Cultural food appropriation: More PC hilarity on campus

That's Welcome to America in my opinion. When eating at most ethnic restaurants in the States you get the Americanized version. How authentic is a student dining hall going to be.
The best way to get authentic ethnic food is to date a female of that ethnicity. Thats how I got turned on to Indian food.
Men can't cook?
I dont care what men can do. I like the women.
Can't you cook?
That's Welcome to America in my opinion. When eating at most ethnic restaurants in the States you get the Americanized version. How authentic is a student dining hall going to be.
The best way to get authentic ethnic food is to date a female of that ethnicity. Thats how I got turned on to Indian food.
Men can't cook?
I dont care what men can do. I like the women.
Can't you cook?
How does one cook dishes that they have no knowledge of?
Hey, in the Navy we'd have ethnic nights for chow, and they actually tried to make the recipe taste like the place it came from. But of course, it was helpful that we had cooks that actually cared about what they cooked. Ever had Lumpia? It's a really nice little egg roll like thing that has pork and spices. We had Filipino cooks who made it and it was great.

However...................if some place tried to pass off egg rolls as Lumpia, I'd be pissed, because Lumpia is nothing like an egg roll, it's MUCH better.

I wonder if someone from KY would be pissed if they heard there was barbecue in the mess hall only to get up there and find out it's barbecue prepared Memphis style?

Yeah, I understand, the college prepares food on an industrial level, but so did the cooks in the Navy. At least the Navy cooks tried to get it right. Apparently, the college didn't even bother.
"Cultural food appropriation: More PC hilarity on campus"


There is no such thing as 'PC,' it's a myth contrived by the right in an effort conceal the racism and bigotry that manifests among the ranks of republicans and conservatives.

It illustrates how most on the right are hostile to unfettered debate in a free and democratic society, and in the context of private society, where private citizens are at liberty to oppose that which they find offensive, as such opposition neither 'violates' free speech nor manifests as the myth of 'political correctness.'
That's Welcome to America in my opinion. When eating at most ethnic restaurants in the States you get the Americanized version. How authentic is a student dining hall going to be.
The best way to get authentic ethnic food is to date a female of that ethnicity. Thats how I got turned on to Indian food.
Men can't cook?
I dont care what men can do. I like the women.
Can't you cook?
How does one cook dishes that they have no knowledge of?
Get a recipe?
Disrespectful to my rice!

It's the black students wanting fried chicken every day that's priceless.
No one wants to eat bland macaroni and cheese with potato chips on top like the white students.
Eat your watermelon and shut up.
Watermelon isnt in season now or I would. Just dont give me no food made by pasty white people.
Surely! If I were you I would expect rat poison.
I love Vietnamese food. I could have Pho Ga everyday and be a happy camper. So good!
All of these students who cause trouble will be remembered, and good luck getting a job!

This kid will be mopping the floor at a Chinese Buffet restaurant. It will be his job to go in the alley and catch cats.

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