Cuba hasn't sponsored terrorism in SIX MONTHS?!?

Yup, it is confirmed, Obama is a total buffoon. Cuba imprisons & murders it's citizens for political reasons EVERY DAMN DAY.
I fear the presidential pardons Obama is going to pass out as he leaves office. If you haven't committed murder or rape in 6 months will you be eligible for release from prison?

What terrorist activities has Cuba sponsored in the last 6 months?

Many nations, including allies, imprison and murder their citizens for political reasons...that doesn't put them on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism - a list that only includes Cuba, Sudan, Syria and Iran I believe.
So you admire how the Lying African is handling this so far?

I support normalizing relations with Cuba. The only reason we haven't long ago is hypocritical politics and a strong Cuban-American lobby.
Yeah, those evil Cuban refugees don't want the United States to legitimize a regime prolific in human rights violations. Those assholes!
Yup, it is confirmed, Obama is a total buffoon. Cuba imprisons & murders it's citizens for political reasons EVERY DAMN DAY.
I fear the presidential pardons Obama is going to pass out as he leaves office. If you haven't committed murder or rape in 6 months will you be eligible for release from prison?

What terrorist activities has Cuba sponsored in the last 6 months?

Many nations, including allies, imprison and murder their citizens for political reasons...that doesn't put them on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism - a list that only includes Cuba, Sudan, Syria and Iran I believe.
So you admire how the Lying African is handling this so far?

I support normalizing relations with Cuba. The only reason we haven't long ago is hypocritical politics and a strong Cuban-American lobby.
Yeah, those evil Cuban refugees don't want the United States to legitimize a regime prolific in human rights violations. Those assholes!
Read my link in post 12 and tell me who the assholes are. Bet you cower just like every other one.
Yup, it is confirmed, Obama is a total buffoon. Cuba imprisons & murders it's citizens for political reasons EVERY DAMN DAY.
I fear the presidential pardons Obama is going to pass out as he leaves office. If you haven't committed murder or rape in 6 months will you be eligible for release from prison?

What terrorist activities has Cuba sponsored in the last 6 months?

Many nations, including allies, imprison and murder their citizens for political reasons...that doesn't put them on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism - a list that only includes Cuba, Sudan, Syria and Iran I believe.
So you admire how the Lying African is handling this so far?

I support normalizing relations with Cuba. The only reason we haven't long ago is hypocritical politics and a strong Cuban-American lobby.
Yeah, those evil Cuban refugees don't want the United States to legitimize a regime prolific in human rights violations. Those assholes!
Read my link in post 12 and tell me who the assholes are. Bet you cower just like every other one.
The sarcasm was lost on you, I see.
What terrorist activities has Cuba sponsored in the last 6 months?

Many nations, including allies, imprison and murder their citizens for political reasons...that doesn't put them on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism - a list that only includes Cuba, Sudan, Syria and Iran I believe.
So you admire how the Lying African is handling this so far?

I support normalizing relations with Cuba. The only reason we haven't long ago is hypocritical politics and a strong Cuban-American lobby.
Yeah, those evil Cuban refugees don't want the United States to legitimize a regime prolific in human rights violations. Those assholes!
Read my link in post 12 and tell me who the assholes are. Bet you cower just like every other one.
The sarcasm was lost on you, I see.
No it wasn't lost. I know like all conservatives, you think Castro and Cuba were the terrorists and Obama is the bad guy for even engaging them and America (Rah Rah) is the beacon of freedom and fights oppression and global terrorism. I know you have zero interest in learning the truth and the home team you have always rooted for actually fixed all their games so they would come out being the winner when in reality, they have been far worse than your most hated enemy. But you will still love them, and still root for them, and still make excuses for them. Your patriotism and nationalism has been ingrained so deep that you are beyond from seeing what is right and what is wrong anymore. That is why you and everyone else who condemns Cuba will not comment on what the US actually did to Cuba.
Yup, it is confirmed, Obama is a total buffoon. Cuba imprisons & murders it's citizens for political reasons EVERY DAMN DAY.
I fear the presidential pardons Obama is going to pass out as he leaves office. If you haven't committed murder or rape in 6 months will you be eligible for release from prison?
Oh gee a thread started by a conservative bitching about Obama without a source in sight. How typical.
Oh gee a response from a Democrat dick licker who hasn't wiped his chin...... how typical
Why don't you just admit that you and the rest of the rightwing clowns look for reasons to bitch about Obama? It doesn't matter what he actually does as a president, you people will bitch about anything.
This is how Cuba's sponsoring of terrorism is described:

"Havana openly advocates armed revolution as the only means for leftist forces to gain power in Latin America, and the Cubans have played an important role in facilitating the movement of men and weapons into the region. Havana provides direct support in the form of training, arms, safe havens, and advice to a wide variety of guerrilla groups. Many of these groups engage in terrorist operations."

