CT trans teen preps for gender-affirming surgery: 'I’m a girl. I was just born into the wrong body'


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2021
Despite the enormous dangers faced by trans people, this brave teen forges ahead:


Trans youth are SIX TIMES more likely to be bullied, abused and physically attacked than their gender-normative peers.

How much courage does this decision take?

What would you do if she were your daughter?
Enablers like you are far more dangerous to them than all the alleged "bullies" and "attackers".
Despite the enormous dangers faced by trans people, this brave teen forges ahead:
Trans youth are SIX TIMES more likely to be bullied, abused and physically attacked than their gender-normative peers.
How much courage does this decision take?
What would you do if she were your daughter?

Despite the enormous dangers faced by trans people, this brave teen forges ahead:


Trans youth are SIX TIMES more likely to be bullied, abused and physically attacked than their gender-normative peers.

How much courage does this decision take?

What would you do if she were your daughter?
I’m sure one could find data that shows fat kids are six times more likely to be bullied than their non-fat peers.

Does that mean we should allow kids to get gastric bypass surgery? (I’m honestly not sure if that’s a thing. I hope it isn’t)

On top of that, do you honestly think a kid who gets gender reassignment procedures will suddenly stop getting bullied? That’s naive
He started puberty blockers when he was 9. Just like Jazz Jennings. This means his penis stopped developing when he was 9. The normal procedure for alignment surgery can't take place. There isn't enough penile tissue to form a vagina. The solution for these type of surgeries is a bowel resection. To form the vaginal canal out of a piece of lower bowel. The healthy bacteria in a bowel is very much different than in a vagina. Jennings has had numerous infections and several surgeries. There is a strong odor of bowel. He will never achieve orgasm. Due to the early age of hormones, he reports no sexual attraction to either men or women. Not that the surgeries have improved the mental instability that caused Jennings to conclude he was a girl. Now an adult, Jazz Jennings doesn't feel like a woman or a man. He has gained well over 100 pounds putting the surgical sites at risk. He lives a life of depression, disappointment and unhappiness.

Knowing what I know, I would never allow a child to transition so early. Certainly no hormones or hormone blockers.

Eva looks like a boy in a dress. He is big, hulking, and a very masculine face. His parents did him no favors by feeding his delusion.
Most of the guys who are powerlifters are chubby over their muscle

Almost any man with a big frame can become stronger than the worlds strongest women with enough training and hard work.

The gap between men and women in physical strength potential is enormous

If this kid is allowed to compete against biological women in strength sports he/she’ll win every time
at least she’s a girl who looks like she can deck most of her classmates who are going to bully her.

She’s going to need that, because a dude dressed in girls clothes and a wig is gonna get bullied, right or wrong
He started puberty blockers when he was 9. Just like Jazz Jennings. This means his penis stopped developing when he was 9. The normal procedure for alignment surgery can't take place. There isn't enough penile tissue to form a vagina. The solution for these type of surgeries is a bowel resection. To form the vaginal canal out of a piece of lower bowel. The healthy bacteria in a bowel is very much different than in a vagina. Jennings has had numerous infections and several surgeries. There is a strong odor of bowel. He will never achieve orgasm. Due to the early age of hormones, he reports no sexual attraction to either men or women. Not that the surgeries have improved the mental instability that caused Jennings to conclude he was a girl. Now an adult, Jazz Jennings doesn't feel like a woman or a man. He has gained well over 100 pounds putting the surgical sites at risk. He lives a life of depression, disappointment and unhappiness.

Knowing what I know, I would never allow a child to transition so early. Certainly no hormones or hormone blockers.

Eva looks like a boy in a dress. He is big, hulking, and a very masculine face. His parents did him no favors by feeding his delusion.

Good analysis.

The OP is based on a rather biased source, which is obviously pushing an agenda here.

I believe it is taken from here, which gives a more complete picture, but still, is just as biased, IMO. You are indeed correct.

CT trans teen preps for gender-affirming surgery: 'I’m a girl. I was just born into the wrong body​

". . Eva, now 17, was born as a boy. Yet, she said she knew, from the time she was a small child, “I’m a girl. I was just born into the wrong body.”

