Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

You came in attacking them! You started all the violence! From the moment you arrived, your own terrorist group Irgun, drove out 750,000 Arabs at the point of a gun. And Zionist terrorists didn't stop there. To put pressure on the British Government, Zionists launched a campaign of targeted assassinations against British authorities.

You started the fucking war!
Israel's desire - You live over there, we live over here. You leave us alone to thrive.
Arab nations' desire - Kill all the Jews!! Drive them into the sea! Kill, destroy, kill destroy!

Israel wins a war, people live in relative peace.
Arab nations win a war, Israel ceases to exist.

See the difference?
Israel's desire - You live over there, we live over here. You leave us alone to thrive.
Arab nations' desire - Kill all the Jews!! Drive them into the sea! Kill, destroy, kill destroy!

Israel wins a war, people live in relative peace.
Arab nations win a war, Israel ceases to exist.

See the difference?
You can't make a point without lying.
Nice try. Go read UN resolution 242. Conquer by conquest was abolished right after WWII.

So you think it was okay for Germany to annex Poland?
Apparently you and Obama thought it was OK for Russia to annex Crimea in 2014. Irrelevant to Israel defending themselves from rabid attacks.
What was he lying about? Iran, Iraq, Syria, Hamas, and Hezbollah have made no secret that they want to wipe Israel and the Jewish people from the face of the earth. Israel should decimate Gaza.
You wanna wipe out them! So what's the difference? Israel is practicing genocide. No one else is doing that.
I remember us talking the same kind of smack when we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. How'd that work out again?
Israel does not have a phony two-party system in which both parties are actually beholden to military contractors above everyone.
Hasn't been "indian land" for hundreds of years, and the nations who lived here are extinct.
Oh a hundred years? Israel has been in Gaza and West Bank about sixty, so they can easily finish up a hundred. Then they're kewl!
[Here's the rub. in those 23 Muslim states, Muslims are the clear majority.

Jews aren't a majority in Palestine when you combine the 2.3 Million in Gaza, the 3.5 million on the west bank and the 1.5 million living in exile.
Jews are the majority in Israel. Even so they have given the Palestinians several chances to peacefully self govern. They've gone ferral instead every time.
They aren't. No black person wishes for Apartheid to come back.
Maybe not, but African blacks have the lowest average IQ in the world except for Australian aboriginals.

Since the end of white rule, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Exactly what Democrats claim to oppose.
You wanna wipe out them! So what's the difference? Israel is practicing genocide. No one else is doing that.
What would your response be if your neighbor started shooting at you and your guests at a party in your own back yard. Mine would be to burn down the house next door with everyone in it. You're a typical no balls democrat. You must identify as a woman.
Arabs had no chance of winning that war.

But you're right, the UN is not doing enough for Ukraine and Germany was the aggressor and what they did was illegal. In fact, the UN was created specifically for preventing another Holocaust. So by supporting this brutal occupation of Palestinian land, you are shitting on the memory of all those Holocaust victims and making their deaths now to be in vain.
Again; No RESPONSE to ABBAS rejected Olmert’s proposal THiIS time; you can’t say I didn’t give you the reasons why
Now it’s time for YOU to tell us what Abbas demands are and why they were rejected 🙅‍♀️
Again; No RESPONSE to ABBAS rejected Olmert’s proposal THiIS time; you can’t say I didn’t give you the reasons why
Now it’s time for YOU to tell us what Abbas demands are and why they were rejected 🙅‍♀️
I don't give a shit what Abbas said! Israel needs to end the occupation. There is nothing to negotiate.

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