So apparently Cuba is a terrorist nation for supporting those who would act on the principles of the US Declaration of Independence.

State Sponsors of Terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The facts are that the US has terrorized Cuba so much that for them to even suggest other nations terrorize in incredibly hypocritical. Now I know most americans are unaware of the real history between these nations but there can be no sane logic to support the US and it's reign of terror on Cuba. The US needs to release all the declassified documents surrounding Cuba from the President Johnson era to the GW Bush era. These are from US declassified documents. Remember it is only the tip of the iceberg.

Bay of Pigs Chronology

The truth has nothing to do with one's political party.

APR 19, 1959:
................................................................ the Vice President reports in a four-page secret memo to Eisenhower, Secretary of State Christian A. Herter, and Allen Dulles. "It was apparent that while he paid lip service to such institutions as freedom of speech, press and religion that his primary concern was with developing programs for economic progress." Nixon concludes that Castro is "either incredibly naive about Communism or is under Communist discipline."

THAT is from your website.
Later years, the Castro brothers boasted that "We are and always have been communists".
The facts are that the US has terrorized Cuba so much that for them to even suggest other nations terrorize in incredibly hypocritical. Now I know most americans are unaware of the real history between these nations but there can be no sane logic to support the US and it's reign of terror on Cuba. The US needs to release all the declassified documents surrounding Cuba from the President Johnson era to the GW Bush era. These are from US declassified documents. Remember it is only the tip of the iceberg.

Bay of Pigs Chronology

The truth has nothing to do with one's political party.

APR 19, 1959:
................................................................ the Vice President reports in a four-page secret memo to Eisenhower, Secretary of State Christian A. Herter, and Allen Dulles. "It was apparent that while he paid lip service to such institutions as freedom of speech, press and religion that his primary concern was with developing programs for economic progress." Nixon concludes that Castro is "either incredibly naive about Communism or is under Communist discipline."

THAT is from your website.
Later years, the Castro brothers boasted that "We are and always have been communists".
Wow, you mean his primary concern was economic success. That bastard. So if Nixon calls him a communist, he must be a communist. Let's look at some history.

Castro returned to Cuba having said to a Social Democrat friend that he was not a Communist because Communism was the dictatorship of a single class and meant hatred and class struggle. On television he told the Cuban people that extremists had no place in the Cuban revolution. By now, however, Cuba's Communist Party had joined the Castro's revolution – not unlike the Bolsheviks in early 1917 who had joined the revolution that overthrew Tsar Nicholas of Russia. And the Communist Party complained that Castro was endangering Cuba's revolution.

Castro instituted agrarian reform. Estates larger than 1,000 acres were subject to expropriation, with compensation paid to the owners in 20-year bonds at 4.5 percent annual interest – higher interest than MacArthur's land reform in Japan, and repayment faster than the land reform in Taiwan. In the future, land could be bought only by Cubans, and after the harvest of 1960 sugar plantations would have to be owned by Cubans. Sugar company stocks fell on the New York Stock Exchange. US executives protested to the US government. More talk erupted in the US about Communism in Cuba, and the Eisenhower administration argued with Cuban officials about their agrarian reform.

Meanwhile, anti-Communist members of Castro's revolution (the 26 of July Movement) were showing hostility to the movement's communist members. The anti-Communists were calling the communists melons – green on the outside, as in green fatigues, and red on the inside. The Communists denounced the red-baiting and spoke of the need for unity. Bombs exploded in Havana, believed to be the work of counter-revolutionaries, and Castro veered to the side of those supporting unity.

In increasing numbers anti-Communists began abandoning Castro. President Urrutia objected to the heightened radicalization of Castro's movement and resigned. So too did his prime minister, José Cardona. Osvaldo Dorticós was now Cuba's new president and Castro was the prime minister. One of Castro's old anti-Communist compañeros, Hubert Matos, was soon to be arrested for treason and for having disrupted agrarian reform. He was to be tried and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
First and foremost, whatever political party Castro adheres to is Cuba's business, not the US. Second Castro had not always been a communist but he began to assimilate into communism right after the revolution.
Yup, it is confirmed, Obama is a total buffoon. Cuba imprisons & murders it's citizens for political reasons EVERY DAMN DAY.
I fear the presidential pardons Obama is going to pass out as he leaves office. If you haven't committed murder or rape in 6 months will you be eligible for release from prison?
Have you ask for a pardon yet?
The facts are that the US has terrorized Cuba so much that for them to even suggest other nations terrorize in incredibly hypocritical. Now I know most americans are unaware of the real history between these nations but there can be no sane logic to support the US and it's reign of terror on Cuba. The US needs to release all the declassified documents surrounding Cuba from the President Johnson era to the GW Bush era. These are from US declassified documents. Remember it is only the tip of the iceberg.

