Cruz RNC Speech

If you don't like guns, don't own one. If you don't like abortion, don't get one. Simple stuff. You don't have the right to force anyone else to do anything with their bodies though.
The only bigger asshole is Trump. Possibly the biggest asshole in the country - a man lacking in integrity, character and any qualification whatsoever to be President. And you whiney little Trump bitches fell for one of the great con men of our time.

Following precedent. The guy who got elected the last two terms was a man lacking in integrity, character and any qualification whatsoever to be President. YOU probably voted for him, didn't you?
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Boy do I love hacks....... :lmao: :lmao:
I don't especially those who play the mercenary for a bunch of back stabbing saudi's and then whine because those friends they made died when in fact it is their bank accounts that they will be missing and will be lacking while the dirty oil business stays stuck in a downward spiral.
And you actually think the downward spiral can be stopped...... No that's funny. :thup:

I keep offering this up for people to read, he lays it out quite succinctly which means he definitely has a strong grasp of human nature.

There's no stopping the inevitable specifically when we do it to ourselves.......
Their downward spiral doesn't bother me. When anyone gets to thinking they are better than others because they are willing to sell their souls deserve whatever they get.
I'm not talking about "their" downward spiral, I'm talking about ours.
Hillary and people like Cruz and the ilk like them lying and cheating are the reasons the country has been taking a shit. You can't live as Sodomites "burning" and Gomorrahites "submersion" and play like Jerusalem "teaching of peace" and think its is all going to work out peachy. It does not work that away as it is true a house divided cannot stand. It will fall.
If that's what helps you sleep at night........ :thup:
I believe in body sovereignty. You own your body and can do what you want with it, within reason. There are plenty of reasons why some women choose to have an abortion, and it is none of OUR business.
But it is our business. The moral affect that legal abortion till the ninth month of pregnancy has is horrific and is visible with all the inhumanity we see daily happening in this nation.

We as a nation have a right to protect the unborn, and the unborn are NOT a part of the mothers body. It has its own brain, heart, DNA, etc.

We also have the same right to avoid harmful affects to our nation, like not having enough workers or enough military personnel to defend ourselves with.

A person has no more right to do just ANYTHING that they want to to their own body anyway, which is why suicide, taking illegal drugs, selling your own body parts, and prostitution are all Constitutionally illegal.
There are few things more important than the fact that babies are being murdered on a constant basis.

Legally speaking, it is NOT murder

Now, ask yourself this.

Why hasn't a GOP controlled house introduced a bill to declare that it IS murder to say abort a 3 month old fetus?

Survey says "Because it isn't an important issue, except to get religious people to vote GOP"

Murder isn't an important issue? Then why do we have all this outrage over shootings? The fact we murder more black babies than all others should be alarming to anyone.

Yet all quiet on BLM front. I guess black lives really don't matter unless George Soros tells them differently.

There's another point. It's mostly liberals aborting future liberals, who cares.

Very Margaret Sanger of you.

LOL she wasn't wrong.

Wasn't wrong in what, exactly?
You mother fucking right wing creeps. You fucking cried so hard about Obama palling around with Reverand Wright and you don't fucking mind the fact Ted's dad was palling around with someone who assassinated JFK? A fucking CUBAN no less! Then Ted's mom the traitor leaves the USA after they helped murder our President and years later they send the Manchurian Candidate back to America to do god knows what? Luckily they gave birth to a used car salesman who has no chance of ever being president.
Your fear is the best endorsement Trump could ever ask for...
Look at Trump when he was listening to Cruz

Not happy. LOL

Ted's NOT endorsing Trump is Trump's best endorsement.

Oh Trump is actually ecstatic. On the inside. He knew exactly what was in that speech and what wasn't. He knew the endorsement wasn't coming. Everyone on Team Trump knew this. No one was blindsided at all.

Haha. I love their faces. The whole family pulled it off.

You really have to understand that this was a set up by Team Trump. Cruz accepted the speaking engagement at the convention because his ego drove him to it.

Manafort knew that if Cruz endorsed Trump that would be great. If he didn't endorse him it would forever marginalize Cruz and destroy Never Trump for eternity.

It was a win win scenario.

Cruz's political career aspirations for the Presidency are now toast. That was the ultimate goal.

To set this up you see was going to be a win win for Team Trump. Cruz is now the divider. And the Donald?

The unifier. For the Republican Party. Too funny and well played.


It was one of the most audacious and awesomeness of awesomeness political strategy I have witnessed.

