Cruz RNC Speech

I with the GOP would have just ignored Cruz and all his far right followers. Shouldn't have even let him speak last night, no I certainly do not blame him for not endorsing Trump. I wouldn't have either.

But at some point , the GOP has to realize that winning is FAR more important than continuing to fight over such things as abortion and gay rights. Let that shit go .
There are few things more important than the fact that babies are being murdered on a constant basis.

Legally speaking, it is NOT murder

Now, ask yourself this.

Why hasn't a GOP controlled house introduced a bill to declare that it IS murder to say abort a 3 month old fetus?

Survey says "Because it isn't an important issue, except to get religious people to vote GOP"

Murder isn't an important issue? Then why do we have all this outrage over shootings? The fact we murder more black babies than all others should be alarming to anyone.

Yet all quiet on BLM front. I guess black lives really don't matter unless George Soros tells them differently.
I with the GOP would have just ignored Cruz and all his far right followers. Shouldn't have even let him speak last night, no I certainly do not blame him for not endorsing Trump. I wouldn't have either.

But at some point , the GOP has to realize that winning is FAR more important than continuing to fight over such things as abortion and gay rights. Let that shit go .
There are few things more important than the fact that babies are being murdered on a constant basis.

Legally speaking, it is NOT murder

Now, ask yourself this.

Why hasn't a GOP controlled house introduced a bill to declare that it IS murder to say abort a 3 month old fetus?

Survey says "Because it isn't an important issue, except to get religious people to vote GOP"

Murder isn't an important issue? Then why do we have all this outrage over shootings? The fact we murder more black babies than all others should be alarming to anyone.

Yet all quiet on BLM front. I guess black lives really don't matter unless George Soros tells them differently.

There's another point. It's mostly liberals aborting future liberals, who cares.
View attachment 82392
Why do you think I don't listen to people like you or the idiots on the far left, age and experience.
Probably because you don't get invites to their private parties but hey one day even you will grow up.
Boy do I love hacks....... :lmao: :lmao:
I don't especially those who play the mercenary for a bunch of back stabbing saudi's and then whine because those friends they made died when in fact it is their bank accounts that they will be missing and will be lacking while the dirty oil business stays stuck in a downward spiral.
And you actually think the downward spiral can be stopped...... No that's funny. :thup:

I keep offering this up for people to read, he lays it out quite succinctly which means he definitely has a strong grasp of human nature.

There's no stopping the inevitable specifically when we do it to ourselves.......
Their downward spiral doesn't bother me. When anyone gets to thinking they are better than others because they are willing to sell their souls deserve whatever they get.
I'm not talking about "their" downward spiral, I'm talking about ours.
Well, I don't know that I'd go so far as to having gun vending machines! I don't have a problem with SOME gun control, but t...
I understand that gun vending machines are not something we are used to seeing, but if the machine can do a background check as part of its delivery system, then why not?

Say you had to insert your credit card and a drivers license, and the back ground check complete, before it dispensed the gun?

Why not? IT is not any different than buying any other potential weapon automatically.

It is just bad visuals.

Well, my greatest concern would be thieves. People actually steal ATM machines.
wrong, our laws are based on morals. Now get this through your head. The majority of Americans do NOT agree with the religious moral stance on abortion.

That is a lie. Some 57% of Americans believe that abortion should be completely banned or mostly banned.

That is obvious, so continuing to scream that that is a party plank ENSURES that the majority of Americans will never put your party in power. Thus it is STUPID to make that a party plank UNLESS you actually don't want to win an election.

On the contrary, it is a moral position that is supported by the majority of Americans who refuse to accept the dehumanization of human life.

People like you who support abortion, a euphemism for baby murder, are not only immoral but on the wrong side of history as nations are finding out that there is a cost to simply importing millions of foreigners to make up the shortfall in birth rates that legal unrestricted abortion brings.

Lol, the irony of libtards and baby murdering shit4brains being killed by the 'necessary' immigrants brought in to make up the lack of babies is just hilarious in its own way.
I with the GOP would have just ignored Cruz and all his far right followers. Shouldn't have even let him speak last night, no I certainly do not blame him for not endorsing Trump. I wouldn't have either.

But at some point , the GOP has to realize that winning is FAR more important than continuing to fight over such things as abortion and gay rights. Let that shit go .
There are few things more important than the fact that babies are being murdered on a constant basis.

Legally speaking, it is NOT murder

Now, ask yourself this.

Why hasn't a GOP controlled house introduced a bill to declare that it IS murder to say abort a 3 month old fetus?