Bay of Pigs Chronology

The truth has nothing to do with one's political party.

APR 19, 1959:
................................................................ the Vice President reports in a four-page secret memo to Eisenhower, Secretary of State Christian A. Herter, and Allen Dulles. "It was apparent that while he paid lip service to such institutions as freedom of speech, press and religion that his primary concern was with developing programs for economic progress." Nixon concludes that Castro is "either incredibly naive about Communism or is under Communist discipline."

THAT is from your website.
Later years, the Castro brothers boasted that "We are and always have been communists".
Wow, you mean his primary concern was economic success. That bastard. So if Nixon calls him a communist, he must be a communist. Let's look at some history.

Castro returned to Cuba having said to a Social Democrat friend that he was not a Communist because Communism was the dictatorship of a single class and meant hatred and class struggle. On television he told the Cuban people that extremists had no place in the Cuban revolution. By now, however, Cuba's Communist Party had joined the Castro's revolution – not unlike the Bolsheviks in early 1917 who had joined the revolution that overthrew Tsar Nicholas of Russia. And the Communist Party complained that Castro was endangering Cuba's revolution.

Castro instituted agrarian reform. Estates larger than 1,000 acres were subject to expropriation, with compensation paid to the owners in 20-year bonds at 4.5 percent annual interest – higher interest than MacArthur's land reform in Japan, and repayment faster than the land reform in Taiwan. In the future, land could be bought only by Cubans, and after the harvest of 1960 sugar plantations would have to be owned by Cubans. Sugar company stocks fell on the New York Stock Exchange. US executives protested to the US government. More talk erupted in the US about Communism in Cuba, and the Eisenhower administration argued with Cuban officials about their agrarian reform.

Meanwhile, anti-Communist members of Castro's revolution (the 26 of July Movement) were showing hostility to the movement's communist members. The anti-Communists were calling the communists melons – green on the outside, as in green fatigues, and red on the inside. The Communists denounced the red-baiting and spoke of the need for unity. Bombs exploded in Havana, believed to be the work of counter-revolutionaries, and Castro veered to the side of those supporting unity.

In increasing numbers anti-Communists began abandoning Castro. President Urrutia objected to the heightened radicalization of Castro's movement and resigned. So too did his prime minister, José Cardona. Osvaldo Dorticós was now Cuba's new president and Castro was the prime minister. One of Castro's old anti-Communist compañeros, Hubert Matos, was soon to be arrested for treason and for having disrupted agrarian reform. He was to be tried and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
First and foremost, whatever political party Castro adheres to is Cuba's business, not the US. Second Castro had not always been a communist but he began to assimilate into communism right after the revolution.

Castro's main concern was being a communist dictator by holding a gun to the heads of the citizens which is the only way to keep power in a communist dictatorship.
Gee, why would Castro say that they were ALWAYS communist, IF they were only communists AFTER the revolution???
BTW, Communists ALWAYS lie about their true intentions, just like liberals!
Communist SAY the are for democracy, until the gain power THEN they show their true colors .................. just like liberals !
The facts are that the US has terrorized Cuba so much that for them to even suggest other nations terrorize in incredibly hypocritical. Now I know most americans are unaware of the real history between these nations but there can be no sane logic to support the US and it's reign of terror on Cuba. The US needs to release all the declassified documents surrounding Cuba from the President Johnson era to the GW Bush era. These are from US declassified documents. Remember it is only the tip of the iceberg.

Bay of Pigs Chronology

The truth has nothing to do with one's political party.

APR 19, 1959:
................................................................ the Vice President reports in a four-page secret memo to Eisenhower, Secretary of State Christian A. Herter, and Allen Dulles. "It was apparent that while he paid lip service to such institutions as freedom of speech, press and religion that his primary concern was with developing programs for economic progress." Nixon concludes that Castro is "either incredibly naive about Communism or is under Communist discipline."

THAT is from your website.
Later years, the Castro brothers boasted that "We are and always have been communists".
Wow, you mean his primary concern was economic success. That bastard. So if Nixon calls him a communist, he must be a communist. Let's look at some history.

