Cruz RNC Speech

First endorsements don't mean shit anymore. Second did anyone seriously think Cruz was going to endorse the man who suggested his father was involved in the JFK assassination?

You mother fucking right wing creeps. You fucking cried so hard about Obama palling around with Reverand Wright and you don't fucking mind the fact Ted's dad was palling around with someone who assassinated JFK? A fucking CUBAN no less! Then Ted's mom the traitor leaves the USA after they helped murder our President and years later they send the Manchurian Candidate back to America to do god knows what? Luckily they gave birth to a used car salesman who has no chance of ever being president.
Your fear is the best endorsement Trump could ever ask for...
Look at Trump when he was listening to Cruz

Not happy. LOL

Ted's NOT endorsing Trump is Trump's best endorsement.
First endorsements don't mean shit anymore. Second did anyone seriously think Cruz was going to endorse the man who suggested his father was involved in the JFK assassination?

You mother fucking right wing creeps. You fucking cried so hard about Obama palling around with Reverand Wright and you don't fucking mind the fact Ted's dad was palling around with someone who assassinated JFK? A fucking CUBAN no less! Then Ted's mom the traitor leaves the USA after they helped murder our President and years later they send the Manchurian Candidate back to America to do god knows what? Luckily they gave birth to a used car salesman who has no chance of ever being president.

Your a fucking idiot.
Oh yea that's not suspicious at all. Are you fucking kidding me? Clinton and Obama both went abroad to study. What did you right wingers say about that back then? You suggested Obama was "palling around with terrorists and Muslims". Well look how tight the Cruz family is with commies. No fucking coincidence stupid.
your boy Trump has been fawning all over Paul Ryan, Reince Preibus, Mitch McConnell and all the rest of the Establishment elite in DC.... all week long. He worked his supporters into a frenzy and they voted to keep the rules of the convention and future conventions the same as the ones put in place by Mitt Romney which blocks out grass roots campaigns and allows the RNC to completely control the conventions.
First endorsements don't mean shit anymore. Second did anyone seriously think Cruz was going to endorse the man who suggested his father was involved in the JFK assassination?

You mother fucking right wing creeps. You fucking cried so hard about Obama palling around with Reverand Wright and you don't fucking mind the fact Ted's dad was palling around with someone who assassinated JFK? A fucking CUBAN no less! Then Ted's mom the traitor leaves the USA after they helped murder our President and years later they send the Manchurian Candidate back to America to do god knows what? Luckily they gave birth to a used car salesman who has no chance of ever being president.
Your fear is the best endorsement Trump could ever ask for...
Look at Trump when he was listening to Cruz

Not happy. LOL

Ted's NOT endorsing Trump is Trump's best endorsement.
What many of you dummies will NEVER grasp is Trump and everyone around him KNOWS they are being videotaped every second they are in public.
That look on Trump's face is: "Go ahead you asshole rat face. Commit political suicide on MY!!!!! stage!".
Cruz obliged Trump.
I can't stand Frump and I seriously doubt he's going to win but it would be great to have him win if only to watch your head explode. :lmao:
Hitlery's only chance is in the illegal and the dead and buried coming out of the graves to vote for her.
You over estimate your fellow voting citizens........ :eusa_whistle:
Well it is pretty obvious the saudi and bank ass kissing Texans did get get to Cruz.
They did? I wouldn't know.
Yeah you probably wouldn't. Cool thing about being in the later years is you have enough history behind you sometimes to see a little ways beyond what the rhetoric of the day is.
Why do you think I don't listen to people like you or the idiots on the far left, age and experience.
True, but astonishly MUCH less of a sack of shit than the guy you whiney little Trump bitches support.

Obviously, you're not the sharpest tool in the shed. In a previous thread you were in I mentioned I'm a big Rand Paul fan. Trump was not my first choice. But I got over it and moved on. Maybe next election will be Rand's year, but as of now I will vote Trump over Hitlery every time, and 'Lyin Ted can go fuck himself

Cruz and his supporters will tell you that he couldn't endorse Trump, even though he at one time vowed to support the eventual nominee, because he is a man of principle. And I would say that Hitler was a man of principles too, but i didn't much care for his character, nor do I care for Lying Ted's character. He is a whinney little Canadian-Cuban bitch who can't believe he got his ass kicked by a big orange clown.
Every time I see you, I remember the chewing gum story and how pissed off ChrisL was about it. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Shut up. I only said he was disgusting and that it was an overreaction because someone takes your gum! That's disgusting! What kind of person does that?