1. You believe that shit that they saw Cruz' speech before he gave it? God you are dumb.
2. Cruz was never going to be president. The fact you think he ever stood a chance tells me a lot more than the words you just wrote to me. LOL.

Now tell me how they pre planned Melania's plagiarized speech. Please, tell me that! Every time the unorganized Trump campaign fucks up please give me your right wing spin. I love it!

Pffffft. Yes they saw the speech. Of course they did. Trump had read the speech. Do you really think that Manafort would have allowed a mortal enemy to take the stage on the Wednesday night without knowing what was in that speech?

Oh and Melania's speech wasn't plagiarized in the clinical sense.If anything mosaic plagiarism would be the closest.

I know they had a fall guy (woman) come out and apologize and that put a lid on it. But there was nothing in Michelle Obama's speech that was cribbed that hasn't been out there like general phrases "your word is your bond".

Michelle didn't make up that phrase or "you work hard for what you get" or "show people respect" for crying out loud. Hence no clinical plagiarism.

Back to last night. It killed Cruz's career. Adelson wouldn't even let Cruz into his party. He's toast.

Do I really think the Trump administration would plagiarize Michelle Obama's speech? No. So nothing surprises me about this haphazard campaign.

Why was his mortal enemy even there? Who invited him? Doesn't Trump or the GOP have a say in who speaks? Of course Donald has the power to say you aren't going on. This is spin at it's finest. Damage control! LOL.

They must have known this was going to happen. Yea right. LOL. That's why security had to quickly get Mrs. Cruz the fuck out of there before Trumps rabid supporters tore her limb from limb.

"Clinical plagiarism?" So fucking funny. You republicans put the liar in plagiarism.
If you don't like guns, don't own one. If you don't like abortion, don't get one. Simple stuff. You don't have the right to force anyone else to do anything with their bodies though.

Exempt owning a gun isn't taking away someone else's ability to live.

There are plenty of options for anyone who doesn't want to get pregnant. once they do then that child should have their chance at life.
You are being really stupid Chris

Clinton’s gun violence prevention proposal would impose restrictions, including a ban on semi-automatic “assault weapons,” but it does not call for banning all guns.

Trump Distorts Clinton’s Gun Stance

You tell me why you have a problem with this:

Among other things, her plan would:

  • Expand background checks. Her proposal would expand required background checks to include some private sales at gun shows and over the Internet. The current requirement exempts any person “who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”
  • Close the so-called “Charleston Loophole.” Federal law currently allows federally licensed dealers to sell firearms after a three-day waiting period for a background check even if a background check on the buyer is not completed. Legislation proposed by Democratic Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina would require a potential gun buyer to pass a background check before being sold the gun.
  • Ban semi-automatic “assault weapons.” Clinton supports reinstating the 1994 ban that expired in 2004. The ban was signed by her husband, President Bill Clinton. Her proposal makes no mention of retroactively banning such weapons. She was a cosponsor of legislation that would have extended the assault weapons ban before it expired in September 2004. The 1994 law allowed gun owners to keep prohibited weapons purchased before the ban took effect.

Clinton has said her gun proposals are “consistent with constitutional rights,” acknowledging that gun owners have a constitutional right to own guns.

Now, Clinton’s critics point to past comments that she has made as evidence that she wants to take away all guns. But these interpretations distort her position.

The National Rifle Association said her comments in Keene proved that the “real goal of gun control supporters is gun confiscation.”

But Clinton’s non-committal answer to a hypothetical question at a single campaign stop hardly amounts to proof that she “wants to take your guns away,” as Trump said. She said only that the Australia buyback program is “worth looking at” and “worth considering.” It is not part of her gun violence prevention plan.

Trump went a step further this time, saying that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

The evidence for this appears to be a recording of a speech that Clinton gave in New York last year, although Trump’s campaign did not respond to our request for clarification. In that speech, Clinton said that “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment, and I am going to make that case every chance I get.”

The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website that obtained an audio of her speech,wrote at the time: “Although Clinton did not identify which Supreme Court case she disagreed with, she appeared to be criticizing the landmark 2008 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller, which found the handgun ban in Washington, D.C., unconstitutional.”

Gun rights advocates point to that quote to claim that Trump was right in claiming that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

YOU and Trump may choose not to believe what Clinton says, but the fact is there is no evidence that Clinton wants to “take your guns away” or “abolish the Second Amendment.” She hasn’t said that, and her gun proposals would not do that.

Incremental steps towards a total ban. What are they going to demand after the NEXT psycho uses a gun to commit his carnage?
Demand? We can't even get the GOP to stop selling guns to people on the no fly list. Chris, for a smart lady (most of the time) you are being really dumb.

