Crying Pro-Trump Capitol Rioter Who Assaulted Cop Sentenced To 41 Months In Prison

This is interesting.

He pleaded guilty. He couldn't do anything else since his crimes are recorded on video.

Now he's looking at nearly 3.5 years in prison for his crimes on Jan 6th.

Which is where he belongs. I would have sentenced him to many more years.

He's already served over 1/4 of the sentence. And they probably will never get the guys who actually planned and fincanced the attmpted coup. Now they should be hung .. literally.
Well give it some thought and amuse us all with what you come up with.
From what witnesses have related....paid instigators where trying to whip up the crowd into a frenzy...and it was the Trump supporters that tried keeping the crowd from becoming unruly.
As everything started to settle down....the Capital Police started shooting tear gas canisters into the crowd that caused them to become extremely angry.
Seems the bad guys were the paid communists in the crowd and the Capital Hill Cops.
He's already served over 1/4 of the sentence. And they probably will never get the guys who actually planned and fincanced the attmpted coup. Now they should be hung .. literally.
That bunch of overweight, emotionally disturbed misfits planned anything?!
Instead of attacking me how about responding to the fact that Trump's rioters are rotting in jail while he escapes justice for what he did. And that also goes for the scum he runs with.
You impeached him. What other justice are you looking for?
Assaulting a cop used to be a left wing badge of honor. Democrats were elected to local office on that achievement. Why did this guy get three freaking years in the federal pen?
"But why stop at locking this guy up for being the wrong color and (allegedly) rioting for the *wrong* reasons?"
"The rioters or the cops that caused the riots"
Let's marry up the posts of the prolific posters, MinTrut and Mudwhistle, as they seem to be of a kind. In other words, both are anti-police. Seemingly.

In the videos I saw during last night's news segments this convicted moke hit a cop who was in a in-line formation moving away and not even confronting the perp. The perp hit him. And then hit him again.

In my little corner of the world, rural as it may be.......hitting a cop who has his back to you is generally frowned upon. By the locals. And by the police.

And then doing it twice......doesn't 'halve' the offense.

It doubles it. At least.

So there is that.


".... Trump has not lifted a finger & has not done a single them to help any of them. That's how much Trump "loves" them."
I saw a news snip the other day that even Tucker Carlson, a fav here of a segment of USMB posters, went after Trump about not spending one dime of the millions and millions of dollars he's sucked in to help a single one of the defendants who attacked the Capitol under his instigation.

I personally think the rioters should get a badge for being one of the Duped & Snookered.
But then, if anybody else thinks Trump would spend money to help.......well, give them one of those badges too.

"Carlson, while interviewing right-wing commentator Julie Kelly, said he finds it “appalling” that Trump had yet to donate any money to his supporters who were arrested on January 6th at the U.S. Capitol.

Since leaving office, Trump has continued to raise large sums of money from supporters with claims to fight election fraud and help elect Republicans. As of July, the last federal reporting date, Trump’s three major fundraising operations declared more than $100 million in cash on hand.

People are going to be offended that I ask this, but I can’t help myself. What about the president on whose behalf they were gathered that day. Has anybody sent them money? All these people, Brad Parscale, are getting rich by saying the last election was rigged. Which it clearly was. And they’re making all this money and all these people are sending all this money down to Florida. But is any of that money going to defend these people who went down to the rally on behalf of that candidate?
Kelly, who has been a key figure in spreading conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and Jan. 6, responded by saying:

Not that I know of and I will say no. And it’s a question that I have been asking myself and I know it’s a question a lot of them have been asking too."


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This is interesting.

He pleaded guilty. He couldn't do anything else since his crimes are recorded on video.

Now he's looking at nearly 3.5 years in prison for his crimes on Jan 6th.

Which is where he belongs. I would have sentenced him to many more years.

So that makes you an asshole for thinking protestors are traitors. It is a sentence from a third world country try to intimidate any dissent. Fascists assholes.
He's already served over 1/4 of the sentence. And they probably will never get the guys who actually planned and fincanced the attmpted coup. Now they should be hung .. literally.
Well figure the odds on Schumer and Pelosi going to the gallows.
Let's marry up the posts of the prolific posters, MinTrut and Mudwhistle, as they seem to be of a kind. In other words, both are anti-police. Seemingly.

In the videos I saw during last night's news segments this convicted moke hit a cop who was in a in-line formation moving away and not even confronting the perp. The perp hit him. And then hit him again.

In my little corner of the world, rural as it may be.......hitting a cop who has his back to you is generally frowned upon. By the locals. And by the police.

And then doing it twice......doesn't 'halve' the offense.

It doubles it. At least.

So there is that.


I saw a news snip the other day that even Tucker Carlson, a fav here of a segment of USMB posters, went after Trump about not spending one dime of the millions and millions of dollars he's sucked in to help a single one of the defendants who attacked the Capitol under his instigation.

I personally think the rioters should get a badge for being one of the Duped & Snookered.
But then, if anybody else thinks Trump would spend money to help.......well, give them one of those badges too.

"Carlson, while interviewing right-wing commentator Julie Kelly, said he finds it “appalling” that Trump had yet to donate any money to his supporters who were arrested on January 6th at the U.S. Capitol.

Since leaving office, Trump has continued to raise large sums of money from supporters with claims to fight election fraud and help elect Republicans. As of July, the last federal reporting date, Trump’s three major fundraising operations declared more than $100 million in cash on hand.

Kelly, who has been a key figure in spreading conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and Jan. 6, responded by saying:
You have elevated irritating to an art form. Congrats.
So that makes you an asshole for thinking protestors are traitors. It is a sentence from a third world country try to intimidate any dissent. Fascists assholes.
Protesting is a right guaranteed in the constitution......and the autocrats in the Dem party wanted an excuse to prevent future protests. The last protest was a couple of months ago in Washington....and the FBI infiltrated the crowd with plain clothes agents that went around arresting people for trespassing.
Well figure the odds on Schumer and Pelosi going to the gallows.
Trump continually attacks this Country. It's institutions, law enforcement, the judiciary, congress etc., etc. He's been doing it for years. These are the very same institutions that's he's using right now to dodge answering for what happened on 1/6. Trump hates this Country. Fuck him.

If Trump lived in one of those "shithole" countries that he ranted about he'd be rotting in prison right now. Or worse.
Trump continually attacks this Country. It's institutions, law enforcement, the judiciary, congress etc., etc. He's been doing it for years. These are the very same institutions that's he's using right now to dodge answering for what happened on 1/6. Trump hates this Country. Fuck him.

If Trump lived in one of those "shithole" countries that he ranted about he'd be rotting in prison right now. Or worse.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
So that makes you an asshole for thinking protestors are traitors. It is a sentence from a third world country try to intimidate any dissent. Fascists assholes.
Who gave your buddies the right to riot & invade the capital, idiot?

They did it to stop the certification of the election on behalf of Trump. Are you that retarded?
Why sure. Trump & his criminal mob such as Bannon are livng large while the scrubs who did their dirty work are rottng in jail.

That bastard Trump has not lifted a finger & has not done a single them to help any of them. That's how much Trump "loves" them.

That's how all crime families operate.
We seen the love the Chinese have done to us and the world. And the technologies Clinton and Obama gave them. The latest is the Hypersonic missile.
Who gave your buddies the right to riot & invade the capital, idiot?

They did it to stop the certification of the election on behalf of Trump. Are you that retarded?
It was a protest where the FBI instigated any violence that took place. Including a murder. Why do you defend what are now obvious lies?

They did it to have the election investigated before it was certified. It has been done before.

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