Cruz blames Finonia for loss.

Saying he wanted Rubio isn't blaming Fiorina no matter how you slice it, that's just stupid. Actually it's Bush's fault, he wanted Rubio and didn't get him. Your argument is as stupid as that. If you disagree Rubio would have saved him, that's a topic of discussion. That Fiorina was his second choice is blaming her is so just you morons
Fiorina did him a favor by joining his ticket (or just took a bribe depending on your perspective). Cruz sending out his cockroaches just days after the election loss, refusing to take responsibility and instead blaming his VP pick? Despicable.

Where did he "blame" Rubio? Saying he thinks he and Rubio would have won isn't blaming him.

You Hillary supporters are just idiots, but then you're voting for one of the most corrupt politicians in history to start with, you're not playing with a full deck
Oh your Hillary fetish surfaces again. Shocker.

How is saying you support Hillary because everything you've ever said is left wing Democrat a "Hillary fetish?" That doesn't even make sense. You just like the way it sounds
Wah you don't agree with me?! Waaah you must want Hillary to win waaaaaah! :crybaby:

Not the best argument.

Strawman, that isn't what I said
The public would not accept an all latino, all foreign, ticket.

They are both Americans, you're saying Latinos born Americans aren't really Americans? That's pathetic. I only care what their views are, not the color of their skin. I'd have voted for that ticket in a heartbeat
The perception is that they are in some way foreign which was a continuing theme in both campaigns.

Color of their skin? Are you mad? If either one was any whiter, they'd be snow.

Both are of latino heritage. I doubt if the general public is ready to go all Cuban.
You keep saying the "public," but what you mean is "republican voters."

Voters who through most of the campaign voted more for those two Latinos than Trump, who you shallowly claim to support
And Trump defeated them handily. I guess GOP voters weren't ready for them.

He beat them with a minority of the vote and they divided the rest.

That voters will vote for a Latino at the top of the ticket but not another one as Veep is the ridiculous crap you mindlessly parrot.

Oh yeah, they'll vote for ONE Latino, even at the top of the ticket, but not two!

You're full ... of ... shit. Bigots always are

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