Cruz is 1st Hispanic to ever win a primary or caucus in US; HISTORY being made.

^^^^There you have it folks, right on time
Lol, you libtards cant stand it when people play your own bullshit tactics against you, can you?

Go ahead and deny it; we all know you do not accept a balance of logic anyway, so you might as well fess up.

'Whats sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander' is something you libtards have denied since at least Nixon's imposition of Affirmative Action standards.
So you admit to using a "bullshit tactic". Ok.

And that is what iggy is for!
I disagree and the candidate could toss Texas to the blue... I could be wrong....

You are.. There is nothing whatsoever to indicate this would happen. It would take a serious scandal among the Republican candidate to flip Texas in this election.
jimBowie is melting.

Cruz is disliked by most Americans, not because they are racist, but because they are terrified of his far social con attachments to Christian dominionism.

You racist bigot!

How dare you not focus on the person Heritage and ignore their words!

How dare you not just embrace the fact that anyone that dislike Cruz they must be a racist bigot because Jim Bowie is trying the " You're a Racist " nonsense because some progressive Liberal wrote he was one, and maybe for a damn good reason...

So Jim Bowie support of Cruz is because of his hatred of President Obama and how some of his supporters used race baiting to support their support of President Obama...
Ted's half Cuban. The only votes he'll muster up is conservative Cuban exiles in Florida. The real Hispanics won't vote for him.

Every time I see some libtard post that 'only genuine minorities vote Democrat' I shake with laughter.

Only 'genuine' minorities want to see their neighborhoods deteriorate unless they live near whites, only 'genuine minorities' want to see the Democrats stay in power in our nations cities no matter how many minorities die from crime, drug addiction and squalor. Only 'genuine' minorities want to see their communities rot while they provide the Democrats with reliable votes.


No one buys that bullshit any more dude.

You fucking moron.

Trump's kicking Cruz's ass in Florida.

FAU poll: Donald Trump grows Florida lead over Ted Cruz | Naked Politics

and in Texas

Latino Voters: Decisive in Texas, Florida and Nevada; Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz Won't Attract Latino Voters in GOP

but that's republicans.

Hillary has the entire field embarrassed. As you should be as I hand you your stupidity on a platter, moron.

impreMedia/Latino Decisions Battleground States Survey

I disagree and the candidate could toss Texas to the blue... I could be wrong....

You are.. There is nothing whatsoever to indicate this would happen. It would take a serious scandal among the Republican candidate to flip Texas in this election.

We will see...

I will write it like this and that is if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee then yes it will stay red but if Sanders is the candidate against Trump or even Cruz then it could go blue.

Remember Al Gore lost his own home state in 2000 election which is the real reason why he lost and not Florida, and I believe Cruz could lose Texas if running against Sanders...

The Asian and White Vote will not make up the Tejano, Hispanic, and African American vote here in Texas, and Cruz is not the wonderful candidate his supporters believe he is.
You fucking moron.

Trump's kicking Cruz's ass in Florida.

FAU poll: Donald Trump grows Florida lead over Ted Cruz | Naked Politics

and in Texas

Latino Voters: Decisive in Texas, Florida and Nevada; Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz Won't Attract Latino Voters in GOP

but that's republicans.

Hillary has the entire field embarrassed. As you should be as I hand you your stupidity on a platter, moron.

impreMedia/Latino Decisions Battleground States Survey


The big question is why ANY white voter would EVER vote for the openly racist democrats who spew hatred 24/7 at white people.

Let the racist dims have the 16% of the nation who are Hispanic. But for any of the 63% who are white to vote for the democrats is as insane as a Jew voting for the Nazis.
Texas and California are Minority-Majority States that have a heavy Hispanic population within their border, and to win a Election for President you have to win that Electoral College, and if Cruz does not get the Hispanic vote in either state then he will lose Texas and California.

Cant win in Texas without the Hispanic vote?

Lol, you are a either a moron or a liar. About a third of Hispanics refuse to vote on the basis of their ethnicity and are proud Americans and Texans.

You're take on Hispanic politics is bullshit.
Not to mention Texas is a very christian state. Cruz does well with Christian voters.


