Cruz is 1st Hispanic to ever win a primary or caucus in US; HISTORY being made.

^^^^There you have it folks, right on time
Lol, you libtards cant stand it when people play your own bullshit tactics against you, can you?

Go ahead and deny it; we all know you do not accept a balance of logic anyway, so you might as well fess up.

'Whats sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander' is something you libtards have denied since at least Nixon's imposition of Affirmative Action standards.
What a proud moment. Just heard this on the Mark Levine show. REPUBLICAN candidate Ted Cruz is the 1st Hispanic to ever win a presidential primary or caucus in US history.

Wow. What a great moment to be a part of. I may end up voting for him in the SC primary. I hope Hispanic voters nation wide will cherish this opportunity in US history also.
We need a man in the White House that will slaughter goats on the White House lawn...

was the jew-hating spew necessary?

btw, we don't slaughter anything anymore. that was quite a few thousand years ago.
Are you a Hispanic Jew?
That is one of the weirdest conversations I think I have ever read here, going from a lampoon of libtard shpeel for Hillary to a discussion of sacrificing goats to anti-semitism.

Maybe after I eat, I'll get it.

I'm not the one who asked about goat sacrifices. I knew what he was talking about though, didn't I?

Weird? Maybe

As for what he meant, he was talking about animal sacrifices made by Jews in the days of the Temple in Jerusalem.
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What a proud moment. Just heard this on the Mark Levine show. REPUBLICAN candidate Ted Cruz is the 1st Hispanic to ever win a presidential primary or caucus in US history.

Wow. What a great moment to be a part of. I may end up voting for him in the SC primary. I hope Hispanic voters nation wide will cherish this opportunity in US history also.

that is cool

too bad he is a progressive
Cruz win was 'historical' and a real game changer. Wont be hard to shine following such an American failure as Obama


The only ones who think he's a failure are the Obama deranged loons or he wouldn't have been elected twice. Please nominate the wacko Canadian. Pretty please
I wouldn't count on that.

Hispanics are 16% of the population. They are not all that relevant. IF the borders close, then that ratio will not change very quickly.

Texas and California are Minority-Majority States that have a heavy Hispanic population within their border, and to win a Election for President you have to win that Electoral College, and if Cruz does not get the Hispanic vote in either state then he will lose Texas and California.

I know how dare I write reality and he is not liked as much some might believe and he is Cuban, and Mexican's and Tejano's know the difference...
I wouldn't count on that.

Hispanics are 16% of the population. They are not all that relevant. IF the borders close, then that ratio will not change very quickly.

Texas and California are Minority-Majority States that have a heavy Hispanic population within their border, and to win a Election for President you have to win that Electoral College, and if Cruz does not get the Hispanic vote in either state then he will lose Texas and California.

I know how dare I write reality and he is not liked as much some might believe and he is Cuban, and Mexican's and Tejano's know the difference...

Not "Hispanic enough" huh? Very racist of you.
Texas and California are Minority-Majority States that have a heavy Hispanic population within their border, and to win a Election for President you have to win that Electoral College, and if Cruz does not get the Hispanic vote in either state then he will lose Texas and California.

Cant win in Texas without the Hispanic vote?

Lol, you are a either a moron or a liar. About a third of Hispanics refuse to vote on the basis of their ethnicity and are proud Americans and Texans.

You're take on Hispanic politics is bullshit.
What a proud moment. Just heard this on the Mark Levine show. REPUBLICAN candidate Ted Cruz is the 1st Hispanic to ever win a presidential primary or caucus in US history.

Wow. What a great moment to be a part of. I may end up voting for him in the SC primary. I hope Hispanic voters nation wide will cherish this opportunity in US history also.
Well goodie.
What a proud moment. Just heard this on the Mark Levine show. REPUBLICAN candidate Ted Cruz is the 1st Hispanic to ever win a presidential primary or caucus in US history.

