Cruz RNC Speech

Pffffft. Yes they saw the speech. Of course they did. Trump had read the speech. Do you really think that Manafort would have allowed a mortal enemy to take the stage on the Wednesday night without knowing what was in that speech?

Oh and Melania's speech wasn't plagiarized in the clinical sense.If anything mosaic plagiarism would be the closest.

I know they had a fall guy (woman) come out and apologize and that put a lid on it. But there was nothing in Michelle Obama's speech that was cribbed that hasn't been out there like general phrases "your word is your bond".

Michelle didn't make up that phrase or "you work hard for what you get" or "show people respect" for crying out loud. Hence no clinical plagiarism.

Back to last night. It killed Cruz's career. Adelson wouldn't even let Cruz into his party. He's toast.

Do I really think the Trump administration would plagiarize Michelle Obama's speech? No. So nothing surprises me about this haphazard campaign.

Why was his mortal enemy even there? Who invited him? Doesn't Trump or the GOP have a say in who speaks? Of course Donald has the power to say you aren't going on. This is spin at it's finest. Damage control! LOL.

They must have known this was going to happen. Yea right. LOL. That's why security had to quickly get Mrs. Cruz the fuck out of there before Trumps rabid supporters tore her limb from limb.

"Clinical plagiarism?" So fucking funny. You republicans put the liar in plagiarism.

What damage control? Silly person. This was a set up and it was brilliant for the Trump camp because it was a win win. Here's from left wing CNN with an excellent take on what occurred last night.

Oh and I'm completely correct that the whole Trump camp knew in advance that Cruz would not endorse him. I will accept an apology.

"Jason Johnson, Cruz's chief strategist for his 2016 campaign, tweeted that Trump had even more notice that the Texas senator wouldn't be endorsing him. "Cruz told Trump directly two days ago," he said.|

Told ya!

Now. First up. The staging.

"And then, Trump's counter: Near the end of Cruz's speech, Trump arrived at the arena -- knowing that television cameras would cut away from Cruz and focus on him, allowing for one final jab at the man he branded "Lyin' Ted" during the primaries.

Cruz's career will never be the same again. The convention floor briefly devolved into chaos following his remarks. Cruz's wife, Heidi, was escorted off the floor as hecklers shouted "Goldman Sachs!" -- a reminder of where she works. "

:) Now the CNN analysis of this epic flame out.

"Cruz knew he was making a long-term wager -- but he might have lost some important friends in the process.

He was turned away from mega-donor Sheldon Adelson's suite after the episode, three sources told CNN. Cruz's Virginia campaign chairman, Richard Black, said he's "doubtful I would do that again," referring to his future support of the senator.

"In the end, each individual has a duty to the nation that transcends the duty to yourself, and that's where I think he failed," Black said.

Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Michigan, called it a "mistake," though he thought Trump shouldn't have given Cruz a prime speaking slot without a guarantee of an endorsement.

Hillary Clinton won't help Cruz escape turncoat accusations. She tweeted the phrase he'd uttered to set off boos -- "Vote your conscience" -- with a link to her website.

:) And.....

Trump goaded Cruz on Twitter after the speech, writing: "Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the stage, didn't honor the pledge! I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. No big deal!"


And this shows you that the Trump's absolutely were scripted on how they were going to handle this.

"But the real show of family force came as the crowd turned on Cruz.
Three types of Republicans at the RNC
The Trump children largely ignored the early portions of the Texas senator's remarks -- remaining stoic, knowing what was to come.

Midway through, the four children shifted in their five chairs -- leaving one open in the middle. It was for their father, who was set to enter the arena.

Together, the five delivered Cruz a cold stare-down -- riling up the crowd even more as boos drowned Cruz out."

Ted Cruz at Republican convention: Takeaways from wild night -
You know what? Maybe you are right. They didn't have enough for 4 days of entertainment and maybe this was to fill some time.

It was a kick ass set up if I've ever seen one. Cruz let his ego get in the way and he can kiss any dreams of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue good bye.
Funny but if it weren't for Trump he was your number one guy. But don't worry. He's only beloved in right wing wacko world anyways. No worry about him being a President ever. In fact I wish Trump would have picked that ass clown for VP.