She's baaaack. Still up nights with a queasy stomach while thinking about chewing some piss gum? I'll bet you are rude to waiters and waitresses, so it's safe to say you've downed more than your share of other people's loogies. But you are fine so it's no big

Oh, last time I believe you told me that I must be a "gum thief" because I think you're gross. Lol. Now, I'm abusive to waiters and waitresses because you're a disgusting pig? Too funny.
Obviously, you're not the sharpest tool in the shed. In a previous thread you were in I mentioned I'm a big Rand Paul fan. Trump was not my first choice. But I got over it and moved on. Maybe next election will be Rand's year, but as of now I will vote Trump over Hitlery every time, and 'Lyin Ted can go fuck himself

Cruz and his supporters will tell you that he couldn't endorse Trump, even though he at one time vowed to support the eventual nominee, because he is a man of principle. And I would say that Hitler was a man of principles too, but i didn't much care for his character, nor do I care for Lying Ted's character. He is a whinney little Canadian-Cuban bitch who can't believe he got his ass kicked by a big orange clown.
Every time I see you, I remember the chewing gum story and how pissed off ChrisL was about it. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Shut up. I only said he was disgusting and that it was an overreaction because someone takes your gum! That's disgusting! What kind of person does that?

She's baaaack. Still up nights with a queasy stomach while thinking about chewing some piss gum? I'll bet you are rude to waiters and waitresses, so it's safe to say you've downed more than your share of other people's loogies. But you are fine so it's no big
ChrisL is a hoot huh?

This is what you say to someone who calls himself a "buck toothed moron" and pisses on gum? That I'm a hoot? Good grief, all of you people have fallen off your rockers.
Obviously, you're not the sharpest tool in the shed. In a previous thread you were in I mentioned I'm a big Rand Paul fan. Trump was not my first choice. But I got over it and moved on. Maybe next election will be Rand's year, but as of now I will vote Trump over Hitlery every time, and 'Lyin Ted can go fuck himself

Cruz and his supporters will tell you that he couldn't endorse Trump, even though he at one time vowed to support the eventual nominee, because he is a man of principle. And I would say that Hitler was a man of principles too, but i didn't much care for his character, nor do I care for Lying Ted's character. He is a whinney little Canadian-Cuban bitch who can't believe he got his ass kicked by a big orange clown.
Every time I see you, I remember the chewing gum story and how pissed off ChrisL was about it. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Shut up. I only said he was disgusting and that it was an overreaction because someone takes your gum! That's disgusting! What kind of person does that?

She's baaaack. Still up nights with a queasy stomach while thinking about chewing some piss gum? I'll bet you are rude to waiters and waitresses, so it's safe to say you've downed more than your share of other people's loogies. But you are fine so it's no big

Oh, last time I believe you told me that I must be a "gum thief" because I think you're gross. Lol. Now, I'm abusive to waiters and waitresses because you're a disgusting pig? Too funny.

ChrisL, I am teasing you because it is fun. It's fun because you get so worked up about it. Take time to laugh in life and let the petty little crap go. I am sure you are a smart, and lovely woman, you are just wound a little tight. Relax girl and enjoy the breeze.
First endorsements don't mean shit anymore. Second did anyone seriously think Cruz was going to endorse the man who suggested his father was involved in the JFK assassination?

You mother fucking right wing creeps. You fucking cried so hard about Obama palling around with Reverand Wright and you don't fucking mind the fact Ted's dad was palling around with someone who assassinated JFK? A fucking CUBAN no less! Then Ted's mom the traitor leaves the USA after they helped murder our President and years later they send the Manchurian Candidate back to America to do god knows what? Luckily they gave birth to a used car salesman who has no chance of ever being president.
Your fear is the best endorsement Trump could ever ask for...
Look at Trump when he was listening to Cruz

Not happy. LOL

Ted's NOT endorsing Trump is Trump's best endorsement.

Oh Trump is actually ecstatic. On the inside. He knew exactly what was in that speech and what wasn't. He knew the endorsement wasn't coming. Everyone on Team Trump knew this. No one was blindsided at all.

Haha. I love their faces. The whole family pulled it off.

You really have to understand that this was a set up by Team Trump. Cruz accepted the speaking engagement at the convention because his ego drove him to it.

Manafort knew that if Cruz endorsed Trump that would be great. If he didn't endorse him it would forever marginalize Cruz and destroy Never Trump for eternity.

It was a win win scenario.

Cruz's political career aspirations for the Presidency are now toast. That was the ultimate goal.

To set this up you see was going to be a win win for Team Trump. Cruz is now the divider. And the Donald?

The unifier. For the Republican Party. Too funny and well played.


It was one of the most audacious and awesomeness of awesomeness political strategies I have ever witnessed.

Last edited:
Cruz and his supporters will tell you that he couldn't endorse Trump, even though he at one time vowed to support the eventual nominee, because he is a man of principle. And I would say that Hitler was a man of principles too, but i didn't much care for his character, nor do I care for Lying Ted's character. He is a whinney little Canadian-Cuban bitch who can't believe he got his ass kicked by a big orange clown.
Every time I see you, I remember the chewing gum story and how pissed off ChrisL was about it. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Shut up. I only said he was disgusting and that it was an overreaction because someone takes your gum! That's disgusting! What kind of person does that?

