Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

The part where they stole Palestinian land and murdered Palestinian people for decades before they were attacked.

Quit pretending you are the bystanders.

Oh, I'm sure if the Zionist Squatters go back to Europe, Hamas will stop caring about them.
A lib who denies God and hates HIS chosen people

You are in for a big shock
Oh, I suspect they would try to defuse the situation by making minor concessions like they did with the George Floyd Riots.

Those shouldn't be the only two options, but the Zionists made their own bed.
The Zionists have?

It's the Palestinians who are about to be slaughtered. Those homemade rockets wont stop tanks.
The ideal solution, in my mind, would be for the Zionist Squatters to go back to Europe where they came from.
Are you setting the example by moving off Indian land and back to Europe? You forgot to answer about what should happen if Injuns launch rockets into Oklahoma City for example?

Can the Jews born in the middle east stay?
But we know that isn't going to happen immediately (it will happen eventually, though).

The problem is that Israel is effectively an apartheid state. If it were a true democracy, it wouldn't be a Jewish State for long. There are more non-Jews than Jews in Israel/Palestine.
And they've been offered numerous chances to peacefully self govern and refused.

Jews have just as much right to one Jewish state as Muslims have to 23.
What Israel is attempting to do is a variation on what South Africa tried to do in the last days of Apartheid. Try to separate the Palestinian Majority out of the body politic by creating "Homelands" like Gaza. It didn't work for South Africa because the world saw it was bullshit and the ANC didn't play along.
Thats why the sovreign nation of Israel should tell "the world" to piss off.

Why are blacks in South Africa worse off than under Apartheid?
No need. I'm just pointing out the foolishness of fighting over a strip of desert because an imaginary sky man promised it to you. (or promised it to someone 3700 years ago, and you've coopted their crazy religion.)

Buddy, the guy who riled these nuts up was Trump, screaming at them for 3 months about the "Big Lie" of a stolen election he lost by 8 million votes.
Trump riled up whop the cia and fbi that is who infiltrated that rally and brought agitators with them. God does not need you to believe in him for him to exist.
That's not true at all. "Israel" ceased to exist when the Assyrians conquered it in 721 BCE.

That some European Squatters have laid claim to a crazy religion isn't my problem. Islam and Christianity have equally good claims to that land, as they are offshoots of the same religion.

An Ideal solution would be to declare it an international heritage site, to be administered by the UN using peacekeepers from countries that are not part of the Abrahamic Religions.
It changes nothing about the fact it is inherently their land. Islam has no claim to the land.
It changes nothing about the fact it is inherently their land. Islam has no claim to the land.
The HAMAS terrorists are so subhuman that they are not allowing civilians in Gaza to evacuate buildings that Israel has warned are about to be leveled.

HAMAS wants their people to die to use it as a propaganda war against Israel. Anyone with a brain, and not brainwashed, can see who the civilized people are and who the barbarians are.
So that makes it okay for the Zionist Entity to bomb hospitals and schools and kill civilians?
If the Hamas terrorists weren't launching rockets from hospitals, schools and innocent civilians back yards and roof tops Israel wouldn't be bombing them there! What choice do the Israelis have? Use your head, Joey!
If the Hamas terrorists weren't launching rockets from hospitals, schools and innocent civilians back yards and roof tops Israel wouldn't be bombing them there! What choice do the Israelis have? Use your head, Joey!
He can’t. He’s too driven by his hate for Jews.
If the Hamas terrorists weren't launching rockets from hospitals, schools and innocent civilians back yards and roof tops Israel wouldn't be bombing them there! What choice do the Israelis have? Use your head, Joey!
that is a big ask! For him to use his head
That's the big lie you keep telling. A rational person knows you can't tell someone what they can and cannot do on their own property.
Glad you feel that way! The Straits of Tiran were NOT Egypt’s property 🚀
So …. If someone dug under tunnels and fired Rockets on THEIR Property to reach yours there’s nothing you can do? Don’t think Law Enforcement would agree with you. 👍🥱🇮🇱
A lib who denies God and hates HIS chosen people

You are in for a big shock

Not at all. The universe isn't that badly designed.