Do you live in New Hampshire or a blue state? One that votes Blue every time? If so, feel free to continue to be stupid since it doesn't matter.

Because that would be against those people's CONSTITUTIONAL rights!!! Don't you know this? You cannot revoke the rights of people who have NOT committed any crimes!

They can go appeal and even sue the government if they feel their rights have been violated.

Crazy people haven't broken any laws either.

Why don't we just put guns in vending machines.

If you're so worried about it, then instead of punishing American citizens, then why not put a ban on Muslim immigration?
You have clearly been drinking the right wing cool aid Chris. You are clearly the demographic trump is praying on. I shouldn't knock you though because I like a lot of what he says too. He's a fucking liar Chris! If you want to ban muslims, tell your fucking Senator and House Rep. They can do that. I'm all for stopping the flow of Muslim immigration too. If our government hears we want this, they'll be more prone to do it. But I'm not going to give the GOP the white house I don't care who they nominate. I know you'd prefer Kim Kardashian to Trump but Trump will do, right?
If you don't like guns, don't own one. If you don't like abortion, don't get one. Simple stuff. You don't have the right to force anyone else to do anything with their bodies though.

Exempt owning a gun isn't taking away someone else's ability to live.

There are plenty of options for anyone who doesn't want to get pregnant. once they do then that child should have their chance at life.
Have you ever lived with a poor black or white in poverty? Women get abortions so they have a chance. Not the right time. Many of them go on to have children later. 2 or 3 sometimes.

And if automatic weapons didn't exist, you could still buy all the handguns you want. We just need to take assault weapons off the table. Too deadly. I don't care how many of you have a concealed weapon on you. An assault weapon will kill you and 50 other people before you even know what happened.
You mother fucking right wing creeps. You fucking cried so hard about Obama palling around with Reverand Wright and you don't fucking mind the fact Ted's dad was palling around with someone who assassinated JFK? A fucking CUBAN no less! Then Ted's mom the traitor leaves the USA after they helped murder our President and years later they send the Manchurian Candidate back to America to do god knows what? Luckily they gave birth to a used car salesman who has no chance of ever being president.
Your fear is the best endorsement Trump could ever ask for...
Look at Trump when he was listening to Cruz

Not happy. LOL

Ted's NOT endorsing Trump is Trump's best endorsement.

Oh Trump is actually ecstatic. On the inside. He knew exactly what was in that speech and what wasn't. He knew the endorsement wasn't coming. Everyone on Team Trump knew this. No one was blindsided at all.

Haha. I love their faces. The whole family pulled it off.

You really have to understand that this was a set up by Team Trump. Cruz accepted the speaking engagement at the convention because his ego drove him to it.

Manafort knew that if Cruz endorsed Trump that would be great. If he didn't endorse him it would forever marginalize Cruz and destroy Never Trump for eternity.

It was a win win scenario.

Cruz's political career aspirations for the Presidency are now toast. That was the ultimate goal.

To set this up you see was going to be a win win for Team Trump. Cruz is now the divider. And the Donald?

The unifier. For the Republican Party. Too funny and well played.


It was one of the most audacious and awesomeness of awesomeness political strategy I have witnessed.

1. You believe that shit that they saw Cruz' speech before he gave it? God you are dumb.
2. Cruz was never going to be president. The fact you think he ever stood a chance tells me a lot more than the words you just wrote to me. LOL.

Now tell me how they pre planned Melania's plagiarized speech. Please, tell me that! Every time the unorganized Trump campaign fucks up please give me your right wing spin. I love it!

And why are YOU so keyed up over a "potential" first lady's speech while ignoring all the shady crap that Hillary has pulled? Hmm? :)
1. Supreme Court nominee
2. Who is least likely to rubber stamp Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation
3. Don't want war with Iran
4. Republicans are way more anti middle class than Democrats. That's why they need these stupid wedge issues like god guns and racism to sucker people like you into voting against your own financial interests.
Your fear is the best endorsement Trump could ever ask for...
Look at Trump when he was listening to Cruz

Not happy. LOL

Ted's NOT endorsing Trump is Trump's best endorsement.

Oh Trump is actually ecstatic. On the inside. He knew exactly what was in that speech and what wasn't. He knew the endorsement wasn't coming. Everyone on Team Trump knew this. No one was blindsided at all.

Haha. I love their faces. The whole family pulled it off.

You really have to understand that this was a set up by Team Trump. Cruz accepted the speaking engagement at the convention because his ego drove him to it.

