Culture of Shame Monica Lewinsky

She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.

Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

I bet you'd care if the CEO of the company where you work (if you actually do have a job), screwed with a much younger subordinate employee during work hours in the office.

Yes , especially if he got off the hook and let the media slut shame her and then her family had to be on suicide watch while he moved on scott free with a successful life.

It's the double standard hypocrisy of it. Hillary Clinton goes along with that treatment of a young woman and covering for her husband because of her own political ambitions. That does bother me.
She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.

Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

I bet you'd care if the CEO of the company where you work (if you actually do have a job), screwed with a much younger subordinate employee during work hours in the office.
Depends on the facts.
She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.

Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

I bet you'd care if the CEO of the company where you work (if you actually do have a job), screwed with a much younger subordinate employee during work hours in the office.

Yes , especially if he got off the hook and let the media slut shame her and then her family had to be on suicide watch while he moved on scott free with a successful life.

It's the double standard hypocrisy of it. Hillary Clinton goes along with that treatment of a young woman and covering for her husband because of her own political ambitions. That does bother me.
It's the double standard hypocrisy of it. Hillary Clinton goes along with that treatment of a young woman and covering for her husband because of her own political ambitions.


What was supposed to happen to Clinton?
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

There it is. The liberal 'values' of amorality and dismissal of personal responsibility.
get lost with your labels and your stunted sense of morality clown boy. I have no idea what goes on in the lives of other people and I am not so perfect as to sit in judgrment, neither are you.

There it is, the only 'value' accepted (insisted/indoctrinated/enforced/imposed) by liberals: the worship of amorality and the hostile rejection of personal responsibility.

You are just some lonesome guy on July 4th, go find a party.

The world would be a lot saner if people like you did not try to shove their peculiar values down the throats of others.

Lewinsky and Clinton have to live with their own actions.

This thread is about the public shaming Lewinsky received by people like you.

It's about empty shells like you that have been filed with the false doctrine of liberalism that convinces you empty-headed drones the absence of morality and responsibility are the only virtues. YOU are why cretins like bubba engage in such activities, knowing he'll get a pass from you brainless bobble-heads.
I am not a liberal, Dripping Poop*, but I do know how to extrapolate the chafe from the wheat in these types of situations once the facts have been presented. All the facts have not been presented so I draw no conclusions or attempt to foist my morals on people I do not even know.

*Urban Dictionary: Unkotare
There it is. The liberal 'values' of amorality and dismissal of personal responsibility.
get lost with your labels and your stunted sense of morality clown boy. I have no idea what goes on in the lives of other people and I am not so perfect as to sit in judgrment, neither are you.

There it is, the only 'value' accepted (insisted/indoctrinated/enforced/imposed) by liberals: the worship of amorality and the hostile rejection of personal responsibility.

You are just some lonesome guy on July 4th, go find a party.

The world would be a lot saner if people like you did not try to shove their peculiar values down the throats of others.

Lewinsky and Clinton have to live with their own actions.

This thread is about the public shaming Lewinsky received by people like you.

It's about empty shells like you that have been filed with the false doctrine of liberalism that convinces you empty-headed drones the absence of morality and responsibility are the only virtues. YOU are why cretins like bubba engage in such activities, knowing he'll get a pass from you brainless bobble-heads.
I am not a liberal, Dripping Poop*, but I do know how to extrapolate the chafe from the wheat in these types of situations once the facts have been presented. All the facts have not been presented so I draw no conclusions or attempt to foist my morals on people I do not even know.

It's easy for liberalism to be imprinted on flaccid minds like yours because there was nothing there in the first place to get in the way.

You're a zealous acolyte at the church of empty relativism and apologetic enabling.

Dogs like you are easiest to walk.
get lost with your labels and your stunted sense of morality clown boy. I have no idea what goes on in the lives of other people and I am not so perfect as to sit in judgrment, neither are you.