The majority of the Texas Hispanic Population is still Catholic and not Bible beating nutjobs.

The true racist pieces of filth in this thread are the ones that believe Hispanics will vote for a Hispanic while not understanding Mexicans sometimes will not vote for a Cuban and a Cuban sometimes will not vote for a Mexican.

I know how dare I write the facts and not live in the fictional world where Cruz being Cuban will give him all the Hispanic vote and if I disagree I must be a racist and not a fucking realist.

are Democratic and not Republican. Because the Upper part of the state is ran by the Republican party does not mean the entire state is red but it is actually purple.

I know I am a fucking racist because I do not agree with your opinion and you most likely have never been to Texas nor even understand that not every Hispanic will support Cruz.

You believe Hispanics are as shallow as the Obama supporter, and believe running someone like Cruz will win you their support without understanding Jeb Bush is most likely more liked by the Hispanic community than Cruz!
Your fucking map just proved my fucking point!

Lol, it did not prove your claim that Texas is purple, you twat-face tranny.

It also proved you wrong on your claim that all Texas cities went Democrat as Tarrant County and many other smaller cities did not go Dem.

The red part is El Paso, Brownsville, Laredo, Houston and the Valley of Texas you stupid ass! ( Hispanic Cities and Region except maybe Houston! )

Houston is not a hispanic city, moron.

Now I am a bigot for not support Cruz but I will support Rubio?

What fucking retard are you?

So now anyone that does not support Cruz is a Libatrad, Liar, and Bigot?

I have never mentioned you supposed support for that liar Rubio, jack ass.

Then if you do not support Rubio then you are a racist bigot, right?

So guess what you just proved me to be correct and you will double down on stupidity and claim nope, that map does not prove anything even though you just wrote red regions are democrat!

So how does it feel to be as stupid as you are?


You can not read and you just prove you are taking what I wrote out of context and the fact is I wrote a good majority of cities in Texas and not all of them which mean what to you?

Also I wrote maybe except Houston and you doubled down on your lying by claiming I wrote Houston was Hispanic.

So again I was correct and you are now lying like a typical partisan whore!

Why do you only see Ted Cruz Cuban heritage and why do you hate Cruz mother so much to deny the fact Cruz is also Italian and Irish?

Is it because you are the actual racist?
Prove your comment 1/3rd and if not then you are the fucking liar here or a moronic whore of a liar?

Lol, all too easy, dipshit.


You are full of shit and believe just because Cruz is Cuban he will carry the Hispanic vote and if he does not then you will write how they're just racist whores that are illegal and should be deported.

I do not believe that Cruz will carry the Hispanic vote liar, and I have never said so.

You libtard Marxist fucktards are stupid, ignorant and I hope you take over the Democratic party and rule it for the next century. That racist party deserves a slow death and to be replaced by a party that actually represents the American Middle Class and not a gaggle of Marxist ideologues.

You are the dumbest partisan whore I have ever met!

I was writing about Texas and California, and you wrote about Texas, and I want a breakdown of the Texas voter and not a national average.

Also I pointed out the fact Jeb Bush would most likely carry the Hispanic vote better than Cruz, and the true racist is you because Cruz is Cuban, Italian and Irish, and all you see is the Cuban and how sad is that?

Does your mother know what an ignorant piece of shyte you are?

Oh, now we're allow to write about other posters mothers now?

I will not even go there, and you were caught in your fucking lies!

Now show where I wrote every major city in Texas is democratic and if not then I guess I was correct when I wrote a good majority of the cities are like Laredo, Houston, El Paso, and brownsville, and do you know what Laredo, Brownsville, and El Paso have in common?

lest see if yo can be honest or twist what I wrote again?

roflmao, you demonstrate what a retard you are and how a typical libtard thinks, or tries and fails to think.
So Jim Bowie support of Cruz is because of his hatred of President Obama and how some of his supporters used race baiting to support their support of President Obama...