Castro returned to Cuba having said to a Social Democrat friend that he was not a Communist because Communism was the dictatorship of a single class and meant hatred and class struggle. On television he told the Cuban people that extremists had no place in the Cuban revolution. By now, however, Cuba's Communist Party had joined the Castro's revolution – not unlike the Bolsheviks in early 1917 who had joined the revolution that overthrew Tsar Nicholas of Russia. And the Communist Party complained that Castro was endangering Cuba's revolution.

Castro instituted agrarian reform. Estates larger than 1,000 acres were subject to expropriation, with compensation paid to the owners in 20-year bonds at 4.5 percent annual interest – higher interest than MacArthur's land reform in Japan, and repayment faster than the land reform in Taiwan. In the future, land could be bought only by Cubans, and after the harvest of 1960 sugar plantations would have to be owned by Cubans. Sugar company stocks fell on the New York Stock Exchange. US executives protested to the US government. More talk erupted in the US about Communism in Cuba, and the Eisenhower administration argued with Cuban officials about their agrarian reform.

Meanwhile, anti-Communist members of Castro's revolution (the 26 of July Movement) were showing hostility to the movement's communist members. The anti-Communists were calling the communists melons – green on the outside, as in green fatigues, and red on the inside. The Communists denounced the red-baiting and spoke of the need for unity. Bombs exploded in Havana, believed to be the work of counter-revolutionaries, and Castro veered to the side of those supporting unity.

In increasing numbers anti-Communists began abandoning Castro. President Urrutia objected to the heightened radicalization of Castro's movement and resigned. So too did his prime minister, José Cardona. Osvaldo Dorticós was now Cuba's new president and Castro was the prime minister. One of Castro's old anti-Communist compañeros, Hubert Matos, was soon to be arrested for treason and for having disrupted agrarian reform. He was to be tried and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
First and foremost, whatever political party Castro adheres to is Cuba's business, not the US. Second Castro had not always been a communist but he began to assimilate into communism right after the revolution.

Castro's main concern was being a communist dictator by holding a gun to the heads of the citizens which is the only way to keep power in a communist dictatorship.
Gee, why would Castro say that they were ALWAYS communist, IF they were only communists AFTER the revolution???
BTW, Communists ALWAYS lie about their true intentions, just like liberals!
Communist SAY the are for democracy, until the gain power THEN they show their true colors .................. just like liberals !
You got a source for that "always been communists" statement that isn't from Florida. Also do you have any proof Castro held a gun to the heads of the citizens. Come on, back up what you say.
Yup, it is confirmed, Obama is a total buffoon. Cuba imprisons & murders it's citizens for political reasons EVERY DAMN DAY.
I fear the presidential pardons Obama is going to pass out as he leaves office. If you haven't committed murder or rape in 6 months will you be eligible for release from prison?

What terrorist activities has Cuba sponsored in the last 6 months?

Many nations, including allies, imprison and murder their citizens for political reasons...that doesn't put them on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism - a list that only includes Cuba, Sudan, Syria and Iran I believe.
So you admire how the Lying African is handling this so far?

I support normalizing relations with Cuba. The only reason we haven't long ago is hypocritical politics and a strong Cuban-American lobby.
Yeah, those evil Cuban refugees don't want the United States to legitimize a regime prolific in human rights violations. Those assholes!

How many years has it been and what has it accomplished?

The regime that preceded it sucked I might add and some of those Cuban refugees were the ones who profited from it.
Yup, it is confirmed, Obama is a total buffoon. Cuba imprisons & murders it's citizens for political reasons EVERY DAMN DAY.
I fear the presidential pardons Obama is going to pass out as he leaves office. If you haven't committed murder or rape in 6 months will you be eligible for release from prison?

What terrorist activities has Cuba sponsored in the last 6 months?

Many nations, including allies, imprison and murder their citizens for political reasons...that doesn't put them on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism - a list that only includes Cuba, Sudan, Syria and Iran I believe.
So you admire how the Lying African is handling this so far?

I support normalizing relations with Cuba. The only reason we haven't long ago is hypocritical politics and a strong Cuban-American lobby.
Yeah, those evil Cuban refugees don't want the United States to legitimize a regime prolific in human rights violations. Those assholes!

How many years has it been and what has it accomplished?

The regime that preceded it sucked I might add and some of those Cuban refugees were the ones who profited from it.

The late Pope John Paul II was against the embargo because economic sanctions like that hurt the people far more than the dictator. I agree with him. On the other side is who we legitimize and on that record, we are compromised. We legitimize the Chinese even with their own horrific human rights violations. I'm not against a conditional standing down of sanctions, but that's not what's happening here. And Cuban refugees have a unique view of how horrible this regime is...which hasn't changed with the incapacitation of Castro.

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