There it is, the only 'value' accepted (insisted/indoctrinated/enforced/imposed) by liberals: the worship of amorality and the hostile rejection of personal responsibility.

You are just some lonesome guy on July 4th, go find a party.

The world would be a lot saner if people like you did not try to shove their peculiar values down the throats of others.

Lewinsky and Clinton have to live with their own actions.

This thread is about the public shaming Lewinsky received by people like you.

It's about empty shells like you that have been filed with the false doctrine of liberalism that convinces you empty-headed drones the absence of morality and responsibility are the only virtues. YOU are why cretins like bubba engage in such activities, knowing he'll get a pass from you brainless bobble-heads.
I am not a liberal, Dripping Poop*, but I do know how to extrapolate the chafe from the wheat in these types of situations once the facts have been presented. All the facts have not been presented so I draw no conclusions or attempt to foist my morals on people I do not even know.

It's easy for liberalism to be imprinted on flaccid minds like yours because there was nothing there in the first place to get in the way.

You're a zealous acolyte at the church of empty relativism and apologetic enabling.

Dogs like you are easiest to walk.
The only thing here that is flaccid is...the cue you keep playing pocket pool with.
There it is, the only 'value' accepted (insisted/indoctrinated/enforced/imposed) by liberals: the worship of amorality and the hostile rejection of personal responsibility.

You are just some lonesome guy on July 4th, go find a party.

The world would be a lot saner if people like you did not try to shove their peculiar values down the throats of others.

Lewinsky and Clinton have to live with their own actions.

This thread is about the public shaming Lewinsky received by people like you.

It's about empty shells like you that have been filed with the false doctrine of liberalism that convinces you empty-headed drones the absence of morality and responsibility are the only virtues. YOU are why cretins like bubba engage in such activities, knowing he'll get a pass from you brainless bobble-heads.
I am not a liberal, Dripping Poop*, but I do know how to extrapolate the chafe from the wheat in these types of situations once the facts have been presented. All the facts have not been presented so I draw no conclusions or attempt to foist my morals on people I do not even know.

It's easy for liberalism to be imprinted on flaccid minds like yours because there was nothing there in the first place to get in the way.

You're a zealous acolyte at the church of empty relativism and apologetic enabling.

Dogs like you are easiest to walk.
The only thing here that is flaccid is...the cue you keep playing pocket pool with.

Are you.....are you.....judging? *gasp*! Have you forgotten your programming?

You are just some lonesome guy on July 4th, go find a party.

The world would be a lot saner if people like you did not try to shove their peculiar values down the throats of others.

Lewinsky and Clinton have to live with their own actions.

This thread is about the public shaming Lewinsky received by people like you.

It's about empty shells like you that have been filed with the false doctrine of liberalism that convinces you empty-headed drones the absence of morality and responsibility are the only virtues. YOU are why cretins like bubba engage in such activities, knowing he'll get a pass from you brainless bobble-heads.
I am not a liberal, Dripping Poop*, but I do know how to extrapolate the chafe from the wheat in these types of situations once the facts have been presented. All the facts have not been presented so I draw no conclusions or attempt to foist my morals on people I do not even know.

It's easy for liberalism to be imprinted on flaccid minds like yours because there was nothing there in the first place to get in the way.

You're a zealous acolyte at the church of empty relativism and apologetic enabling.

Dogs like you are easiest to walk.
The only thing here that is flaccid is...the cue you keep playing pocket pool with.

Are you.....are you.....judging? *gasp*! Have you forgotten your programming?
Not judging at all...just stating facts.
It's about empty shells like you that have been filed with the false doctrine of liberalism that convinces you empty-headed drones the absence of morality and responsibility are the only virtues. YOU are why cretins like bubba engage in such activities, knowing he'll get a pass from you brainless bobble-heads.
I am not a liberal, Dripping Poop*, but I do know how to extrapolate the chafe from the wheat in these types of situations once the facts have been presented. All the facts have not been presented so I draw no conclusions or attempt to foist my morals on people I do not even know.