Lol, I do not support Cruz right now; I support Trump, ignorant wretch.
Texas and California are Minority-Majority States that have a heavy Hispanic population within their border, and to win a Election for President you have to win that Electoral College, and if Cruz does not get the Hispanic vote in either state then he will lose Texas and California.

Cant win in Texas without the Hispanic vote?

Lol, you are a either a moron or a liar. About a third of Hispanics refuse to vote on the basis of their ethnicity and are proud Americans and Texans.

You're take on Hispanic politics is bullshit.
Not to mention Texas is a very christian state. Cruz does well with Christian voters.


The majority of the Texas Hispanic Population is still Catholic and not Bible beating nutjobs.

The true racist pieces of filth in this thread are the ones that believe Hispanics will vote for a Hispanic while not understanding Mexicans sometimes will not vote for a Cuban and a Cuban sometimes will not vote for a Mexican.

I know how dare I write the facts and not live in the fictional world where Cruz being Cuban will give him all the Hispanic vote and if I disagree I must be a racist and not a fucking realist.

are Democratic and not Republican. Because the Upper part of the state is ran by the Republican party does not mean the entire state is red but it is actually purple.

I know I am a fucking racist because I do not agree with your opinion and you most likely have never been to Texas nor even understand that not every Hispanic will support Cruz.

You believe Hispanics are as shallow as the Obama supporter, and believe running someone like Cruz will win you their support without understanding Jeb Bush is most likely more liked by the Hispanic community than Cruz!
Your fucking map just proved my fucking point!

Lol, it did not prove your claim that Texas is purple, you twat-face tranny.

It also proved you wrong on your claim that all Texas cities went Democrat as Tarrant County and many other smaller cities did not go Dem.

The red part is El Paso, Brownsville, Laredo, Houston and the Valley of Texas you stupid ass! ( Hispanic Cities and Region except maybe Houston! )

Houston is not a hispanic city, moron.

Now I am a bigot for not support Cruz but I will support Rubio?

What fucking retard are you?

So now anyone that does not support Cruz is a Libatrad, Liar, and Bigot?

I have never mentioned you supposed support for that liar Rubio, jack ass.

Then if you do not support Rubio then you are a racist bigot, right?

So guess what you just proved me to be correct and you will double down on stupidity and claim nope, that map does not prove anything even though you just wrote red regions are democrat!

So how does it feel to be as stupid as you are?


You can not read and you just prove you are taking what I wrote out of context and the fact is I wrote a good majority of cities in Texas and not all of them which mean what to you?

Also I wrote maybe except Houston and you doubled down on your lying by claiming I wrote Houston was Hispanic.

So again I was correct and you are now lying like a typical partisan whore!

Why do you only see Ted Cruz Cuban heritage and why do you hate Cruz mother so much to deny the fact Cruz is also Italian and Irish?

Is it because you are the actual racist?
Prove your comment 1/3rd and if not then you are the fucking liar here or a moronic whore of a liar?

Lol, all too easy, dipshit.


You are full of shit and believe just because Cruz is Cuban he will carry the Hispanic vote and if he does not then you will write how they're just racist whores that are illegal and should be deported.

I do not believe that Cruz will carry the Hispanic vote liar, and I have never said so.

You libtard Marxist fucktards are stupid, ignorant and I hope you take over the Democratic party and rule it for the next century. That racist party deserves a slow death and to be replaced by a party that actually represents the American Middle Class and not a gaggle of Marxist ideologues.

You are the dumbest partisan whore I have ever met!

I was writing about Texas and California, and you wrote about Texas, and I want a breakdown of the Texas voter and not a national average.

Also I pointed out the fact Jeb Bush would most likely carry the Hispanic vote better than Cruz, and the true racist is you because Cruz is Cuban, Italian and Irish, and all you see is the Cuban and how sad is that?

Does your mother know what an ignorant piece of shyte you are?

Oh, now we're allow to write about other posters mothers now?

I will not even go there, and you were caught in your fucking lies!

Now show where I wrote every major city in Texas is democratic and if not then I guess I was correct when I wrote a good majority of the cities are like Laredo, Houston, El Paso, and brownsville, and do you know what Laredo, Brownsville, and El Paso have in common?

lest see if yo can be honest or twist what I wrote again?

roflmao, you demonstrate what a retard you are and how a typical libtard thinks, or tries and fails to think.