Wow. What a great moment to be a part of. I may end up voting for him in the SC primary. I hope Hispanic voters nation wide will cherish this opportunity in US history also.
Well goodie.
So we can guess how you Dhims might view such a contest; The Hispanic Cock vrs the WASP Vagina?
As an Iowan who voted for Cruz and helped make history, you're welcome. I call upon all Hispanic voters to come out and vote for Ted Cruz in your primary and the general election.

Ted's half Cuban. The only votes he'll muster up is conservative Cuban exiles in Florida. The real Hispanics won't vote for him.
Ted's half Cuban. The only votes he'll muster up is conservative Cuban exiles in Florida. The real Hispanics won't vote for him.

Every time I see some libtard post that 'only genuine minorities vote Democrat' I shake with laughter.

Only 'genuine' minorities want to see their neighborhoods deteriorate unless they live near whites, only 'genuine minorities' want to see the Democrats stay in power in our nations cities no matter how many minorities die from crime, drug addiction and squalor. Only 'genuine' minorities want to see their communities rot while they provide the Democrats with reliable votes.


No one buys that bullshit any more dude.
What a proud moment. Just heard this on the Mark Levine show. REPUBLICAN candidate Ted Cruz is the 1st Hispanic to ever win a presidential primary or caucus in US history.

Wow. What a great moment to be a part of. I may end up voting for him in the SC primary. I hope Hispanic voters nation wide will cherish this opportunity in US history also.

He is also the first Canadian to win a Presidential Primary or Cockass.
Texas and California are Minority-Majority States that have a heavy Hispanic population within their border, and to win a Election for President you have to win that Electoral College, and if Cruz does not get the Hispanic vote in either state then he will lose Texas and California.

Cant win in Texas without the Hispanic vote?

Lol, you are a either a moron or a liar. About a third of Hispanics refuse to vote on the basis of their ethnicity and are proud Americans and Texans.

You're take on Hispanic politics is bullshit.
Not to mention Texas is a very christian state. Cruz does well with Christian voters.
I wouldn't count on that.

Hispanics are 16% of the population. They are not all that relevant. IF the borders close, then that ratio will not change very quickly.

Texas and California are Minority-Majority States that have a heavy Hispanic population within their border, and to win a Election for President you have to win that Electoral College, and if Cruz does not get the Hispanic vote in either state then he will lose Texas and California.

I know how dare I write reality and he is not liked as much some might believe and he is Cuban, and Mexican's and Tejano's know the difference...

Not "Hispanic enough" huh? Very racist of you.

Where the fuck do you get that from?

I wrote he is fucking Cuban and did not write he is not Hispanic enough you race baiting piece of filth!

You write total bullshit, and if Ted Cruz does not carry the Hispanic vote like President Obama carried the African American and Hispanic vote will you declare those Hispanic's that did not vote for Ted Cruz as racists?

Also Ted Cruz is Cuban, Irish, and fucking Italian, so what does that make him?

You're troll fucking comment on the issue is fucking noted you pathetic asshat!
Texas and California are Minority-Majority States that have a heavy Hispanic population within their border, and to win a Election for President you have to win that Electoral College, and if Cruz does not get the Hispanic vote in either state then he will lose Texas and California.

Cant win in Texas without the Hispanic vote?

Lol, you are a either a moron or a liar. About a third of Hispanics refuse to vote on the basis of their ethnicity and are proud Americans and Texans.

You're take on Hispanic politics is bullshit.
Not to mention Texas is a very christian state. Cruz does well with Christian voters.


The majority of the Texas Hispanic Population is still Catholic and not Bible beating nutjobs.

The true racist pieces of filth in this thread are the ones that believe Hispanics will vote for a Hispanic while not understanding Mexicans sometimes will not vote for a Cuban and a Cuban sometimes will not vote for a Mexican.

I know how dare I write the facts and not live in the fictional world where Cruz being Cuban will give him all the Hispanic vote and if I disagree I must be a racist and not a fucking realist.

