till 1988.
Therefore the Palestinian aka PLO revolt or uprising against Jordan in 1970 (creating Black September aka the PFLP under Habash), thus resulting in Jordan kicking out around 1.5 million Palestinians, with Arafat and the PLO settling/migrating into Lebanon. Whilst the Westbank, held/occupied by Israel, inhabited by around 2 million Palestinian-Arabs was peaceful.

With the PLO now encamped in Lebanon the only threat to Israel from the PLO came from the Lebanon border. Israel is now to blame for not returning the West-Bank to the Palestinian-Arabs after the Yom-Kippur war. But started to systematically peruse a Jewish settlement policy in the West-bank. And together with the support of Reagan to attack Lebanon in 1982, aka to destroy the PLO in Lebanon, without giving any indications to where those 2 million Palestinian-Arab refugees in Lebanon were supposed to go or live. Today they are in majority controlled by Hezbollah.
2 - Israel and its insatiable appetite for land... A supposedly "normal" country that just can't behave like other normal countries like 21th century America, Canada and France that are satisfied with their own territories.

Nothing in Palestine makes sense when you treat Israel as any kind of state other than the racial dictatorship it really is.
We won't agree on this one - one can't just blame Israel or the Zionist council of 1947, solely for this.
That the radical Zionist policy was clearly, and still is the total occupation and control of Palestine under a Jewish government is evident.
That the Arab-League basically since 1947 until today; does not agree towards a State of Israel is also clear.

Therefore that is a nation to nation/s issue. Where "handshakes" actually account for something.

The however factual problem between Palestinian-Arabs and Jews is that aside from the obvious Israeli hardliners - the Arabs aka Bedouin Arabs also were never interested in the creation of a Palestinian-Arab state either. The Kingdom of Jordan could easily have created a Palestinian-Arab state in their controlled West-Bank from 1948 till 1967 (20 years).

Therefore the Palestinian-Arabs are a "played for fools" people since 1948 till today - as such how could someone expect a "honest" handshake? from anyone?
Gaza, West Bank, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem. The international community considers these "occupied territories". Israel has no sovereign title to this land.
This is all opinion of course. Every country has land they took by on way or another.
That is what wars are about.

If the Palestinians can't muster the means to take possession of what they think belongs to them by any means other than world-wide protests and acts of murder or genocide, then they're terrorists.

The Palestinians don't actually exist. They are Arab Israelis that have decided that they cannot live in a country with Jews and Christians in it. That's their problem, not anyone else's. They were given a place to live in Gaza and it wasn't enough. They want to murder every Jew in Israel.

Only Democrats support murderers and terrorists.
Except God didn't give them anything, he was too busy "Not existing".

The Muslims sincerely believe Allah gave THEM the Holy Land. Christians used to belive that as well, but they got that out of their system with the Crusades.

Maybe- here's a crazy idea - we stop trying to placate imaginary sky pixies.
Satan can't give anyone anything. The one true God is not imaginary, you just don't believe. Good luck.
Nope, it's Palestine. The day the Zionist Entity is eliminated, the world will rejoice how it rejoiced at the end of apartheid South Africa.

They were given a small strip of land where 2.3 million people are crowded into 149 Square Miles. (By comparison, the city of Chicago is 231 Square miles).

You know, what is this Jewish thing where they cheat you and then act like they are doing you a favor.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

To make the Zionist Entity look like the pariah it is, to start with. Israel has a lot of sympathy now. They'll have a lot less sympathy after they drag enough dead kids out of the rubble of apartment buildings.
You are full of shit.
Nope, it's Palestine. The day the Zionist Entity is eliminated, the world will rejoice how it rejoiced at the end of apartheid South Africa.
There was no nation in that area when the world gave the Jews their own homeland after thousands of years. Now you want to claim there was?
They were given a small strip of land where 2.3 million people are crowded into 149 Square Miles. (By comparison, the city of Chicago is 231 Square miles).
They had the option to live peacefully with Israel and chose not to do so.
You know, what is this Jewish thing where they cheat you and then act like they are doing you a favor.
Wow, what a bigot.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
And Israel is fighting for survival. Palestinians are fighting to kill Jews.
To make the Zionist Entity look like the pariah it is, to start with. Israel has a lot of sympathy now. They'll have a lot less sympathy after they drag enough dead kids out of the rubble of apartment buildings.
So they're being used for propaganda. Real classy there.
No I don't agree in a context or comparison to Israel and the Palestinian-Arab problem.

Independent of the despicable Nazi racial dogma - Hitler simply played the "our lost territory card" after WW1. Therefore around 50% of Poland was former German/Prussian/Austrian territory and the remaining 50%, former Russian Czarist territory (held for around 150 years by the latter four).
As such you can blame Hitler only for disrespecting the Treaty of Versailles in regards to Poland.

Upon Hitler attacking Poland, it was France and Britain that declared war onto Germany - and as such factually setting the stage for WW2.
Which in turn equals the Arab-Leagues attack onto Israel in 1973 aka Yom-Kippur, that could have developed into a nuclear war.

Hence if the Palestinians disrespect the 1967 accords/treaties between Israel and the Arab-League - it's equivalent to Hitler having disrespected the Versailles Treaty. (it was the Arab-League) that finally sold out the Palestinian-Arabs to Israel in order to obtain a peace with Israel in 1967 (Temporarily ceding the West-Bank to Israel.) whilst never having established/supported the creation of a Palestinian State, in the Westbank - that the Hashemite Kingdom Jordan had under control from 1948 - 1967 and had claimed as ITS territory till 1988.
Therefore the Palestinian aka PLO revolt or uprising against Jordan in 1970 (creating Black September aka the PFLP under Habash), thus resulting in Jordan kicking out around 1.5 million Palestinians, with Arafat and the PLO settling/migrating into Lebanon. Whilst the Westbank, held/occupied by Israel, inhabited by around 2 million Palestinian-Arabs was peaceful.

With the PLO now encamped in Lebanon the only threat to Israel from the PLO came from the Lebanon border. Israel is now to blame for not returning the West-Bank to the Palestinian-Arabs after the Yom-Kippur war. But started to systematically peruse a Jewish settlement policy in the West-bank. And together with the support of Reagan to attack Lebanon in 1982, aka to destroy the PLO in Lebanon, without giving any indications to where those 2 million Palestinian-Arab refugees in Lebanon were supposed to go or live. Today they are in majority controlled by Hezbollah.
You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. Period.
This is all opinion of course. Every country has land they took by on way or another.
That is what wars are about.

If the Palestinians can't muster the means to take possession of what they think belongs to them by any means other than world-wide protests and acts of murder or genocide, then they're terrorists.

The Palestinians don't actually exist. They are Arab Israelis that have decided that they cannot live in a country with Jews and Christians in it. That's their problem, not anyone else's. They were given a place to live in Gaza and it wasn't enough. They want to murder every Jew in Israel.

Only Democrats support murderers and terrorists.
You're just FOS! Period. You spew total bullshit nonsense.

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