So the answer is no and just wrote something stupid as a response as usual.

I pointed out the fact I did not write all but instead wrote majority, and I also pointed out I did not claim Houston was a Hispanic City, even though you made the claim that I did...

So all you have is just writing silly lies because you can not refute the fact you twisted what I wrote to fit your angry partisan agenda.

Now provide where I wrote every major city in Texas was Democratic or will you write another comment with Libtards, racist, bigot, and stupid in it?

Also when Cruz fails to win another Primary will you write about how the GOP is a bunch of racist bigots that hate America?
So Jim Bowie support of Cruz is because of his hatred of President Obama and how some of his supporters used race baiting to support their support of President Obama...

Lol, I do not support Cruz right now; I support Trump, ignorant wretch.

Sure you don't...

Why all the anger about those admitting Cruz is a pathetic candidate just like you are a pathetic excuse for a human?

You're a Cruz supporter and because you wrote you are not can not be the truth because remember I wrote I will support Rubio and you laughed at what I wrote, so I will laugh at you claiming to be a Trump supporter...
Sure you don't...

Why all the anger about those admitting Cruz is a pathetic candidate just like you are a pathetic excuse for a human?

Because I despise liars like yourself who think that they can tell me what my actual preferences are, lol.

You're a Cruz supporter and because you wrote you are not can not be the truth because remember I wrote I will support Rubio and you laughed at what I wrote, so I will laugh at you claiming to be a Trump supporter...

Lol, the epitome of libtard liar crippled use of reason.
Ted's half Cuban. The only votes he'll muster up is conservative Cuban exiles in Florida. The real Hispanics won't vote for him.

Every time I see some libtard post that 'only genuine minorities vote Democrat' I shake with laughter.

Only 'genuine' minorities want to see their neighborhoods deteriorate unless they live near whites, only 'genuine minorities' want to see the Democrats stay in power in our nations cities no matter how many minorities die from crime, drug addiction and squalor. Only 'genuine' minorities want to see their communities rot while they provide the Democrats with reliable votes.


No one buys that bullshit any more dude.
Who has posted "only genuine minorities vote Democrat"? Name names.
The Immigrant GOP candidates Rubio and Cruz both Bush whacked T-Rump...........we need a new election in Iowa.....
Ted's half Cuban. The only votes he'll muster up is conservative Cuban exiles in Florida. The real Hispanics won't vote for him.

Every time I see some libtard post that 'only genuine minorities vote Democrat' I shake with laughter.

Only 'genuine' minorities want to see their neighborhoods deteriorate unless they live near whites, only 'genuine minorities' want to see the Democrats stay in power in our nations cities no matter how many minorities die from crime, drug addiction and squalor. Only 'genuine' minorities want to see their communities rot while they provide the Democrats with reliable votes.


No one buys that bullshit any more dude.
Who has posted "only genuine minorities vote Democrat"? Name names.
Howie did when he stated in so many words, "The real Hispanics won't vote for him."
Sure you don't...

Why all the anger about those admitting Cruz is a pathetic candidate just like you are a pathetic excuse for a human?

Because I despise liars like yourself who think that they can tell me what my actual preferences are, lol.

You're a Cruz supporter and because you wrote you are not can not be the truth because remember I wrote I will support Rubio and you laughed at what I wrote, so I will laugh at you claiming to be a Trump supporter...

Lol, the epitome of libtard liar crippled use of reason.

You mean like you?

Pot meet kettle and both of you are black, and I am sure you will write racist while ignoring your own racism, right CRUZ SUPPORTER?

Also the liar is you seeing you were caught lying about what I actually wrote and will not address it, so how does it feel like to be a partisan whore?
The Immigrant GOP candidates Rubio and Cruz both Bush whacked T-Rump...........we need a new election in Iowa.....
That nonsense actually is coherent to you?

"Libtardism is a mental disease. I present the above libtard comment, and rest my case. Thank you, your honor."

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