Manafort knew that if Cruz endorsed Trump that would be great. If he didn't endorse him it would forever marginalize Cruz and destroy Never Trump for eternity.

It was a win win scenario.

Cruz's political career aspirations for the Presidency are now toast. That was the ultimate goal.

To set this up you see was going to be a win win for Team Trump. Cruz is now the divider. And the Donald?

The unifier. For the Republican Party. Too funny and well played.


It was one of the most audacious and awesomeness of awesomeness political strategy I have witnessed.

1. You believe that shit that they saw Cruz' speech before he gave it? God you are dumb.
2. Cruz was never going to be president. The fact you think he ever stood a chance tells me a lot more than the words you just wrote to me. LOL.

Now tell me how they pre planned Melania's plagiarized speech. Please, tell me that! Every time the unorganized Trump campaign fucks up please give me your right wing spin. I love it!

And why are YOU so keyed up over a "potential" first lady's speech while ignoring all the shady crap that Hillary has pulled? Hmm? :)
1. Supreme Court nominee
2. Who is least likely to rubber stamp Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation
3. Don't want war with Iran
4. Republicans are way more anti middle class than Democrats. That's why they need these stupid wedge issues like god guns and racism to sucker people like you into voting against your own financial interests.

Obviously, you are an idiot.
If you don't like guns, don't own one. If you don't like abortion, don't get one. Simple stuff. You don't have the right to force anyone else to do anything with their bodies though.

Exempt owning a gun isn't taking away someone else's ability to live.

There are plenty of options for anyone who doesn't want to get pregnant. once they do then that child should have their chance at life.
Have you ever lived with a poor black or white in poverty? Women get abortions so they have a chance. Not the right time. Many of them go on to have children later. 2 or 3 sometimes.

And if automatic weapons didn't exist, you could still buy all the handguns you want. We just need to take assault weapons off the table. Too deadly. I don't care how many of you have a concealed weapon on you. An assault weapon will kill you and 50 other people before you even know what happened.

You are so full of crap that flowers must be growing out of your nostrils. "Assault weapons" (whatever that means to you this week) are no more deadly than any other sort of weapon. It's just your cause du jour.
First endorsements don't mean shit anymore. Second did anyone seriously think Cruz was going to endorse the man who suggested his father was involved in the JFK assassination?

You mother fucking right wing creeps. You fucking cried so hard about Obama palling around with Reverand Wright and you don't fucking mind the fact Ted's dad was palling around with someone who assassinated JFK? A fucking CUBAN no less! Then Ted's mom the traitor leaves the USA after they helped murder our President and years later they send the Manchurian Candidate back to America to do god knows what? Luckily they gave birth to a used car salesman who has no chance of ever being president.
Your fear is the best endorsement Trump could ever ask for...
Were actually afraid of Palin...used to be afraid of Fred...but he died.
If you don't like guns, don't own one. If you don't like abortion, don't get one. Simple stuff. You don't have the right to force anyone else to do anything with their bodies though.

Exempt owning a gun isn't taking away someone else's ability to live.

There are plenty of options for anyone who doesn't want to get pregnant. once they do then that child should have their chance at life.
Have you ever lived with a poor black or white in poverty? Women get abortions so they have a chance. Not the right time. Many of them go on to have children later. 2 or 3 sometimes.

And if automatic weapons didn't exist, you could still buy all the handguns you want. We just need to take assault weapons off the table. Too deadly. I don't care how many of you have a concealed weapon on you. An assault weapon will kill you and 50 other people before you even know what happened.

And yet, I have SIX fully automatic weapons in my collection that have never been involved in an unlawful shooting.

Why liberals can't figure out that controlling WHO can get their hands on guns is FAR more important that preventing EVERYONE from getting their hands on guns is just beyond me.
For the record, Cruz hasn't broken laws and allowed the murder of people. I think I'm starting to hate Trump-Bots half as much as Hillary-Bots, and that's a lot. You guys are just as whiny and childish as he is.

Cruz made a solemn promise or pledge to support trump if Trump won the nomination and now Cruz is breaking his word like a typical Professional Political Class Crony and so I have lost all respect for him. To say that Cruz is OK simply because he is not as bad as Hillary is nonsense as there are many more way to be an unacceptable candidate than Hillary has been able to corner the market on, and Cruz fills at least one of those criteria for being an unacceptable candidate now for the White House EVER until he corrects his violation of his own word.

A man that cannot keep his word does not have the minimum self-respect and respect for others to ever become President.
I can understand his position. Trump embodies none of his values, and he insulted his wife and father.

You're also arguing that he should support a liar.