She's baaaack. Still up nights with a queasy stomach while thinking about chewing some piss gum? I'll bet you are rude to waiters and waitresses, so it's safe to say you've downed more than your share of other people's loogies. But you are fine so it's no big
ChrisL is a hoot huh?

This is what you say to someone who calls himself a "buck toothed moron" and pisses on gum? That I'm a hoot? Good grief, all of you people have fallen off your rockers.

You are being really stupid Chris

Clinton’s gun violence prevention proposal would impose restrictions, including a ban on semi-automatic “assault weapons,” but it does not call for banning all guns.

Trump Distorts Clinton’s Gun Stance

You tell me why you have a problem with this:

Among other things, her plan would:

  • Expand background checks. Her proposal would expand required background checks to include some private sales at gun shows and over the Internet. The current requirement exempts any person “who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”
  • Close the so-called “Charleston Loophole.” Federal law currently allows federally licensed dealers to sell firearms after a three-day waiting period for a background check even if a background check on the buyer is not completed. Legislation proposed by Democratic Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina would require a potential gun buyer to pass a background check before being sold the gun.
  • Ban semi-automatic “assault weapons.” Clinton supports reinstating the 1994 ban that expired in 2004. The ban was signed by her husband, President Bill Clinton. Her proposal makes no mention of retroactively banning such weapons. She was a cosponsor of legislation that would have extended the assault weapons ban before it expired in September 2004. The 1994 law allowed gun owners to keep prohibited weapons purchased before the ban took effect.

Clinton has said her gun proposals are “consistent with constitutional rights,” acknowledging that gun owners have a constitutional right to own guns.

Now, Clinton’s critics point to past comments that she has made as evidence that she wants to take away all guns. But these interpretations distort her position.

The National Rifle Association said her comments in Keene proved that the “real goal of gun control supporters is gun confiscation.”

But Clinton’s non-committal answer to a hypothetical question at a single campaign stop hardly amounts to proof that she “wants to take your guns away,” as Trump said. She said only that the Australia buyback program is “worth looking at” and “worth considering.” It is not part of her gun violence prevention plan.

Trump went a step further this time, saying that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

The evidence for this appears to be a recording of a speech that Clinton gave in New York last year, although Trump’s campaign did not respond to our request for clarification. In that speech, Clinton said that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment, and I am going to make that case every chance I get.”

The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website that obtained an audio of her speech,wrote at the time: “Although Clinton did not identify which Supreme Court case she disagreed with, she appeared to be criticizing the landmark 2008 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller, which found the handgun ban in Washington, D.C., unconstitutional.”

Gun rights advocates point to that quote to claim that Trump was right in claiming that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

YOU and Trump may choose not to believe what Clinton says, but the fact is there is no evidence that Clinton wants to “take your guns away” or “abolish the Second Amendment.” She hasn’t said that, and her gun proposals would not do that.
I didn't watch the convention last night but caught the clips on the national news. What a dicktard Cruz is. He knew going into the race that if he didn't win he'd be expected to endorse the candidate even if half heartedly. If anyone shouldn't have endorsed the candidate it should be Sanders not endorsing Clinton but even he sucked it up and towed the party line. Honestly I think it would have gone better for Cruz if he hadn't spoke at all. The only thing that could save Cruz's Career now is if Trump turned out to be the worse President of the USA. With Obama setting the bar higher than any other president, I seriously doubt that will happen.
Every time I see you, I remember the chewing gum story and how pissed off ChrisL was about it. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Shut up. I only said he was disgusting and that it was an overreaction because someone takes your gum! That's disgusting! What kind of person does that?

She's baaaack. Still up nights with a queasy stomach while thinking about chewing some piss gum? I'll bet you are rude to waiters and waitresses, so it's safe to say you've downed more than your share of other people's loogies. But you are fine so it's no big
ChrisL is a hoot huh?

This is what you say to someone who calls himself a "buck toothed moron" and pisses on gum? That I'm a hoot? Good grief, all of you people have fallen off your rockers.

You are being really stupid Chris

Clinton’s gun violence prevention proposal would impose restrictions, including a ban on semi-automatic “assault weapons,” but it does not call for banning all guns.

Trump Distorts Clinton’s Gun Stance

You tell me why you have a problem with this:

Among other things, her plan would:

  • Expand background checks. Her proposal would expand required background checks to include some private sales at gun shows and over the Internet. The current requirement exempts any person “who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”
  • Close the so-called “Charleston Loophole.” Federal law currently allows federally licensed dealers to sell firearms after a three-day waiting period for a background check even if a background check on the buyer is not completed. Legislation proposed by Democratic Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina would require a potential gun buyer to pass a background check before being sold the gun.
  • Ban semi-automatic “assault weapons.” Clinton supports reinstating the 1994 ban that expired in 2004. The ban was signed by her husband, President Bill Clinton. Her proposal makes no mention of retroactively banning such weapons. She was a cosponsor of legislation that would have extended the assault weapons ban before it expired in September 2004. The 1994 law allowed gun owners to keep prohibited weapons purchased before the ban took effect.