And I love when Republicans trash other Republicans. I'm pinching my nipples as I read your posts.
I'm pinching my nipples as I read your posts
you are a pervert bobo lol....go see senior pollock,he will help you and maybe you can help him...maybe...
So if a man insulted your wife, branded you a liar, and used a dirty underhanded tactic like implicating your father in a murder conspiracy on the day of an election... you would do your duty and glorify him in front of a crowd?

IF you were a CONFIRMED liar, and your father was an CONFIRMED associate of Lee Harvey Oswald, and your wife had a CONFIRMED mental breakdown that left her on the side of a busy highway (in her underpants) ............would you be asking these questions?


to much Alex Jones for you
the move backfired anyway, he is now the boob and the party is united behind Trump. Funny how things work out isn't it?
Cruz has said he would never endorse Trump

Has to do with personal attacks on his wife and father

Why would an endorsement seem sincere
so why did he want to speak at the convention, it was the mandatory element to talk. It's why the others weren't there. He got sucked into a trump trick and lost big time, he's washed up bubba.

He was asked by Trump

Cruz told him to go fuck himself if he wanted an endorsement
And why are YOU so keyed up over a "potential" first lady's speech while ignoring all the shady crap that Hillary has pulled? Hmm? :)
1. Supreme Court nominee
2. Who is least likely to rubber stamp Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation
3. Don't want war with Iran
4. Republicans are way more anti middle class than Democrats. That's why they need these stupid wedge issues like god guns and racism to sucker people like you into voting against your own financial interests.

Obviously, you are an idiot.
Republicans only talk about the constitution when it suits them.

Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act, Court Rules

U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos. Texas imposed the requirements “with an unconstitutional discriminatory purpose," she ruled, and the law "constitutes an unconstitutional poll tax.”

So you are FOR harsh gun control measures, but against a voter ID card? Hmm. Interesting.
I'm for common sense gun legislation and I'm for making it easier, not harder, for Americans to vote.

YOU are for letting people on the no fly list buy. That makes you a little stupid in my book. I know your MO. You'll dig in and argue your point to the death, but you are just being a right wing wack job on this one wedge issue.

But doesn't surprise me. Not the first time you've left the plantation. LOL.

If you're so in favor of the Constitution, why do you support taking rights away from people without due process of law? Do you KNOW what's involved in being put on the no-fly list? Do you think that people whose name appear on the no-fly list should be put in jail? If you're going to limit their rights, shouldn't you also support limiting their freedom?
the move backfired anyway, he is now the boob and the party is united behind Trump. Funny how things work out isn't it?
Cruz has said he would never endorse Trump

Has to do with personal attacks on his wife and father

Why would an endorsement seem sincere
so why did he want to speak at the convention, it was the mandatory element to talk. It's why the others weren't there. He got sucked into a trump trick and lost big time, he's washed up bubba.

He was asked by Trump

Cruz told him to go fuck himself if he wanted an endorsement
Like most of his speeches, this one sucked

The crowd was not booing though....they were chanting

Do I really think the Trump administration would plagiarize Michelle Obama's speech? No. So nothing surprises me about this haphazard campaign.

Why was his mortal enemy even there? Who invited him? Doesn't Trump or the GOP have a say in who speaks? Of course Donald has the power to say you aren't going on. This is spin at it's finest. Damage control! LOL.

They must have known this was going to happen. Yea right. LOL. That's why security had to quickly get Mrs. Cruz the fuck out of there before Trumps rabid supporters tore her limb from limb.

"Clinical plagiarism?" So fucking funny. You republicans put the liar in plagiarism.

What damage control? Silly person. This was a set up and it was brilliant for the Trump camp because it was a win win. Here's from left wing CNN with an excellent take on what occurred last night.

Oh and I'm completely correct that the whole Trump camp knew in advance that Cruz would not endorse him. I will accept an apology.

"Jason Johnson, Cruz's chief strategist for his 2016 campaign, tweeted that Trump had even more notice that the Texas senator wouldn't be endorsing him. "Cruz told Trump directly two days ago," he said.|

Told ya!

Now. First up. The staging.

"And then, Trump's counter: Near the end of Cruz's speech, Trump arrived at the arena -- knowing that television cameras would cut away from Cruz and focus on him, allowing for one final jab at the man he branded "Lyin' Ted" during the primaries.

