Cruz RNC Speech

But at some point , the GOP has to realize that winning is FAR more important than continuing to fight over such things as abortion and gay rights. Let that shit go .
Bullshit. About half of Republican voters consider one of those issues or both to be very important.

Why do you advise the GOP to cut its own throat?

I certainly don't disagree that around 1/2 of all Republicans are stupid.

So now that half of the GOP is stupid because they disagree with you on abortion and fagot rights?

You really are a blithering idiot then.

Republicans who want to take away gay rights are as stupid as Democrats who want to take away gun rights. That is correct.

See, that's the pesky thing about rights Jim, you don't get to pick and choose which ones you defend. Well, unless you're a partisan retard that is.
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They did? I wouldn't know.
Yeah you probably wouldn't. Cool thing about being in the later years is you have enough history behind you sometimes to see a little ways beyond what the rhetoric of the day is.
Why do you think I don't listen to people like you or the idiots on the far left, age and experience.
Probably because you don't get invites to their private parties but hey one day even you will grow up.
Boy do I love hacks....... :lmao: :lmao:
I don't especially those who play the mercenary for a bunch of back stabbing saudi's and then whine because those friends they made died when in fact it is their bank accounts that they will be missing and will be lacking while the dirty oil business stays stuck in a downward spiral.
And you actually think the downward spiral can be stopped...... No that's funny. :thup:

I keep offering this up for people to read, he lays it out quite succinctly which means he definitely has a strong grasp of human nature.

There's no stopping the inevitable specifically when we do it to ourselves.......
I can't believe the group of dunces that we have to choose from (from both sides). It's totally unbelievable. Is this the best and the brightest that we have? If so, we are screwed. Lol. I can't stand any one of them!
Who do you want? Nancy Pelosi.
do you agree with what she said or not?....i wont give either one of these 2 my vote....neither one of these 2 sub-par people should be here...but yet here they are....pathetic...
I with the GOP would have just ignored Cruz and all his far right followers. Shouldn't have even let him speak last night, no I certainly do not blame him for not endorsing Trump. I wouldn't have either.

But at some point , the GOP has to realize that winning is FAR more important than continuing to fight over such things as abortion and gay rights. Let that shit go .
There are few things more important than the fact that babies are being murdered on a constant basis.
I can understand his position. Trump embodies none of his values, and he insulted his wife and father.

Trump and Cruz agree on about 95% of the issues, only Cruz is further to the right than Trump. That is not exactly disagreeing, more like quibbling on the fine points.

And if the insults made Cruz wet his panties then he needs to go change them, man up and do what is best for his party and his country.

But no. To Ted Cruz it is all about ted Cruz, like some teen age drama queen.

You're also arguing that he should support a liar.

Bullshit again. Trump is not the one who broke his word here. And all the horse shit about Trump being a liar is just political spin. Maybe you shouldn't gullibley swallow everything your trusted sources tell you. I know that is what 98% of the public does, but if you are going to make those kinds of assertions you need to check your sources if you want to keep yourself completely honest on the matter.

Of the people that ran for office this year, I find Trump to have been one of the most maligned and most honest of them all.
I with the GOP would have just ignored Cruz and all his far right followers. Shouldn't have even let him speak last night, no I certainly do not blame him for not endorsing Trump. I wouldn't have either.

But at some point , the GOP has to realize that winning is FAR more important than continuing to fight over such things as abortion and gay rights. Let that shit go .
There are few things more important than the fact that babies are being murdered on a constant basis.

Legally speaking, it is NOT murder

Now, ask yourself this.

Why hasn't a GOP controlled house introduced a bill to declare that it IS murder to say abort a 3 month old fetus?

Survey says "Because it isn't an important issue, except to get religious people to vote GOP"
Why don't we just put guns in vending machines.
If you're so worried about it, then instead of punishing American citizens, then why not put a ban on Muslim immigration?
How about a ban on Salafists from terrorist nations and let the people be their own first line of defense?

Georgia Legalizes Handgun Vending Machines


Well, I don't know that I'd go so far as to having gun vending machines! I don't have a problem with SOME gun control, but the dems are obviously on a mission, the way they use the actions of a few psychos to "condemn" law abiding American citizens and to put limitations on and infringe upon our rights based on those few psychos who abuse their rights. OTOH, they will twist and turn in unbelievable pretzels to defend MUSLIMS from other countries and their "rights." It's getting to the point of sheer ridiculousness.
Funny, turns out the riot police were needed INSIDE the convention !
hey timmy....if bernie speaks at the democrat convention and does the same watch how pissed those assholes will be...yea i know,hard to believe....

You can't be serious. NOWAY Bernie doesn't fully fall on his sword for Hillary. You can bet your retirement fund that a deal was made to ensure that.
Get over it. Donald Dump is great enough that he doesn't need Ted's endorsement, right? He YUUUGE! Believe me! It's going to happen, it's going to be great! Believe me...

I can't stand Cruz, but good for him. Fuck Dump, fuck Hilliary.