Clinton has said her gun proposals are “consistent with constitutional rights,” acknowledging that gun owners have a constitutional right to own guns.

Now, Clinton’s critics point to past comments that she has made as evidence that she wants to take away all guns. But these interpretations distort her position.

The National Rifle Association said her comments in Keene proved that the “real goal of gun control supporters is gun confiscation.”

But Clinton’s non-committal answer to a hypothetical question at a single campaign stop hardly amounts to proof that she “wants to take your guns away,” as Trump said. She said only that the Australia buyback program is “worth looking at” and “worth considering.” It is not part of her gun violence prevention plan.

Trump went a step further this time, saying that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

The evidence for this appears to be a recording of a speech that Clinton gave in New York last year, although Trump’s campaign did not respond to our request for clarification. In that speech, Clinton said that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment, and I am going to make that case every chance I get.”

The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website that obtained an audio of her speech,wrote at the time: “Although Clinton did not identify which Supreme Court case she disagreed with, she appeared to be criticizing the landmark 2008 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller, which found the handgun ban in Washington, D.C., unconstitutional.”

Gun rights advocates point to that quote to claim that Trump was right in claiming that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

YOU and Trump may choose not to believe what Clinton says, but the fact is there is no evidence that Clinton wants to “take your guns away” or “abolish the Second Amendment.” She hasn’t said that, and her gun proposals would not do that.

Incremental steps towards a total ban. What are they going to demand after the NEXT psycho uses a gun to commit his carnage?
First endorsements don't mean shit anymore. Second did anyone seriously think Cruz was going to endorse the man who suggested his father was involved in the JFK assassination?

You mother fucking right wing creeps. You fucking cried so hard about Obama palling around with Reverand Wright and you don't fucking mind the fact Ted's dad was palling around with someone who assassinated JFK? A fucking CUBAN no less! Then Ted's mom the traitor leaves the USA after they helped murder our President and years later they send the Manchurian Candidate back to America to do god knows what? Luckily they gave birth to a used car salesman who has no chance of ever being president.
Your fear is the best endorsement Trump could ever ask for...
Look at Trump when he was listening to Cruz

Not happy. LOL

Ted's NOT endorsing Trump is Trump's best endorsement.

Oh Trump is actually ecstatic. On the inside. He knew exactly what was in that speech and what wasn't. He knew the endorsement wasn't coming. Everyone on Team Trump knew this. No one was blindsided at all.

Haha. I love their faces. The whole family pulled it off.

You really have to understand that this was a set up by Team Trump. Cruz accepted the speaking engagement at the convention because his ego drove him to it.

Manafort knew that if Cruz endorsed Trump that would be great. If he didn't endorse him it would forever marginalize Cruz and destroy Never Trump for eternity.

It was a win win scenario.

Cruz's political career aspirations for the Presidency are now toast. That was the ultimate goal.

To set this up you see was going to be a win win for Team Trump. Cruz is now the divider. And the Donald?

The unifier. For the Republican Party. Too funny and well played.


It was one of the most audacious and awesomeness of awesomeness political strategy I have witnessed.

1. You believe that shit that they saw Cruz' speech before he gave it? God you are dumb.
2. Cruz was never going to be president. The fact you think he ever stood a chance tells me a lot more than the words you just wrote to me. LOL.

Now tell me how they pre planned Melania's plagiarized speech. Please, tell me that! Every time the unorganized Trump campaign fucks up please give me your right wing spin. I love it!
Every time I see you, I remember the chewing gum story and how pissed off ChrisL was about it. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Shut up. I only said he was disgusting and that it was an overreaction because someone takes your gum! That's disgusting! What kind of person does that?

She's baaaack. Still up nights with a queasy stomach while thinking about chewing some piss gum? I'll bet you are rude to waiters and waitresses, so it's safe to say you've downed more than your share of other people's loogies. But you are fine so it's no big
ChrisL is a hoot huh?

This is what you say to someone who calls himself a "buck toothed moron" and pisses on gum? That I'm a hoot? Good grief, all of you people have fallen off your rockers.

You are being really stupid Chris

Clinton’s gun violence prevention proposal would impose restrictions, including a ban on semi-automatic “assault weapons,” but it does not call for banning all guns.

Trump Distorts Clinton’s Gun Stance

You tell me why you have a problem with this:

Among other things, her plan would:

  • Expand background checks. Her proposal would expand required background checks to include some private sales at gun shows and over the Internet. The current requirement exempts any person “who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”
  • Close the so-called “Charleston Loophole.” Federal law currently allows federally licensed dealers to sell firearms after a three-day waiting period for a background check even if a background check on the buyer is not completed. Legislation proposed by Democratic Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina would require a potential gun buyer to pass a background check before being sold the gun.
  • Ban semi-automatic “assault weapons.” Clinton supports reinstating the 1994 ban that expired in 2004. The ban was signed by her husband, President Bill Clinton. Her proposal makes no mention of retroactively banning such weapons. She was a cosponsor of legislation that would have extended the assault weapons ban before it expired in September 2004. The 1994 law allowed gun owners to keep prohibited weapons purchased before the ban took effect.