Survey says "Because it isn't an important issue, except to get religious people to vote GOP"
BS of the highest level. My brother was born as a time when abortion would have been legal, and is alive and well today. The moment a sperm combines with an egg, that will grow into what we recognize as a baby. We are murdering them when they've grown beyond that point, and it's a disgusting practice. People who support this will have to one day answer for each and every one of those murdered babies. I hope you have a valid excuse by then. Everyone has a right to life, and this was never revoked.
Well, I don't know that I'd go so far as to having gun vending machines! I don't have a problem with SOME gun control, but t...
I understand that gun vending machines are not something we are used to seeing, but if the machine can do a background check as part of its delivery system, then why not?

Say you had to insert your credit card and a drivers license, and the back ground check complete, before it dispensed the gun?

Why not? IT is not any different than buying any other potential weapon automatically.

It is just bad visuals.

Well, my greatest concern would be thieves. People actually steal ATM machines.

Yeah, the vending machines would have to be built like a gun safe and also be on automated security systems.
I with the GOP would have just ignored Cruz and all his far right followers. Shouldn't have even let him speak last night, no I certainly do not blame him for not endorsing Trump. I wouldn't have either.

But at some point , the GOP has to realize that winning is FAR more important than continuing to fight over such things as abortion and gay rights. Let that shit go .
There are few things more important than the fact that babies are being murdered on a constant basis.

Legally speaking, it is NOT murder

Now, ask yourself this.

Why hasn't a GOP controlled house introduced a bill to declare that it IS murder to say abort a 3 month old fetus?

Survey says "Because it isn't an important issue, except to get religious people to vote GOP"

Murder isn't an important issue? Then why do we have all this outrage over shootings? The fact we murder more black babies than all others should be alarming to anyone.

Yet all quiet on BLM front. I guess black lives really don't matter unless George Soros tells them differently.

There's another point. It's mostly liberals aborting future liberals, who cares.

Very Margaret Sanger of you.
Legally speaking, it is NOT murder
Legally speaking it wasnt murder in Nazi Germany to kill 6 million Jews either.

The moral law trumps national law just for those reasons.

wrong, our laws are based on morals. Now get this through your head. The majority of Americans do NOT agree with the religious moral stance on abortion. That is obvious, so continuing to scream that that is a party plank ENSURES that the majority of Americans will never put your party in power. Thus it is STUPID to make that a party plank UNLESS you actually don't want to win an election.
I fail to see how valuing life is a religious thing. Whether you believe in some religion or not, you're not seeing that human for the rest of your life. They were killed, and you advocated this.
I with the GOP would have just ignored Cruz and all his far right followers. Shouldn't have even let him speak last night, no I certainly do not blame him for not endorsing Trump. I wouldn't have either.

But at some point , the GOP has to realize that winning is FAR more important than continuing to fight over such things as abortion and gay rights. Let that shit go .
There are few things more important than the fact that babies are being murdered on a constant basis.

Legally speaking, it is NOT murder

Now, ask yourself this.

Why hasn't a GOP controlled house introduced a bill to declare that it IS murder to say abort a 3 month old fetus?

Survey says "Because it isn't an important issue, except to get religious people to vote GOP"

Murder isn't an important issue? Then why do we have all this outrage over shootings? The fact we murder more black babies than all others should be alarming to anyone.

Yet all quiet on BLM front. I guess black lives really don't matter unless George Soros tells them differently.

There's another point. It's mostly liberals aborting future liberals, who cares.

Very Margaret Sanger of you.

LOL she wasn't wrong.
Saudi's back stabbing Americans and their own people and I am the traitor because I point out some dickhead who sets by the pool drinking bourbon and tells me that I have no rights and illegal actions are perfectly fine against me and American citizen, take your own advice. Pricks like that are not needed and they sure as hell are not any better than anyone else who's family both settled this country and lived here before they were ever considered.
What a pile of stinking horse shit.

You are simply defending the indefensible by dehumanizing Americans working overseas. You are as putrid as conservatives who think the killing of all the fags in Miami justifiable too because they were fags.
Legally speaking, it is NOT murder
Legally speaking it wasnt murder in Nazi Germany to kill 6 million Jews either.

The moral law trumps national law just for those reasons.

wrong, our laws are based on morals. Now get this through your head. The majority of Americans do NOT agree with the religious moral stance on abortion. That is obvious, so continuing to scream that that is a party plank ENSURES that the majority of Americans will never put your party in power. Thus it is STUPID to make that a party plank UNLESS you actually don't want to win an election.
I fail to see how valuing life is a religious thing. Whether you believe in some religion or not, you're not seeing that human for the rest of your life. They were killed, and you advocated this.

