Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

Quite the contrary. Jehovah only exists in the heads of his followers. People used to believe in Zeus and Odin, but no one believes in them anymore, so they stopped existing.

Which is kind of too bad, Odin is a MUCH cooler God than Jehovah!

Works on the assumption the squatters from Central Europe are related to people who lived in Judea 2000 years ago. I can't trace my family back 2000 years. The best I can do is the mid-18th century. And that assumes everyone was fucking the people they were married to.

Uh, the Barbarian is the guy who fights over a strip of desert because an Imaginary Sky Pixie told him to.

If the Zionist Squatters stayed in Europe where they belonged, the Palestinians wouldn't be firing rockets at them. Use your head, DogStyle.

You reap what you sow.

You know, I'm 61 years old. I encounter people of all races and religions. Most people like me, a few don't, but no one is actively trying to kill me. Why? Because I don't do anything to them where they'd have a reason to want to.
The reason nobody is trying to kill you is that there is no nasty religion teaching its children, as part of its religion, to “Kill the Joes”!’ and so driven to exterminate all Joes that they are willing to strap suicide bombs onto the bodies of their kids.
Because ASSHOLE, he rejected Olmert’s proposal that Jerusalem become a INTERNATIONAL CITY FOR EVERYONE. This way, he wouldn’t have control of Jewish Holy Sites and Prevent Jews from visiting, it was proposed that Israel keep the Jewish quarter which was there for centuries, its 0.1 square Kilometers which was rejected and ABBAs Demanded Unconditional “ right of return “ including generations which by now makes up over 7,000,000 . Did I explain it; FUCK YOU ✡️🇮🇱
It is illegal to hold onto land you seized in a war. For Israel to keep that land they took in the '67 war, would be like saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland!
It is illegal to hold onto land you seized in a war. For Israel to keep that land they took in the '67 war, would be like saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland!
Tough shit. The Arabs attacked, and lost territory. Teaches them there’s a penalty for trying to destroy a neighboring country.
It is illegal to hold onto land you seized in a war. For Israel to keep that land they took in the '67 war, would be like saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland!
You keep saying that in the face of reality. A nation is quite clearly free to annex land from which attacks are being launched incessantly for use as a buffer zone. Let's put it in terms you might actually understand:

A new government rises to power in Mexico, led by an insane nationalist who has never gotten over the "theft" of Texas from Mexico and resents the affluence of the Texan towns he can see just over the border, blaming America for poverty in Mexico.

You live in a Texas town on the border with Mexico. Suddenly, one night, explosions rock the town, buildings are blown to pieces, people are shredded in the streets, gangs of Mexican nationalists roam the streets, attacking anyone who looks like an American. You watch your wife and children murdered before you, yet you manage to escape. With me so far?

The US, naturally outraged at this development, sends the army to the border and notifies everyone within a mile of it on the Mexican side to leave or be killed by what's coming. After the appointed time, they level everything in that zone, then declare it a DMZ, complete with patrols, drone flights and barbed wire fences.

What is your response? "Okay, that's too much. We killed innocent people, we committed war crimes, we should have had restraint, it wasn't fair because they don't have the weapons we have, we have to give the land back"?
You have to end the occupation. Period.
Again, how many times has a two state solution been presented, and who rejected it? You made the claim that the Palestinians want such a solution and that Israel refused. Back it up.

Mexico can claim that Texas belongs to them. Why are you not yelling about the American occupation of Texas?
Tough shit. The Arabs attacked, and lost territory. Teaches them there’s a penalty for trying to destroy a neighboring country.
What a fuckin' liar you are! The Arabs did not attack! That war started when Israeli troops rolled into Egypt. You attacked them!
You keep saying that in the face of reality. A nation is quite clearly free to annex land from which attacks are being launched incessantly for use as a buffer zone. Let's put it in terms you might actually understand:

A new government rises to power in Mexico, led by an insane nationalist who has never gotten over the "theft" of Texas from Mexico and resents the affluence of the Texan towns he can see just over the border, blaming America for poverty in Mexico.

You live in a Texas town on the border with Mexico. Suddenly, one night, explosions rock the town, buildings are blown to pieces, people are shredded in the streets, gangs of Mexican nationalists roam the streets, attacking anyone who looks like an American. You watch your wife and children murdered before you, yet you manage to escape. With me so far?

The US, naturally outraged at this development, sends the army to the border and notifies everyone within a mile of it on the Mexican side to leave or be killed by what's coming. After the appointed time, they level everything in that zone, then declare it a DMZ, complete with patrols, drone flights and barbed wire fences.

What is your response? "Okay, that's too much. We killed innocent people, we committed war crimes, we should have had restraint, it wasn't fair because they don't have the weapons we have, we have to give the land back"?
So what you are saying, is that it was okay for Nazi Germany to annex Poland in WWII?
What a fuckin' liar you are! The Arabs did not attack! That war started when Israeli troops rolled into Egypt. You attacked them!
Are you this ignorant? Israel was surrounded by three Arab countries, with their armies poised at the border and ready to attack within hours. If Israel hadn’t launched a pre-emptive strike, Israel would have ceased to exist.

And stop cursing. You sound like an adolescent boy.
If Russia was getting blasted by missiles, rockets and bullets from Crimea, what should have been their response?
The Crimeans, have a right to defend themselves. They have a right to resist Russian occupation of their land. If they shoot missiles into Russia while Russia occupies their part of the world, what Russia does after, is NOT self defense! An occupational force, cannot claim self defense!
Are you this ignorant? Israel was surrounded by three Arab countries, with their armies poised at the border and ready to attack within hours. If Israel hadn’t launched a pre-emptive strike, Israel would have ceased to exist.

And stop cursing. You sound like an adolescent boy.
Bullshit! The Mossad knew at the time, it was just locker room chest thumping from Nassar. Israel is the biggest military power in the ME. There is no country there capable of taking Israel out.

As far as my cursing, that's just the way I talk. Let me ask you this, "Is genocide okay as long as we are polite about it?"
The Crimeans, have a right to defend themselves. They have a right to resist Russian occupation of their land. If they shoot missiles into Russia while Russia occupies their part of the world, what Russia does after, is NOT self defense! An occupational force, cannot claim self defense!
Israel was under attack from the moment she was founded as a nation. If Crimea had been attacking Russia for years simply because Russia existed, would Russia be right to conquer and occupy Crimea to stop the violence? The rest of the world says yes.

Only Israel is expected to allow incessant attacks across her borders. Only Israel.

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