Cruz made a pledge. Now that aside Cruz and his people insulted Melania first. Glenn Beck was first out that Melania had been posing for lesbian porn. Then that message was put out by the current Never Trumpers in Utah and Colorado.

Now THAT'S a freaking insult. I personally would have punched out anyone and everyone that was putting out that my spouse was a porn star. And that's what Cruz's minions did.

And Cruz went after Trump's father first. Trump hit back.

As far as liars go. Cruz was the penultimate. Trying to pass himself off as a Washington outsider when in reality he and Heidi were the dream inside the Beltway and inside Wall Street couple.

With Trump what you see is what you get.
Look at Trump when he was listening to Cruz

Not happy. LOL

Ted's NOT endorsing Trump is Trump's best endorsement.

Oh Trump is actually ecstatic. On the inside. He knew exactly what was in that speech and what wasn't. He knew the endorsement wasn't coming. Everyone on Team Trump knew this. No one was blindsided at all.

Haha. I love their faces. The whole family pulled it off.

You really have to understand that this was a set up by Team Trump. Cruz accepted the speaking engagement at the convention because his ego drove him to it.

Manafort knew that if Cruz endorsed Trump that would be great. If he didn't endorse him it would forever marginalize Cruz and destroy Never Trump for eternity.

It was a win win scenario.

Cruz's political career aspirations for the Presidency are now toast. That was the ultimate goal.

To set this up you see was going to be a win win for Team Trump. Cruz is now the divider. And the Donald?

The unifier. For the Republican Party. Too funny and well played.


It was one of the most audacious and awesomeness of awesomeness political strategy I have witnessed.

1. You believe that shit that they saw Cruz' speech before he gave it? God you are dumb.
2. Cruz was never going to be president. The fact you think he ever stood a chance tells me a lot more than the words you just wrote to me. LOL.

Now tell me how they pre planned Melania's plagiarized speech. Please, tell me that! Every time the unorganized Trump campaign fucks up please give me your right wing spin. I love it!

And why are YOU so keyed up over a "potential" first lady's speech while ignoring all the shady crap that Hillary has pulled? Hmm? :)
1. Supreme Court nominee
2. Who is least likely to rubber stamp Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation
3. Don't want war with Iran
4. Republicans are way more anti middle class than Democrats. That's why they need these stupid wedge issues like god guns and racism to sucker people like you into voting against your own financial interests.

Obviously, you are an idiot.
Republicans only talk about the constitution when it suits them.

Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act, Court Rules

U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos. Texas imposed the requirements “with an unconstitutional discriminatory purpose," she ruled, and the law "constitutes an unconstitutional poll tax.”
Oh Trump is actually ecstatic. On the inside. He knew exactly what was in that speech and what wasn't. He knew the endorsement wasn't coming. Everyone on Team Trump knew this. No one was blindsided at all.

Haha. I love their faces. The whole family pulled it off.

You really have to understand that this was a set up by Team Trump. Cruz accepted the speaking engagement at the convention because his ego drove him to it.

Manafort knew that if Cruz endorsed Trump that would be great. If he didn't endorse him it would forever marginalize Cruz and destroy Never Trump for eternity.

It was a win win scenario.

Cruz's political career aspirations for the Presidency are now toast. That was the ultimate goal.

To set this up you see was going to be a win win for Team Trump. Cruz is now the divider. And the Donald?

The unifier. For the Republican Party. Too funny and well played.


It was one of the most audacious and awesomeness of awesomeness political strategy I have witnessed.

1. You believe that shit that they saw Cruz' speech before he gave it? God you are dumb.
2. Cruz was never going to be president. The fact you think he ever stood a chance tells me a lot more than the words you just wrote to me. LOL.

Now tell me how they pre planned Melania's plagiarized speech. Please, tell me that! Every time the unorganized Trump campaign fucks up please give me your right wing spin. I love it!

And why are YOU so keyed up over a "potential" first lady's speech while ignoring all the shady crap that Hillary has pulled? Hmm? :)
1. Supreme Court nominee
2. Who is least likely to rubber stamp Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation
3. Don't want war with Iran
4. Republicans are way more anti middle class than Democrats. That's why they need these stupid wedge issues like god guns and racism to sucker people like you into voting against your own financial interests.

Obviously, you are an idiot.
Republicans only talk about the constitution when it suits them.

Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act, Court Rules

U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos. Texas imposed the requirements “with an unconstitutional discriminatory purpose," she ruled, and the law "constitutes an unconstitutional poll tax.”

So you are FOR harsh gun control measures, but against a voter ID card? Hmm. Interesting.

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