Cruz deserted by GOP, compromise, sanity, good gov't returns, for now

The Senate passed the bill on a day Democrats launched a drive to confirm two dozen of Obama’s stalled nominees to the federal bench and administration posts, before their majority expires at year’s end.

Several Republicans blamed tea party-backed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for giving the outgoing majority party an opportunity to seek approval for presidential appointees, including some that are long-stalled.

It was Cruz who pushed the Senate to cast its first vote on the administration’s policy of suspending the threat of deportation for an estimated four million immigrants living in the country illegally. He lost his attempt Saturday night, 74-22, although Republican leaders have vowed to bring the issue back after the party takes control of the Senate in January.

“If you believe President Obama’s amnesty is unconstitutional, vote yes. If you believe President Obama’s amnesty is consistent with the Constitution, vote no,” he said.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rebutted instantly, saying Cruz was “wrong, wrong, wrong on several counts,” and even Republicans who oppose Obama’s policy abandoned the Texan.

The spending bill, which cleared the House on Thursday, was the main item left on Congress’ year-end agenda, and exposed fissures within both political parties in both houses.

It faced opposition from Democratic liberals upset about the repeal of a banking regulation and Republican conservatives unhappy that it failed to challenge Obama’s immigration moves."

From link
Some greedy idiot jackasses don't know when to quit...TPers.
Immigration was at the heart of the day’s events in the Senate.

Cruz seized on the issue late Friday night when he tried to challenge the bill. That led swiftly to the unraveling of an informal bipartisan agreement to give the Senate the weekend off, with a vote on final passage of the bill deferred until early this coming week.

That, in turn, led Reid, D-Nev., to call an all-day Senate session devoted almost exclusively to beginning time-consuming work on confirmation for 13 judicial appointees and 11 nominees to administration posts.

The list included Carolyn Colvin to head the Social Security Administration and Vivek Murthy as surgeon general.

As the day wore on, senators were forced to spend hour after hour on the Senate floor to cast their votes. One, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., sat at her desk quietly for awhile reading a book.

By evening, cocktail hour in the East, strains of Christmas carols could be heard from behind the closed doors of rooms that surround the chamber.

Republicans tried to slow the nomination proceedings, but several voiced unhappiness with Cruz, a potential presidential candidate in 2016."

“I’ve seen this movie before, and I wouldn’t pay money to see it again,” said Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., recalling Cruz’ leading role a year ago in events precipitating a 16-day partial government shutdown that briefly sent GOP poll ratings plummeting.

Cruz, in turn, blamed Reid, saying his “last act as majority leader is to, once again, act as an enabler” for the president by blocking a vote on Obama’s policy that envisions work visas for an estimated 5 million immigrants living in the country illegally.

Reid blamed a “small group of Senate Republicans” for the turn of events.

Asked if Cruz had created an opening for the Democrats, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah said, “I wish you hadn’t pointed that out.”

Hatch added, “You should have an end goal in sight if you’re going to do these types of things and I don’t see an end goal other than irritating a lot of people.”

The GOP leader, Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, made no public comment on the events, even though Cruz suggested Friday night McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, should not be entirely trusted to keep their pledge to challenge Obama’s immigration policy.

“We will learn soon enough if those statements are genuine and sincere,” Cruz said.
It might be a good idea to wait until the next Congress is sworn in to celebrate the continuation of the Obama rape of America.
GOP getting some power may end reign of the "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME), and their masters Rush, Beck, Fox, Heritage, Kochs etc etc. Great news if it lasts. Both parties won and lost. The country wins.

Congress Approves 1.1 Trillion Spending Bill That Leaves Obama 8217 s Immigration Reforms Intact CBS San Francisco
WTF do you think the country won? You're own headline says we are now going to once again spend 1.1 trillion fucking dollars we don't have and you want to vilify the only people willing to fix that spending problem. We don't have any good jobs left and the part time ones we do have are now going to go to illegals obie let in here. Where the fuck is the countries win for that?

It's amazing to me what you stupid fucking left wing assholes consider a win. It's truly mind fucking boggling.
GOP getting some power may end reign of the "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME), and their masters Rush, Beck, Fox, Heritage, Kochs etc etc. Great news if it lasts. Both parties won and lost. The country wins.

