CSpan moderator admits he lied about Tweet and is fired

Too bad the blob backed out of the debate. It may have mattered if this came out after the debate and gave some credence to the "Whaaa I'm a victim" posture. Now...it's Steve who?

Oh well.... "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."--Wayne Gretzky.
blart it's not a debate on the internet

Perhaps you should check your sources over at Piercing Pagoda...there is no debate tonight either. Had your blob manned up and went ahead with the debate, this would be a story. Since he chickened out...its a non-issue.

blart debating virtually is not how you debate

And every leftist moron on this site believed him just as they did the fake maga attack on that black TV guy

What a nothing story.
More dancing of the desperate.
Poor friggin pathetic Trumpists. Steve Scully was a damn good C-span moderator. Trumpists are all giddy because their fat Orange slimebucket would not have to answer some tough questions. Friggin pitiful.
Thank you for proving me right.
You and Trump can live to your safe space for now. Nothing, however, will stop Trump being hauled off to the trash heap of history on November 3rd.
Have you been given the Official Excuse explaining Trump's win, yet?

And every leftist moron on this site believed him just as they did the fake maga attack on that black TV guy

What a nothing story.
More dancing of the desperate.
Yeah, no reason to be upset that our media lies to us constantly....


Well, when you have the biggest purveyor of Fake News residing in the WH....just sayin'...
What a nothing story.
More dancing of the desperate.
Yes. To any liberal numbnut, this is a nothingburger...par for the course.

Perhaps you should check your sources over at Piercing Pagoda...there is no debate tonight either. Had your blob manned up and went ahead with the debate, this would be a story. Since he chickened out...its a non-issue.

Rules unilaterally changed from in-person, on-stage, unassisted debate to virtual, remote, assisted, moderator controlled "debate".

Real debate consists of opponents side by side, without access to information sources other than their own minds.

The only one that has holed up in a safe space has been Biden.
As he should be today. He's hiding now from having to defend EVIDENCE FOUND ON HIS SON'S LAPTOP that he not only talked to Hunter about his corrupt associations in Ukraine, he participates in the revenue from the corruption. He's called "the big man" in Hunter's coded email messages. Hunter gets 20% of the payments, the others get 20% and Hunter holds 20% for "the big man".

Hopefully, all 5 of them will experience federal prison time.
You're right, it's just a leftist busted for lying. Happens all the time. Not like it's news at all. It's a given. Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, leftists gotta lie.

And Trump and his acolytes are fantastic examples of righteousness and truthiness....
Yes. To any liberal numbnut, this is a nothingburger...par for the course.

When you have the twat in the WH lying every second sentence, this tweetgate (shall we start calling it that now?) is like a gnat on the butt of a whale in terms of being something that even matters.

Only to a truly deranged, whiney, little petal, neocon whackadoodle Trumpite is this an issue. Mind you, there are a staggering number of you on this board so I can see why you are butt hurt.
You're right, it's just a leftist busted for lying. Happens all the time. Not like it's news at all. It's a given. Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, leftists gotta lie.

And Trump and his acolytes are fantastic examples of righteousness and truthiness....
I never said that. Can't you stay on topic?

Or do you just want to go ahead and admit I'm right -- leftists don't give a shit when Democrats lie?

I mean, it's not at all like we don't know.
I never said that. Can't you stay on topic?

Or do you just want to go ahead and admit I'm right -- leftists don't give a shit when Democrats lie?

I mean, it's not at all like we don't know.

I think it's poor form for him to lie.

And the irony of the above post hasn't gone past me.
Like you give a shit when Trump lies....constantly....
What a nothing story.
More dancing of the desperate.
Yes. To any liberal numbnut, this is a nothingburger...par for the course.

Perhaps you should check your sources over at Piercing Pagoda...there is no debate tonight either. Had your blob manned up and went ahead with the debate, this would be a story. Since he chickened out...its a non-issue.

Rules unilaterally changed from in-person, on-stage, unassisted debate to virtual, remote, assisted, moderator controlled "debate".

Real debate consists of opponents side by side, without access to information sources other than their own minds.

The only one that has holed up in a safe space has been Biden.
As he should be today. He's hiding now from having to defend EVIDENCE FOUND ON HIS SON'S LAPTOP that he not only talked to Hunter about his corrupt associations in Ukraine, he participates in the revenue from the corruption. He's called "the big man" in Hunter's coded email messages. Hunter gets 20% of the payments, the others get 20% and Hunter holds 20% for "the big man".

Hopefully, all 5 of them will experience federal prison time.

The blob backing out of a debate may have fatally wounded his chances of re-election.
What a nothing story.
More dancing of the desperate.
Yes. To any liberal numbnut, this is a nothingburger...par for the course.

Perhaps you should check your sources over at Piercing Pagoda...there is no debate tonight either. Had your blob manned up and went ahead with the debate, this would be a story. Since he chickened out...its a non-issue.

Rules unilaterally changed from in-person, on-stage, unassisted debate to virtual, remote, assisted, moderator controlled "debate".

Real debate consists of opponents side by side, without access to information sources other than their own minds.

The only one that has holed up in a safe space has been Biden.
As he should be today. He's hiding now from having to defend EVIDENCE FOUND ON HIS SON'S LAPTOP that he not only talked to Hunter about his corrupt associations in Ukraine, he participates in the revenue from the corruption. He's called "the big man" in Hunter's coded email messages. Hunter gets 20% of the payments, the others get 20% and Hunter holds 20% for "the big man".

Hopefully, all 5 of them will experience federal prison time.

The blob backing out of a debate may have fatally wounded his chances of re-election.
I repeat. Virtual "debates" are nowhere near a side by side debate. They lend themselves to various types of undisclosed assistance to the the debaters.

The debate commission was stupid to alter the playing field without consulting the debaters. It was also stupid to not agree to any postponement of the scheduled debate.
The debate commission was stupid to alter the playing field without consulting the debaters. It was also stupid to not agree to any postponement of the scheduled debate.

Then again, maybe if the Orange Buffoon acted like an adult instead of a bully, they wouldn't have to alter the rules.

Why do you guys admire him? There is so much to dislike about him. I don't get it. I really don't.
The debate commission was stupid to alter the playing field without consulting the debaters. It was also stupid to not agree to any postponement of the scheduled debate.

Then again, maybe if the Orange Buffoon acted like an adult instead of a bully, they wouldn't have to alter the rules.

Why do you guys admire him? There is so much to dislike about him. I don't get it. I really don't.

Seems like what you don't get could fill a couple of boxcars.

The way Trump acts is all part of the package. I don't mind irreverence in that position. Especially after our elitest affirmative action failure of a president who walked around with a wine cork stupid up is skinny ass.
Seems like what you don't get could fill a couple of boxcars.
Or in your case an ocean liner or two.

The way Trump acts is all part of the package. I don't mind irreverence in that position. Especially after our elitest affirmative action failure of a president who walked around with a wine cork stupid up is skinny ass.

The way he acts is part of the package? Maybe it is an act. Otherwise he's as dumb as a bag of hammers. Actually, he'd be one hell of an actor if it was an act. It's not an act. He's a moron.

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