Also a good majority of Texas cities are Democratic and not Republican. Because the Upper part of the state is ran by the Republican party does not mean the entire state is red but it is actually purple.

I know I am a fucking racist because I do not agree with your opinion and you most likely have never been to Texas nor even understand that not every Hispanic will support Cruz.

You believe Hispanics are as shallow as the Obama supporter, and believe running someone like Cruz will win you their support without understanding Jeb Bush is most likely more liked by the Hispanic community than Cruz!
Texas and California are Minority-Majority States that have a heavy Hispanic population within their border, and to win a Election for President you have to win that Electoral College, and if Cruz does not get the Hispanic vote in either state then he will lose Texas and California.

Cant win in Texas without the Hispanic vote?

Lol, you are a either a moron or a liar. About a third of Hispanics refuse to vote on the basis of their ethnicity and are proud Americans and Texans.

You're take on Hispanic politics is bullshit.

You're either stupid or can not read!

It is the op race baiting and you masturbate at his words while writing I am a moron and a liar and what is really funny is you are the fucking retarded ass bitch here!

Prove your comment 1/3rd and if not then you are the fucking liar here or a moronic whore of a liar?

You are full of shit and believe just because Cruz is Cuban he will carry the Hispanic vote and if he does not then you will write how they're just racist whores that are illegal and should be deported.

That is the actual fact you fucker!

The OP'er and those like you have no fucking clue how the Mexican and Tejano population ( Oh yeah I did mention the Tejano population that you fucking ignored like a partisan whore does! ) will vote and again you see a brown skin candidate that is as retarded as you and you believe they will vote for him without taking in the part he is CUBAN!

Yeah his Cuban heritage will play into and will not work well with Mexican's or Tejano's or Central Americans or even South Americans.

I know you believe Hispanics are shallow minded individuals like President Obama supporters, and again if the Hispanic community does not vote for Ted Cruz then that mean they are either racist, stupid or illegals that should not be allowed to vote!

So go fuck yourself you partisan whore!
The majority of the Texas Hispanic Population is still Catholic and not Bible beating nutjobs.

I love it when I see a libtard like yourself demonstrate his complete ignorance about religion.

Did you know that many Catholics are 'Bible beating nutjobs'? And every evangelical and Pentecostal lurker is encouraged by you to vote GOP, which works for me this year, too.

The true racist pieces of filth in this thread are the ones that believe Hispanics will vote for a Hispanic while not understanding Mexicans sometimes will not vote for a Cuban and a Cuban sometimes will not vote for a Mexican.

No one has said any such thing. It is remarkable that you think stereotyping people who might make such a misreading of the Hispanic population are filth while you dehumanise Bible believing Christians erroneously and at a whim.

I know how dare I write the facts and not live in the fictional world where Cruz being Cuban will give him all the Hispanic vote and if I disagree I must be a racist and not a fucking realist.

No one has said that Cruz will get all the Hispanic vote, liar.

Also a good majority of Texas cities are Democratic and not Republican. Because the Upper part of the state is ran by the Republican party does not mean the entire state is red but it is actually purple.

Texas is NOT purple, dude, roflmao


In this map blue is Republican and red Democrat as the colors ought to be as most Democrat leaders are Reds.

I know I am a fucking racist because I do not agree with your opinion and you most likely have never been to Texas nor even understand that not every Hispanic will support Cruz.

No, you are a racist because you think the only genuine hispanic is one that votes as a good Democrat, you are an anti-Bible bigot, you are a Democrat party hack and not a very good one since you are also incredibly stupid. You cant even lie well and that speaks volumes for a Democrat.

You believe Hispanics are as shallow as the Obama supporter, and believe running someone like Cruz will win you their support without understanding Jeb Bush is most likely more liked by the Hispanic community than Cruz!

Asserted without a shred of evidence by a liar and bigot; so who cares what you try to think?

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