Crowd goes nuts for Trump at UFC event

Come on man, Biden had like 10's of people at his NH event, for real, not joking. One said it was so dead in the room they were waiting for someone to yell bingo. :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, I can see him being a big hit for a UFC crowd. Next he should stop by a Pro Wrestling event. He'd be boffo there. His people.
Yeah, I can see him being a big hit for a UFC crowd. Next he should stop by a Pro Wrestling event. He'd be boffo there. His people.
You seem racist AF.

The black guy (Kevin Holland) that won the fight IMMEDIATELY went over and thanked TRUMP.


You commies are pathetic
Mac, you know you are racist. You live a sad life. Just day in day out being racist…so digusting

Watch the WHITE SUPREMACIST go over to thank TRUMP after he won.

Kevin Holland is so RACIST! :laughing0301: :clap: 🤡

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