Cruz's career will never be the same again. The convention floor briefly devolved into chaos following his remarks. Cruz's wife, Heidi, was escorted off the floor as hecklers shouted "Goldman Sachs!" -- a reminder of where she works. "

:) Now the CNN analysis of this epic flame out.

"Cruz knew he was making a long-term wager -- but he might have lost some important friends in the process.

He was turned away from mega-donor Sheldon Adelson's suite after the episode, three sources told CNN. Cruz's Virginia campaign chairman, Richard Black, said he's "doubtful I would do that again," referring to his future support of the senator.

"In the end, each individual has a duty to the nation that transcends the duty to yourself, and that's where I think he failed," Black said.

Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Michigan, called it a "mistake," though he thought Trump shouldn't have given Cruz a prime speaking slot without a guarantee of an endorsement.

Hillary Clinton won't help Cruz escape turncoat accusations. She tweeted the phrase he'd uttered to set off boos -- "Vote your conscience" -- with a link to her website.

:) And.....

Trump goaded Cruz on Twitter after the speech, writing: "Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the stage, didn't honor the pledge! I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. No big deal!"


And this shows you that the Trump's absolutely were scripted on how they were going to handle this.

"But the real show of family force came as the crowd turned on Cruz.
Three types of Republicans at the RNC
The Trump children largely ignored the early portions of the Texas senator's remarks -- remaining stoic, knowing what was to come.

Midway through, the four children shifted in their five chairs -- leaving one open in the middle. It was for their father, who was set to enter the arena.

Together, the five delivered Cruz a cold stare-down -- riling up the crowd even more as boos drowned Cruz out."

Ted Cruz at Republican convention: Takeaways from wild night -
You know what? Maybe you are right. They didn't have enough for 4 days of entertainment and maybe this was to fill some time.

It was a kick ass set up if I've ever seen one. Cruz let his ego get in the way and he can kiss any dreams of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue good bye.
Funny but if it weren't for Trump he was your number one guy. But don't worry. He's only beloved in right wing wacko world anyways. No worry about him being a President ever. In fact I wish Trump would have picked that ass clown for VP.

And I love when Republicans trash other Republicans. I'm pinching my nipples as I read your posts.
I'm pinching my nipples as I read your posts
you are a pervert bobo lol....go see senior pollock,he will help you and maybe you can help him...maybe...
Im gay? Yea I'm gay alright. Gay for that pussy.

Nph on Harold and Kumar white castle christmas
1. Supreme Court nominee
2. Who is least likely to rubber stamp Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan legislation
3. Don't want war with Iran
4. Republicans are way more anti middle class than Democrats. That's why they need these stupid wedge issues like god guns and racism to sucker people like you into voting against your own financial interests.

Obviously, you are an idiot.
Republicans only talk about the constitution when it suits them.

Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act, Court Rules

U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos. Texas imposed the requirements “with an unconstitutional discriminatory purpose," she ruled, and the law "constitutes an unconstitutional poll tax.”

So you are FOR harsh gun control measures, but against a voter ID card? Hmm. Interesting.
I'm for common sense gun legislation and I'm for making it easier, not harder, for Americans to vote.

YOU are for letting people on the no fly list buy. That makes you a little stupid in my book. I know your MO. You'll dig in and argue your point to the death, but you are just being a right wing wack job on this one wedge issue.

But doesn't surprise me. Not the first time you've left the plantation. LOL.

If you're so in favor of the Constitution, why do you support taking rights away from people without due process of law? Do you KNOW what's involved in being put on the no-fly list? Do you think that people whose name appear on the no-fly list should be put in jail? If you're going to limit their rights, shouldn't you also support limiting their freedom?
No, just make it mandatory everyone register with the law before they are allowed to buy a gun. The FBI may even let the sale go through but at least they're alerted.

You trumpeters know trump will spy on people, right? He don't care about the law
What damage control? Silly person. This was a set up and it was brilliant for the Trump camp because it was a win win. Here's from left wing CNN with an excellent take on what occurred last night.

Oh and I'm completely correct that the whole Trump camp knew in advance that Cruz would not endorse him. I will accept an apology.

"Jason Johnson, Cruz's chief strategist for his 2016 campaign, tweeted that Trump had even more notice that the Texas senator wouldn't be endorsing him. "Cruz told Trump directly two days ago," he said.|

Told ya!