Clinton has said her gun proposals are “consistent with constitutional rights,” acknowledging that gun owners have a constitutional right to own guns.

Now, Clinton’s critics point to past comments that she has made as evidence that she wants to take away all guns. But these interpretations distort her position.

The National Rifle Association said her comments in Keene proved that the “real goal of gun control supporters is gun confiscation.”

But Clinton’s non-committal answer to a hypothetical question at a single campaign stop hardly amounts to proof that she “wants to take your guns away,” as Trump said. She said only that the Australia buyback program is “worth looking at” and “worth considering.” It is not part of her gun violence prevention plan.

Trump went a step further this time, saying that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

The evidence for this appears to be a recording of a speech that Clinton gave in New York last year, although Trump’s campaign did not respond to our request for clarification. In that speech, Clinton said that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment, and I am going to make that case every chance I get.”

The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website that obtained an audio of her speech,wrote at the time: “Although Clinton did not identify which Supreme Court case she disagreed with, she appeared to be criticizing the landmark 2008 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller, which found the handgun ban in Washington, D.C., unconstitutional.”

Gun rights advocates point to that quote to claim that Trump was right in claiming that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

YOU and Trump may choose not to believe what Clinton says, but the fact is there is no evidence that Clinton wants to “take your guns away” or “abolish the Second Amendment.” She hasn’t said that, and her gun proposals would not do that.

WHY do you think they are so dishonest with statistics and studies? Why do you think they include 18 and 19 and even 20 year old gang bangers as "children" in their statistics? Why do they include suicides in the "gun death" statistics? I've heard this song and dance more than one time, that's for sure. They know the people would be OUTRAGED that the government would interfere with a constitutionally guaranteed RIGHT (and given the reasons for this right especially), and so they take shady incremental steps towards the ultimate goal.
First endorsements don't mean shit anymore. Second did anyone seriously think Cruz was going to endorse the man who suggested his father was involved in the JFK assassination?

You mother fucking right wing creeps. You fucking cried so hard about Obama palling around with Reverand Wright and you don't fucking mind the fact Ted's dad was palling around with someone who assassinated JFK? A fucking CUBAN no less! Then Ted's mom the traitor leaves the USA after they helped murder our President and years later they send the Manchurian Candidate back to America to do god knows what? Luckily they gave birth to a used car salesman who has no chance of ever being president.
Your fear is the best endorsement Trump could ever ask for...
Look at Trump when he was listening to Cruz

Not happy. LOL

Ted's NOT endorsing Trump is Trump's best endorsement.

Oh Trump is actually ecstatic. On the inside. He knew exactly what was in that speech and what wasn't. He knew the endorsement wasn't coming. Everyone on Team Trump knew this. No one was blindsided at all.

Haha. I love their faces. The whole family pulled it off.

You really have to understand that this was a set up by Team Trump. Cruz accepted the speaking engagement at the convention because his ego drove him to it.

Manafort knew that if Cruz endorsed Trump that would be great. If he didn't endorse him it would forever marginalize Cruz and destroy Never Trump for eternity.

It was a win win scenario.

Cruz's political career aspirations for the Presidency are now toast. That was the ultimate goal.

To set this up you see was going to be a win win for Team Trump. Cruz is now the divider. And the Donald?

The unifier. For the Republican Party. Too funny and well played.


It was one of the most audacious and awesomeness of awesomeness political strategy I have witnessed.

1. You believe that shit that they saw Cruz' speech before he gave it? God you are dumb.
2. Cruz was never going to be president. The fact you think he ever stood a chance tells me a lot more than the words you just wrote to me. LOL.

Now tell me how they pre planned Melania's plagiarized speech. Please, tell me that! Every time the unorganized Trump campaign fucks up please give me your right wing spin. I love it!

And why are YOU so keyed up over a "potential" first lady's speech while ignoring all the shady crap that Hillary has pulled? Hmm? :)
Shut up. I only said he was disgusting and that it was an overreaction because someone takes your gum! That's disgusting! What kind of person does that?

She's baaaack. Still up nights with a queasy stomach while thinking about chewing some piss gum? I'll bet you are rude to waiters and waitresses, so it's safe to say you've downed more than your share of other people's loogies. But you are fine so it's no big
ChrisL is a hoot huh?

This is what you say to someone who calls himself a "buck toothed moron" and pisses on gum? That I'm a hoot? Good grief, all of you people have fallen off your rockers.

You are being really stupid Chris

Clinton’s gun violence prevention proposal would impose restrictions, including a ban on semi-automatic “assault weapons,” but it does not call for banning all guns.

