Cruz, Conservative Paper, Defend Democrat!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What's goin' on??

It's the old proverb:The enemy of my enemy is my friend

I like this one:

"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Senator Robert Menendez. The New Jersey Democrat, made the unpardonable mistake of failing to remain a lock-step Liberal, and now must pay the price. He disagreed with the petty, thin-skinned wanna-be never gets away with that in a totalitarian nation, such as the United States has become.

1. “The announcement this week by the Justice Department that they were bringing charges against Bob Menendez — I will point out that the timing seems awfully coincidental that … in the very week that Bob Menendez showed incredible courage to speak out and call out President Obama for the damage that his policy is doing to our national security … the Justice Department announces they’re moving forward with the criminal prosecution,” [Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)] said.

2. ....the Justice Department’s criminal corruption charges against Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) are political retribution against the New Jersey Democrat for opposing the White House’s negotiations with Iran.

3. [It's a warning] to other Democrats that if you dare part from the Obama White House, that criminal prosecutions will be used potentially as a political weapon against you as well,” ....

4. .... on Capitol Hill last week when Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu rebuked the Obama administration in front of Congress for its strategy on Iran.

On Friday, news broke that the Justice Department was preparing to bring criminal charges against Menendez.... Menendez has been a vocal critic of the White House as the Obama administration [on] talks with Iranian leaders over the future of their nuclear program.

5. “The timing is curious,” Cruz continued. “This investigation has been going on for over a year and yet the very week they announce a pending indictment comes within hours after Sen. Menendez showing courage to speak out against President Obama’s dangerous foreign policy that is risking the national security of this country.” Cruz Menendez probe politically motivated TheHill

Menendez says Obama's talking points come straight out of Tehran:

Having read "Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department Hardcover,"by J. Christian Adams, it is impossible to refer to 'the Department of Justice.'

Seems we have one more example of what this nation has become under the socialist wanna-be dictator...
a. he us the first President to use the IRS against political enemies,
b. and now we see the same corruption in the DOJ....

8. " We’re all for vigorous enforcement of the laws, and we’re for honest government .... But the Justice Department’s record has been as disturbing as the crimes it has pursued. The most notorious case was its pursuit of Senator Stevens, the Alaska Republican who was indicted in 2008 and convicted and then lost his seat. Yet it turned out that the prosecution had been guilty of misconduct that a federal judge called “shocking and disturbing,” and Stevens’ conviction was vacated. It doesn’t take many moments like that to dilute the meaning of federal indictments.

9.... the government has been trying to get past the speech and debate clause of the Constitution so as to read the senator’s email. The speech and debate clause says that for any — it uses the word “any” — speech or debate in either house a senator or representative shan’t be questioned in any other place. The clause is American bedrock, designed to protect the Congress from attack by the executive or judicial branch with which the Founders understood it would be in perpetual conflict of just the sort Mr. Menendez has found himself in with Mr. Obama." Obama v. Menendez - The New York Sun

Here, once again, we are faced with the issue of totalitarian governance, in which the Constitution takes second place to the view that there should be no separation of powers.

For totalitarians like Obama, there can be no checks on executive power.
The Constitution is a very difference guidance.

So....we can be the America of the Founders.....

.....or the Dictatorship of the Democrat Party.

Not both.
Having read "Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department Hardcover,"by J. Christian Adams, it is impossible to refer to 'the Department of Justice.'

Seems we have one more example of what this nation has become under the socialist wanna-be dictator...
a. he us the first President to use the IRS against political enemies,
b. and now we see the same corruption in the DOJ....

Well, to be fair... The abuse of the IRS Power cannot be had without a fully compromised "Justice Department".

In ANY previous administration, the AG would have long ago pulled the trigger on a Special Prosecutor... .

This 'cult' however is a carbon copy of the Clinton Cult, thus is less a Presidential Administration and more a criminal syndicate, with the 'Justice Department' representing an 'enforcer' of the Cult's policy... not the US Constitution and US Legal Code, as those instruments would have the Cult itself behind bars.
God help us if a Democrat has a brain of his own. Good thread, PC.

Yes, it would be unwise and harmful to disagree with the Obama regime. The government has become the enemy, something the founders warned us about and tried to protect against, within the Constitution. Remember Ben Franklin's response to this question:

“Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

“A Republic, if you can keep it.”

The Obama-Menendez conflict is a perfect example of the mistake some made in casting a vote for an untried, inexperienced ideologue who was raised, mentored, honored for being anti-American, anti-Constitution.

10. "A United States Appeals court has just overturned a district court that ordered Mr. Menendez to produce his email. The riders of the Third Circuit want a careful look at each email to see whether it relates to legislative business.

Hmmm. The Constitution doesn’t protect speech and debate on only legislative matters; it protects, again, “any” speech or debate. ....We see these constitutional protections as being there for a reason.

11. .... Obama only a few weeks ago publicly accused his fellow Democrats of kowtowing to political donors over Iran. Mr. Menendez, according to the Times, stood up and told the president to his face that he took personal offense. Good for him.

... let him stay in the Senate and hold a speedy trial, the right to which the Constitution also says he shall enjoy. We for one hope he turns out to be innocent and gets back to legislating a strong foreign policy."
Obama v. Menendez - The New York Sun
If the justice department had not gone after Menendez, would the right wing be accusing the administration of a cover up or favoritism?

Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago.

He wasn't called on same until he confronted the little dictator.....that's the salient point that you are strenuously avoiding.
If the justice department had not gone after Menendez, would the right wing be accusing the administration of a cover up or favoritism?

Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago.

He wasn't called on same until he confronted the little dictator.....that's the salient point that you are strenuously avoiding.
So now that he has criticized the president, he is above reproach?
If the justice department had not gone after Menendez, would the right wing be accusing the administration of a cover up or favoritism?

Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago.

He wasn't called on same until he confronted the little dictator.....that's the salient point that you are strenuously avoiding.
So now that he has criticized the president, he is above reproach?

Here's the plan:
I'll be responsible for what I post, not for what I post after you conveniently omit what changes what I post.

I posted this, you moron:

"Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago."
If the justice department had not gone after Menendez, would the right wing be accusing the administration of a cover up or favoritism?

Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago.

He wasn't called on same until he confronted the little dictator.....that's the salient point that you are strenuously avoiding.
So now that he has criticized the president, he is above reproach?

Here's the plan:
I'll be responsible for what I post, not for what I post after you conveniently omit what changes what I post.

I posted this, you moron:

"Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago."
And the justice department is taking him to task, so what are you bitching about?
If the justice department had not gone after Menendez, would the right wing be accusing the administration of a cover up or favoritism?

Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago.

He wasn't called on same until he confronted the little dictator.....that's the salient point that you are strenuously avoiding.
So now that he has criticized the president, he is above reproach?

Here's the plan:
I'll be responsible for what I post, not for what I post after you conveniently omit what changes what I post.

I posted this, you moron:

"Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago."
And the justice department is taking him to task, so what are you bitching about?

Your description of the thread is incorrect.

I'm laughing at the boot-lickers like you.
If the justice department had not gone after Menendez, would the right wing be accusing the administration of a cover up or favoritism?

Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago.

He wasn't called on same until he confronted the little dictator.....that's the salient point that you are strenuously avoiding.
So now that he has criticized the president, he is above reproach?

Here's the plan:
I'll be responsible for what I post, not for what I post after you conveniently omit what changes what I post.

I posted this, you moron:

"Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago."
And the justice department is taking him to task, so what are you bitching about?

Your description of the thread is incorrect.

I'm laughing at the boot-lickers like you.
1. If Mendez has commited crimes, as you indicate, should he not be prosecuted?
2. Mendez is a Democrat. Shouldn't you be rejoicing in the fact that he is in trouble?
3. Doesn't this undercut the right wing meme that Democrats protect their own?
Back at ya, Spanky.
Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago.

He wasn't called on same until he confronted the little dictator.....that's the salient point that you are strenuously avoiding.
So now that he has criticized the president, he is above reproach?

Here's the plan:
I'll be responsible for what I post, not for what I post after you conveniently omit what changes what I post.

I posted this, you moron:

"Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago."
And the justice department is taking him to task, so what are you bitching about?

Your description of the thread is incorrect.

I'm laughing at the boot-lickers like you.
1. If Mendez has commited crimes, as you indicate, should he not be prosecuted?
2. Mendez is a Democrat. Shouldn't you be rejoicing in the fact that he is in trouble?
3. Doesn't this undercut the right wing meme that Democrats protect their own?
Back at ya, Spanky.
You're not getting this.
1. No one thinks Menendez shouldnt be prosecuted for crimes.
2. His crimes were some time ago.
3. It is suspicious that the Justice Dept happens to mention prosecuting him for crimes done some time ago when just recently he criticized Obama.

It looks like political intimidation. It smells like it. It probably is it.
This is the same Justice Dept that prosecuted Sen Thad Stevens ahead of his re-election campaign but cleverly omitted exculpatory evidence they had until after he was dead,
Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago.

He wasn't called on same until he confronted the little dictator.....that's the salient point that you are strenuously avoiding.
So now that he has criticized the president, he is above reproach?

Here's the plan:
I'll be responsible for what I post, not for what I post after you conveniently omit what changes what I post.

I posted this, you moron:

"Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago."
And the justice department is taking him to task, so what are you bitching about?

Your description of the thread is incorrect.

I'm laughing at the boot-lickers like you.
1. If Mendez has commited crimes, as you indicate, should he not be prosecuted?
2. Mendez is a Democrat. Shouldn't you be rejoicing in the fact that he is in trouble?
3. Doesn't this undercut the right wing meme that Democrats protect their own?
Back at ya, Spanky.
did you not notice?

He has not been formally charged with anything. There is still an investigation going on.

And what happens when the President and Eric Holder is asked about ongoing investigations?

They say they cant comment on them because it is an ongoing investigation.

Yet here, they not only commented on it....but Holder wasnt even asked...he simply got the word out unprompted.

Seems to me, based on the timing (right after Mendendez criticized Obama) and based on the fact that it was contrary to what Holder was meant to be a warning to anyone that criticizes the President.
So now that he has criticized the president, he is above reproach?

Here's the plan:
I'll be responsible for what I post, not for what I post after you conveniently omit what changes what I post.

I posted this, you moron:

"Menendez's crimes.....and there is a good chance that he will be found guilty if it goes to trial....were committed some time ago."
And the justice department is taking him to task, so what are you bitching about?

Your description of the thread is incorrect.

I'm laughing at the boot-lickers like you.
1. If Mendez has commited crimes, as you indicate, should he not be prosecuted?
2. Mendez is a Democrat. Shouldn't you be rejoicing in the fact that he is in trouble?
3. Doesn't this undercut the right wing meme that Democrats protect their own?
Back at ya, Spanky.
did you not notice?

He has not been formally charged with anything. There is still an investigation going on.

And what happens when the President and Eric Holder is asked about ongoing investigations?

They say they cant comment on them because it is an ongoing investigation.

Yet here, they not only commented on it....but Holder wasnt even asked...he simply got the word out unprompted.

Seems to me, based on the timing (right after Mendendez criticized Obama) and based on the fact that it was contrary to what Holder was meant to be a warning to anyone that criticizes the President.

There are 54 Republican Senators.
If Menendez goes, do you think Christie will appoint a Democrat?

Hmmmm.....Obama/Holder are probably bluffing.

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