Now. First up. The staging.

"And then, Trump's counter: Near the end of Cruz's speech, Trump arrived at the arena -- knowing that television cameras would cut away from Cruz and focus on him, allowing for one final jab at the man he branded "Lyin' Ted" during the primaries.

Cruz's career will never be the same again. The convention floor briefly devolved into chaos following his remarks. Cruz's wife, Heidi, was escorted off the floor as hecklers shouted "Goldman Sachs!" -- a reminder of where she works. "

:) Now the CNN analysis of this epic flame out.

"Cruz knew he was making a long-term wager -- but he might have lost some important friends in the process.

He was turned away from mega-donor Sheldon Adelson's suite after the episode, three sources told CNN. Cruz's Virginia campaign chairman, Richard Black, said he's "doubtful I would do that again," referring to his future support of the senator.

"In the end, each individual has a duty to the nation that transcends the duty to yourself, and that's where I think he failed," Black said.

Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Michigan, called it a "mistake," though he thought Trump shouldn't have given Cruz a prime speaking slot without a guarantee of an endorsement.

Hillary Clinton won't help Cruz escape turncoat accusations. She tweeted the phrase he'd uttered to set off boos -- "Vote your conscience" -- with a link to her website.

:) And.....

Trump goaded Cruz on Twitter after the speech, writing: "Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the stage, didn't honor the pledge! I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. No big deal!"


And this shows you that the Trump's absolutely were scripted on how they were going to handle this.

"But the real show of family force came as the crowd turned on Cruz.
Three types of Republicans at the RNC
The Trump children largely ignored the early portions of the Texas senator's remarks -- remaining stoic, knowing what was to come.

Midway through, the four children shifted in their five chairs -- leaving one open in the middle. It was for their father, who was set to enter the arena.

Together, the five delivered Cruz a cold stare-down -- riling up the crowd even more as boos drowned Cruz out."

Ted Cruz at Republican convention: Takeaways from wild night -
You know what? Maybe you are right. They didn't have enough for 4 days of entertainment and maybe this was to fill some time.

It was a kick ass set up if I've ever seen one. Cruz let his ego get in the way and he can kiss any dreams of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue good bye.
Funny but if it weren't for Trump he was your number one guy. But don't worry. He's only beloved in right wing wacko world anyways. No worry about him being a President ever. In fact I wish Trump would have picked that ass clown for VP.

And I love when Republicans trash other Republicans. I'm pinching my nipples as I read your posts.
I'm pinching my nipples as I read your posts
you are a pervert bobo lol....go see senior pollock,he will help you and maybe you can help him...maybe...
Im gay? Yea I'm gay alright. Gay for that pussy.

Nph on Harold and Kumar white castle christmas
i did not say you were gay,you did.....are you trying to tell us something? lol....Harold and Kumar....the scene were they dropped in on Bush and smoked some Georgia Kush with him was hilarious......
Oh Trump is actually ecstatic. On the inside. He knew exactly what was in that speech and what wasn't. He knew the endorsement wasn't coming. Everyone on Team Trump knew this. No one was blindsided at all....

Pffffft. Yes they saw the speech. Of course they did. Trump had read the speech. Do you really think that Manafort would have allowed a mortal enemy to take the stage on the Wednesday night without knowing what was in that speech?....
Back to last night. It killed Cruz's career. Adelson wouldn't even let Cruz into his party. He's toast.
You are spot on with this. When Cruz dropped from the running, Trump extended a peace olive branch and Cruz ignored it. Cruzes wounded pride is still smoldering even now, months later, which proves how he is not a 'team player' and not a person with the even temperament to be President (which sounds weird in a discussion including Trump, lol).

Basically Trump had the huge NEVER Trump faction to absorb into his election effort, a big task for anyone.

He first makes conciliatory moves and gets most to endorse and support him.

He then pick Spence who is a major personality from the biggest block of NEVERTrumpers, the Western Evangelical wing of the party (to include Pentecostals and fundamentalists). This brought him about a third (I am guessing) of the NeverTrumpers, but more than anything it reduced the anger and fear that they had for Trump, reasoning, 'If he can pick a guy like Pence, then he cant be 100% evil.'