It's the Palestinians who are about to be slaughtered. Those homemade rockets wont stop tanks.

I remember us talking the same kind of smack when we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. How'd that work out again?

Are you setting the example by moving off Indian land and back to Europe? You forgot to answer about what should happen if Injuns launch rockets into Oklahoma City for example?

Hasn't been "indian land" for hundreds of years, and the nations who lived here are extinct.

And they've been offered numerous chances to peacefully self govern and refused.

Jews have just as much right to one Jewish state as Muslims have to 23.
[Here's the rub. in those 23 Muslim states, Muslims are the clear majority.

Jews aren't a majority in Palestine when you combine the 2.3 Million in Gaza, the 3.5 million on the west bank and the 1.5 million living in exile.
Thats why the sovreign nation of Israel should tell "the world" to piss off.

Why are blacks in South Africa worse off than under Apartheid?

They aren't. No black person wishes for Apartheid to come back.
God does not need you to believe in him for him to exist.

Quite the contrary. Jehovah only exists in the heads of his followers. People used to believe in Zeus and Odin, but no one believes in them anymore, so they stopped existing.

Which is kind of too bad, Odin is a MUCH cooler God than Jehovah!

Since they went to Europe from the Middle East...should they then go from Europe BACK to the Middle East? As usual, Joey? Your post doesn't make sense.

Works on the assumption the squatters from Central Europe are related to people who lived in Judea 2000 years ago. I can't trace my family back 2000 years. The best I can do is the mid-18th century. And that assumes everyone was fucking the people they were married to.

HAMAS wants their people to die to use it as a propaganda war against Israel. Anyone with a brain, and not brainwashed, can see who the civilized people are and who the barbarians are.

Uh, the Barbarian is the guy who fights over a strip of desert because an Imaginary Sky Pixie told him to.

If the Hamas terrorists weren't launching rockets from hospitals, schools and innocent civilians back yards and roof tops Israel wouldn't be bombing them there! What choice do the Israelis have? Use your head, Joey!

If the Zionist Squatters stayed in Europe where they belonged, the Palestinians wouldn't be firing rockets at them. Use your head, DogStyle.

He can’t. He’s too driven by his hate for Jews.
You reap what you sow.

You know, I'm 61 years old. I encounter people of all races and religions. Most people like me, a few don't, but no one is actively trying to kill me. Why? Because I don't do anything to them where they'd have a reason to want to.
Not at all. The universe isn't that badly designed.

I remember us talking the same kind of smack when we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. How'd that work out again?

Hasn't been "indian land" for hundreds of years, and the nations who lived here are extinct.

[Here's the rub. in those 23 Muslim states, Muslims are the clear majority.

Jews aren't a majority in Palestine when you combine the 2.3 Million in Gaza, the 3.5 million on the west bank and the 1.5 million living in exile.

They aren't. No black person wishes for Apartheid to come back.
“Designed” is the magic word

God is the intelligent designer
“Designed” is the magic word

God is the intelligent designer

But what evidence do you have that YOUR God is the designer?

What if the Shinto's are right, and Amaterasu is the designer? Frankly, I'd be more worried about that, if she wants to have a word with me about "Yellow Fever" in the afterlife.

What if the Greeks were right, and Zeus is the "Designer"? Zeus has got to be pretty pissed off no one has worshipped him in 2000 years.
But what evidence do you have that YOUR God is the designer?

What if the Shinto's are right, and Amaterasu is the designer? Frankly, I'd be more worried about that, if she wants to have a word with me about "Yellow Fever" in the afterlife.

What if the Greeks were right, and Zeus is the "Designer"? Zeus has got to be pretty pissed off no one has worshipped him in 2000 years.
You are free to misinform yourself as much as you please

Its no skin off my nose

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