Cubans May Now Travel Outside The Country For The First Time In More Than 50 Years


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
by Allison Churchill Raul Castro Is Letting Cubans Travel - Business Insider

Cuban cab

Fidel Castro's little brother Raul is continuing to loosen restrictions in Cuba, now letting his people take a vacation.

According to the Daily Mail, the Communist party paper Granma announced Cubans would no longer need an exit visa. As of January 14, citizens of the country can go abroad with only a passport, and stay wherever they like for up to 24 months without risk of losing property.

For the past 51 years, even if someone got the required documents, which could cost up to $350, they weren't always allowed to actually leave the country.

The restrictions would still be in place for people Cuba doesn't want to leave, like doctors and other professionals.

The United States has slowly lifted its own restrictions in regards to travel to Cuba, originally put in place to isolate the island after Fidel Castro took power in 1959. While it technically wasn't illegal, tourists couldn't spend money, making the trip pointless.

But determined travelers found ways to get in, often going through Canada, or other countries in the Caribbean. In 1999, American tourists could go to Cuba on "people-to-people" licenses, essentially educational trips on which travelers weren't allowed to spend US dollars.

George W. Bush did away with them when he took office. President Barack Obama brought back the licenses in 2011.

The US has a lot to gain from lifting its restrictions. Daily Beast writer Arian Campos-Flores found that the US tourism industry could make close to $1.6 billion.

Boost the economy and get fresh mojitos? What are we waiting for?

If we keep going in the present direction as a nation... they will feel right at home here :eusa_clap:
Well at least Cuba moved into the new millennium.
Now, the US needs to get rid of the useless and ineffective embargo.
Cuba is one of those "bucket list" trips for me . Some day. Yesh.
"Cubans May Now Travel Outside The Country For The First Time In More Than 50 Years"

Who said they did not travel outside their country before?!

There were plenty Cuban students in all socialist countries!
Well at least Cuba moved into the new millennium.
Now, the US needs to get rid of the useless and ineffective embargo.

What, we don't already have enough Illegal Aliens... We need some more to tax our resources?
Well at least Cuba moved into the new millennium.
Now, the US needs to get rid of the useless and ineffective embargo.

What, we don't already have enough Illegal Aliens... We need some more to tax our resources?

Really is that the best you have?
The 50 year old embargo has nothing to due with "Illegal Aliens"
It has to do with trade..... There is lots of money to be made with trade to Cuba.
Right now the Canadians are reaping the benefits.
Well at least Cuba moved into the new millennium.
Now, the US needs to get rid of the useless and ineffective embargo.

What, we don't already have enough Illegal Aliens... We need some more to tax our resources?

Really is that the best you have?
The 50 year old embargo has nothing to due with "Illegal Aliens"
It has to do with trade..... There is lots of money to be made with trade to Cuba.
Right now the Canadians are reaping the benefits.

Um... The embargo also encompasses a ban on tourism... So, yes it does have something to do with immigration. What I meant was America hardly needs to open our airports to one-way flights from Cuba... Try again.
What, we don't already have enough Illegal Aliens... We need some more to tax our resources?

Really is that the best you have?
The 50 year old embargo has nothing to due with "Illegal Aliens"
It has to do with trade..... There is lots of money to be made with trade to Cuba.
Right now the Canadians are reaping the benefits.

Um... The embargo also encompasses a ban on tourism... So, yes it does have something to do with immigration. What I meant was America hardly needs to open our airports to one-way flights from Cuba... Try again.

There in lies the problem.......a ban on tourism... and the one way flights.
Strange that in a "Free" Country, we cannot visit Cuba. Doesn't that strike you as odd?
As far as Cubans coming over here, a little late to start complaining now, where were you when Mariel was happening?
Really is that the best you have?
The 50 year old embargo has nothing to due with "Illegal Aliens"
It has to do with trade..... There is lots of money to be made with trade to Cuba.
Right now the Canadians are reaping the benefits.

Um... The embargo also encompasses a ban on tourism... So, yes it does have something to do with immigration. What I meant was America hardly needs to open our airports to one-way flights from Cuba... Try again.

There in lies the problem.......a ban on tourism... and the one way flights.
Strange that in a "Free" Country, we cannot visit Cuba. Doesn't that strike you as odd?
As far as Cubans coming over here, a little late to start complaining now, where were you when Mariel was happening?

I only suggest we not make the transition from Cuban National to Undocumented Illegal Alien residing in the U.S. any easier than it already is.
I always wondered why if communism was so good, why the communist governments never allowed their people the freedom to travel outside the communist country.? Why were they always prisoners
of the Communist state?
I guess they knew most would not return. No one runs away from a good society or political system.
Communism is a failed political system.
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I always wondered why if communism was so good, why the communist governments never allowed their people the freedom to travel outside the communist country.? .

We were free to travel within socialist block of countries; and we could travel around capitalist countries, but that involved an awful lot of bureaucracy.

Making it hard for people to travel to capitalist countries was one of the biggest mistakes soviet government made! If only we saw first hand the life in "capitalist paradise" we would've appreciated what we had more, and we would've defended it better in the 80-s...
I always wondered why if communism was so good, why the communist governments never allowed their people the freedom to travel outside the communist country.? .

We were free to travel within socialist block of countries; and we could travel around capitalist countries, but that involved an awful lot of bureaucracy.

