Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

You're a fucking liar! They can't leave. Israel effectively controls 80% of what goes in and out of Gaza. That satisfys the definition of an occupation.

I hope you enjoy your evil, apartheid country?

And if any of that was true...
your solution is beheading babies?

Half a million Gazans left in the recent year.
What Hamas did to Jews, is how it runs Gaza.
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No. Israel must lift the blockade, per international law. Then, if Hamas does anything militarily, whatever Israel does in response, would be considered self defense.

But the blockade must end! It is collective punishment on 2.2 million Palestinians who have committed mo crime. Surely you realize how wrong it is to punish innocent civilians?

Okay, let's play this out to make sure I understand you. Israel ends the occupation AND lifts the blockade (two different things). The next day Hamas fires an indiscriminate rocket towards Israel. Israel can now act in self-defense, yes?

What sorts of things can Israel do in self-defense? Can they enact a sea blockade? Can they restrict the movement of items which can be used for military purposes? Can they restrict luxury items as a deterrent? Can they be relieved of a duty to provide commodities such as water, fuel, and electricity? Can they refuse to enter into trade relations? Can they restrict entry? Can they conduct a house-to-house ground invasion targeting military personnel and objectives? Can they utilize air strikes? Can they occupy Gaza (in the true sense of the word, meaning Israeli administrative control)?

I'm trying to get a sense of whether your issue with Israel's actions is more "the people of Gaza will have no quarrel with Israel, and will therefore give Israel no cause to have to defend themselves, if only the blockade would end" OR if your issue with Israel's actions is more "self-defense can never include these things".

I think your argument is inconsistent either way. I'm looking for clarification on which of these two things I should pursue in this conversation.
The Israeli's turned off electricity and water to the area. That is a war crime that is NOT of military necessity.

Interesting. Is Israel legally obligated to provide electricity and water to non-Israelis? If yes, why?
I've already said the rockets are war crimes...

Questions for you. Does the condition of being under an occupation or blockade absolve the governing body of a nation of responsibility for war crimes under international law? What is the correct response of a sovereign nation to war crimes committed against it? Does the correct response change when the war criminals are under occupation or a blockade?
The cause of all the violence, is the occupation and illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza.

You have a fascist, apartheid government that is a pariah to the rest of the world. You do not value human life.

Because savages can never be responsible for their actions...

What was your excuse for butchering babies before any blockade?

No. Israel must lift the blockade, per international law. Then, if Hamas does anything militarily, whatever Israel does in response, would be considered self defense.

But the blockade must end! It is collective punishment on 2.2 million Palestinians who have committed mo crime. Surely you realize how wrong it is to punish innocent civilians?
Wrong, the siege is legal under international law and is subject only to the rules that govern every other attack on the enemy, Hamas. It becomes illegal only if there is a way of providing relief to civilians without also providing it to Hamas. If not, only the rule of proportionality holds: is the military advantage gained by siege proportionate to the collateral damage it causes.
It's the absolute truth. Israel is a fascist, apartheid regime that is committing genocide.

Genocide is a perfectly moral protocol for the filth of evil.

Many people now understand what was addressed in the Torah.
Well well Israel early news claims Hamas rockets went up and didnt hit it.

Oops. Dumb terrorist news.

Im sure like normal its a HQ and ammo store house
Not only was it ok, but it was absolutely essential if al Aksa/Jewish Temple were to continue to function according to agreements with Jordan. Palestinians were attacking Jews and tourists visiting the site and then taking refuge in the mosque. When police demanded they come out, they refused and when the police went in they found weapons were stored there.
You are FOS! Palestinian worshipers objected to some asshole settler blowing a fucking horn at the entrance and the IDF went in firing tear gas grenades and rubber bullets at the worshipers.

Fuck you you scumbag POS!
That's what Hamas says, but the IDF says it was a failed Islmic Jihad rocket that hit the hospital. Obviously, the IDF would have no reason to hit the hospital.
I don't take the IDF at their word. They have already stated there are no innocents in Gaza, so FUCK THEM!
And what were you storing in that hospital? Did you not launch attacks from it? Were you not warned to get out? You do realize, don't you, that Israel gives you an advantage by giving warning so you can move your munitions and leave your people there to be used as propaganda, right?
It doesn't matter! Hospitals are off limits, period! Under no circumstances may you target a hospital.
And if any of that was true...
your solution is beheading babies?

Half a million Gazans left in the recent year.
What Hamas did to Jews, is how it runs Gaza.
You have deliberately killed more babies than they have.

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