It's easy for liberalism to be imprinted on flaccid minds like yours because there was nothing there in the first place to get in the way.

You're a zealous acolyte at the church of empty relativism and apologetic enabling.

Dogs like you are easiest to walk.
The only thing here that is flaccid is...the cue you keep playing pocket pool with.

Are you.....are you.....judging? *gasp*! Have you forgotten your programming?
Not judging at all...just stating facts.


There it is, the only 'value' accepted (insisted/indoctrinated/enforced/imposed) by liberals: the worship of amorality and the hostile rejection of personal responsibility.

And beyond that, the condemnation as “hateful” and “bigoted”, anyone who dares to openly stand for basic, decent moral standards.

I remember when the cry of the wicked was “Don't force your morality on me!” They were never going to be content to be allowed to practice their perversions and wickedness in peace and privacy; they are not content with anything less than to force their immorality on everyone else,and demand that everyone else approve thereof.
Are you.....are you [Alex.].....judging? *gasp*! Have you forgotten your programming?

It's a funny bit of hypocritical doublethink in which those on the far-wrong so often engage. They brag of being “tolerant” and “non-judgemental” among their defining “virtues”, but are very quick to judge those who they perceive as not living up to these ersatz virtues, and to be intolerant thereof.

I, on the other hand, do not count these among my virtues, nor do I recognize them as virtues, at least not the forms thereof exemplified by liberals. I recognize that there is a clear distinction between good and evil, between right and wrong; I recognize an obligation to judge these distinctions, and I certainly do not recognize any oblation to be “tolerant” of that which I know to be wrong.

I say again that “tolerance” of evil is no virtue, and neither is refusing to judge evil for what it is.
Are you.....are you [Alex.].....judging? *gasp*! Have you forgotten your programming?

It's a funny bit of hypocritical doublethink in which those on the far-wrong so often engage. They brag of being “tolerant” and “non-judgemental” among their defining “virtues”, but are very quick to judge those who they perceive as not living up to these ersatz virtues, and to be intolerant thereof.

I, on the other hand, do not count these among my virtues, nor do I recognize them as virtues, at least not the forms thereof exemplified by liberals. I recognize that there is a clear distinction between good and evil, between right and wrong; I recognize an obligation to judge these distinctions, and I certainly do not recognize any oblation to be “tolerant” of that which I know to be wrong.

I say again that “tolerance” of evil is no virtue, and neither is refusing to judge evil for what it is.

Culture of Shame
Are you.....are you [Alex.].....judging? *gasp*! Have you forgotten your programming?

It's a funny bit of hypocritical doublethink in which those on the far-wrong so often engage. They brag of being “tolerant” and “non-judgemental” among their defining “virtues”, but are very quick to judge those who they perceive as not living up to these ersatz virtues, and to be intolerant thereof.

I, on the other hand, do not count these among my virtues, nor do I recognize them as virtues, at least not the forms thereof exemplified by liberals. I recognize that there is a clear distinction between good and evil, between right and wrong; I recognize an obligation to judge these distinctions, and I certainly do not recognize any oblation to be “tolerant” of that which I know to be wrong.

I say again that “tolerance” of evil is no virtue, and neither is refusing to judge evil for what it is.

Culture of Shame
Exclusive: Monica Lewinsky on the Culture of Humiliation

In September of 2010, the culmination of these experiences began to snap into a broader context for me. A phone conversation with my mother shifted the lens through which I viewed my world. We were discussing the tragic death of Tyler Clementi. Tyler, you will recall, was an 18-year-old Rutgers freshman who was secretly streamed via Webcam kissing another man. Days later, after being derided and humiliated on social media, he committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge.

My mom wept. Sobbing, she kept repeating over and over, “How his parents must feel … his poor parents.”

