Crooked Huma seperates from Horny Weiner after latest Horny Weiner sexting scandal

LOL A great post:
Let me guess, if he was a Republican, I bet your taste for the story would still be very much alive and well. Since he is the husband of huma, a central player in the clinton campaign, and this doesn't help her chances of winning in any way, it's now time to close the book on weiner. Pretty typical.

Huma and clinton are perfect for each other. They both have husband's that have humiliated them publicly and repeatedly, they have each other now, and the nature of that relationship is in question. It may be platonic, but it has all the ear marks of love. Maybe it is this relationship that has altered the course of hilarity clinton /gay rights, who knows.

Anthony Weiner is gross. Let’s stop paying attention to him.
i get taken seriously more than any person ever! i get taken seriously more than any person ever!

Jews tend to have very similar features.
You know, I suppose it's too bad that the Jew in the family is unable to behave, while the Muslim is doing everything right.

I wonder what we can learn from that little lesson

First step = go to youtube, type in 911 Pentagon, and watch ... ALL, including the ones that claim it really was a 757...
the title tells you all you need to know! he sexted shirtless and his 4 year old son was sleeping next to him! (fully clothed, of course) and he sent it to some skank!

Huma Abedin separates from Anthony Weiner after latest sexting report | Fox News

You know, I suppose it's too bad that the Jew in the family is unable to behave, while the Muslim is doing everything right.

I wonder what we can learn from that little lesson.

That you're a Jew Hater?
Any truth about Israel, Zionism, or the behavior of rich political Zionist Jews gets a card toss...

"Weiner is a slimebag"

Card toss Card toss Card toss... YAWN
Why is it that every picture of them is twenty of them meeting one head of state?

the title tells you all you need to know! he sexted shirtless and his 4 year old son was sleeping next to him! (fully clothed, of course) and he sent it to some skank!

Huma Abedin separates from Anthony Weiner after latest sexting report | Fox News

You know, I suppose it's too bad that the Jew in the family is unable to behave, while the Muslim is doing everything right.

I wonder what we can learn from that little lesson.

That you're a Jew Hater?

And you're being irresponsible. Like the Jew.
Putin and Trump together will overthrow the jewish hegemony of the world!

Neither one of them has anything to gain by keeping the Jewish overlords in power.

They would each gain in power by deposing the Jew.

The Jewish powerbrokers buy politicians.

Putin and Trump are both not for sale.

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