Congress Approves 1.1 Trillion Spending Bill That Leaves Obama 8217 s Immigration Reforms Intact CBS San Francisco
WTF do you think the country won? You're own headline says we are now going to once again spend 1.1 trillion fucking dollars we don't have and you want to vilify the only people willing to fix that spending problem. We don't have any good jobs left and the part time ones we do have are now going to go to illegals obie let in here. Where the fuck is the countries win for that?

It's amazing to me what you stupid fucking left wing assholes consider a win. It's truly mind fucking boggling.
Total fucking idiots.
Bye bye brainwashed loudmouth idiot Tea Party. You no longer serve a purpose for the GOP, and will be discarded. But PLEASE beat Jeb and put up a moron like Cruz or Perry...
GOP getting some power may end reign of the "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME), and their masters Rush, Beck, Fox, Heritage, Kochs etc etc. Great news if it lasts. Both parties won and lost. The country wins.

Congress Approves 1.1 Trillion Spending Bill That Leaves Obama 8217 s Immigration Reforms Intact CBS San Francisco

Ted Cruz is just like the Koch brothers. They have a background living in Communism. Even some of the most primitive Countries on Earth are fighting Communism now.

Watching Americans that can't distinguish the difference between individual thought, Democracy, and Socialism and know the difference is mind boggling to me.

"Slippery slope" is the Right Wing choice term. They often admit that they don't want to stand for something because the next step is "COMMUNISM". That is very little faith in the American people's ability to break down individual issues.

Many tell me I'm not able to think for myself because my Constitution doesn't allow it about oxymorons.

Watching the Left and Right want the same things but criticize and justify their own flaws is what we have to get past. All of these flaws are paid for and sponsored.
Bye bye brainwashed loudmouth idiot Tea Party. You no longer serve a purpose for the GOP, and will be discarded. But PLEASE beat Jeb and put up a moron like Cruz or Perry...
Discarded for what? More of your ignorant left wing bullshit policies? Do you even think anywhere outside of your tiny little brain dead box and actually consider what is not good policy for the country?

When is good policy spending 18 trillion more than you have and somehow passing a new budget that will add another 600 billion to that debt good policy? When is passing within that spending even more money for illegals to come here and take more jobs we don't have because of your previous policies a good idea?

You're cheering for failure. And in the end if you get your way this entire ponzi scheme of borrowing and then printing will fucking collapse. So please explain to me how you think that is better for a country than what Cruz is trying to do. You obviously haven't put much rational thought into your position so what exactly is your goal here? Are you actually so shit ass fucking stupid you think we can keep borrowing and printing more money without consequence? Just how fucking stupid are you?
P.S. Cruz is the only politician that admits to watching Fox News every night...........LOL!
Good government is government handouts for illegals and Wall Street bankers? Well, I guess as long as your idol Obama supports it, it is ok then Franco. You crazy old partisan hack.
GOP getting some power may end reign of the "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME), and their masters Rush, Beck, Fox, Heritage, Kochs etc etc. Great news if it lasts. Both parties won and lost. The country wins.

Congress Approves 1.1 Trillion Spending Bill That Leaves Obama 8217 s Immigration Reforms Intact CBS San Francisco

Ted Cruz is just like the Koch brothers. They have a background living in Communism. Even some of the most primitive Countries on Earth are fighting Communism now.

Watching Americans that can't distinguish the difference between individual thought, Democracy, and Socialism and know the difference is mind boggling to me.

"Slippery slope" is the Right Wing choice term. They often admit that they don't want to stand for something because the next step is "COMMUNISM". That is very little faith in the American people's ability to break down individual issues.

Many tell me I'm not able to think for myself because my Constitution doesn't allow it about oxymorons.

Watching the Left and Right want the same things but criticize and justify their own flaws is what we have to get past. All of these flaws are paid for and sponsored.
You can't think for yourself because you're a retard. That's not an oxymoron it's reality. Communism, democracy and socialism are the exact opposite of individual. It's group think and requires the majority of the people to be complete idiots in order to implement those actions. How the fuck are you going to have an individual thought in a socialist, communist or democratic state? None of those have any room for your individual thoughts. The only one that does is a republic and capitalism. That's the only system in which you can be an individual. And you want to kill that.

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