Trump Distorts Clinton’s Gun Stance

You tell me why you have a problem with this:

Among other things, her plan would:

  • Expand background checks. Her proposal would expand required background checks to include some private sales at gun shows and over the Internet. The current requirement exempts any person “who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”
  • Close the so-called “Charleston Loophole.” Federal law currently allows federally licensed dealers to sell firearms after a three-day waiting period for a background check even if a background check on the buyer is not completed. Legislation proposed by Democratic Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina would require a potential gun buyer to pass a background check before being sold the gun.
  • Ban semi-automatic “assault weapons.” Clinton supports reinstating the 1994 ban that expired in 2004. The ban was signed by her husband, President Bill Clinton. Her proposal makes no mention of retroactively banning such weapons. She was a cosponsor of legislation that would have extended the assault weapons ban before it expired in September 2004. The 1994 law allowed gun owners to keep prohibited weapons purchased before the ban took effect.

Clinton has said her gun proposals are “consistent with constitutional rights,” acknowledging that gun owners have a constitutional right to own guns.

Now, Clinton’s critics point to past comments that she has made as evidence that she wants to take away all guns. But these interpretations distort her position.

The National Rifle Association said her comments in Keene proved that the “real goal of gun control supporters is gun confiscation.”

But Clinton’s non-committal answer to a hypothetical question at a single campaign stop hardly amounts to proof that she “wants to take your guns away,” as Trump said. She said only that the Australia buyback program is “worth looking at” and “worth considering.” It is not part of her gun violence prevention plan.

Trump went a step further this time, saying that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

The evidence for this appears to be a recording of a speech that Clinton gave in New York last year, although Trump’s campaign did not respond to our request for clarification. In that speech, Clinton said that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment, and I am going to make that case every chance I get.”

The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website that obtained an audio of her speech,wrote at the time: “Although Clinton did not identify which Supreme Court case she disagreed with, she appeared to be criticizing the landmark 2008 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller, which found the handgun ban in Washington, D.C., unconstitutional.”

Gun rights advocates point to that quote to claim that Trump was right in claiming that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

YOU and Trump may choose not to believe what Clinton says, but the fact is there is no evidence that Clinton wants to “take your guns away” or “abolish the Second Amendment.” She hasn’t said that, and her gun proposals would not do that.

Incremental steps towards a total ban. What are they going to demand after the NEXT psycho uses a gun to commit his carnage?
Demand? We can't even get the GOP to stop selling guns to people on the no fly list. Chris, for a smart lady (most of the time) you are being really dumb.

Do you live in New Hampshire or a blue state? One that votes Blue every time? If so, feel free to continue to be stupid since it doesn't matter.
She's baaaack. Still up nights with a queasy stomach while thinking about chewing some piss gum? I'll bet you are rude to waiters and waitresses, so it's safe to say you've downed more than your share of other people's loogies. But you are fine so it's no big
ChrisL is a hoot huh?

This is what you say to someone who calls himself a "buck toothed moron" and pisses on gum? That I'm a hoot? Good grief, all of you people have fallen off your rockers.

You are being really stupid Chris

Clinton’s gun violence prevention proposal would impose restrictions, including a ban on semi-automatic “assault weapons,” but it does not call for banning all guns.

Trump Distorts Clinton’s Gun Stance

You tell me why you have a problem with this:

Among other things, her plan would:

  • Expand background checks. Her proposal would expand required background checks to include some private sales at gun shows and over the Internet. The current requirement exempts any person “who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”
  • Close the so-called “Charleston Loophole.” Federal law currently allows federally licensed dealers to sell firearms after a three-day waiting period for a background check even if a background check on the buyer is not completed. Legislation proposed by Democratic Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina would require a potential gun buyer to pass a background check before being sold the gun.
  • Ban semi-automatic “assault weapons.” Clinton supports reinstating the 1994 ban that expired in 2004. The ban was signed by her husband, President Bill Clinton. Her proposal makes no mention of retroactively banning such weapons. She was a cosponsor of legislation that would have extended the assault weapons ban before it expired in September 2004. The 1994 law allowed gun owners to keep prohibited weapons purchased before the ban took effect.

Clinton has said her gun proposals are “consistent with constitutional rights,” acknowledging that gun owners have a constitutional right to own guns.

Now, Clinton’s critics point to past comments that she has made as evidence that she wants to take away all guns. But these interpretations distort her position.

The National Rifle Association said her comments in Keene proved that the “real goal of gun control supporters is gun confiscation.”

But Clinton’s non-committal answer to a hypothetical question at a single campaign stop hardly amounts to proof that she “wants to take your guns away,” as Trump said. She said only that the Australia buyback program is “worth looking at” and “worth considering.” It is not part of her gun violence prevention plan.

Trump went a step further this time, saying that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

The evidence for this appears to be a recording of a speech that Clinton gave in New York last year, although Trump’s campaign did not respond to our request for clarification. In that speech, Clinton said that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment, and I am going to make that case every chance I get.”

