Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

If by "the Palestinians" you mean Hamas
and all affiliated with the massacre on Shabbat,
then definitely YES, this is incompatible with humanity.

Otherwise, depends on acceptance of the 7 Noahide Laws.

Have you noticed, they always pick on the High Holy Days? Apart from Shabbat.
No, the level of destruction, on both sides, is nothing compared,
to what Hamas did, and seeks to do, if allowed to further exist,
among humans and even animals.
Are there over 400,000 people homeless in Israel because of Hamas?

I didn't think so.
Are there over 400,000 people homeless in Israel because of Hamas?

I didn't think so.
I can't find a reference now, but I think the numbers of displaced people in Israel is around 100,000, many of their homes also destroyed and communities irrevocably lost. Of course, there is no equivalency here, since only one group was targeted for a barbaric, savage slaughter of civilians.
Have you noticed, they always pick on the High Holy Days? Apart from Shabbat.
Of course. Because the terror groups use Jewish people visiting their own Holy Place as "provocation" for attacks in contravention of peace treaties.
I can't find a reference now, but I think the numbers of displaced people in Israel is around 100,000, many of their homes also destroyed and communities irrevocably lost. Of course, there is no equivalency here, since only one group was targeted for a barbaric, savage slaughter of civilians.
Here you go...

Here you go...

I can find many references for displacement of Gaza residents, it was the Israeli numbers I was looking for. I heard it on a video this week, but can't find a written reference. Mostly because the Gaza numbers are so prominent in the media and are taking up all the space. But also because in Israel, it is not creating a humanitarian crisis, because other Israelis are just taking in all their displaced neighbors.
When the IDF does its sweep through Gaza, how will they know who are Hamas?

And then there are the tunnels. :oops:
The tunnels have to be destroyed and all other Hamas military assets have to be destroyed. Those who present armed resistance have to be destroyed, and when it seems all of Hamas has been destroyed, a continuing IDF presence will remain to prevent any remaining terrorists or their supporters from reorganizing. The purpose of the mission is to prevent the Gaza terrorists from killing Israelis, so if a few stragglers get away, the mission will still be a success and Israelis will still be safer.

As for mistaking civilians for terrorists, there are no justice systems around the world that can perfectly determine who is a criminal and who is not. Unavoidably, mistakes will be made, but the only alternative to this is to allow the terrorists to continue to kill Israelis.
The ICRC is the bearer of IHL. All it states is the target must be of military necessity.
And, if someone is using a hospital to store munitions and a launchpad for attacks, that makes the hospital a legitimate target after warnings are sent out, which is exactly what Israel does. No, you can't jusp paint "Hospital" on the roof of your ammo dump and expect to not get shelled.
I can find many references for displacement of Gaza residents, it was the Israeli numbers I was looking for. I heard it on a video this week, but can't find a written reference. Mostly because the Gaza numbers are so prominent in the media and are taking up all the space. But also because in Israel, it is not creating a humanitarian crisis, because other Israelis are just taking in all their displaced neighbors.
If you listen to the usual suspects on here, you'd be excused for thinking that there wasn't even an attack from the Palestinians.
I can find many references for displacement of Gaza residents, it was the Israeli numbers I was looking for. I heard it on a video this week, but can't find a written reference. Mostly because the Gaza numbers are so prominent in the media and are taking up all the space. But also because in Israel, it is not creating a humanitarian crisis, because other Israelis are just taking in all their displaced neighbors.
You have no empathy for the people in Gaza? Fuck you!
And, if someone is using a hospital to store munitions and a launchpad for attacks, that makes the hospital a legitimate target after warnings are sent out, which is exactly what Israel does. No, you can't jusp paint "Hospital" on the roof of your ammo dump and expect to not get shelled.
I'm already drunk! Back home now and getting really high off some good weed! You think you can get that in Israel?
That is an absolute false and even 'extremely" naive statement - regarding the factual territorial existence of today's countries.

Wales, Scotland and North-Irland belong to who? aka constitute what nation? right the UK
The Basque territories and Land's belong to who? aka constitute what nation? right Spain and France
The entire territory of today's USA is based on occupying/seizing territory that formerly belonged and was settled by others.
The same applies to Russia and any other country on this planet - including even Switzerland.

Just as e.g. the USA will highly unlikely allow/grant for an independent Hawaii or e.g. Guam, Samoa etc. - the same applies to e.g. Israel having conquered occupied e.g. the Golan Heights.
The Sinai was returned to Egypt due to a peace deal. The Kingdom of Jordan retracted it's territorial claim onto the West-Bank in 1988.

Israels problem and issue is that they simply do not want to return land to Palestinian-Arabs, that had been assigned to them by the British and the UN. Since they have conquered and occupied it since 1948. Therefore IMO Israel also doesn't need to complain about Palestinian-Arab violence directed at them.

That the killing of civilians - committed by both sides is a despicable action - is also understood.
He’s an extremely stupid person. Ask why there has never been a “ Palestinian state” and there will be no response
Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005. Israel had no further control over Gaza and its governance. By definition, this is no longer an occupation. Within days, rockets were fired into Israel. Israel is therefore defending itself. The blockade is both legal and moral, as you have already agreed
I think the main mistake of this reasoning is concentration only on Gaza, while ignoring other parts of 'Palestinian autonomy'. Yes, Israel withdrew from Gaza a while back, but it still occupies the other part of the 'Palestinian' land.

And that is the main issue. Hamas is a terrorist organization and their recent attacks should be only condemned. But for the Arab world (and beyond) they are freedom fighters who fight against Israeli occupation of the Arab lands.

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