Cruz, at CPAC, Takes Swings at GOP Leaders


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
President or Vice President, it really doesn't matter at this point in time!


Sen. Ted Cruz (R, Texas) shakes hands with a man wearing a Sarah Palin T-shirt as he arrives to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference at National Harbor in Maryland on Feb. 26, 2015.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) came out swinging against members of his own party Thursday, telling a conference of conservative activists that GOP leaders in Congress had sold out to Democrats on immigration and that presidential contenders should be judged by their willingness to stand up to the party establishment.

“The biggest division we have in the country is not between Republicans and Democrats,’’ Mr. Cruz, a likely 2016 presidential contender, told the Conservative Political Action Conference. “It is between career politicians in Washington and the American people.....

Cruz at CPAC Takes Swings at GOP Leaders - Washington Wire - WSJ
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Ted Cruz Bashes Obama for Calling 21 Coptic Christians Beheaded by ISIS 'Egyptian Citizens'

Christian Post ^
National Harbor, Md.– Speaking at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday, Texas Senator and potential 2016 presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, bashed President Barack Obama for labeling the the 21 Coptic Christians beheaded by the Islamic State in mid-February as "Egyptian citizens." Cruz also attacked the Obama administration for continuously ignoring the fact that most of today's international terror troubles are caused by "radical Islamic terrorists." Cruz asserted that America needs a leader that will not just identify the radical Islamic threat from groups like the Islamic State but also protect the liberty of international Christians. "When 21 Coptic...
Ted Cruz has an easy platform now thanks to Obama the Usurper: Restore the First Amendment (overturn FCC Net Neutrality), Restore the Second Amendment (overturn ATF ammo ban) and Restore the Fourth Amendment (eliminate general search warrant NSA powers), and Restore Congress (doing away with all Executive Orders contrary to existing Law).

Literally, his campaign could be named:
"Ted Cruz 2016, Restoring the Constitution."
I could see him as a VP candidate. Rile up the Tea Partiers a bit. Maybe get them off their lazy, libertarian asses and out to vote.

But trust me when I tell you this..... dimocrap filth aren't afraid of the Tea Party and they're especially not afraid of liberturdians. At all.

THAT is who they mock, that is who they make fun of, that is who the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Lame Stream Media holds up to ridicule.

Me? They're afraid of people like me. They know that I'll vote for anybody sans two horns and a tail that will beat the scum of the earth dimocraps.

If the Republican Party nominates Jeb or Mittens or whoever..... He (or she) has my vote.

I can deal with Republicans, even if they're weak and wishy-washy. They'll listen, they'll respond.

But the scum of the earth dimocraps?

fish food, AFAIC
Fuck. I was hoping we'd get use Net Neutering, the IRS and NSA to wipe out our enemies in 2016
Blah, blah, blah...Ted Cruz is a liability to conservatives everywhere. He is a teaper dunderhead and a canadian.
good for Teddy. The start of another campaign season with the right destroying each other. By the time the election rolls around the entire country will know how screwed up every RW candidate is. Who needs the dems to trash talk their opponents? I just saw an article about Jeb and his rally today. Supposedly RW's are walking out when he walks in.


Children and their politics.
The start of another campaign season with the right destroying each other.
Exactly. They learned nothing from the 2012 primaries.

Gingrich wrote Obama's anti-Romney ads for him. "He's a rich bastard exploiting the masses!"

It looks like Cruz wants to write Clinton's ads this time around.
Obama: Immigration Will Be Solved When There's A 'President Cruz'

Truth Revolt ^
During a town hall on immigration Monday on MSNBC, President Obama told the audience that immigration would eventually be solved because there will be a "President Cruz." Obama led into his response by saying that one thing he's definitely learned during his time in office is that the president must be "the president of all the people, not just some." He then said that "over the long term" immigration would be solved "because at some point there's going to be a President Cruz or there's going to be a President Chen." His remarks were met with hearty applause....

Cruz, Rodriguez, interchangeable, both Hispanics! :321:

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