If you don't consider it to be a life, you don't consider it to be murder. THAT is what most people believe. THAT is the point.
View attachment 82392
Probably because you don't get invites to their private parties but hey one day even you will grow up.
Boy do I love hacks....... :lmao: :lmao:
I don't especially those who play the mercenary for a bunch of back stabbing saudi's and then whine because those friends they made died when in fact it is their bank accounts that they will be missing and will be lacking while the dirty oil business stays stuck in a downward spiral.
And you actually think the downward spiral can be stopped...... No that's funny. :thup:

I keep offering this up for people to read, he lays it out quite succinctly which means he definitely has a strong grasp of human nature.

There's no stopping the inevitable specifically when we do it to ourselves.......
Their downward spiral doesn't bother me. When anyone gets to thinking they are better than others because they are willing to sell their souls deserve whatever they get.
I'm not talking about "their" downward spiral, I'm talking about ours.
Hillary and people like Cruz and the ilk like them lying and cheating are the reasons the country has been taking a shit. You can't live as Sodomites "burning" and Gomorrahites "submersion" and play like Jerusalem "teaching of peace" and think its is all going to work out peachy. It does not work that away as it is true a house divided cannot stand. It will fall.
If you don't consider it to be a life, you don't consider it to be murder. THAT is what most people believe. THAT is the point.
How in the name of all that is just do you claim that a living organism with its own organs and brain activity is not a life?

Murderous pigs like you have always engaged in torturous contortions of logic and morality to defend your murder.
Legally speaking, it is NOT murder
Legally speaking it wasnt murder in Nazi Germany to kill 6 million Jews either.

The moral law trumps national law just for those reasons.

wrong, our laws are based on morals. Now get this through your head. The majority of Americans do NOT agree with the religious moral stance on abortion. That is obvious, so continuing to scream that that is a party plank ENSURES that the majority of Americans will never put your party in power. Thus it is STUPID to make that a party plank UNLESS you actually don't want to win an election.
I fail to see how valuing life is a religious thing. Whether you believe in some religion or not, you're not seeing that human for the rest of your life. They were killed, and you advocated this.

If you don't consider it to be a life, you don't consider it to be murder. THAT is what most people believe. THAT is the point.
Most people agreeing to something doesn't make it a fact. Whether someone considers it a life or not, that's what it is. When you kill a "fetus", you are factually ending a life. They are no longer living.

EDIT: I was going to end it there, but you know... sperm are living. Are you going to argue that a sperm is living, but what is made when it combines with an egg is not? It somehow stops living, and just remains un-living until it exits the womb? Is this your logical argument?
I believe in body sovereignty. You own your body and can do what you want with it, within reason. There are plenty of reasons why some women choose to have an abortion, and it is none of OUR business.
Saudi's back stabbing Americans and their own people and I am the traitor because I point out some dickhead who sets by the pool drinking bourbon and tells me that I have no rights and illegal actions are perfectly fine against me and American citizen, take your own advice. Pricks like that are not needed and they sure as hell are not any better than anyone else who's family both settled this country and lived here before they were ever considered.
What a pile of stinking horse shit.

You are simply defending the indefensible by dehumanizing Americans working overseas. You are as putrid as conservatives who think the killing of all the fags in Miami justifiable too because they were fags.
Bullshit you are having a temper tantrum. When this guy whined about how he lost his friends while he lives in a saudi house here in the states and denies others should be able to make a decent living because they weren't willing to do what he did as he lifts himself up against others freedom here he screwed up. Don't justify a bunch of murdering dickheads in the ME and tell me I am a piece of shit as I won't stay silent as I don't wear a burka and my husband would never expect to take insults from him or any other male.
There are few things more important than the fact that babies are being murdered on a constant basis.

Legally speaking, it is NOT murder

Now, ask yourself this.

Why hasn't a GOP controlled house introduced a bill to declare that it IS murder to say abort a 3 month old fetus?

Survey says "Because it isn't an important issue, except to get religious people to vote GOP"

Murder isn't an important issue? Then why do we have all this outrage over shootings? The fact we murder more black babies than all others should be alarming to anyone.

Yet all quiet on BLM front. I guess black lives really don't matter unless George Soros tells them differently.

There's another point. It's mostly liberals aborting future liberals, who cares.

Very Margaret Sanger of you.

LOL she wasn't wrong.


She was easily one of the most disgusting human beings to have ever walked this earth.

And what's funny is that her whole view was shaped from growing up in the fatherless home with multiple siblings. Because she had a fatherless home hobo's used to come and rob them and rape her mother while she hid.

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