Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

You have it in reverse. Native Americans capitulated time after time, and signed treaties with the white man that white folks broke. Let themselves get herded into reservations that were such effective models of genocide that Hitler copied them when designing concentration camps.

The Palestinians are avoiding the model that the Native Americans followed. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
Are you planning on joining the Jihad across the world today?
Again, a book with Giants and Talking Snakes in it isn't proof of anything other than if you call utter bullshit a religion, people will buy anything.

Hamas indiscriminately kills, but so do the Zionist Squatters when they bomb and invade places.

Hmmm.... so why is it all the guys caught on tape were hard core Trump crazies, then?
Got caught up in the emotion which is exactly what a psyop wants
Talk to the cia and the FBI, my cousin was there and never went near the capital building. He said it was great until they brought in bus loads of agitators from the left who then infiltrated the peaceful protest and 1 half hour later the B.S started
You were dismissed
You mistake that for a belief in your sky man, that is laughable.

The Holocaust happened because God was too busy not existing.
No, the Holocaust happened because of antisemites in Germany who thought Jews should be exterminated, just like the Palestinians think now.
Are those the only two options? Where does "agree to accept reality and live in peace" fit in with that? If those are really the only two options, I hope Israel helps them with the dying on their feet.

So, if tomorrow native Americans launch rocket attacks from a reservation and kill 700 White settlers in one day, what should be the U.S. Government Response?

Oh, I suspect they would try to defuse the situation by making minor concessions like they did with the George Floyd Riots.

Those shouldn't be the only two options, but the Zionists made their own bed.

The ideal solution, in my mind, would be for the Zionist Squatters to go back to Europe where they came from.

But we know that isn't going to happen immediately (it will happen eventually, though).

The problem is that Israel is effectively an apartheid state. If it were a true democracy, it wouldn't be a Jewish State for long. There are more non-Jews than Jews in Israel/Palestine.

What Israel is attempting to do is a variation on what South Africa tried to do in the last days of Apartheid. Try to separate the Palestinian Majority out of the body politic by creating "Homelands" like Gaza. It didn't work for South Africa because the world saw it was bullshit and the ANC didn't play along.
Leftists don’t get to silence people who won’t submit to their idiocy and/or antisemitism.
Contradicting your whiny lies isn't silencing you, Lisa. Maybe people are just tired of listening to your shrill voice.
Leftists have gotten away with silencing people for so long that they consider it appropriate behavior.

Yes, the racists have been told to sit down and shut up...
Oh, I suspect they would try to defuse the situation by making minor concessions like they did with the George Floyd Riots.

Those shouldn't be the only two options, but the Zionists made their own bed.

The ideal solution, in my mind, would be for the Zionist Squatters to go back to Europe where they came from.

But we know that isn't going to happen immediately (it will happen eventually, though).

The problem is that Israel is effectively an apartheid state. If it were a true democracy, it wouldn't be a Jewish State for long. There are more non-Jews than Jews in Israel/Palestine.

What Israel is attempting to do is a variation on what South Africa tried to do in the last days of Apartheid. Try to separate the Palestinian Majority out of the body politic by creating "Homelands" like Gaza. It didn't work for South Africa because the world saw it was bullshit and the ANC didn't play along.
Quit lying Israel is the only people to have had occupied that land for centuries
We are seeing a lot of criticism of what Israel did do and is doing. But what should they have done and what should they do? The Squad has no answer, what about you?

Please explain how your answer would prevent such attacks in the future?

Utter annihilation within so many miles of Israel.
Create a deserted, bombed out wasteland to secure their country.
Because that is the choice they have been given. As long as Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia all support, finance and equip extremist who are willing to do anything, no act is to extreme, to kill Israelis... then nothing is off the table to exterminate as many as possible of them.

Pretty simple.
Are you planning on joining the Jihad across the world today?

No need. I'm just pointing out the foolishness of fighting over a strip of desert because an imaginary sky man promised it to you. (or promised it to someone 3700 years ago, and you've coopted their crazy religion.)

Got caught up in the emotion which is exactly what a psyop wants

Buddy, the guy who riled these nuts up was Trump, screaming at them for 3 months about the "Big Lie" of a stolen election he lost by 8 million votes.
Quit lying Israel is the only people to have had occupied that land for centuries

That's not true at all. "Israel" ceased to exist when the Assyrians conquered it in 721 BCE.

That some European Squatters have laid claim to a crazy religion isn't my problem. Islam and Christianity have equally good claims to that land, as they are offshoots of the same religion.

An Ideal solution would be to declare it an international heritage site, to be administered by the UN using peacekeepers from countries that are not part of the Abrahamic Religions.
Utter annihilation within so many miles of Israel.
Create a deserted, bombed out wasteland to secure their country.
Because that is the choice they have been given. As long as Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia all support, finance and equip extremist who are willing to do anything, no act is to extreme, to kill Israelis... then nothing is off the table to exterminate as many as possible of them.

Pretty simple.
I don’t think you can include Saudi Arabia. They were on the verge of a deal with Israel.
I don’t think you can include Saudi Arabia. They were on the verge of a deal with Israel.
That was an obvious dubious attempt to dupe corporations to do business with them.
They spent the last 6 years pretending they have become normal, only to continue to send money to various extremist and continue to teach hate in their schools.
Why do you keep telling this lie? The Palestinian's are willing to accept a two-state solution, whereas the Israeli's are hell bent on genocide of the Palestinian people.
How many times has a two state solution been presented, and which group rejected it?
You can't give, what you don't have! That is not Israeli land and it will never be Israeli land! Que pasa, mutha?
Ukraine is not Russian land. Do you expect Putin to give it back after he's done, should he defeat Ukraine?

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