She began dressing as a girl at the age of 6, went on puberty blockers when she was 9, and will have gender-affirmation surgery in January, shortly after her 18th birthday — the minimum age to have insurance cover the procedure, her mother, Alisa Trachtenberg, said.. . . "


". . . While Alisa Trachtenberg said she adjusted to Eva’s identity, her husband and Eva’s dad, Scott Trachtenberg, had a rough time, she said.

He kept hoping his daughter would “change her mind” about wanting to be a girl. He tried for a very long time to surround Eva with games and toys that were stereotypically for a boy, Alisa Trachtenberg said.

“He got her a Hess toy truck and would try to engage her in sports — she had no interest,” she added. “He got her Legos but she really wanted the pink ‘Friends’ Legos. Scott figured it was a phase and would pass, but phases generally don’t last years.”

When Eva was about 4, her family took her to a therapist in New Haven who had experience with younger kids with gender dysphoria, which is a deep sense of unease one gets when there is a mismatch between one’s biological sex and their gender identity, the National Library of Medicine states.

After the therapist asked her parents a series of questions about Eva’s preferences for clothing, toys, playmates and pastimes, the therapist said Eva was so “consistent, persistent and insistent, this was definitely not a phase and that Eva was indeed transgender,” Trachtenberg said. “It was like a shock to Scott. He went through a period of denial and was really sad.”

Scott Trachtenberg said he was scared for his daughter’s future.

“I felt like I was mourning the loss of a son,” he said.. . . "

This? Is all the fault of the parents for drugging their kids. They chemically lobotomized a small child, and screwed with the poor boy's development.

I remember when my kid was six, his principle called me into his school office, told me they were going to suspend him, unless I took him to a shrink and put him on ADHD meds. He was SO BAD, it was the first kindergartner they ever threatened to suspend from school. . .


So his mom and I complied, and took him to see someone I personally knew, (whom I knew to be against drugs :laugh: ) But I did get him onto a complete organic diet, and into something called PCIT, (parent child interaction therapy) which means structured learning and play-time with your kid. . . BUT NO DRUGS ON MY POOR KIDS BRAIN!

And it was slow going. . .they still tried, the next year, and the next. He had a teacher in third grade, wanted him on those drugs so BAD, threatened to hold him back. ..

His mom and I? Still said, hell no, he'll grow out of it. Strange thing is, wouldn't you know it? He had that same teacher for home room in junior high, 8th grade, and he got straight A's. She could not believe he was so organized and had never taken that damn poison. . .

BIG PHARMA, the medical cartel, and weak minded & stoopid parents are to blame.

They did it with one set of conditions, and now they are doing it to our nation's kids again.

Kids are just kids, and the medical cartel is using their precocious imaginative behavior, robbing their childhoods, and stoopid gullible parents, to destroy lives and make a killing off of wasted lives.

I'm fine with hormone treatments and gender reassignment, AFTER a person can make that decision for themselves. But before puberty? That is just child abuse.

But then? I believe using anti-depressants and ADHD meds on kids is child abuse too. ..
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Despite the enormous dangers faced by trans people, this brave teen forges ahead:


Trans youth are SIX TIMES more likely to be bullied, abused and physically attacked than their gender-normative peers.

How much courage does this decision take?

What would you do if she were your daughter?
That's why they're a target of the Democrat Party. They're highly impressionable.
They're also extremely easy to manipulate.
Transgenderism is a mental defect most closely aligned with Body Integrity Identity Disorder. People believe they are born into the wrong body. Their real body has no legs, or arms, or is blind or deaf or some combination. What parent would treat a child's disorder by amputating both healthy legs? Any parent that put Drano into their child's eyes would be in prison. Yet parents that chemically neuter healthy children are celebrated.

It needs to stop or this period in our history will be it's darkest.
Most of the guys who are powerlifters are chubby over their muscle

Almost any man with a big frame can become stronger than the worlds strongest women with enough training and hard work.

The gap between men and women in physical strength potential is enormous

If this kid is allowed to compete against biological women in strength sports he/she’ll win every time
In the Olympics that used to be called cheating.
The East Germans were notorious for that.

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