Crooked Pelosi Hiding J6 Facts

"You have never been a person who would side with imprisoning people without due process, because that is what happened. People still in jail now."
I am skeptical of that claim by Iamwhat.
That claim has been bandied about on this venue...yet with precious little vetting or corroborating facts. Or only with sourcing from the most partisan and slanted news consolidators.
How many people? Who are they? What are the charges against them? Which location are they jailed at? If they are still in jail are there rational reasons why? --- like violating prior release agreements? flight risk? violence in jail? failure to post bond?

Without better, more credible sourcing I am calling ---at this time ---such claims about 'due process and wrongful incarceration' as fake news promoted by uber-partisans.

But, am willing to keep an open mind and a receptive approach for vetted credible sourcing.
Can you back yourself up, poster Iamwhat?

"I'm consistently amazed at the MagaRat focus on Pelosi."

You know, poster Lesh, I am too.
Personally, I could be persuaded it is a form of misogyny, and a fear of assertive capable women by members of the uber-Right. There may be a 'Mommy'-issue in some of this....a resentment, an anger, a hostility towards what they perceive as a failure of their mothers.

But I would keep an open mind towards a more rational and thoughtful reason if any on the uber-Right can articulate it credibly.
Pure and simple.
Liberal social policies of the 1960s - 90s have absolutely imprisoned blacks to remain in a state of constant dependency on the rest of society to support them. And those that do, 100% believe it is their right to receive it no less than a person who works for a living expects a pay check.
Black people in all other western societies, except in America, do equally as well as everyone else.
And the reason they do so poorly in America is liberal social policies and teaching them victimization.
Again, what do those people do when the jobs in their town have dried up?
What do you do when your crops are no longer profitable or farmers are no longer hiring unskilled labor?
Again, what do those people do when the jobs in their town have dried up?
What do you do when your crops are no longer profitable or farmers are no longer hiring unskilled labor?
Stop fucking until you graduate college and have a career...too simple?
Again, what do those people do when the jobs in their town have dried up?
What do you do when your crops are no longer profitable or farmers are no longer hiring unskilled labor?
You are not that simple minded.
You are capable of looking at a problem beyond what you want it to be about.
You choose not to.

If it was Republicans that created all of those social policies that built the urban black dependency - I would be 100% as much against it. I don't care what party fucks something up.
I like to actually think.
Helping people who need help is not making them submissive. A lack of opportunities keep them submissive

Many minorities have risen out of poverty using social programs like educational funding, job training, job placements, urban investment.

All opposed by Republicans
Not at all liar....Conservative are all about teaching a man to fish, rather than providing the fish....When you realize that doors open.
Not at all liar....Conservative are all about teaching a man to fish, rather than providing the fish....When you realize that doors open.
Even better than that.....
Conservatives will give a man a fish who is hungry, then teach him to fish so he can get his own.
Liberals will give a man a fish, tell him he will keep giving them free fish while telling them how evil conservatives are and they need to keep them in power so they can keep getting fish.
You are not that simple minded.
You are capable of looking at a problem beyond what you want it to be about.
You choose not to.

If it was Republicans that created all of those social policies that built the urban black dependency - I would be 100% as much against it. I don't care what party fucks something up.
I like to actually think.

What have Republicans done to help urban minorities or the poor?
Not at all liar....Conservative are all about teaching a man to fish, rather than providing the fish....When you realize that doors open.

And what do Conservatives do when the pond dries up?

Too bad for you
Kinda not. I explained how the CP Police hierarchy works.

Explain how that relates to Trump.

Oh and tell us one more time how it's Dems that can't let Trump go (you fucking idiot)
Pull your head out of your ass moron, you're digging an even deeper hole for yourself.

What have Republicans done to help urban minorities or the poor?
Worked with Clinton to do welfare reform,,, and it worked. But then Obama brought it back.
Besides that, so what you are asking is what has the Republicans done to fix what the Democrats broke, and keep breaking.
Worked with Clinton to do welfare reform,,, and it worked. But then Obama brought it back.
Besides that, so what you are asking is what has the Republicans done to fix what the Democrats broke, and keep breaking.

Name a bill from Republicans that helps the poor and working Americans more than it helps the wealthy
Name a bill from Republicans that helps the poor and working Americans more than it helps the wealthy
I can name 20 where the Democrats made it worse.
Democrats break things.
Republicans bitch a lot, but don't fix what the Democrats break.

That pretty much sums up Washington, DC since...oh... 1990s.
I can name 20 where the Democrats made it worse.
Democrats break things.
Republicans bitch a lot, but don't fix what the Democrats break.

That pretty much sums up Washington, DC since...oh... 1990s.

Nice dodge
But it does not name anything that Republicans passed that helped the poor and working class more than the wealthy
Nice dodge
But it does not name anything that Republicans passed that helped the poor and working class more than the wealthy
I didn't dodge anything.
I literally said all Republicans do is bitch. They are do nothing, spineless leeches.
Democrats do a lot, but the majority of it hurts more than it helps. Many times REALLY hurts.

Well... that is not true. Republicans bitch about how much money Democrats blow on pork, but on the rare times they get in charge... they spend just as much.
Pelosi should be in prison.
For what crime? Just because you don't like her looks?

Conservatives who say shit like this are simply showing their ass. Tell us what law she broke.

I am a conservative who hates her guts, but I also know the limits of what can be done.
I didn't dodge anything.
I literally said all Republicans do is bitch. They are do nothing, spineless leeches.
Democrats do a lot, but the majority of it hurts more than it helps. Many times REALLY hurts.

Well... that is not true. Republicans bitch about how much money Democrats blow on pork, but on the rare times they get in charge... they spend just as much.
Fair enough
Retarded post!

There is a galactic distance between Dykey Nancy and truth.

That does not matter to you, since you only care about one thing = your government check

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