He then lets Cruz destroy himself on live national TV by letting Cruz be Cruz. The visuals of Cruz laughing all the way through his non-endorsement shows he was either ignorant of or incredibly apathetic toward the overwhelming wishes of the Republicans gathered at the convention and who tuned in nationwide. This makes Trump the sympathetic betrayed person and undermines the Cruzbots support by Cruz showing himself to be unworthy of loyalty because he himself is not loyal to his own party nor his own word. This way Trump really has nothing to be concerned about in 2020 if he wins this year as well as winning over the vast majority of his hard core NeverTrump opposition.

All in all this is the kind of in-house fighting Trump excels at and had to in the real estate market in New York. Simply because Trump talks to the nation at a 4th grade reading level does not mean that Trump is a 4th grade retard. It only means he knows his target audiences well.

All in all, this could not have worked out better for Trump. He has manipulated and managed this thing skillfully.

You morons have lost your goddamn minds. Now you're bound and determined to lose the election to Hillary Clinton. Why? Because you can't help yourselves from smearing and bashing on Ted Cruz. At a moment when literally all you had to do was shut up and be cordial... you failed. At a time when all that was needed was a little kindness and respect, you could not resist spewing more hate and vile.

Did Mitch McConnell endorse Trump?

What about John Kasich or Jeb Bush? Where are they at? Why is it that ONLY Ted Cruz is held to this ridiculous standard of having to literally say the words "I endorse Donald Trump" and nothing short of that is acceptable to you? The man stood there and gave his passionate support for every single item on Trump's agenda. But because you all feel like he didn't "kiss the ring" or whatever... you're going to start up the nasty bashing and trashing from the primaries again.

Well you know what? I've slept on it and...FUCK YOU! I have decided that not only am I not voting for Trump, I will actively work to ensure he is not elected. Congratulations, you've converted me into a nevertrumper. ALL you had to do was to let this man have his dignity and treat him with a little respect and you couldn't bring yourself to do that for one night. So you can all kiss my ass... you could have had me on your side, making your case for Trump, helping to win over independents and undecideds ...but you just couldn't resist taking one more shot at Ted Cruz. You've done it and now you're going to pay for it. Hope you enjoy President Hillary!

It's so funny when you freak out, bossy! :D
Obviously, you are an idiot.
Republicans only talk about the constitution when it suits them.

Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act, Court Rules

U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos. Texas imposed the requirements “with an unconstitutional discriminatory purpose," she ruled, and the law "constitutes an unconstitutional poll tax.”

So you are FOR harsh gun control measures, but against a voter ID card? Hmm. Interesting.
I'm against common sense gun legislation and I'm for making it easier, not harder, for Americans to vote.

An ID card does not make it hard for Americans to vote. All adults should have identification. This way, we can be sure that no foreigners vote in our elections or that people aren't committing fraud. It's an ID card for goodness sakes!
The Texas Supreme's disagree with you Chris. But what do they know, right? I mean they only went to law school and practiced law for years before becoming a judge. They aren't a medical biller like you.

I think they are wrong. I'm not a medical biller either. Lol.
Obviously, you are an idiot.
Republicans only talk about the constitution when it suits them.

Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act, Court Rules

U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos. Texas imposed the requirements “with an unconstitutional discriminatory purpose," she ruled, and the law "constitutes an unconstitutional poll tax.”

So you are FOR harsh gun control measures, but against a voter ID card? Hmm. Interesting.
I'm against common sense gun legislation and I'm for making it easier, not harder, for Americans to vote.

An ID card does not make it hard for Americans to vote. All adults should have identification. This way, we can be sure that no foreigners vote in our elections or that people aren't committing fraud. It's an ID card for goodness sakes!
The Texas Supreme's disagree with you Chris. But what do they know, right? I mean they only went to law school and practiced law for years before becoming a judge. They aren't a medical biller like you.

So why do you disagree with voter ID laws? Any particular good reason?
Republicans only talk about the constitution when it suits them.

Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act, Court Rules

U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos. Texas imposed the requirements “with an unconstitutional discriminatory purpose," she ruled, and the law "constitutes an unconstitutional poll tax.”

So you are FOR harsh gun control measures, but against a voter ID card? Hmm. Interesting.
I'm against common sense gun legislation and I'm for making it easier, not harder, for Americans to vote.

