Crooked Pelosi Hiding J6 Facts

Speaking of the Congressional J6 Hearings ----

Well, I'd recommend to all to read the long article in today's New York Times Sunday Magazine that details some of the preparation that went into this portentous event. This reportage certainly offered more information than I've seen before.

I am sure yer jailed buds would have a different take.
And this is why lately you just suck Moon.
You have never been a person who would side with imprisoning people without due process, because that is what happened. People still in jail now.
But because it was Democrats doing it... you are defending it.

Pathetic how a person will sell out so easily.
Now that is a fine example of conservative revisionist history disavowing that it was conservatives in the south who embraced slavery and liberals who ended it
Meh, that's just attaching today's labels to yesterday's people and attempting to draw favor from it. Today's conservatives were yesterday's liberals. Championing free speech, check. The right to free assembly, check. Keep the government out of our lives as much as possible, check. Freedom, check, check, check.
Now that is a fine example of conservative revisionist history disavowing that it was conservatives in the south who embraced slavery and liberals who ended it
Actually it is ridiculous to say either.
What isn't ridiculous, is to say it has been the Democrats for the past 60 years that have done everything they can to keep blacks in a submissively/dependent state under their thumb to keep them in line.
And this has ruined any chance of equality with the rest of the world for still generations to come.
Actually it is ridiculous to say either.
What isn't ridiculous, is to say it has been the Democrats for the past 60 years that have done everything they can to keep blacks in a submissively/dependent state under their thumb to keep them in line.
And this has ruined any chance of equality with the rest of the world for still generations to come.

Helping people who need help is not making them submissive. A lack of opportunities keep them submissive

Many minorities have risen out of poverty using social programs like educational funding, job training, job placements, urban investment.

All opposed by Republicans
Pelosi should be in prison.
I'm consistently amazed at the MagaRat focus on Pelosi.

How do they not realize that she has exactly has exactly as much day to day control over Capitol Police as the Senate Majority Leader has . At the time of the MagaRat assault on our government that Senate Leader was Mitch McConnell.

But then again neither of them actually deal with day to day operations. That is controlled by the Capitol Police Board.

House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader are responsible for the Committees that appoint the CP Board members and for funding.

So if you're going to claim that the Capitol Police are doing something on orders from Pelosi or whoever...please produce the texts or emails or phone records..

Or shut the fuck up
I'm consistently amazed at the MagaRat focus on Pelosi.

How do they not realize that she has exactly has exactly as much day to day control over Capitol Police as the Senate Majority Leader has . At the time of the MagaRat assault on our government that Senate Leader was Mitch McConnell.

But then again neither of them actually deal with day to day operations. That is controlled by the Capitol Police Board.

House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader are responsible for the Committees that appoint the CP Board members and for funding.

So if you're going to claim that the Capitol Police are doing something on orders from Pelosi or whoever...please produce the texts or emails or phone records..

Or shut the fuck up
Kinda like the Demorats focus on Trump
So shut the fuck-up .
Helping people who need help is not making them submissive. A lack of opportunities keep them submissive

Many minorities have risen out of poverty using social programs like educational funding, job training, job placements, urban investment.

All opposed by Republicans
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Kinda like the Demorats focus on Trump
So shut the fuck-up .
Kinda not. I explained how the CP Police hierarchy works.

Explain how that relates to Trump.

Oh and tell us one more time how it's Dems that can't let Trump go (you fucking idiot)
Helping people who need help is not making them submissive. A lack of opportunities keep them submissive

Many minorities have risen out of poverty using social programs like educational funding, job training, job placements, urban investment.

All opposed by Republicans
Yes it is and you know it is. If you don't, than your hive mind ideology blinds you.
Give a man in need money, and he will thank you for it.
Give it again, and he will expect it again.
Give it again, and he will demand as if he earned it, and believes it is his right to receive it.

Many minorities have risen out of poverty using social programs like educational funding, job training, job placements, urban investment.

Many more have stayed in poverty using the same policies to remain dependent on those programs instead of earning the money for themselves.
Yes it is and you know it is. If you don't, than your hive mind ideology blinds you.
Give a man in need money, and he will thank you for it.
Give it again, and he will expect it again.
Give it again, and he will demand as if he earned it, and believes it is his right to receive it.

Many minorities have risen out of poverty using social programs like educational funding, job training, job placements, urban investment.

Many more have stayed in poverty using the same policies to remain dependent on those programs instead of earning the money for themselves.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

Words Conservative spout every day

But what do you do when the fish disappear and the lake drys up?

That is what has happened in inner cities and impoverished rural areas. Former ways of supporting yourself are gone. Manufacturing has moved overseas. Small family farms are obsolete.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

Words Conservative spout every day

But what do you do when the fish disappear and the lake drys up?

That is what has happened in inner cities and impoverished rural areas. Former ways of supporting yourself are gone. Manufacturing has moved overseas. Small family farms are obsolete.
Pure and simple.
Liberal social policies of the 1960s - 90s have absolutely imprisoned blacks to remain in a state of constant dependency on the rest of society to support them. And those that do, 100% believe it is their right to receive it no less than a person who works for a living expects a pay check.
Black people in all other western societies, except in America, do equally as well as everyone else.
And the reason they do so poorly in America is liberal social policies and teaching them victimization.

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