The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website that obtained an audio of her speech,wrote at the time: “Although Clinton did not identify which Supreme Court case she disagreed with, she appeared to be criticizing the landmark 2008 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller, which found the handgun ban in Washington, D.C., unconstitutional.”

Gun rights advocates point to that quote to claim that Trump was right in claiming that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

YOU and Trump may choose not to believe what Clinton says, but the fact is there is no evidence that Clinton wants to “take your guns away” or “abolish the Second Amendment.” She hasn’t said that, and her gun proposals would not do that.

Incremental steps towards a total ban. What are they going to demand after the NEXT psycho uses a gun to commit his carnage?
Demand? We can't even get the GOP to stop selling guns to people on the no fly list. Chris, for a smart lady (most of the time) you are being really dumb.

Do you live in New Hampshire or a blue state? One that votes Blue every time? If so, feel free to continue to be stupid since it doesn't matter.

Because that would be against those people's CONSTITUTIONAL rights!!! Don't you know this? You cannot revoke the rights of people who have NOT committed any crimes!
You mother fucking right wing creeps. You fucking cried so hard about Obama palling around with Reverand Wright and you don't fucking mind the fact Ted's dad was palling around with someone who assassinated JFK? A fucking CUBAN no less! Then Ted's mom the traitor leaves the USA after they helped murder our President and years later they send the Manchurian Candidate back to America to do god knows what? Luckily they gave birth to a used car salesman who has no chance of ever being president.
Your fear is the best endorsement Trump could ever ask for...
Look at Trump when he was listening to Cruz

Not happy. LOL

Ted's NOT endorsing Trump is Trump's best endorsement.

Oh Trump is actually ecstatic. On the inside. He knew exactly what was in that speech and what wasn't. He knew the endorsement wasn't coming. Everyone on Team Trump knew this. No one was blindsided at all.

Haha. I love their faces. The whole family pulled it off.

You really have to understand that this was a set up by Team Trump. Cruz accepted the speaking engagement at the convention because his ego drove him to it.

Manafort knew that if Cruz endorsed Trump that would be great. If he didn't endorse him it would forever marginalize Cruz and destroy Never Trump for eternity.

It was a win win scenario.

Cruz's political career aspirations for the Presidency are now toast. That was the ultimate goal.

To set this up you see was going to be a win win for Team Trump. Cruz is now the divider. And the Donald?

The unifier. For the Republican Party. Too funny and well played.


It was one of the most audacious and awesomeness of awesomeness political strategy I have witnessed.

1. You believe that shit that they saw Cruz' speech before he gave it? God you are dumb.
2. Cruz was never going to be president. The fact you think he ever stood a chance tells me a lot more than the words you just wrote to me. LOL.

Now tell me how they pre planned Melania's plagiarized speech. Please, tell me that! Every time the unorganized Trump campaign fucks up please give me your right wing spin. I love it!

And why are YOU so keyed up over a "potential" first lady's speech while ignoring all the shady crap that Hillary has pulled? Hmm? :)
I really don't like the email scandal but that's not enough for me to give the Supreme Court and White House to the Republicans.

Apparently you aren't nearly as worried as you should be about Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell legislation getting passed either.

If you like Mike Pence running the country with Chris Christie then vote Trump.
ChrisL is a hoot huh?

This is what you say to someone who calls himself a "buck toothed moron" and pisses on gum? That I'm a hoot? Good grief, all of you people have fallen off your rockers.

You are being really stupid Chris

Clinton’s gun violence prevention proposal would impose restrictions, including a ban on semi-automatic “assault weapons,” but it does not call for banning all guns.

Trump Distorts Clinton’s Gun Stance

You tell me why you have a problem with this:

Among other things, her plan would:

  • Expand background checks. Her proposal would expand required background checks to include some private sales at gun shows and over the Internet. The current requirement exempts any person “who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”
  • Close the so-called “Charleston Loophole.” Federal law currently allows federally licensed dealers to sell firearms after a three-day waiting period for a background check even if a background check on the buyer is not completed. Legislation proposed by Democratic Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina would require a potential gun buyer to pass a background check before being sold the gun.
  • Ban semi-automatic “assault weapons.” Clinton supports reinstating the 1994 ban that expired in 2004. The ban was signed by her husband, President Bill Clinton. Her proposal makes no mention of retroactively banning such weapons. She was a cosponsor of legislation that would have extended the assault weapons ban before it expired in September 2004. The 1994 law allowed gun owners to keep prohibited weapons purchased before the ban took effect.

Clinton has said her gun proposals are “consistent with constitutional rights,” acknowledging that gun owners have a constitutional right to own guns.

Now, Clinton’s critics point to past comments that she has made as evidence that she wants to take away all guns. But these interpretations distort her position.

The National Rifle Association said her comments in Keene proved that the “real goal of gun control supporters is gun confiscation.”