An ID card does not make it hard for Americans to vote. All adults should have identification. This way, we can be sure that no foreigners vote in our elections or that people aren't committing fraud. It's an ID card for goodness sakes!
The Texas Supreme's disagree with you Chris. But what do they know, right? I mean they only went to law school and practiced law for years before becoming a judge. They aren't a medical biller like you.

So why do you disagree with voter ID laws? Any particular good reason?
I don't like discouraging poor people from voting. Even the courts understand the GOP are doing this stuff, not to stop voter fraud but to discourage voters.

We should be able to vote online or call it in. And election day should be election week or should be a national holiday
So you are FOR harsh gun control measures, but against a voter ID card? Hmm. Interesting.
I'm against common sense gun legislation and I'm for making it easier, not harder, for Americans to vote.

An ID card does not make it hard for Americans to vote. All adults should have identification. This way, we can be sure that no foreigners vote in our elections or that people aren't committing fraud. It's an ID card for goodness sakes!
The Texas Supreme's disagree with you Chris. But what do they know, right? I mean they only went to law school and practiced law for years before becoming a judge. They aren't a medical biller like you.

So why do you disagree with voter ID laws? Any particular good reason?
I don't like discouraging poor people from voting. Even the courts understand the GOP are doing this stuff, not to stop voter fraud but to discourage voters.

We should be able to vote online or call it in. And election day should be election week or should be a national holiday

Poor people have identification. That's a cop out.
Obviously, you are an idiot.
Republicans only talk about the constitution when it suits them.

Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act, Court Rules

U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos. Texas imposed the requirements “with an unconstitutional discriminatory purpose," she ruled, and the law "constitutes an unconstitutional poll tax.”

So you are FOR harsh gun control measures, but against a voter ID card? Hmm. Interesting.
I'm for common sense gun legislation and I'm for making it easier, not harder, for Americans to vote.

YOU are for letting people on the no fly list buy. That makes you a little stupid in my book. I know your MO. You'll dig in and argue your point to the death, but you are just being a right wing wack job on this one wedge issue.

But doesn't surprise me. Not the first time you've left the plantation. LOL.

If you're so in favor of the Constitution, why do you support taking rights away from people without due process of law? Do you KNOW what's involved in being put on the no-fly list? Do you think that people whose name appear on the no-fly list should be put in jail? If you're going to limit their rights, shouldn't you also support limiting their freedom?
No, just make it mandatory everyone register with the law before they are allowed to buy a gun. The FBI may even let the sale go through but at least they're alerted.

You trumpeters know trump will spy on people, right? He don't care about the law

Good Grief, you think I support Trump? Sadly, you are just showing your ignorance. You're closer to voting for Trump than I am.
I'm against common sense gun legislation and I'm for making it easier, not harder, for Americans to vote.

An ID card does not make it hard for Americans to vote. All adults should have identification. This way, we can be sure that no foreigners vote in our elections or that people aren't committing fraud. It's an ID card for goodness sakes!
The Texas Supreme's disagree with you Chris. But what do they know, right? I mean they only went to law school and practiced law for years before becoming a judge. They aren't a medical biller like you.

So why do you disagree with voter ID laws? Any particular good reason?
I don't like discouraging poor people from voting. Even the courts understand the GOP are doing this stuff, not to stop voter fraud but to discourage voters.

We should be able to vote online or call it in. And election day should be election week or should be a national holiday

Poor people have identification. That's a cop out.

you need ID to cash a check or when applying for services or a job. Why shouldn't people need it to vote?
An ID card does not make it hard for Americans to vote. All adults should have identification. This way, we can be sure that no foreigners vote in our elections or that people aren't committing fraud. It's an ID card for goodness sakes!
The Texas Supreme's disagree with you Chris. But what do they know, right? I mean they only went to law school and practiced law for years before becoming a judge. They aren't a medical biller like you.

So why do you disagree with voter ID laws? Any particular good reason?
I don't like discouraging poor people from voting. Even the courts understand the GOP are doing this stuff, not to stop voter fraud but to discourage voters.

We should be able to vote online or call it in. And election day should be election week or should be a national holiday

Poor people have identification. That's a cop out.

you need ID to cash a check or when applying for services or a job. Why shouldn't people need it to vote?
I'm not going to argue with you after the courts already agreed that the GOP's voting laws are unconstitutional and not only that, they were purposely designed to stop poor people from voting.

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