"Culture of Evil"

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Nuns 'sorry' over Smyllum abuse claims

Nuns and priests abusing orphans both physically and sexually. Police are trying to identify multiple bodies buried in an unmarked grave in the grounds.

How does this happen ?

Presumably the home was established with the best of motives. How does it descend into evil ?
So many homosexuals and pedophiles pretending to be Priests and Nuns so they can get to children like this
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According to the article, the inquiry has not been completed. Right now, all we are given are generalities that tell us very little. Hopefully, some specifics will be made public as the investigation goes on. I'm inclined to wait for proof before I declare something evil.
the desert religions themselves have never taken the difficult, unpopular steps needed for correcting the deliberate distortions within their religion used to gain popular favor rather than a refined path to the Everlasting. ~ allowing evil as slavery to maintain their "congregations". the christians have not brought to justice the slayers of Jesus that reside in their midst.
These things occur because of both repression and the delusion of being some sort of divine agent. Faith does strange things to the brain.
The Roman Catholic Church insisted on letting sexual perverts, homosexuals, become priests on condition they remain celibate. This created the culture of evil and sexual abuse.
I don't think this is "cultural." Most Christian people aren't molesting and murdering children. It is a well known fact that abusers of children will gravitate towards jobs/activities where they have easy access to lots of different children, such as a pastor, a minister, a schoolteacher, etc.
Nuns 'sorry' over Smyllum abuse claims

Nuns and priests abusing orphans both physically and sexually. Police are trying to identify multiple bodies buried in an unmarked grave in the grounds.

How does this happen ?

Presumably the home was established with the best of motives. How does it descend into evil ?

It ain't the religion, it is PEOPLE who do these terrible things. Some are protected by government as was the case in your neck of the woods, tainty...

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia

Rochdale child sex abuse ring
Rochdale child sex abuse ring - Wikipedia
These things occur because of both repression and the delusion of being some sort of divine agent. Faith does strange things to the brain.

Meh, I don't think it turns people into child abusers or child sex offenders.
Sure it does. It also turns people into murderers, suiciders, physical abusers, etc. Not everyone, of course. And, of course, it;'s not the only thing that does this to people. But, certainly, people use this instrument of faith to justify and/or absolve themselves. Imagine not just having faith, but living in an odd little sub- and counter-culture where you are literally viewed as a divine agent.
Nuns 'sorry' over Smyllum abuse claims

Nuns and priests abusing orphans both physically and sexually. Police are trying to identify multiple bodies buried in an unmarked grave in the grounds.

How does this happen ?

Presumably the home was established with the best of motives. How does it descend into evil ?

It ain't the religion, it is PEOPLE who do these terrible things. Some are protected by government as was the case in your neck of the woods, tainty...

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia

Rochdale child sex abuse ring
Rochdale child sex abuse ring - Wikipedia

He doesn't like to talk about THAT though. Lol.
These things occur because of both repression and the delusion of being some sort of divine agent. Faith does strange things to the brain.

Meh, I don't think it turns people into child abusers or child sex offenders.
Sure it does. It also turns people into murderers, suiciders, physical abusers, etc. Not everyone, of course. And, of course, it;'s not the only thing that does this to people. But, certainly, people use this instrument of faith to justify and/or absolve themselves. Imagine not just having faith, but living in an odd little sub- and counter-culture where you are literally viewed as a divine agent.

No it doesn't do that. :rolleyes: People who do these things were mentally ill to begin with. A lot of times they might even join a church group or something because they think it might HELP them.
If you are not sexually attracted to the kiddies, then a religious belief is not going to suddenly start molesting them. Puhleese. If you are molesting kiddies, it is because you are suffering from an incurable disease.
These things occur because of both repression and the delusion of being some sort of divine agent. Faith does strange things to the brain.

Meh, I don't think it turns people into child abusers or child sex offenders.
Sure it does. It also turns people into murderers, suiciders, physical abusers, etc. Not everyone, of course. And, of course, it;'s not the only thing that does this to people. But, certainly, people use this instrument of faith to justify and/or absolve themselves. Imagine not just having faith, but living in an odd little sub- and counter-culture where you are literally viewed as a divine agent.

Pedophilia is a mental disease. Pedophiles take jobs that allow them to be close to children. It's an age old tactic. Why do you think so many teachers turn out to be pedophiles? It ain't the job, or the religion, it is the PERSON.
Here I thought the ultimate evil culture was when Anglo Germanic's came to Britain, and mixed with Welsh people, creating an unbelievable evil on every single continent of mass murder, pillaging, and so forth.
People who do these things were mentally ill to begin with.
Oh really? And what clinical diagnosis(es) would that be? I think that you would find that is simply not accurate, if you checked. Now, if you would like to possibly argue that religion can be a cause mental illness... have at it. The ability to suspend one's reason, incredulity, reason-based morals, and affinity for this material life most certainly can and does cause people to do vile things.

I couldn't count the number of times, just on this message board, that I have seen religious people gleefully declare that we are all losers who deserve to be punished. I would say the leap from that position or mentality to violence is quite a smaller leap than , say, from a belief in secular humanism
Pedophilia is a mental disease. Pedophiles take jobs that allow them to be close to children.
While those things may both be true, the disposition to pedophilia would certainly come in degrees. I would not believe for a second that every pedophile priest merely became a priest because he was a pedophile. Neither would you.

People can be changed by experience. A decade of suspending all credulity and much of one's humanism in deference to "higher truths" can foment vile acts like pedophilia. or physical abuse.
People who do these things were mentally ill to begin with.
Oh really? And what clinical diagnosis(es) would that be? I think that you would find that is simply not accurate, if you checked. Now, if you would like to possibly argue that religion can be a cause mental illness... have at it. The ability to suspend one's reason, incredulity, reason-based morals, and affinity for this material life most certainly can and does cause people to do vile things.

I couldn't count the number of times, just on this message board, that I have seen religious people gleefully declare that we are all losers who deserve to be punished. I would say the leap from that position or mentality to violence is quite a smaller leap than , say, from a belief in secular humanism

Pedophilia? Maybe you've heard of it?
Pedophilia is a mental disease. Pedophiles take jobs that allow them to be close to children.
While those things may both be true, the disposition to pedophilia would certainly come in degrees. I would not believe for a second that every pedophile priest merely became a priest because he was a pedophile. Neither would you.

So you are trying to convince us that religion MAKES people do things that they wouldn't ordinarily do? Like, a normal man who has some religious beliefs will suddenly become attracted to small children and want to have sex with them?

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