Dump and Hilliary are on a boat, in the Atlantic ocean, the boat starts to sink, who gets saved?

The American people...

These are the best of the best? Jesus Christ are we screwed.
there you have it....
Republicans who want to take away gay rights are as stupid as Democrats who want to take away gun rights. That is correct.

See, that's the pesky thing about rights Jim, you don't get to pick and choose which ones you defend. Well, unless you're a partisan retard that is.

There is no God-given right to kill an unborn child or to fuck some fagot up his ass, idiot.
I mean, if we are to punish law abiding American citizens based on the actions of a few psychopaths, then why not punish the Muslims for the actions of THEIR few psychopaths? No because that would "bad." Lol.
I don't especially those who play the mercenary for a bunch of back stabbing saudi's and then whine because those friends they made died when in fact it is their bank accounts that they will be missing and will be lacking while the dirty oil business stays stuck in a downward spiral.

You dehumanize Americans simply because the contract out to the federal government or its allied governments?

How about you go fuck yourself, traitorous jack ass.
Saudi's back stabbing Americans and their own people and I am the traitor because I point out some dickhead who sets by the pool drinking bourbon and tells me that I have no rights and illegal actions are perfectly fine against me and American citizen, take your own advice. Pricks like that are not needed and they sure as hell are not any better than anyone else who's family both settled this country and lived here before they were ever considered.
Funny, turns out the riot police were needed INSIDE the convention !
hey timmy....if bernie speaks at the democrat convention and does the same watch how pissed those assholes will be...yea i know,hard to believe....

You can't be serious. NOWAY Bernie doesn't fully fall on his sword for Hillary. You can bet your retirement fund that a deal was made to ensure that.

Hillary is paying him good money to do so...
I can understand his position. Trump embodies none of his values, and he insulted his wife and father.

Trump and Cruz agree on about 95% of the issues, only Cruz is further to the right than Trump. That is not exactly disagreeing, more like quibbling on the fine points.

And if the insults made Cruz wet his panties then he needs to go change them, man up and do what is best for his party and his country.

But no. To Ted Cruz it is all about ted Cruz, like some teen age drama queen.

You're also arguing that he should support a liar.

Bullshit again. Trump is not the one who broke his word here. And all the horse shit about Trump being a liar is just political spin. Maybe you shouldn't gullibley swallow everything your trusted sources tell you. I know that is what 98% of the public does, but if you are going to make those kinds of assertions you need to check your sources if you want to keep yourself completely honest on the matter.

Of the people that ran for office this year, I find Trump to have been one of the most maligned and most honest of them all.
Actually, those insults were towards his family, not him. You're also assuming that Trump will stick to his policies, something he's been unable to do from the very start.

I suppose claiming Ted Cruz's father killed JFK wasn't a lie, then? You're going to need to prove it, otherwise Trump is indeed a liar.
Legally speaking, it is NOT murder
Legally speaking it wasnt murder in Nazi Germany to kill 6 million Jews either.

The moral law trumps national law just for those reasons.

wrong, our laws are based on morals. Now get this through your head. The majority of Americans do NOT agree with the religious moral stance on abortion. That is obvious, so continuing to scream that that is a party plank ENSURES that the majority of Americans will never put your party in power. Thus it is STUPID to make that a party plank UNLESS you actually don't want to win an election.
Funny, turns out the riot police were needed INSIDE the convention !
hey timmy....if bernie speaks at the democrat convention and does the same watch how pissed those assholes will be...yea i know,hard to believe....

You can't be serious. NOWAY Bernie doesn't fully fall on his sword for Hillary. You can bet your retirement fund that a deal was made to ensure that.
i did say IF,did i not?....
Well, I don't know that I'd go so far as to having gun vending machines! I don't have a problem with SOME gun control, but t...
I understand that gun vending machines are not something we are used to seeing, but if the machine can do a background check as part of its delivery system, then why not?

Say you had to insert your credit card and a drivers license, and the back ground check complete, before it dispensed the gun?

Why not? IT is not any different than buying any other potential weapon automatically.

It is just bad visuals.
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Yeah you probably wouldn't. Cool thing about being in the later years is you have enough history behind you sometimes to see a little ways beyond what the rhetoric of the day is.
Why do you think I don't listen to people like you or the idiots on the far left, age and experience.
Probably because you don't get invites to their private parties but hey one day even you will grow up.
Boy do I love hacks....... :lmao: :lmao:
I don't especially those who play the mercenary for a bunch of back stabbing saudi's and then whine because those friends they made died when in fact it is their bank accounts that they will be missing and will be lacking while the dirty oil business stays stuck in a downward spiral.
And you actually think the downward spiral can be stopped...... No that's funny. :thup:

I keep offering this up for people to read, he lays it out quite succinctly which means he definitely has a strong grasp of human nature.

There's no stopping the inevitable specifically when we do it to ourselves.......
Their downward spiral doesn't bother me. When anyone gets to thinking they are better than others because they are willing to sell their souls deserve whatever they get.

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