Making it hard for people to travel to capitalist countries was one of the biggest mistakes soviet government made! If only we saw first hand the life in "capitalist paradise" we would've appreciated what we had more, and we would've defended it better in the 80-s...

And What exactly did communists have?, Everything produced by the State, rationed by the state. Bread lines, 15 people living in one apartment.
I don't belive Communist citizens had much to fight for back in the hey day of Communism.?
It is an insane system. Made for robot populations.
And What exactly did communists have?, Everything produced by the State, rationed by the state. Bread lines, 15 people living in one apartment.
I don't belive Communist citizens had much to fight for back in the hey day of Communism.?
It is an insane system. Made for robot populations.

1. What "communists"?

2. What do you understand under "rationing"?

3. "Bread lines" did not happen until US/UK plant Gorbachov started dismantling the soviet socialist system.

4. "15 people" living in "one apartment"? First of all, if family had 15 members, they did not live in the "apartment", but in the house. Secondly, I never heard of families so large. Then again, for two-three generations living under one roof is a good thing: it maintains a FAMILY (something Westerners lost already), it means less work for each member of the family, and it means that kids are never unsupervised and parents never have to look for babysitters.

And in any case, it is a lot better then living in cardboard boxes under the bridges or in tent cities.

5. Once again, "communism" existed only in the heads of US propaganda consumers.

6. As it happens, the "robot population" lives in the West: you can't even think for themselves; you repeat cliches, mantras and slogans put before you by your propaganda. You live not in societies, but in colonies where every individual is for himself; where parents charge their children rent; where children feel no responsibility towards their parents; where every line between right and wrong, normality and deviation has been erased; where the very institution of family has been abolished with children deprived of the right to have mother and father in favour of "parent 1" and "parent 2"; where pederasty and zoophilia are proclaimed as a norm; where paedophilia is recognised as a "sexual preference" and paedophiles are represented in parliament... You have only one right left to you: the right to beg to be exploited and work your life away just to keep banks off your backs, yet you obediently repeat after your propaganda merchants mantras about "freedoms", "human rights" and "democracy".
And What exactly did communists have?, Everything produced by the State, rationed by the state. Bread lines, 15 people living in one apartment.
I don't belive Communist citizens had much to fight for back in the hey day of Communism.?
It is an insane system. Made for robot populations.

1. What "communists"?

2. What do you understand under "rationing"?

3. "Bread lines" did not happen until US/UK plant Gorbachov started dismantling the soviet socialist system.

4. "15 people" living in "one apartment"? First of all, if family had 15 members, they did not live in the "apartment", but in the house. Secondly, I never heard of families so large. Then again, for two-three generations living under one roof is a good thing: it maintains a FAMILY (something Westerners lost already), it means less work for each member of the family, and it means that kids are never unsupervised and parents never have to look for babysitters.

And in any case, it is a lot better then living in cardboard boxes under the bridges or in tent cities.

5. Once again, "communism" existed only in the heads of US propaganda consumers.

6. As it happens, the "robot population" lives in the West: you can't even think for themselves; you repeat cliches, mantras and slogans put before you by your propaganda. You live not in societies, but in colonies where every individual is for himself; where parents charge their children rent; where children feel no responsibility towards their parents; where every line between right and wrong, normality and deviation has been erased; where the very institution of family has been abolished with children deprived of the right to have mother and father in favour of "parent 1" and "parent 2"; where pederasty and zoophilia are proclaimed as a norm; where paedophilia is recognised as a "sexual preference" and paedophiles are represented in parliament... You have only one right left to you: the right to beg to be exploited and work your life away just to keep banks off your backs, yet you obediently repeat after your propaganda merchants mantras about "freedoms", "human rights" and "democracy".

I still prefer to live in the capitalist west. Those Russian winters, and crumbling infrastructures of Cuba just don't do it for me. The Stalinist , Lenninist system founded
on the wholesale slaughter of a large part of the population, is not a system I would
want to live under.
Give me American capitalism anyday over Communism.!
Thank you.
that's good... isn't it ... i mean it's about time huh? let the poor cubans travel
that's good... isn't it ... i mean it's about time huh? let the poor cubans travel

It is a step in the right direction, however, selective it may be...."The restrictions would still be in place for people Cuba doesn't want to leave, like doctors and other professionals."

Moreover, "Would-be immigrants and tourists still need permission from the U.S. government to enter America legally. With a multiyear wait for a visa, the average Cuban may not be leaving home any time soon."
Hey, Americans!

Do you even understand the information you read???!!!

CUBANS ALWAYS HAD THE RIGHT TO TRAVEL!!!!!!!! Only they had to apply for an exit visa and obtain an invitation from a country they intended to travel to! --- These rules are in place in many WESTERN countries!

It's not about "poor Cubans not allowed to travel", it's about simplifying rules of travelling, you idiots!!!!! :D:D:D
Hey, Americans!

Do you even understand the information you read???!!!

CUBANS ALWAYS HAD THE RIGHT TO TRAVEL!!!!!!!! Only they had to apply for an exit visa and obtain an invitation from a country they intended to travel to! --- These rules are in place in many WESTERN countries!

It's not about "poor Cubans not allowed to travel", it's about simplifying rules of travelling, you idiots!!!!! :D:D:D

Yes we understand everything we read and write. We have what is called freedom of expression, and freedom of the press in the capitalist west, and America.
Is this available in communist Russia? or Cuba??

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