It was an unbearably tragic event, and while hearing of it brought me to tears, too, I couldn’t quite grasp why my mom was so distraught. And then it dawned on me: she was reliving 1998, when she wouldn’t let me out of her sight. She was replaying those weeks when she stayed by my bed, night after night, because I, too, was suicidal. The shame, the scorn, and the fear that had been thrown at her daughter left her afraid that I would take my own life—a fear that I would be literally humiliated to death. (I have never actually attempted suicide, but I had strong suicidal temptations several times during the investigations and during one or two periods after.)
Are you.....are you [Alex.].....judging? *gasp*! Have you forgotten your programming?

It's a funny bit of hypocritical doublethink in which those on the far-wrong so often engage. They brag of being “tolerant” and “non-judgemental” among their defining “virtues”, but are very quick to judge those who they perceive as not living up to these ersatz virtues, and to be intolerant thereof.

I, on the other hand, do not count these among my virtues, nor do I recognize them as virtues, at least not the forms thereof exemplified by liberals. I recognize that there is a clear distinction between good and evil, between right and wrong; I recognize an obligation to judge these distinctions, and I certainly do not recognize any oblation to be “tolerant” of that which I know to be wrong.

I say again that “tolerance” of evil is no virtue, and neither is refusing to judge evil for what it is.

Culture of Shame
Exclusive: Monica Lewinsky on the Culture of Humiliation

In September of 2010, the culmination of these experiences began to snap into a broader context for me. A phone conversation with my mother shifted the lens through which I viewed my world. We were discussing the tragic death of Tyler Clementi. Tyler, you will recall, was an 18-year-old Rutgers freshman who was secretly streamed via Webcam kissing another man. Days later, after being derided and humiliated on social media, he committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge.

My mom wept. Sobbing, she kept repeating over and over, “How his parents must feel … his poor parents.”

It was an unbearably tragic event, and while hearing of it brought me to tears, too, I couldn’t quite grasp why my mom was so distraught. And then it dawned on me: she was reliving 1998, when she wouldn’t let me out of her sight. She was replaying those weeks when she stayed by my bed, night after night, because I, too, was suicidal. The shame, the scorn, and the fear that had been thrown at her daughter left her afraid that I would take my own life—a fear that I would be literally humiliated to death. (I have never actually attempted suicide, but I had strong suicidal temptations several times during the investigations and during one or two periods after.)
Lewinsky's journey from shame to victim to victor is one that many must face and traverse. As we have seen just on this thread the gratuitous potshots taken at a story that has been told, resolved, regurgitated then retold just for the sake of victimizing and once again attempting to shame is a game for the weak and fearful. Lewinsky has paid her price many times over, even with the shaming there is no one who is a more severe critic than she is on herself.
.... there is no one who is a more severe critic than she is on herself.

What a load of shit. You don't know that AT ALL. You're just chanting the dogma of your liberal faith. You've been commanded to worship one thing only, and you are fully committed.
.... there is no one who is a more severe critic than she is on herself.

What a load of shit. You don't know that AT ALL. You're just chanting the dogma of your liberal faith. You've been commanded to worship one thing only, and you are fully committed.

Unkotare*: "What a load of shit."

Like I said self examination is the most critical analysis of all. Glad to see you are finally getting honest with yourself after all this time.:uhoh3::itsok::laugh:

*Urban Dictionary: Unkotare
She and Bill were consenting adults who made a joint decision which was judged by the world.

Bill was a married man, and Ms. Lewinsky was surely aware of this fact when they had an adulterous affair.
Bill was aware of that fact too. Beyond that I do not give a shit whats goes on in another person's marriage, relationship or arrangement as long as they wash their hands before shaking my hand.

There it is. The liberal 'values' of amorality and dismissal of personal responsibility.
get lost with your labels and your stunted sense of morality clown boy. I have no idea what goes on in the lives of other people and I am not so perfect as to sit in judgrment, neither are you.

There it is, the only 'value' accepted (insisted/indoctrinated/enforced/imposed) by liberals: the worship of amorality and the hostile rejection of personal responsibility.

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