But Clinton’s non-committal answer to a hypothetical question at a single campaign stop hardly amounts to proof that she “wants to take your guns away,” as Trump said. She said only that the Australia buyback program is “worth looking at” and “worth considering.” It is not part of her gun violence prevention plan.

Trump went a step further this time, saying that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

The evidence for this appears to be a recording of a speech that Clinton gave in New York last year, although Trump’s campaign did not respond to our request for clarification. In that speech, Clinton said that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment, and I am going to make that case every chance I get.”

The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website that obtained an audio of her speech,wrote at the time: “Although Clinton did not identify which Supreme Court case she disagreed with, she appeared to be criticizing the landmark 2008 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller, which found the handgun ban in Washington, D.C., unconstitutional.”

Gun rights advocates point to that quote to claim that Trump was right in claiming that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

YOU and Trump may choose not to believe what Clinton says, but the fact is there is no evidence that Clinton wants to “take your guns away” or “abolish the Second Amendment.” She hasn’t said that, and her gun proposals would not do that.

Incremental steps towards a total ban. What are they going to demand after the NEXT psycho uses a gun to commit his carnage?
Demand? We can't even get the GOP to stop selling guns to people on the no fly list. Chris, for a smart lady (most of the time) you are being really dumb.

Do you live in New Hampshire or a blue state? One that votes Blue every time? If so, feel free to continue to be stupid since it doesn't matter.

Because that would be against those people's CONSTITUTIONAL rights!!! Don't you know this? You cannot revoke the rights of people who have NOT committed any crimes!

Then America is doomed if even suspected terrorists can get guns and not even the FBI will be warned. Geez!
ChrisL is a hoot huh?

This is what you say to someone who calls himself a "buck toothed moron" and pisses on gum? That I'm a hoot? Good grief, all of you people have fallen off your rockers.

You are being really stupid Chris

Clinton’s gun violence prevention proposal would impose restrictions, including a ban on semi-automatic “assault weapons,” but it does not call for banning all guns.

Trump Distorts Clinton’s Gun Stance

You tell me why you have a problem with this:

Among other things, her plan would:

  • Expand background checks. Her proposal would expand required background checks to include some private sales at gun shows and over the Internet. The current requirement exempts any person “who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”
  • Close the so-called “Charleston Loophole.” Federal law currently allows federally licensed dealers to sell firearms after a three-day waiting period for a background check even if a background check on the buyer is not completed. Legislation proposed by Democratic Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina would require a potential gun buyer to pass a background check before being sold the gun.
  • Ban semi-automatic “assault weapons.” Clinton supports reinstating the 1994 ban that expired in 2004. The ban was signed by her husband, President Bill Clinton. Her proposal makes no mention of retroactively banning such weapons. She was a cosponsor of legislation that would have extended the assault weapons ban before it expired in September 2004. The 1994 law allowed gun owners to keep prohibited weapons purchased before the ban took effect.

Clinton has said her gun proposals are “consistent with constitutional rights,” acknowledging that gun owners have a constitutional right to own guns.

Now, Clinton’s critics point to past comments that she has made as evidence that she wants to take away all guns. But these interpretations distort her position.

The National Rifle Association said her comments in Keene proved that the “real goal of gun control supporters is gun confiscation.”

But Clinton’s non-committal answer to a hypothetical question at a single campaign stop hardly amounts to proof that she “wants to take your guns away,” as Trump said. She said only that the Australia buyback program is “worth looking at” and “worth considering.” It is not part of her gun violence prevention plan.

Trump went a step further this time, saying that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

The evidence for this appears to be a recording of a speech that Clinton gave in New York last year, although Trump’s campaign did not respond to our request for clarification. In that speech, Clinton said that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment, and I am going to make that case every chance I get.”

The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website that obtained an audio of her speech,wrote at the time: “Although Clinton did not identify which Supreme Court case she disagreed with, she appeared to be criticizing the landmark 2008 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller, which found the handgun ban in Washington, D.C., unconstitutional.”

Gun rights advocates point to that quote to claim that Trump was right in claiming that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

YOU and Trump may choose not to believe what Clinton says, but the fact is there is no evidence that Clinton wants to “take your guns away” or “abolish the Second Amendment.” She hasn’t said that, and her gun proposals would not do that.

Incremental steps towards a total ban. What are they going to demand after the NEXT psycho uses a gun to commit his carnage?
Demand? We can't even get the GOP to stop selling guns to people on the no fly list. Chris, for a smart lady (most of the time) you are being really dumb.

Do you live in New Hampshire or a blue state? One that votes Blue every time? If so, feel free to continue to be stupid since it doesn't matter.

Because that would be against those people's CONSTITUTIONAL rights!!! Don't you know this? You cannot revoke the rights of people who have NOT committed any crimes!

They can go appeal and even sue the government if they feel their rights have been violated.

Crazy people haven't broken any laws either.

Why don't we just put guns in vending machines.

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