Cue The Virtue Signaling From Liberal Celebrities

Liberals took prayer out of school, and you see what's happening.
Yeah right. Actually, conservatives fighting for the rights of people to massacre children has much more of an impact.

When you come up with a prayer that can stop a bullet, feel free to wrote your congressman to require it in the curriculum. Dipshit.
When you secure the schools as diligently as the banks; get back to us. But till you’re willing to put your money, where your mouth is; you can forget the rest of us surrendering our rights, for your sense of safety...
So your stance is “fuck you and fuck those kids.” Hmm.

At least you didn’t pretend to care by sending thiughts and prayers.
Nope. That’s the stance of the gun grabbers actually. They could do something about this right now, without constitutional problems. Yet they choose not to. Because it is they who really don’t give a shit about the kids. They care about the guns. And they have no problem using dead children as a means to go after them.
I like how you’re passing the onus of protecting children to Democrats, and so implying that nobody should expect you or other conservatives to give a shit about kids’ lives. We don't expect you to, btw. It would be a shock if you ever started.

I look forward to your “thoughts and prayers” at the next gun massacre.
I’m not passing it on to only Democrats. Clearly securing the schools would come out of the tax coffers. The coffers which we all pay into. Your projection however didn’t go unnoticed. Because In reality, the only passionate proposal by the most “outraged” , is infringing on the rights of gun owners. Not a solution in which the grabbers actually have to contribute as well. That’s how we know y’all are phony.
Yeah right. Actually, conservatives fighting for the rights of people to massacre children has much more of an impact.

When you come up with a prayer that can stop a bullet, feel free to wrote your congressman to require it in the curriculum. Dipshit.
When you secure the schools as diligently as the banks; get back to us. But till you’re willing to put your money, where your mouth is; you can forget the rest of us surrendering our rights, for your sense of safety...
So your stance is “fuck you and fuck those kids.” Hmm.

At least you didn’t pretend to care by sending thiughts and prayers.
Nope. That’s the stance of the gun grabbers actually. They could do something about this right now, without constitutional problems. Yet they choose not to. Because it is they who really don’t give a shit about the kids. They care about the guns. And they have no problem using dead children as a means to go after them.
I like how you’re passing the onus of protecting children to Democrats, and so implying that nobody should expect you or other conservatives to give a shit about kids’ lives. We don't expect you to, btw. It would be a shock if you ever started.

I look forward to your “thoughts and prayers” at the next gun massacre.
I’m not passing it on to only Democrats. Clearly securing the schools would come out of the tax coffers. The coffers which we all pay into. Your projection however didn’t go unnoticed. Because In reality, the only passionate proposal by the most “outraged” , is infringing on the rights of gun owners. Not a solution in which the grabbers actually have to contribute as well. That’s how we know y’all are phony.
Yeah... that’s what I thought. Virtue signaling is cheap, when your “solutions” come at someone else’s expense..,
100 americans killed every DAY by speeders, drunk-drivers, text-drivers etc in easily prevented highway crashes but liberals say we don't care - only gun deaths count.!!

Libs don't care about saving lives. They want to ban guns because they want fascism with govt controlling everything.
We've had yet another school shooting with mass casualties.

The left refused to deal with the situation in a rational manner so here we are once again debating about gun-grabbing.

Now reporters are fanning out all over America looking for the usual anti - gun commentary.

Refuse to deal with the situation in a rational manner? Please, tell us about your “thoughts and prayers.”

Please...tell us your solution.....and be specific as to how your "solution" will actually work. We will wait, we always wait because nothing you guys pretend to come up with actually will work........but please, enlighten us...
We've had yet another school shooting with mass casualties.

The left refused to deal with the situation in a rational manner so here we are once again debating about gun-grabbing.

Now reporters are fanning out all over America looking for the usual anti - gun commentary.

Refuse to deal with the situation in a rational manner? Please, tell us about your “thoughts and prayers.”

The absence of a rational security program in schools, along with identifying the threat in a realistic manner, is what leads us to this.

Praying has nothing to do with it.

Liberals in Washington can't wait to begin preaching :206:about how concerned they were about the aftermath, but refused over and over to work out a compromise to deal with the issue.

Couple that with a constant barage of hate in the media. A lack of respect for law enforcement. An FBI and Justice Department that refuses to do their jobs.

It no surprise that this has happened. Liberals are now using these disasters to create votes.

Steve Kerr literally said as much. :2cents:

Refused to work out a compromise? What compromise? You get to keep flooding the country with guns and bullets in exchange for............ what’s your compromise?

No....more guns in the hands of law abiding Americans lowers the crime our own experience shows...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
We've had yet another school shooting with mass casualties.

The left refused to deal with the situation in a rational manner so here we are once again debating about gun-grabbing.

Now reporters are fanning out all over America looking for the usual anti - gun commentary.

Is "virtue signalling" another of the bullshit terms invented by morons like Limbaugh? Sounds like his jargon. How foolish.

James Bartholomew supposedly invented the term.
How does sectarian prayer in school, which is unconstitutional, have anything to do with this issue? I thought that parents, not schools, were in charge of their children's religious lives.
I see your problem.
What "problem"? That parents can't get their asses out of bed long enough to pray with their children and take them to religious instruction according to the parents' faith? They have plenty of opportunities.

We've had yet another school shooting with mass casualties.

The left refused to deal with the situation in a rational manner so here we are once again debating about gun-grabbing.

Now reporters are fanning out all over America looking for the usual anti - gun commentary.

Refuse to deal with the situation in a rational manner? Please, tell us about your “thoughts and prayers.”

Liberals took prayer out of school, and you see what's happening.

They have also de valued life.
How does sectarian prayer in school, which is unconstitutional, have anything to do with this issue? I thought that parents, not schools, were in charge of their children's religious lives.
I see your problem.
What "problem"? That parents can't get their asses out of bed long enough to pray with their children and take them to religious instruction according to the parents' faith? They have plenty of opportunities.

Don't know what you mean by the emoji. Parents: get up early enough to have breakfast with your kids and lead your family in prayer according to your faith. If Christian, find out where your local Christian church of the denomination of your choice and its schedule for religious instruction, where the synagogue is that agrees with your interpretation of Judaism if you are Jewish, same thing for parents of other faiths. Simple.
Taxpayer-funded schools are not meant to push one faith or denomination over another, as these schools are intended as a public service of providing an education to all children.
I am old enough to remember praying at school, and the prayer was always the Protestant Christian version of the Lord's Prayer, which is different from the Catholic version. I had Jewish kids in my class, and the Lord's Prayer does not exist in their faith. Now we have people of other faiths living here, who also must decide on how to deliver their religious heritage to their children.
Whatever the parents of each child decide is the religious tradition to be relayed to their child, it's their job to get off their butts and do it.
Don't know what you mean by the emoji.

Admit it. You are doing this for my entertainment.
You refuse to engage in any meaningful adult dialogue on the issue. Please explain why parents cannot do the work required to be in charge of their children's spiritual upbringing and seek instead to be dependent on school systems to take up their burden for them?
We've had yet another school shooting with mass casualties.

The left refused to deal with the situation in a rational manner so here we are once again debating about gun-grabbing.

Now reporters are fanning out all over America looking for the usual anti - gun commentary.

Refuse to deal with the situation in a rational manner? Please, tell us about your “thoughts and prayers.”

I know, right? that was pretty boldfaced.,

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